If you need a plumber do you hire a career politician?

No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate

Do YOU have any of those qualifications?

Ben Carson is the guy who claimed Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.
You ever separate conjoined twins? You ever operate on a baby still in the womb? Dr. Carson has. Moron.

Which does NOT make him an expert in everything.. Only Trump is an expert in all subjects.
What's Biden an expert in?

47 years of experience in US government.
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate

Do YOU have any of those qualifications?

Ben Carson is the guy who claimed Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.
You ever separate conjoined twins? You ever operate on a baby still in the womb? Dr. Carson has. Moron.

Which does NOT make him an expert in everything.. Only Trump is an expert in all subjects.
What's Biden an expert in?

47 years of experience in US government.
What has he accomplished?
It's called being open minded. You should try it sometime
Open minded is one thing. Believing stupid shit without adequate questions is stupid. You sir are stupid
Every time a politician mentions "invest", what they're really saying is that you will be paying more taxes.
Funny, I've been hearing that my whole life and the only time my taxes ever increased were when my income increased putting me in a higher tax . I still came out wayyyy ahead.. We're talking over 40 years
I honestly have no clue but I am certain they weren't built by the Egyptians.
This is the kinda "thinking" that went into the OP

Funny how we're supposed to believe that pyramid construction REGRESSED from dynasty to dynasty as if suddenly humans became stupid and forgot their construction methods from one generation to the next.

Modern egyptologists say they used copper chisels and tools to do this.

I work with stone nearly everyday and THAT is bullshit.
Dope. There no indication that Egyptian architecture regressed at asll. In fact there is all sorts of evidence showing how each successive pyramid building period built on previous ones.


I've SEEN recreations of stone carving with copper tools. What a putz.
Copper CAN NOT CUT GRANITE. It is a literal impossibility because it is a soft metal.

And this is one of the "newer" pyramids
View attachment 483950

They tried to copy and failed OVER AND OVER again
Dude...I've seen it DONE...ya dope
You are LYING. It is impossible for copper to cut granite. What you think you saw you did not.

neither copper nor bronze is sufficiently hard to cut such stones as basalt, diorite, granite, quartzite and schist, a harder material than the metal is required to do the work
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate

Do YOU have any of those qualifications?

Ben Carson is the guy who claimed Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.
You ever separate conjoined twins? You ever operate on a baby still in the womb? Dr. Carson has. Moron.

Which does NOT make him an expert in everything.. Only Trump is an expert in all subjects.
What's Biden an expert in?
Politics of course. Few people realize that without politicians, our form of government can not exist. When decisions must be made by a group, you must have politicians. The only way you eliminate the politician is by eliminating group decisions. Some people say we don't need professional politicians, we need people like good old hard working Mr. Smith who just knows what he reads in the news. That of course has been tried with rather poor results. The fact is it takes years to become a good congressmen who understands the systems and how government works. Those that do not possess the knowledge and experience become the tools of others that do.
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No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate

If you need a politician, do you hire a plumber?

Srsly, WTF is wrong with you people? Who thinks that being a plumber means you can go and negotiate a complex agreement such as reducing the nuclear stockpile of the former USSR?

98% of the people your Orange God's appointed to positions had NO knowledge or experience in their appointed domain.

But keep fucking believing that Trump was "for the people."

Because cults gonna cult.

No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate
He is politician doing what politicians do, promoting an agenda. Just as you would not hire a politician to do climate research, you would not hire a climate researcher to promote an agenda to fight global climate change which would be well beyond the skills of most climate scientist.
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate

Do YOU have any of those qualifications?

Ben Carson is the guy who claimed Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.
You ever separate conjoined twins? You ever operate on a baby still in the womb? Dr. Carson has. Moron.

Which does NOT make him an expert in everything.. Only Trump is an expert in all subjects.
What's Biden an expert in?
Politics of course. Few people realize that without politicians, our form of government can not exist. When decisions must be made by a group, you must have politicians. The only way you eliminate the politician is by eliminating group decisions. Some people say we don't need professional politicians, we need people like good old hard working Mr. Smith who just knows what he reads in the news. That of course has been tried with rather poor results. The fact is it takes years to become a good congressmen who understands the systems and how government works. Those that do not possess the knowledge and experience become the tools of others that do.
Bullshit. When this government was founded, the office holders weren't professional politicians. We have allowed an elite class of bureaucrats to establish themselves as the "experts" to run our lives. That's why people like Reagan and Trump are so hated by the professional bureaucrats and their pawns like you. George Washington would be just as hated as Reagan or Trump if he was around today.
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate
He is a politician doing what politicians do, promoting an agenda. Just as you would not hire a politician to do climate research, you would not hire a climate researcher to promote an agenda to fight global climate change which is well beyond the skills of a climate scientist. Legislation and policies dealing with climate change is more of an economic and political issue than a scientific one.

We no longer need scientist to convince the public that climate change is real. We need national and world leaders to make decision as to what is to done about it, preparing for it, and slowing it down.
You ain't slowing nothing. You idiots are like the cat that thinks burying his shit on one side of the litter box will prevent the other half from stinking.

And gloBULL warming is no more settled science than a flat earth theory was.
Not according the 34 national academies of science. and every recognized association of physical, chemical, and biological scientists. Scientists accepted the reality of climate change over 15 years ago. The scientific data collected since then has only reinforced earlier evidence.
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No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate
He is a politician doing what politicians do, promoting an agenda. Just as you would not hire a politician to do climate research, you would not hire a climate researcher to promote an agenda to fight global climate change which is well beyond the skills of a climate scientist. Legislation and policies dealing with climate change is more of an economic and political issue than a scientific one.

We no longer need scientist to convince the public that climate change is real. We need national and world leaders to make decision as to what is to done about it, preparing for it, and slowing it down.
You ain't slowing nothing. You idiots are like the cat that thinks burying his shit on one side of the litter box will prevent the other half from stinking.

And gloBULL warming is no more settled science than a flat earth theory was.
Not according the 34 national academies of science. and every recognized association of physical, chemical, and biological scientists.
Scientists are always wrong before they're right.

No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate
He is a politician doing what politicians do, promoting an agenda. Just as you would not hire a politician to do climate research, you would not hire a climate researcher to promote an agenda to fight global climate change which is well beyond the skills of a climate scientist. Legislation and policies dealing with climate change is more of an economic and political issue than a scientific one.

We no longer need scientist to convince the public that climate change is real. We need national and world leaders to make decision as to what is to done about it, preparing for it, and slowing it down.
You ain't slowing nothing. You idiots are like the cat that thinks burying his shit on one side of the litter box will prevent the other half from stinking.

And gloBULL warming is no more settled science than a flat earth theory was.
Not according the 34 national academies of science. and every recognized association of physical, chemical, and biological scientists.
Scientists are always wrong before they're right.

A few scientist pegged it the 1990's but there wasn't enough data for another 10 years till the most prestigious organizations accepted the truth of climate change. Today, none of the major societies debate the existence of climate change because there is just too much evidence supporting it.
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate
He is a politician doing what politicians do, promoting an agenda. Just as you would not hire a politician to do climate research, you would not hire a climate researcher to promote an agenda to fight global climate change which is well beyond the skills of a climate scientist. Legislation and policies dealing with climate change is more of an economic and political issue than a scientific one.

We no longer need scientist to convince the public that climate change is real. We need national and world leaders to make decision as to what is to done about it, preparing for it, and slowing it down.
You ain't slowing nothing. You idiots are like the cat that thinks burying his shit on one side of the litter box will prevent the other half from stinking.

And gloBULL warming is no more settled science than a flat earth theory was.
Not according the 34 national academies of science. and every recognized association of physical, chemical, and biological scientists.
Scientists are always wrong before they're right.

A few scientist pegged it the 1990's but there wasn't enough data for another 10 years till the most prestigious organizations accepted the truth of climate change. Today, none of the major societies debate the existence of climate change because there is just too much evidence supporting it.

I like how you mix climate change with human caused gloBULL bullshit.

News flash. The climate of the earth has fluctuated for BILLIONS OF YEARS. Has little to nothing to do with humanity
Kerry's selection appeared to me as Biden wanting a fellow geezer in the administration.

My preference would have been somebody experienced in the study of atmospheric chemistry.
Do YOU have any of those qualifications?

I have the same ones Kerry has. Which is to say NONE.

Having said that I would bet a million dollars I know more about all those subjects than he does. I study and read about all of that shit. And the best part is I do it purely for my own knowledge, not to shove down someone else's throat.
No....you have none.

You're familiar with global politics? Domestic regulatory agency heads? Environmental legislation? Watching FOX news over your nightly hot pocket aren't qualifications shit brains.
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?

.....you are confused why a politican is involved in a political process?

Countries acting to reduce their climate impact is a political problem, just as it is also a scientific one.
No? Then why is Kerry the man in charge of "climate"?
He's not a meteorologist.
He's not an astrophysicist.
He isn't a geologist.
He isn't a paleontologist.
He doesn't have an engineering degree.
He doesn't study helioseismology.

In fact he has exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss our climate that I don't also possess.

Remember when the left came unglued when Trump put the black doctor in charge of HUD? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Bottom line is Kerry has ZERO CREDIBILITY and an equal amount of qualifications when it comes to discussing our climate
He is a politician doing what politicians do, promoting an agenda. Just as you would not hire a politician to do climate research, you would not hire a climate researcher to promote an agenda to fight global climate change which is well beyond the skills of a climate scientist. Legislation and policies dealing with climate change is more of an economic and political issue than a scientific one.

We no longer need scientist to convince the public that climate change is real. We need national and world leaders to make decision as to what is to done about it, preparing for it, and slowing it down.
You ain't slowing nothing. You idiots are like the cat that thinks burying his shit on one side of the litter box will prevent the other half from stinking.

And gloBULL warming is no more settled science than a flat earth theory was.
Not according the 34 national academies of science. and every recognized association of physical, chemical, and biological scientists.
Scientists are always wrong before they're right.

A few scientist pegged it the 1990's but there wasn't enough data for another 10 years till the most prestigious organizations accepted the truth of climate change. Today, none of the major societies debate the existence of climate change because there is just too much evidence supporting it.

I like how you mix climate change with human caused gloBULL bullshit.

News flash. The climate of the earth has fluctuated for BILLIONS OF YEARS. Has little to nothing to do with humanity

Over the course of the Earth’s 4.5-billion-year history, the climate has changed a lot. This is true. But the rapid warming we’re seeing now can't be explained by natural cycles of warming and cooling. The kind of changes that would normally happen over hundreds of thousands of years are happening in decades.


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