If you like nationalism, do not be surprised when nations will go to war

If you don't have nations, you have tribes.

Saying you don't "believe in nationalism" is like saying you don't believe in reality.
WRONG: nations are large tribes at war with each other, one world government can unite humanity, eliminate war mongering, drug trafficking, human trafficking, eliminate hiding places for thieves and despots, etc.

How can you say that with the euro zone staring you in the face. It is failing. Can you imagine the staggering inefficiency of a one world government?
It is sad that people can not understand what causes inefficiency, but maybe you can explain how Hitler was so efficient in restoring Germany's devastated economy before starting any wars?
If you don't have nations, you have tribes.

Saying you don't "believe in nationalism" is like saying you don't believe in reality.
WRONG: nations are large tribes at war with each other, one world government can unite humanity, eliminate war mongering, drug trafficking, human trafficking, eliminate hiding places for thieves and despots, etc.

How can you say that with the euro zone staring you in the face. It is failing. Can you imagine the staggering inefficiency of a one world government?

The euro zone is far from failing and will be one of the three world forces in the coming years, U.S., the EU, and China/Southeast Asia. (Yes, I am aware the euro zone and the EU are not the same thing.) The world is so far from single government it is like saying, "I wonder what living on Mars will be like." I will even bet that living on Mars will come first.
WRONG: nations are large tribes at war with each other, one world government can unite humanity, eliminate war mongering, drug trafficking, human trafficking, eliminate hiding places for thieves and despots, etc.

How can you say that with the euro zone staring you in the face. It is failing. Can you imagine the staggering inefficiency of a one world government?
It is sad that people can not understand what causes inefficiency, but maybe you can explain how Hitler was so efficient in restoring Germany's devastated economy before starting any wars?

They would have rallied around satan....in essence, they did....after the german mark collapsed in 1930. After the destruction, hitler convinced much of germany that the jews were the reason for their misfortune. By doing this he had his scapegoat and then furthered his vision on a miltary strength type economic revival. The people were hungry and were desperate for their return to any semblance of their former country.
The nation state is fading.

Capitalism has no use for nations or borders. Its goal is to turn all the world's geography into a resource for capital.

Borders obstruct the flow of capital to labor and resources. Capital doesn't want to be slowed down at every border by different laws, languages, currencies and customs. It wants the most efficient access to any part of the globe offering higher returns. Capital doesn't want to be told that the cheapest labor is illegal because someone crossed an artificial man-made border. Investors want higher returns no matter what. Period. Capital wants to be able to go to Mexico or Taiwan in an instant if those places offer higher returns. Capital doesn't want to be limited by a different set of laws at every border. The goal of capital is for maximum efficiency which requires the leveling of the world into a unitary space where nothing blocks access to the cheapest labor/resources. Walmart gets a huge amount of its products from China because of how cheap the labor and operating conditions are. In fact, Walmart has a "China Standard" that it imposes on other geographies - meaning: Walmart will only award contracts to labor markets that meet or beat the low cost of Chinese labor. Which is to say: other nations are forced to give up any laws or customs that prevent them from attracting capital (jobs) - they have to adopt the Chinese standard to get the benefits of capital investment. Any custom or law that prevents capital from delivering "the goods" in the most efficient way must be destroyed, lest the people be excluded form capital's magic.

Capital levels the world into a unitary space for investment. Capital emphatically has no need of boundaries and borders and nation states. If an illegal immigrant will work for less money (and thus give investors higher returns), than capital will find a way to get that worker. NEVER underestimate the power of Capital to get the highest returns. This is what sets capitalism apart from Socialism. Self interest always finds a way. Borders mean nothing in the face of capitalism's omnivorous need for efficiency and higher returns.

The nation state is quaint relic of the 19th century. Adam Smith was an anti-globalist. He believed that Capital had a moral obligation to the host nation and labor market. He was a nationalist. However, the owners of capital have turned Smith into a neoliberal Reaganite > capital unbound by any standard other than accumulation. Hence the power of capital to level not only borders but meaning... and facts ... and reality ... until there is only one truth, one operating maxim: the self-interested desire for profit no matter what the obstacle, including silly little lines that make up national boundaries.
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