If you secede, you forfeit your SS and Medicare

Is this not factual?

A citizen of Texas would send their taxes to Austin, not Washington DC.

It is always about the money.

And that citizen would lose his Medicare and Social Security no matter how much he paid into it.

Additionally, Texas is a state that gets back from Washington, in spending, about what Texans pay to Washington, in taxes.

If the state secedes, they get nothing from Washington, so Texans would still have to see their state taxes raised to make up most of the difference.

But that means the people wouldn't have to send 15% to the government anymore to fund Medicare and SS either. It's a win-win for almost everyone.

It is unfortunate that you are thinking logically...the word 'asterism' just begs to be given more joking attention...chuckle
And that citizen would lose his Medicare and Social Security no matter how much he paid into it.

Additionally, Texas is a state that gets back from Washington, in spending, about what Texans pay to Washington, in taxes.

If the state secedes, they get nothing from Washington, so Texans would still have to see their state taxes raised to make up most of the difference.

But that means the people wouldn't have to send 15% to the government anymore to fund Medicare and SS either. It's a win-win for almost everyone.

It is unfortunate that you are thinking logically...the word 'asterism' just begs to be given more joking attention...chuckle

How so? An asterism is a recognizable pattern of stars.
But that means the people wouldn't have to send 15% to the government anymore to fund Medicare and SS either. It's a win-win for almost everyone.

It is unfortunate that you are thinking logically...the word 'asterism' just begs to be given more joking attention...chuckle

How so? An asterism is a recognizable pattern of stars.

I thought it was a floral pattern for couches...learn something new every day..just joking.
Same thing would happen in a revolution, cept the debt would be gone also.

“Every generation needs a new revolution.” ~ Thomas Jeffereson

Good ole Tom was wrong about 'every generation', but are we due?

He also said, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
I'm more inclined to believe in the shedding of blood of the tyrants and hoping the patriots keep their blood.

You left out a pretty key thing that keeps what Thomas Jefferson said in context.

He was talking about how the laws and government should be kept up to date with the current generation. As it is, we are ruled by an archaic set of laws that wasn't intended to apply to a modern society.

Wrong. Jefferson meant an actual revolution.

You obviously don't know squat about Jefferson. However, lying about the Founding Fathers is par for the course with liberals.
Jefferson meant that government should change with the times and the peoples needs.
I'm still confused. Our government has made contracts with many other governments, to provide social security to foreigners who work here for a certain amount of time. Mexicans only have to work here for one and a half years before they can go home and collect social security. Meanwhile, Americans have to work for 10 years to collect social security. Why then, if anyone seceded from this country, would they have to give up social security? Seems to be, they could be like the Mexicans and collected it without having to work so long.....double standards anyone?
Every nickel everyone in that state has paid in, and might expect to benefit from some day,

would be gone.

Did you factor that into your calculations?

The ones likely to secede will take their tax dollars (the funding for those programs) with them.
You don't explain the full law.

Please do so first, before we answer your question.
I'm still confused. Our government has made contracts with many other governments, to provide social security to foreigners who work here for a certain amount of time. Mexicans only have to work here for one and a half years before they can go home and collect social security. Meanwhile, Americans have to work for 10 years to collect social security. Why then, if anyone seceded from this country, would they have to give up social security? Seems to be, they could be like the Mexicans and collected it without having to work so long.....double standards anyone?

Here is the link to information on Mexican's legally able to work in this country from the Social Security Administration -->> Social Security Programs Throughout the World: The Americas, 2009 - Mexico

"Beginning July 1, 1997, all workers must join the mandatory individual account system; the social insurance system is being phased out. There are no contributors to the social insurance system. At retirement, employees covered by the social insurance system before 1997 can choose to receive benefits from either the social insurance system or the mandatory individual account system."

Here is the location of agreements with other countries -->> International Programs - U.S. International Social Security Agreements

Every nickel everyone in that state has paid in, and might expect to benefit from some day,

would be gone.

Did you factor that into your calculations?

The ones likely to secede will take their tax dollars (the funding for those programs) with them.

Meh...what's a few pennies when we get the pleasure of watching their backsides.
Thank you. As you will read, any foreign worker gets what he receives in proportion to what how much for how long they pay into the system in America. Good law.
Naw, we will keep them and the red states. Anybody who wants to resign citizenship and leave is free to do so.
My SS is a federal debt and there is no requirement in the contract that I remain a US citizen.
Thank you. As you will read, any foreign worker gets what he receives in proportion to what how much for how long they pay into the system in America. Good law.

Posting the correct law and agreeing with it are two different things.

1. Foreign Workers: If I were writing the law it would be that US employers pay the employer portion of SS so as not to incentivise them to hire foreign workers. However no pay would be deducted for the employee portion and there would be no eligibility for SS benefits which would be restricted to United States citizens.

2. Renounced Citizenship: If an individual at any time renounces their citizenship they would no longer be eligible for any benefits from the United States government. If a State were to secede, then each citizen would make a choice: retrain their United States Citizenship or renounce their citizenship. If at any time you function as a citizen in the seceded state (i.e. voting in any of their election after the date of secession) that will be voluntary renunciation of United States citizenship.​

JMHO of course.

Silliness, WW. Remember, your minority of one opinion is a minority of one.

Thank you. As you will read, any foreign worker gets what he receives in proportion to what how much for how long they pay into the system in America. Good law.

Posting the correct law and agreeing with it are two different things.

1. Foreign Workers: If I were writing the law it would be that US employers pay the employer portion of SS so as not to incentivise them to hire foreign workers. However no pay would be deducted for the employee portion and there would be no eligibility for SS benefits which would be restricted to United States citizens.

2. Renounced Citizenship: If an individual at any time renounces their citizenship they would no longer be eligible for any benefits from the United States government. If a State were to secede, then each citizen would make a choice: retrain their United States Citizenship or renounce their citizenship. If at any time you function as a citizen in the seceded state (i.e. voting in any of their election after the date of secession) that will be voluntary renunciation of United States citizenship.​

JMHO of course.

Silliness, WW. Remember, your minority of one opinion is a minority of one.

Psst - the "JMHO" identified at as just my humble opinion of course. As I said, it does not reflect what current law does, as indicated I indicated what "I" felt the law should be.


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