If you take away Trump's half dozen hot topic talking points what's left?

Ah, okay. What the hell is it doing on the front page

And what exactly is a sham account?
At the time he was the lesser of two evils nothing more...
We had like 18 choices. A couple conservatives, a bunch of Rinos and Trump (a known democrat)
And I FIRMLY believe ANY of them could have beaten Hillary.

I don't think so. I know many people who did not vote for years but registered to vote for Trump. Here in Pa over 100,000 dems switched to republican to vote Trump in the primary. It was a movement much like Bernie Sanders who I think can beat Trump in 2020 if he turns on his base
At the time he was the lesser of two evils nothing more...
We had like 18 choices. A couple conservatives, a bunch of Rinos and Trump (a known democrat)
And I FIRMLY believe ANY of them could have beaten Hillary.

I don't think so. I know many people who did not vote for years but registered to vote for Trump. Here in Pa over 100,000 dems switched to republican to vote Trump in the primary. It was a movement much like Bernie Sanders who I think can beat Trump in 2020 if he turns on his base
I think it was more akin to Limbaughs operation chaos. Dems flipping in the primaries cause they knew Hillary was a lock and they thought Trump would be an easy target.
At the time he was the lesser of two evils nothing more...
We had like 18 choices. A couple conservatives, a bunch of Rinos and Trump (a known democrat)
And I FIRMLY believe ANY of them could have beaten Hillary.

I don't think so. I know many people who did not vote for years but registered to vote for Trump. Here in Pa over 100,000 dems switched to republican to vote Trump in the primary. It was a movement much like Bernie Sanders who I think can beat Trump in 2020 if he turns on his base
I think it was more akin to Limbaughs operation chaos. Dems flipping in the primaries cause they knew Hillary was a lock and they thought Trump would be an easy target.

No these were union workers the real deal. I know several who did it. Had the democrats not screwed Sanders he easily could have won
At the time he was the lesser of two evils nothing more...
We had like 18 choices. A couple conservatives, a bunch of Rinos and Trump (a known democrat)
And I FIRMLY believe ANY of them could have beaten Hillary.

I don't think so. I know many people who did not vote for years but registered to vote for Trump. Here in Pa over 100,000 dems switched to republican to vote Trump in the primary. It was a movement much like Bernie Sanders who I think can beat Trump in 2020 if he turns on his base
I think it was more akin to Limbaughs operation chaos. Dems flipping in the primaries cause they knew Hillary was a lock and they thought Trump would be an easy target.

No these were union workers the real deal. I know several who did it. Had the democrats not screwed Sanders he easily could have won
You may be right. Either way I think we picked poorly from our own choices.
Ah, okay. What the hell is it doing on the front page

And what exactly is a sham account?

Mean you are not new here and just pretending to be.

When I see those like yours, well l iggy bin you go...

You ask the question, so I answered...
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Don't get your Pom Poms in a ruffle!

Shit I get those morons telling me that I voted for Trump even after they realize I voted for Johnson.

To them if you did not vote for Clinton then any other vote was for Trump which is why this country should not allow fucking retards the right to vote until they learn a vote for a candidate is a vote for that one candidate!

Also you and I can bump thread after thread where we show our hate for Trump but if we agree with him one time then the Trump hating nutters will proclaim us as Trumpsters, so who gives a damn what those mental midgets think!?!
Trump's been talking Ricardian Free Trade for over 10 years but I guess grampa's brain cell can't retain that tidbit.
On the other hand, Grampa's Portfolio may rely on cheap labor.
I don't hire anyone not from here and if you don't speak perfect English you need not apply.

But you see the difference here is morons will support Trump based on rhetoric alone. Rhetoric doesn't negate your past.

Why lie?
If you took away Obama's hate America rhetoric and his lies about Obamacare what did we have left; increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth.
Take away "ohio" and "I balanced a budget" from Kasich and whats left? A democrat
Look, we can do this all day lol

Yeah so? Fuck Kasich. Next strawman?
You sure can be an asshole sometimes...
I was just trying to make a point. You seem to think this is some sort of "gotcha" when in reality, its just politics. Politicians are liked for different things. If you take away the things the people like, there is nothing. Trump is no different than any of em.
My bad bro. I got you mixed up with vagilante

Yeah, Bro. My bad!
If you took away Obama's hate America rhetoric and his lies about Obamacare what did we have left; increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth.
The Neo-Nazis will help you out, I'm sure.
Trump was never a 'Conservative.' I told Republicans that during the Election. But given the Clinton alternative, Trump was the only choice. So Republicans knew the deal when they voted for Trump. I'm not interested in hearing their whining now. And honestly, most who are doing the whining, aren't real Conservatives themselves. They're Neo-Conservatives.

I just tell them to imagine the alternative. Hillary Clinton could be in there right now. And next up for the Democrats will be even more extremist Leftists like Sanders and that fake Indian chick. So given the choices, folks need to quit their bitchin and accept Trump. It is what it is.
I think the OP is just attempting to playing the victim. He or she is acting as if Trump claimed he was a 'Lifelong Conservative.' The OP is acting as if they were betrayed and lied to by Trump. But that just isn't the case. Trump has never made such claims. The OP hasn't been betrayed in any way.

You had two choices, it was either Clinton or Trump. And Trump was the far better choice. Is he a 'True Conservative?' The answer is no. But if you didn't know that when you voted for him, that's on you. You have no legitimate cause to play the victim.

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