If you take away Trump's half dozen hot topic talking points what's left?

Take away "ohio" and "I balanced a budget" from Kasich and whats left? A democrat
Look, we can do this all day lol
Trump's been talking Ricardian Free Trade for over 10 years but I guess grampa's brain cell can't retain that tidbit.
On the other hand, Grampa's Portfolio may rely on cheap labor.
Take away "ohio" and "I balanced a budget" from Kasich and whats left? A democrat
Look, we can do this all day lol

Yeah so? Fuck Kasich. Next strawman?
You sure can be an asshole sometimes...
I was just trying to make a point. You seem to think this is some sort of "gotcha" when in reality, its just politics. Politicians are liked for different things. If you take away the things the people like, there is nothing. Trump is no different than any of em.
Trump's been talking Ricardian Free Trade for over 10 years but I guess grampa's brain cell can't retain that tidbit.
On the other hand, Grampa's Portfolio may rely on cheap labor.
I don't hire anyone not from here and if you don't speak perfect English you need not apply.

But you see the difference here is morons will support Trump based on rhetoric alone. Rhetoric doesn't negate your past.
Take away "ohio" and "I balanced a budget" from Kasich and whats left? A democrat
Look, we can do this all day lol

Yeah so? Fuck Kasich. Next strawman?
You sure can be an asshole sometimes...
I was just trying to make a point. You seem to think this is some sort of "gotcha" when in reality, its just politics. Politicians are liked for different things. If you take away the things the people like, there is nothing. Trump is no different than any of em.
My bad bro. I got you mixed up with vagilante
Trump's been talking Ricardian Free Trade for over 10 years but I guess grampa's brain cell can't retain that tidbit.
On the other hand, Grampa's Portfolio may rely on cheap labor.
I don't hire anyone not from here and if you don't speak perfect English you need not apply.

But you see the difference here is morons will support Trump based on rhetoric alone. Rhetoric doesn't negate your past.

I'm so glad that YOUR business supports the ENTIRE economy.
It doesn't.
Take away "ohio" and "I balanced a budget" from Kasich and whats left? A democrat
Look, we can do this all day lol

Yeah so? Fuck Kasich. Next strawman?
You sure can be an asshole sometimes...
I was just trying to make a point. You seem to think this is some sort of "gotcha" when in reality, its just politics. Politicians are liked for different things. If you take away the things the people like, there is nothing. Trump is no different than any of em.
My bad bro. I got you mixed up with vagilante
it happens man
So many people scared of Trump.....its hilarious its certainly picked up past few days with Iowa less than a week away!
I am scared if that's how you want to phrase it. I see him for what he is, a snake oil salesman. My livelihood depends on our economy. It has suffered greatly under the current snake oil salesman. Forgive me if I don't want more of the same.
So many people scared of Trump.....its hilarious its certainly picked up past few days with Iowa less than a week away!
I am scared if that's how you want to phrase it. I see him for what he is, a snake oil salesman. My livelihood depends on our economy. It has suffered greatly under the current snake oil salesman. Forgive me if I don't want more of the same.
Can't get any worse under Trump.
So many people scared of Trump.....its hilarious its certainly picked up past few days with Iowa less than a week away!
I am scared if that's how you want to phrase it. I see him for what he is, a snake oil salesman. My livelihood depends on our economy. It has suffered greatly under the current snake oil salesman. Forgive me if I don't want more of the same.
Can't get any worse under Trump.
It can get much worse.
I don't normally bump old threads but I decided to for several reasons.


1. All the morons who claim I was a Trump supporter or that I voted for him. I didn't. I supported and wrote in Walker.

2. With all of his recent back tracking on key campaign promises.
I will end DACA....is now, please send me a bill so I can make it LAW.
I will end the Paris climate agreement...is now, I will consider it.
I will build the wall....is now, ehh that comes later (sounds familiar eh)
I will repeal Obamacare became, I will replace it with a near identical bill named after me.
Lock her up became, lock who up???
I will end all the wars and FOCUS ON AMERICA became, let's just continue with the status quo and maybe add in a few soldiers and a big ass bombing for publicity.
The list goes on but I'll spare you. If you're an honest person you get my point and if your not it doesn't matter anyways.

3. There is still time for him to prove me wrong but my hopes aren't high and I'm tired of scrubs pretending like I didn't hit the nail on the head over a year ago.

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