If you hate Islam but supported Iraq......


Choose your weapon.
Jun 27, 2009
How do you reconcile the fact that you supported a war that relied largely on the notion that we could empower a moderate faction of a religion that you think is incapable of having a moderate faction?

Just curious. It's a question I have often asked warhawk Islamophobes and have never really gotten a good answer.

More succinctly: If you think Islam embraces an inherently evil doctrine that can not be refined, how could you support nation building in an Islamic country?
Are you buying into rdean's conspiracy theory that we deliberately set up a theocracy in Iraq?

Even if that is true, religions are not the same as people, something most lefties have trouble understanding.
How do you reconcile the fact that you supported a war that relied largely on the notion that we could empower a moderate faction of a religion that you think is incapable of having a moderate faction?

Just curious. It's a question I have often asked warhawk Islamophobes and have never really gotten a good answer.

More succinctly: If you think Islam embraces an inherently evil doctrine that can not be refined, how could you support nation building in an Islamic country?

Ladies and gents be prepared for an amazing display of rhetorical acrobatics.
Are you buying into rdean's conspiracy theory that we deliberately set up a theocracy in Iraq?

Even if that is true, religions are not the same as people, something most lefties have trouble understanding.

Uh no.

Did you bother to read the OP?

I am speaking directly to the people who think that there is no such thing as a "moderate Muslim".
Ladies and gents be prepared for an amazing display of rhetorical acrobatics.

That's invariably what happens when I ask this question. It's easier now as the Islamophobes can deny they ever supported Iraq.
Ladies and gents be prepared for an amazing display of rhetorical acrobatics.

That's invariably what happens when I ask this question. It's easier now as the Islamophobes can deny they ever supported Iraq.

"Liberation" of the Iraqis became the fallback rationalization for the war after the WMD nonsense turned out to be just that, nonsense. Remember too, as a side note, that the democratic Palestinian elections were touted until they produced the 'wrong' democratic result.

Of course now, as you point out, that the past overwhelming conservative support for the Iraq war has mysteriously disappeared (We're all Paulbots now! as I once put it) it isn't easy to pin them down with this obvious contradiction.
Ladies and gents be prepared for an amazing display of rhetorical acrobatics.

That's invariably what happens when I ask this question. It's easier now as the Islamophobes can deny they ever supported Iraq.

"Liberation" of the Iraqis became the fallback rationalization for the war after the WMD nonsense turned out to be just that, nonsense. Remember too, as a side note, that the democratic Palestinian elections were touted until they produced the 'wrong' democratic result.

Of course now, as you point out, that the past overwhelming conservative support for the Iraq war has mysteriously disappeared (We're all Paulbots now! as I once put it) it isn't easy to pin them down with this obvious contradiction.

I am all too familiar with the moving goalposts. This is another moving goalposts of sorts.

You are right on the latter point. It was hard enough to get conservatives (who are Islamophobes) to comment on this during the heat of Iraq. I suspect they will just ignore this now.

Still, the questions abound.... Did they just not think out their positions? Do they get off on cognitive dissonance? What?
Are you buying into rdean's conspiracy theory that we deliberately set up a theocracy in Iraq?

Even if that is true, religions are not the same as people, something most lefties have trouble understanding.

Uh no.

Did you bother to read the OP?

I am speaking directly to the people who think that there is no such thing as a "moderate Muslim".

Did you?

How do you reconcile the fact that you supported a war that relied largely on the notion that we could empower a moderate faction of a religion that you think is incapable of having a moderate faction?

Just curious. It's a question I have often asked warhawk Islamophobes and have never really gotten a good answer.

More succinctly: If you think Islam embraces an inherently evil doctrine that can not be refined, how could you support nation building in an Islamic country?

The war in Iraq was not intended to empower anyone, it was intended to take one tyrant, Saddam Hussein, out of power. The only way your question makes any sense is if we assume that rdean is correct that we meant to set up an Islamic theocracy. It isn't my fault you phased your question to support this if it was not your intent.
The war in Iraq was not intended to empower anyone, it was intended to take one tyrant, Saddam Hussein, out of power. The only way your question makes any sense is if we assume that rdean is correct that we meant to set up an Islamic theocracy. It isn't my fault you phased your question to support this if it was not your intent.

Actually, it was intended to take out WMDs.

After that went bust, it became about spreading democracy and our tactics for the overwhelming time we were there relied on creating a moderate Islamic state.

Now that we have cleared that up, do you care to comment on the question at hand, or are you going to continue to try and muck up my thread?

I understand it's a tough question for some people.
The war in Iraq was not intended to empower anyone, it was intended to take one tyrant, Saddam Hussein, out of power. The only way your question makes any sense is if we assume that rdean is correct that we meant to set up an Islamic theocracy. It isn't my fault you phased your question to support this if it was not your intent.

Actually, it was intended to take out WMDs.

After that went bust, it became about spreading democracy and our tactics for the overwhelming time we were there relied on creating a moderate Islamic state.

Now that we have cleared that up, do you care to comment on the question at hand, or are you going to continue to try and muck up my thread?

I understand it's a tough question for some people.

i guess if you HATE islam, it would be a tough question.
The war in Iraq was not intended to empower anyone, it was intended to take one tyrant, Saddam Hussein, out of power. The only way your question makes any sense is if we assume that rdean is correct that we meant to set up an Islamic theocracy. It isn't my fault you phased your question to support this if it was not your intent.

Actually, it was intended to take out WMDs.

After that went bust, it became about spreading democracy and our tactics for the overwhelming time we were there relied on creating a moderate Islamic state.

Now that we have cleared that up, do you care to comment on the question at hand, or are you going to continue to try and muck up my thread?

I understand it's a tough question for some people.

i guess if you HATE islam, it would be a tough question.

If you hate Islam or think Islam is inherently evil and not capable of ever being good.

It's one of those "if the shoe fits" things.
The war in Iraq was not intended to empower anyone, it was intended to take one tyrant, Saddam Hussein, out of power. The only way your question makes any sense is if we assume that rdean is correct that we meant to set up an Islamic theocracy. It isn't my fault you phased your question to support this if it was not your intent.

Actually, it was intended to take out WMDs.

After that went bust, it became about spreading democracy and our tactics for the overwhelming time we were there relied on creating a moderate Islamic state.

Now that we have cleared that up, do you care to comment on the question at hand, or are you going to continue to try and muck up my thread?

I understand it's a tough question for some people.

i guess if you HATE islam, it would be a tough question.

To me and many others it was never a matter of "hating Islam". It was a matter of disliking radical Islam. Big difference.
How do you reconcile the fact that you supported a war that relied largely on the notion that we could empower a moderate faction of a religion that you think is incapable of having a moderate faction?

Just curious. It's a question I have often asked warhawk Islamophobes and have never really gotten a good answer.

More succinctly: If you think Islam embraces an inherently evil doctrine that can not be refined, how could you support nation building in an Islamic country?

You are a riot! Do you really think a christian fundimentalist muzlim hater/war monger is going to try to wrap his pea brain around this question?

If they tried their little brains would explode like pop corn..:lol:

You ARE a funny guy!:lol:
Why am I not surprised that all the "Muslims are evul!" crowd have avoided this thread like the plague.
How do you reconcile the fact that you supported a war that relied largely on the notion that we could empower a moderate faction of a religion that you think is incapable of having a moderate faction?
Just curious. It's a question I have often asked warhawk Islamophobes and have never really gotten a good answer.
More succinctly: If you think Islam embraces an inherently evil doctrine that can not be refined, how could you support nation building in an Islamic country?
Exactly. The Iraqi's will go right back to their Radical Islamic ways when we leave. Just like Japan did when we defeated them in WWII. You can see them now all over the Pacific imposing their Economic and Military will on peaceful neighboring countries like Korea and China.

Oh wait, wut?
We kicked Hitlers' German ass in WWII yet the Germans just elected another Hitler to take his place didn't they? What a waste it was all that "Nation Building" nonsense. You can see them goosestepping all over Europe now imposing their Military and Economic will on the whole continent.

Oh wait, wut?
Trying to "spread mockracy" to people of different cultures is a task that we don't have the time or money for, might as well spend that money on trying to teach a fireant how to bark....it would stand about as much chance at being successful as trying to force our way of life on a culture that wants no part of it, we may have done it with a few thousand Indians after many wars and several hundred years but that was here in America with a few thousand, not around the world with millions or even billions of people that had soon tell us to fuck off as to look at us.
Ladies and gents be prepared for an amazing display of rhetorical acrobatics.

That's invariably what happens when I ask this question. It's easier now as the Islamophobes can deny they ever supported Iraq.

you fucked up your question when you slapped the label "Islamophobes" onto the back of the query. See, most of us know how demonRats operate, they don't want so much to "know anything" or converse about anything" what they are looking for is a chance to paste some horrible label such as "racist" or "homophobe" or now for the newest "Islamophobe" onto their opponent. I look at a question like that followed by the accusation of "Islamophobe" and I then take a piss on it. Happy trails.

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