If you like nationalism, do not be surprised when nations will go to war


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
I'm not talking about small nations, I'm talking about nations such as Russia, China at war with USA, because while USA is preaching hate against middle east, Russian leadership is preaching hate against America, claiming that it is enslaved to USA (something they do not show to us in USA). so when the war hits home, do not blame people like me, blame nationalists, I do not believe in nations or fighting for some one country over another.
If you don't have nations, you have tribes.

Saying you don't "believe in nationalism" is like saying you don't believe in reality.
There was certainly nationalism in W's call for war in Iraq "Tell em Uncle Sam's coming and bringing Hell with him." A particulary "nice" bumper sticker

China is a single party communist govt interested in participating in open markets. A global war is not in their interests. Having the US have less influence in markets is certainly in their interests. Russia .... the proletariat is amused when Putin gains attention. He's dangerous to his neighbors and the occassional oligarch or reporter. He also has ICBMs.

Imo nationalism is more or less confined to smaller nations and leaders who seek, for good and bad reasons, to lead a populace where they'd otherwise not go.
Nationalism can be an incredibly powerful thing. Like all incredibly powerful things though it can be misused. I believe one, if not the, greatest weakness in America right now is our lack of nationalism. We do not believe in our government, which is who we are and there is no reason not to, we do not believe in ourselves, our middle class, and we do not believe in our future, education and research and development. We need to kick forces that work against use, both foreign and domestic, out of our nation and fight for who we are, the United States of America. That is not a bad thing. That is a good thing. When we embrace that, went we stand up and fight for ourselves, we will be a strong country, right now we are not.
I did not want to make a long and rambling post so I have two segments if you will. I don't know this as a fact, I have not done any research on the matter and I don't know if anyone else has. I believe this nation took a real hit psychologically after Vietnam. The '70's were a long, slow drag through the decade. I believe that this country took a very deep psychological hit from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, in so many ways. The wealthy was above it all and really didn't notice any of it, kind of like not bothering to watch a television show. The "rest of us" felt it very intimately. By now we have lost the war, lost our homes, and lost our sense of self. Obama talked a good talk how we would turn the corner from a lost in war to a win of spirit but that kind of fizzled out. Besides the economic troubles Obama took office and seemed to forget about the rest of us. Wasn't he the guy who fought for the underprivileged in south Chicago. Well, they're still there. And more and more of us are joining them. Where is the fight now? The only thing we have now is us fighting ourselves like a couple of street gangs in the inner city.
There was certainly nationalism in W's call for war in Iraq "Tell em Uncle Sam's coming and bringing Hell with him." A particulary "nice" bumper sticker

China is a single party communist govt interested in participating in open markets.

What a coincidence!

The democrats are attempting to create a single party government and shut down the open markets..

A global war is not in their interests. Having the US have less influence in markets is certainly in their interests. Russia .... the proletariat is amused when Putin gains attention. He's dangerous to his neighbors and the occassional oligarch or reporter. He also has ICBMs.

Imo nationalism is more or less confined to smaller nations and leaders who seek, for good and bad reasons, to lead a populace where they'd otherwise not go.

China has a per capita GDP about 1/30th that of the USA. The bullshit about them overtaking us economically is absurd. However, military confrontation could very well level the field some. Particularly if we have a weak and stupid leader like Obama, who fails to take decisive action should China move against Taiwan or Japan, or if their proxy moves on South Korea.
There was certainly nationalism in W's call for war in Iraq "Tell em Uncle Sam's coming and bringing Hell with him." A particulary "nice" bumper sticker

China is a single party communist govt interested in participating in open markets.

What a coincidence!

The democrats are attempting to create a single party government and shut down the open markets..

A global war is not in their interests. Having the US have less influence in markets is certainly in their interests. Russia .... the proletariat is amused when Putin gains attention. He's dangerous to his neighbors and the occassional oligarch or reporter. He also has ICBMs.

Imo nationalism is more or less confined to smaller nations and leaders who seek, for good and bad reasons, to lead a populace where they'd otherwise not go.
China has a per capita GDP about 1/30th that of the USA. The bullshit about them overtaking us economically is absurd. However, military confrontation could very well level the field some. Particularly if we have a weak and stupid leader like Obama, who fails to take decisive action should China move against Taiwan or Japan, or if their proxy moves on South Korea.
Indeed. The Chinese need US more than we need them.
Indeed. The Chinese need US more than we need them.

The fortunes of China changed radically when they took control of Hong Kong. The British Colony had a developed and viable industrial infrastructure. It was this that started the industrialization of China.

But China is low-tech. They get assembly work from many nations, but can't create anything. Surrounding them are high tech nations.. China will take a century to develop the technical abilities of Taiwan or Japan. So China would like to take by force what it cannot create.

The easiest place to do this is Seoul. Using thier proxy army of North Korea, invade the South and snag Samsung, Goldstar, Hyundai, Kia, and other giants. The world knows Obama is stupid and weak - so China might figure they can shove the fiction of unilateral action by North Korea down the throat of the USA; maybe Obama will blame it on an Internet video, or Kerry will blame the Jews. But the administration will not act to protect our ally and risk angering China. This would be the most likely move by China, IMO.
I'm not talking about small nations, I'm talking about nations such as Russia, China at war with USA, because while USA is preaching hate against middle east, Russian leadership is preaching hate against America, claiming that it is enslaved to USA (something they do not show to us in USA). so when the war hits home, do not blame people like me, blame nationalists, I do not believe in nations or fighting for some one country over another.

Nice looking GSD's on your avatar.
If you don't have nations, you have tribes.

Saying you don't "believe in nationalism" is like saying you don't believe in reality.
WRONG: nations are large tribes at war with each other, one world government can unite humanity, eliminate war mongering, drug trafficking, human trafficking, eliminate hiding places for thieves and despots, etc.
Nationalism can be an incredibly powerful thing. Like all incredibly powerful things though it can be misused. I believe one, if not the, greatest weakness in America right now is our lack of nationalism. We do not believe in our government, which is who we are and there is no reason not to, we do not believe in ourselves, our middle class, and we do not believe in our future, education and research and development. We need to kick forces that work against use, both foreign and domestic, out of our nation and fight for who we are, the United States of America. That is not a bad thing. That is a good thing. When we embrace that, went we stand up and fight for ourselves, we will be a strong country, right now we are not.
Adolf Hitler did exactly that and international bankers announced war on Germany that same month he got elected, today I risk being called racist, anti semite etc, just for bringing up this fact. SO HOW do you plan to get rid of foreign interests without them turning on you, when they in fact control the world? it's like trying to cure an arm from a disease, you have to cure the whole body, other way the disease will come back and stronger. there is no America, America was lost in 1913.
I did not want to make a long and rambling post so I have two segments if you will. I don't know this as a fact, I have not done any research on the matter and I don't know if anyone else has. I believe this nation took a real hit psychologically after Vietnam. The '70's were a long, slow drag through the decade. I believe that this country took a very deep psychological hit from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, in so many ways. The wealthy was above it all and really didn't notice any of it, kind of like not bothering to watch a television show. The "rest of us" felt it very intimately. By now we have lost the war, lost our homes, and lost our sense of self. Obama talked a good talk how we would turn the corner from a lost in war to a win of spirit but that kind of fizzled out. Besides the economic troubles Obama took office and seemed to forget about the rest of us. Wasn't he the guy who fought for the underprivileged in south Chicago. Well, they're still there. And more and more of us are joining them. Where is the fight now? The only thing we have now is us fighting ourselves like a couple of street gangs in the inner city.
Well, having come from USSR, an oppressed regime, as a person who truly appreciated what this country offered or claimed to offer, I HAVE done a LOT of research, and I can assure you it goes beyond Vietnam war. But I like your post, you nailed the second half.
Indeed. The Chinese need US more than we need them.

The fortunes of China changed radically when they took control of Hong Kong. The British Colony had a developed and viable industrial infrastructure. It was this that started the industrialization of China.

But China is low-tech. They get assembly work from many nations, but can't create anything. Surrounding them are high tech nations.. China will take a century to develop the technical abilities of Taiwan or Japan. So China would like to take by force what it cannot create.

The easiest place to do this is Seoul. Using thier proxy army of North Korea, invade the South and snag Samsung, Goldstar, Hyundai, Kia, and other giants. The world knows Obama is stupid and weak - so China might figure they can shove the fiction of unilateral action by North Korea down the throat of the USA; maybe Obama will blame it on an Internet video, or Kerry will blame the Jews. But the administration will not act to protect our ally and risk angering China. This would be the most likely move by China, IMO.

Not very likely at all.
I'm not talking about small nations, I'm talking about nations such as Russia, China at war with USA, because while USA is preaching hate against middle east, Russian leadership is preaching hate against America, claiming that it is enslaved to USA (something they do not show to us in USA). so when the war hits home, do not blame people like me, blame nationalists, I do not believe in nations or fighting for some one country over another.

You won't live long enough to worry about it once it starts.
Indeed. The Chinese need US more than we need them.

The fortunes of China changed radically when they took control of Hong Kong. The British Colony had a developed and viable industrial infrastructure. It was this that started the industrialization of China.

But China is low-tech. They get assembly work from many nations, but can't create anything. Surrounding them are high tech nations.. China will take a century to develop the technical abilities of Taiwan or Japan. So China would like to take by force what it cannot create.

The easiest place to do this is Seoul. Using thier proxy army of North Korea, invade the South and snag Samsung, Goldstar, Hyundai, Kia, and other giants. The world knows Obama is stupid and weak - so China might figure they can shove the fiction of unilateral action by North Korea down the throat of the USA; maybe Obama will blame it on an Internet video, or Kerry will blame the Jews. But the administration will not act to protect our ally and risk angering China. This would be the most likely move by China, IMO.

Not very likely at all.

You're so brilliant. Please continue with your view on geopolitics and war you half wit. Tell us what it's all about. They hate us for our freedom don't they punk?
If you don't have nations, you have tribes.

Saying you don't "believe in nationalism" is like saying you don't believe in reality.
WRONG: nations are large tribes at war with each other, one world government can unite humanity, eliminate war mongering, drug trafficking, human trafficking, eliminate hiding places for thieves and despots, etc.

How can you say that with the euro zone staring you in the face. It is failing. Can you imagine the staggering inefficiency of a one world government?
Nationalism can be an incredibly powerful thing. Like all incredibly powerful things though it can be misused. I believe one, if not the, greatest weakness in America right now is our lack of nationalism. We do not believe in our government, which is who we are and there is no reason not to, we do not believe in ourselves, our middle class, and we do not believe in our future, education and research and development. We need to kick forces that work against use, both foreign and domestic, out of our nation and fight for who we are, the United States of America. That is not a bad thing. That is a good thing. When we embrace that, went we stand up and fight for ourselves, we will be a strong country, right now we are not.
Adolf Hitler did exactly that and international bankers announced war on Germany that same month he got elected, today I risk being called racist, anti semite etc, just for bringing up this fact. SO HOW do you plan to get rid of foreign interests without them turning on you, when they in fact control the world? it's like trying to cure an arm from a disease, you have to cure the whole body, other way the disease will come back and stronger. there is no America, America was lost in 1913.

Are you referring to the 16th Amendment which authorized income tax or the 17th which began the direct election of Senators? I am assuming the 16th. Hitler rose out of the inescapable oppression of the Treaty of Versailles. I do not think we are in similar circumstances. Speaking of assumptions you misunderstand me because I make too many assumption of what I say. I am not advocating isolationism, just the opposite. What is strength if one sits in their one bedroom apartment not answering the door or phone. America needs to be on the world stage. If treaties are made America needs to be there. If alliances are made America needs to be there. This is not so America can give up anything, once again exactly the opposite, we need to claim what is ours. And while I say we need to kick out bad forces that does not mean we don't welcome business, people, and ideas. I don't know believe in America the melting pot but rather America, the land of diversity. A house with the windows closed and the curtains drawn becomes morose. America is becoming morose. While shame might be too strong a word I do believe America feels like it should draw back after the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and human rights abuses, let's not kid ourselves. The rest of the world did have some rather strong feelings against us because of our foreign policy for a few years there. But that was then and policies come and policies go. The reason Obama was given the Noble Peace prize even before his presidency really got started was it was the world saying, "Welcome back. We missed you." Obama did not meet expectations however and we still sit here having gone from aggressive foreign policy to no foreign policy. That only leaves people to come in through the back door. That leads to deals and agreements which are not in the best interest of the country as a whole. But perhaps it is too early for us to get back into the game. When the Congress is locked up and the Republican party is as aggressive against itself as it is the Democrats and no one will work together maybe we still need to figure out who we are. You say America was lost in 1913. Perhaps you are right. Perhaps America will never find itself again. It's a shame though. I kind of liked her.

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