If you had to leave the USA?? Where would you go

Duel citizenship? Illegally in the U.S.? Traitors who flee the U.S. to evade capture? Fair enough but what possible science fiction scenario would ever force Americans to leave the U.S.?
I used to like Estonia and even Prague ( To see the Golem Statue and the almost 900 year old Synagogue ) But Warsaw ( The Golden City should also make the list )

I thought about Poland or even as far as Land of the Midnight Sun, Sweden, I like watching this woman and he husband.

Duel citizenship? Illegally in the U.S.? Traitors who flee the U.S. to evade capture? Fair enough but what possible science fiction scenario would ever force Americans to leave the U.S.?
I pull in enough to Live in Many places but I’m picky ( Israel was out because of their Draconian Firearms Restrictions )
Laplanders are sketchy so no Sweden for me ( Plus all the Swarthy Rapist Immigrants So no thanx )

She lives far north, but only if I were young. I love the beautiful forest and mountains and waters there. Of course they are masny places.
"I miss the U.S. when I'm away for too long"....Robert Redford Three days of the Condor. Before y'all go blundering around the world you have to consider that the United States of America is the only country in the world that guarantees certain freedoms in the Constitution. My point is don't look for Miranda Rights to get you out of trouble or claim the 5th Amendment or the 1st Amendment or even the 2nd Amendment in a foreign country because it ain't there.
did he destroy the disk like I did !!

I did it by tennis and martial arts
Yes he did. I ask him about it and he said he didn't want to talk about it, he lives in pain but he did also on the pain pills, plus withdrawals. So he just deals with last few years not a single pill in almost 5 years, those things are hard to kick.
I am not a big language person, only speaking English, but having traveled, listened and met people, some languages, I just did not like the sound of, such as German and Russian and others struck me as too technical, such as Asian languages. Some of this comes from music and languages in music, such as despising German and Russian opera, but I know, that is just me. Last German opera, I went to, I walked out after the first 30 minutes, went gambling, lost and still figured my time, better spent.

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