If you want to be angered...


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
You should listen to this week's episode of This American Life (Aired on the weekend of 3/23 and 3/24.

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No matter what your political bend, if you listen to this week's episode...you will be enraged by what you hear.

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I'm not going to say what it's about but in the first 8 minutes of the one hour program, you'll be upset enough to call your congressman or Senator. All of whom I've e-mailed this morning.

After listening to it...I think I owe the poster in my sig line a bit of an apology. It's shocking and saddening both at the same time.
If I want to be angry I'll just register as a Democrat.
I can't really listen/watch videos at our lake house. Could you say which issue it is on that link and, if possible, link to a transcript?

I assume this is what the OP refers:

490: Trends With Benefits

Mar 22, 2013

The number of Americans receiving federal disability payments has nearly doubled over the last 15 years. There are towns and counties around the nation where almost 1/4 of adults are on disability. Planet Money's Chana Joffe-Walt spent 6 months exploring the disability program, and emerges with a story of the U.S. economy quite different than the one we've been hearing. Web Extra: here.
I assume this is what the OP refers:

490: Trends With Benefits

Mar 22, 2013

The number of Americans receiving federal disability payments has nearly doubled over the last 15 years. There are towns and counties around the nation where almost 1/4 of adults are on disability. Planet Money's Chana Joffe-Walt spent 6 months exploring the disability program, and emerges with a story of the U.S. economy quite different than the one we've been hearing. Web Extra: here.


But The description above just barely scratches the surface...believe me. Download it and listen to it driving to and from work or during your excercise period, walking your dog....

If you're not angry by the end, you're not paying attention.

Especially the business between the State and the Feds.....
If one looks into the social security rules concerning disabilities one will find that drug addiction and alcoholics are supposed to be required to stop their habit for a time to prove that it is not what is making them disabled.

I know three people in my town that are deemed disabled due to alcoholism. How did they do it? By going to a doctor and telling them they would only be paid if they approved their disability on the application. One of them told me he had visited the doctor several times, running up a bill in the tens of thousands. Then told the doctor if he wanted to be paid he had to sign off on his disability.

We are paying drunks to stay drunk with taxpayer money.
Social Security Disability is quite possibly the most fraudulent, abused program out there. Every person I have ever known collecting it was more than capable of working if they wanted to. Particularly now, since the 2008 crash, the number of people on disability skyrocketed after unemployment benefits ran out. That is not a coincidence.
If one looks into the social security rules concerning disabilities one will find that drug addiction and alcoholics are supposed to be required to stop their habit for a time to prove that it is not what is making them disabled.

I know three people in my town that are deemed disabled due to alcoholism. How did they do it? By going to a doctor and telling them they would only be paid if they approved their disability on the application. One of them told me he had visited the doctor several times, running up a bill in the tens of thousands. Then told the doctor if he wanted to be paid he had to sign off on his disability.

We are paying drunks to stay drunk with taxpayer money.

In the broadcast, they tell you about how to get the disability....the lawyer that is on your side and the unbelieveable circumstances you and the lawyer face when you go to the hearing to see if you qualiy for SS Disability. At about the 29 minute mark into the broadcast, they start talking about the ambulance chasers....and the government lawyers who are there to stop them...

How many here are on disability?
Social Security Disability is quite possibly the most fraudulent, abused program out there. Every person I have ever known collecting it was more than capable of working if they wanted to. Particularly now, since the 2008 crash, the number of people on disability skyrocketed after unemployment benefits ran out. That is not a coincidence.

The NPR segment linked in the Op pretty much says the same thing. Somehow I still believe there will be a day of reckoning for those that defraud the taxpayer yet at present it looks as if so many are involved I may be delusional to believe that.

The system is badly broken and our so-called leaders, without regard to party, appear unwilling to fix it.
I assume this is what the OP refers:

490: Trends With Benefits

Mar 22, 2013

The number of Americans receiving federal disability payments has nearly doubled over the last 15 years. There are towns and counties around the nation where almost 1/4 of adults are on disability. Planet Money's Chana Joffe-Walt spent 6 months exploring the disability program, and emerges with a story of the U.S. economy quite different than the one we've been hearing. Web Extra: here.


But The description above just barely scratches the surface...believe me. Download it and listen to it driving to and from work or during your excercise period, walking your dog....

If you're not angry by the end, you're not paying attention.

Especially the business between the State and the Feds.....

It depresses me more then angers me. Everyone says they should work, but where? It is not like people are clamoring for unskilled labor.

Say you work in a small town like they are discussing and there is one factory in town where everyone works. It closes, where do you go to work?

But because of democrat rule, in my opinion, there is no opportunity for the low skilled low educated worker. Their only hope is to use the system.

Clinton ensured that the low tech jobs fled to China and Mexico with his free trade agreements.

The democrats for years have supported, for votes, the influx of illegal immagrants. I suppose so they will get their lettace picked on the cheap and they are votes.

So two things work against the working man. Then there is Obamacare. Who is going to work when things will be handed them free, I don't blame them.

But by gosh if the suggestion is made, by Republicans, that something needs done to help get these people to work one would think it is Hitler himself speaking.

Democrats have vilified work and accomplishments and we wonder why these things happen. I don't blame those on disability for taking advantage of what is thier only way out. I blame the democrats for making the system so that is the only way out.
Social Security Disability is quite possibly the most fraudulent, abused program out there. Every person I have ever known collecting it was more than capable of working if they wanted to. Particularly now, since the 2008 crash, the number of people on disability skyrocketed after unemployment benefits ran out. That is not a coincidence.

Actually, this is nothing new. I can remember seeing 60 Minutes segments about SS investigators filming "disabled" jumping out of their wheelchairs to play basketball with their buds.

As long as there are programs to help the truly needy, there will be a small percentage who find ways to scam it. What we need to do is not throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Social Security Disability is quite possibly the most fraudulent, abused program out there. Every person I have ever known collecting it was more than capable of working if they wanted to. Particularly now, since the 2008 crash, the number of people on disability skyrocketed after unemployment benefits ran out. That is not a coincidence.

The NPR segment linked in the Op pretty much says the same thing. Somehow I still believe there will be a day of reckoning for those that defraud the taxpayer yet at present it looks as if so many are involved I may be delusional to believe that.

The system is badly broken and our so-called leaders, without regard to party, appear unwilling to fix it.

Relatively speaking, its a tiny amount of money.

I don't understand why people would happily lynch people who scam food stamps or SS but don't mind the BILLIONS being scammed by corporations.

I'm certainly not saying that individuals committing fraud should get away with it or be ignored but a little perspective is needed.
Social Security Disability is quite possibly the most fraudulent, abused program out there. Every person I have ever known collecting it was more than capable of working if they wanted to. Particularly now, since the 2008 crash, the number of people on disability skyrocketed after unemployment benefits ran out. That is not a coincidence.

The NPR segment linked in the Op pretty much says the same thing. Somehow I still believe there will be a day of reckoning for those that defraud the taxpayer yet at present it looks as if so many are involved I may be delusional to believe that.

The system is badly broken and our so-called leaders, without regard to party, appear unwilling to fix it.

Relatively speaking, its a tiny amount of money.

I don't understand why people would happily lynch people who scam food stamps or SS but don't mind the BILLIONS being scammed by corporations.

I'm certainly not saying that individuals committing fraud should get away with it or be ignored but a little perspective is needed.

According to the broadcast, the "tiny" amount is over $100B going to SS Disability and the "tiny" amount of people on it is 14,000,000 Americans are on it or 1 in every 22 people.

I'm really not that angered at the people...I'm angered that the Federal Government is such an easy mark for what is obviously a scam and a poorly portrayed one at that.
I assume this is what the OP refers:

490: Trends With Benefits

Mar 22, 2013

The number of Americans receiving federal disability payments has nearly doubled over the last 15 years. There are towns and counties around the nation where almost 1/4 of adults are on disability. Planet Money's Chana Joffe-Walt spent 6 months exploring the disability program, and emerges with a story of the U.S. economy quite different than the one we've been hearing. Web Extra: here.


But The description above just barely scratches the surface...believe me. Download it and listen to it driving to and from work or during your excercise period, walking your dog....

If you're not angry by the end, you're not paying attention.

Especially the business between the State and the Feds.....

It depresses me more then angers me. Everyone says they should work, but where? It is not like people are clamoring for unskilled labor.

Say you work in a small town like they are discussing and there is one factory in town where everyone works. It closes, where do you go to work?

But because of democrat rule, in my opinion, there is no opportunity for the low skilled low educated worker. Their only hope is to use the system.

Clinton ensured that the low tech jobs fled to China and Mexico with his free trade agreements.

The democrats for years have supported, for votes, the influx of illegal immagrants. I suppose so they will get their lettace picked on the cheap and they are votes.

So two things work against the working man. Then there is Obamacare. Who is going to work when things will be handed them free, I don't blame them.

But by gosh if the suggestion is made, by Republicans, that something needs done to help get these people to work one would think it is Hitler himself speaking.

Democrats have vilified work and accomplishments and we wonder why these things happen. I don't blame those on disability for taking advantage of what is thier only way out. I blame the democrats for making the system so that is the only way out.

There is plenty of blame to go around...for example, the "hand out" crowd got much larger under Bush's Medicare Part D, did it not? That it was unfunded at the same time compounded the pain down the road.
I assume this is what the OP refers:

490: Trends With Benefits

Mar 22, 2013

The number of Americans receiving federal disability payments has nearly doubled over the last 15 years. There are towns and counties around the nation where almost 1/4 of adults are on disability. Planet Money's Chana Joffe-Walt spent 6 months exploring the disability program, and emerges with a story of the U.S. economy quite different than the one we've been hearing. Web Extra: here.


But The description above just barely scratches the surface...believe me. Download it and listen to it driving to and from work or during your excercise period, walking your dog....

If you're not angry by the end, you're not paying attention.

Especially the business between the State and the Feds.....

It depresses me more then angers me. Everyone says they should work, but where? It is not like people are clamoring for unskilled labor.

Say you work in a small town like they are discussing and there is one factory in town where everyone works. It closes, where do you go to work?

But because of democrat rule, in my opinion, there is no opportunity for the low skilled low educated worker. Their only hope is to use the system.

Clinton ensured that the low tech jobs fled to China and Mexico with his free trade agreements.

The democrats for years have supported, for votes, the influx of illegal immagrants. I suppose so they will get their lettace picked on the cheap and they are votes.

So two things work against the working man. Then there is Obamacare. Who is going to work when things will be handed them free, I don't blame them.

But by gosh if the suggestion is made, by Republicans, that something needs done to help get these people to work one would think it is Hitler himself speaking.

Democrats have vilified work and accomplishments and we wonder why these things happen. I don't blame those on disability for taking advantage of what is thier only way out. I blame the democrats for making the system so that is the only way out.

Moral of the story: Stay in school, and don't be a useless low skilled person.
I know 7 people in my personal life collecting ss disability.

One has back problems yet plays tennis at the local park. One has diabetes and is obese with the attitude I can drink soda if I take 2 insulin pills instead of one. One is unable to walk due to a logging accident. One has lost one eye. And of course 3 are drunks.
A 2006 report: The Growth in the Social Security Disability Rolls: A Fiscal Crisis Unfolding

In 1985, 2.2 percent of individuals between the ages of 25 and 64 were receiving DI benefits, but by 2005 this fraction had risen to 4.1 percent. If recent entry and exit rates continue in the years ahead, then more than 6 percent of the nonelderly adult population will soon be receiving DI benefits.

The rapid expansion of the beneficiary population has three main causes.

First, a set of congressional reforms in 1984 to Disability Insurance screening led to rapid growth in the share of recipients suffering from back pain and mental illness. Because these disorders have comparatively low mortality, the average duration of disability spells—and hence the size of the recipient population—has increased. Second, a rise in the after-tax DI income replacement rate—that is, the ratio of disability income to former labor earnings—strengthened the incentives for workers to seek benefits. Third, a rapid increase in female labor force participation expanded the pool of insured workers. The aging of the baby boom generation has contributed little to the rise of receipt of disability benefits, while improvements in population health have likely reduced the incidence of disabling medical disorders.

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