If you oppose the death penalty than you think an illegal alien cop killer is entitled...

Why not? The sixth amendment guarantees the right to defense..

And that's exactly what we give them.

Except they did break laws. Last time I checked, shooting a child is against the law. I know i'd go to jail if I did it. so should cops.

Not if the "child" is 5'9" tall weighing 190 lbs and is pulling a gun out on an officer.

Or you don't trust the cops to cause more harm than good. You think the person who called Cleveland and said, "Hey, he's playing with a toy gun in the park" didn't feel real awful when they sent the mentally ill guy out who shot him at point blank range?

First of all, the cops never got that part of the message and the dispatcher was fired over it. Secondly, you can't trust a citizen driving by to professionally evaluate such a situation. It was a park renown for drug activity, gunfire, and even deaths. If the kid had proper parenting, he would not have been allowed to leave the house with a totally realistic looking gun. But we can't blame bad parenting.....nooooo, blame the cop instead. The shooting was ruled justified.

That an the police know they get in trouble when they shoot white kids.

No wonder you're so screwed up. You make shit up out of thin air.

Again, considering most of those "traffic violations' are "Driving while black", I don't have a problem with not doing them.

If you are such a racist fuck you can't treat the community with respect, maybe you'd be happier doing something else for a living.

Respect the community how, by being scared of the criminals in it?

Traffic stops are a dragnet. When our suburb used to do them, very often they'd find people with active warrants, high as a kite, and no drivers licenses. And if not the driver, possibly one of his passengers. The police were able to get them to jail before they robbed a store or something. When they got out, they told their brothers don't mess around in our city, otherwise you'll end up in jail. That's the way it should be.
Not if the "child" is 5'9" tall weighing 190 lbs and is pulling a gun out on an officer.

Yawn, not this lie again.

First of all, the cops never got that part of the message and the dispatcher was fired over it. Secondly, you can't trust a citizen driving by to professionally evaluate such a situation. It was a park renown for drug activity, gunfire, and even deaths. If the kid had proper parenting, he would not have been allowed to leave the house with a totally realistic looking gun. But we can't blame bad parenting.....nooooo, blame the cop instead. The shooting was ruled justified.

By a racist POS prosecutor who got voted out of office for his racism... sorry, doesn't fly.

Yeah, a cop who was fired from another police department for crying uncontrollably on a shooting range.

Traffic stops are a dragnet. When our suburb used to do them, very often they'd find people with active warrants, high as a kite, and no drivers licenses. And if not the driver, possibly one of his passengers. The police were able to get them to jail before they robbed a store or something. When they got out, they told their brothers don't mess around in our city, otherwise you'll end up in jail. That's the way it should be.

yes, I know you live for somewhere that the Darkies know their place, but they just ain't putting up with it anymore.
Yawn, not this lie again.

Nothing I wrote is a lie. That was his stature, and the video showed him pulling a gun from his pants. That's how the gun ended up on the ground after the officer shot.

By a racist POS prosecutor who got voted out of office for his racism... sorry, doesn't fly.

Yeah, a cop who was fired from another police department for crying uncontrollably on a shooting range.

Nobody gets fired from a job for crying on a shooting range. Police work is all politics. Just ask any police officer. Yeah, the prosecutor was voted out by a nearly all black voter base. Gee, figure that one out. And then you wonder why the city just handed over 5 million dollars to the mother? It's all politics and keeping your job. It's also why cops no longer put the extra effort into keeping the community safe. Again, if you're not going to back up your police officers, don't expect them to backup you.

yes, I know you live for somewhere that the Darkies know their place, but they just ain't putting up with it anymore.

Putting up with what, obeying the law; being a law abiding citizen? That's correct, we didn't put up with it before. Thanks to the Ferguson Effect, now we have to.
....to free room and board for life at taxpayer expense.

I'm sorry, but that does NOT cut it.
Yes.....just like any other criminal

Even Mexico is too civilized to execute people

Correct, and look at how orderly and law abiding the people in Mexico are. Their only problem are US citizens jumping their borders and selling drugs to their people. Outside of that, everybody is trying to get into Mexico.
Mexico is more civilized than we are
So is Russia
....to free room and board for life at taxpayer expense.

I'm sorry, but that does NOT cut it.
Yes.....just like any other criminal

Even Mexico is too civilized to execute people

Correct, and look at how orderly and law abiding the people in Mexico are. Their only problem are US citizens jumping their borders and selling drugs to their people. Outside of that, everybody is trying to get into Mexico.
Mexico is more civilized than we are
So is Russia

And if you asked citizens in either country if they'd rather live there or in the US, which one do you think they'd choose?
Nothing I wrote is a lie. That was his stature, and the video showed him pulling a gun from his pants. That's how the gun ended up on the ground after the officer shot.

Yes, the fuzzy video showed that totally... sure it did.

And, yeah, this kid was really scary looking.


Nobody gets fired from a job for crying on a shooting range. Police work is all politics. Just ask any police officer. Yeah, the prosecutor was voted out by a nearly all black voter base. Gee, figure that one out. And then you wonder why the city just handed over 5 million dollars to the mother? It's all politics and keeping your job. It's also why cops no longer put the extra effort into keeping the community safe. Again, if you're not going to back up your police officers, don't expect them to backup you.

Actually, he was rejected by four other police departmetns before Independence picked him up, realized that was a mistake, and then fired him for emotional instability... But Cleveland, they picked him right up because no one wants to work in Cleveland

Nobody pays out 5 million unless they know they'd take a much worse beating in court. This is why the Cities have stopped backing up bad cops... they are two expensive. Six million to LaQuan McDonald's family. 1.5 Million to Michael Brown's family. $1.9 million to Sandra Bland's family.

Putting up with what, obeying the law; being a law abiding citizen? That's correct, we didn't put up with it before. Thanks to the Ferguson Effect, now we have to.

Again, if the cops treated you like they treat black folks, you'd be WHINING LIKE A LITTLE BITCH about oppressive government.
Yes, the fuzzy video showed that totally... sure it did.

And, yeah, this kid was really scary looking.

Oh yes, the same stunt they pulled off in the Travon Martin case; give the media a picture several years before the shooting; you know, that innocent looking picture. God you MSM slaves are saps.

Actually, he was rejected by four other police departmetns before Independence picked him up, realized that was a mistake, and then fired him for emotional instability... But Cleveland, they picked him right up because no one wants to work in Cleveland

Nobody pays out 5 million unless they know they'd take a much worse beating in court. This is why the Cities have stopped backing up bad cops... they are two expensive. Six million to LaQuan McDonald's family. 1.5 Million to Michael Brown's family. $1.9 million to Sandra Bland's family.

So that tells you there's a problem with our police or our legal system? I'm not familiar with the other cases, but in the Brown and Rice case, the family shouldn't have gotten two cents. In one case a kid pulled a gun on an officer and the other, the officer was attacked right in his police car and then charged by the suspect forcing him to defend himself. Pathetic.

Again, if the cops treated you like they treat black folks, you'd be WHINING LIKE A LITTLE BITCH about oppressive government.

Let me tell you as a truck driver, they pull you over at random just to search your vehicle for no reason whatsoever. They do it all the time. Furthermore if you treat a police officer with respect, they treat you the same way. Give the guy a hard time, they'll give you a hard time right back no matter what color your skin.
So that tells you there's a problem with our police or our legal system? I'm not familiar with the other cases, but in the Brown and Rice case, the family shouldn't have gotten two cents. In one case a kid pulled a gun on an officer and the other, the officer was attacked right in his police car and then charged by the suspect forcing him to defend himself. Pathetic.

Uh, no, the problem in the Rice and Brown cases is you had prosecutors who were OPENLY trying to cover for the officers. Once you had someone in that court actually advocating for the VICTIMS, they'd have been screwed.

Cities are realizing that racist cops are too expensive to keep on the force.

Let me tell you as a truck driver, they pull you over at random just to search your vehicle for no reason whatsoever. They do it all the time. Furthermore if you treat a police officer with respect, they treat you the same way. Give the guy a hard time, they'll give you a hard time right back no matter what color your skin.

You and I get respect when we are pulled over because we are white.

And we get pulled over because we actually did something wrong.

Oh yes, the same stunt they pulled off in the Travon Martin case; give the media a picture several years before the shooting; you know, that innocent looking picture. God you MSM slaves are saps.

Yet you guys can't ever produce a picture of the "Scary" looking Tamir or Trayvon.... There was the time you guys found some picture of some rap star and tried to claim he was Trayvon, because all those people look alike to you.
Uh, no, the problem in the Rice and Brown cases is you had prosecutors who were OPENLY trying to cover for the officers. Once you had someone in that court actually advocating for the VICTIMS, they'd have been screwed.

Cities are realizing that racist cops are too expensive to keep on the force.

Criminals are not victims. Fat Albert got high, he stole from a store and pushed the owner aside, he then was walking in the middle of the street just looking for trouble, he attacked a police officer in his car and tried to steal his gun, but only in the mind of a leftist, he was a victim.

You and I get respect when we are pulled over because we are white.

And we get pulled over because we actually did something wrong.

Everybody who gets pulled over gets pulled over for doing something wrong. Police only respond in the way they are addressed. If you give a cop a hard time (like many blacks do) the cop will give you a hard time. If you are polite and respectful, the cop will likely be the same to you.

And no, I get pulled over all the time not doing anything wrong, it's a negative to what I do for a living. The DOT (which is handled by our state troopers) pulls us over just to search through your vehicle for no reason whatsoever.

Yet you guys can't ever produce a picture of the "Scary" looking Tamir or Trayvon.... There was the time you guys found some picture of some rap star and tried to claim he was Trayvon, because all those people look alike to you.

The media gets those pictures from the family, and I'm sure they coax them on what kind of pictures they are looking for. Reporting on some punk that looked like one doesn't get their audience excited like a picture of somebody who looks so frail and innocent.

The media knows how to play you leftists like a fiddle.
Criminals are not victims. Fat Albert got high, he stole from a store and pushed the owner aside, he then was walking in the middle of the street just looking for trouble, he attacked a police officer in his car and tried to steal his gun, but only in the mind of a leftist, he was a victim.

Um, yeah, none of those rationalized the use of deadly force AFTER he had his hands up.

$1.9 MM dollars for that one.

Everybody who gets pulled over gets pulled over for doing something wrong. Police only respond in the way they are addressed. If you give a cop a hard time (like many blacks do) the cop will give you a hard time. If you are polite and respectful, the cop will likely be the same to you.

Oh, sorry, you see, I thought they were enforcing the law, not their feelings. I've already posted where DWB is a thing that can be measured, that cops own figures show they disproportinately pull over blacks without cause.

The media gets those pictures from the family, and I'm sure they coax them on what kind of pictures they are looking for. Reporting on some punk that looked like one doesn't get their audience excited like a picture of somebody who looks so frail and innocent.

So the scary pictures are out there, right? I mean, come on, we aren't talking about Bigfoot here... we are talking about kids living in the Selfie Generation.
Um, yeah, none of those rationalized the use of deadly force AFTER he had his hands up.

$1.9 MM dollars for that one.

His hands weren't up. Not only did several witnesses testify to that, but forensic science put that lie to rest.

Oh, sorry, you see, I thought they were enforcing the law, not their feelings. I've already posted where DWB is a thing that can be measured, that cops own figures show they disproportinately pull over blacks without cause.

Bull. Police cannot pull you over for no reason at all. In fact if you watch any police footage, the officer always tells the offender why they were pulled over. Even in my line of work, if I ask the officer what I did wrong, he responds by telling me "you didn't do anything wrong, I'm just pulling you over at random to check out your truck and cargo."

So the scary pictures are out there, right? I mean, come on, we aren't talking about Bigfoot here... we are talking about kids living in the Selfie Generation.

The autopsy report on Tamir Rice was that he was a male, 12 years of age, 5'7" tall, weighing 195 lbs. Now if you can be honest for once in your life, does this look like a 5'7" 195 pound kid?


Official autopsy report:

Tamir Rice Autopsy Report
His hands weren't up. Not only did several witnesses testify to that, but forensic science put that lie to rest.

16 witnesses said he did. ONly two said he didn't.

Forensic science can't prove anything of the sort.

Bull. Police cannot pull you over for no reason at all.

The voice of white privilege, everyone... white privilege.

The autopsy report on Tamir Rice was that he was a male, 12 years of age, 5'7" tall, weighing 195 lbs. Now if you can be honest for once in your life, does this look like a 5'7" 195 pound kid?

Couldn't tell you... I can't see his whole body... he's not standing next to a yardstick or standing on a scale.
16 witnesses said he did. ONly two said he didn't.

Forensic science can't prove anything of the sort.

Sure they can. If his arms were up, the bullet hole in his shirt would have only lined up with the hole in his body with his arms up. Same holds true if his arms were down because your shirt moves upwards or downwards depending on how your arms were when you got shot.

Couldn't tell you... I can't see his whole body... he's not standing next to a yardstick or standing on a scale.

Then you are just lying and I can't help you with that. That picture is of a ten year old 100 lbs kid at most. When the police radioed in for assistance, they told dispatch they had a subject in his late teens or early 20's. Now tell me that picture is what they seen when they made that call.
Sure they can. If his arms were up, the bullet hole in his shirt would have only lined up with the hole in his body with his arms up. Same holds true if his arms were down because your shirt moves upwards or downwards depending on how your arms were when you got shot.

Not really. Try putting your hands up with your the palms at either side of your head. It doesn't pull the shirt up, but that's how most people do it. MOst people don't put their hands up straight over their heads.

a great example of how the prosecutors manipulated evidence to acquit a killer cop.

Then you are just lying and I can't help you with that. That picture is of a ten year old 100 lbs kid at most. When the police radioed in for assistance, they told dispatch they had a subject in his late teens or early 20's. Now tell me that picture is what they seen when they made that call.

Oh, I'm sure all Officer McWeepy saw was a scary black person.

But it wasn't called in by the cops. It was called in by a civilian who said, 'Hey, it's probably a toy!"
Not really. Try putting your hands up with your the palms at either side of your head. It doesn't pull the shirt up, but that's how most people do it. MOst people don't put their hands up straight over their heads.

a great example of how the prosecutors manipulated evidence to acquit a killer cop.

Your shirt moves at the slightest movement of your arms going up anywhere. Nobody manipulated any evidence. Your conspiracy nut job leftist sites make that up.

Oh, I'm sure all Officer McWeepy saw was a scary black person.

But it wasn't called in by the cops. It was called in by a civilian who said, 'Hey, it's probably a toy!"

I'm talking after the shooting. His partner called for medical help and that's how he described Rice. Police try to give information to pass along to the paramedics when they are dispatched to help them understand what they are getting into.

Even the FBI agent that showed up (because he heard the call on the radio) said it was a later year teen.
....to free room and board for life at taxpayer expense.

I'm sorry, but that does NOT cut it.

I oppose it for cop killers (who aren't any worse than any other killers) for the same reason I oppose it in all cases.

There is the possibility you might convict the wrong guy, and once you execute him, you can't fix the mistake.

I oppose it but for a different reason; half the jury are, on average, Democrats!!!

....to free room and board for life at taxpayer expense.

I'm sorry, but that does NOT cut it.
He's paying for the room and board with his freedom.

That is a good point, but losing your freedom would far outweigh and food and board argument. I have every respect for those who consider the death penalty appropriate but , on balance, I cannot agree with it. Up to about ten years ago I did; but not now.

But prisons should not be anything other than hell holes!! To me that would be appropriate.

Your shirt moves at the slightest movement of your arms going up anywhere. Nobody manipulated any evidence. Your conspiracy nut job leftist sites make that up.

Uh, no, it doesn't... Just tried it, my shirt didn't move a bit.

I'm talking after the shooting. His partner called for medical help and that's how he described Rice. Police try to give information to pass along to the paramedics when they are dispatched to help them understand what they are getting into.

Yeah, i'm sure his partner, (who previously got in trouble for choke-holding black suspects) was going to say, "Wow, we totally shot a kid here!"

These two assholes knew what they did.... which is why the city paid out 6 million dollars rather than ever RISK a jury hearing it.
....to free room and board for life at taxpayer expense.

I'm sorry, but that does NOT cut it.
He's paying for the room and board with his freedom.

That is a good point, but losing your freedom would far outweigh and food and board argument. I have every respect for those who consider the death penalty appropriate but , on balance, I cannot agree with it. Up to about ten years ago I did; but not now.

But prisons should not be anything other than hell holes!! To me that would be appropriate.


They are hell holes for your average person, however for lowlifes, they are not all that bad; in fact, a step up in life for some. It suits them. They are in a place where they don’t have to work, free medical care, eat all they want and watch tv, and they are in a violent environment. That’s why most convicts are Democrats.

However they will never be hell holes as long as we have liberals in our court system. These judges deem a guard yelling at a prisoner cruel and unusual punishment.

So in the hood, it’s almost an honor of sorts to have a prison record. They refer to it as Street Cred. The worse the crime and the more time you spend locked up, the more street cred you have; the more respect you get from peers when you get out.

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I'm also not a fan of the death penalty for a whole host of reasons but I would support making prisons less livable...bring back the chain gangs....take away the TVs and the weight rooms and make them work their asses off 7 days a week...and feed them just enough to keep them healthy....

And that would accomplish, what, exactly?

We are already making the Prison system a back-door slavery for big business. It's why we have 2 million prisoners while most of the rest of the industrialized world locks up less than 70,000 people.
We either kill cop killers or we make them wish they were dead....take your pick...or bury more and more cops....
If you were concerned about cops you would be for gun control. Cop killing are rare in countries with strong gun control.

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