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If You Want To Get Back At Liberal Progressives....Do What They're Doing... Sue The Crap Out Of Them


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Jack-booted, mask wearing thugs, clad in black, have been running roughshod all over our freedoms. People have come under attack from the left in all quarters. If you attempt to stand up for conservative values, you become a target. We are being thrown out of our job, attacked using violence, and yanked in front of activist judges and made to answer for our words or our thoughts. On the other side of the coin, praise is heaped on anyone who throws away their principles and jumps on the progressive bandwagon. The benefits are many if you resist. If you attempt to stand by what you believe, you get crushed. It's time to give it back to these degenerates.


Big, satisfied smiles: Washington state attorney general Bob Ferguson and staff enjoy
having thwarted a Trump immigration order in federal court, February 9. Photo credit: Elaine Thompson / AP

Fake Law!​

"Something ugly is happening to the First Amendment. It is being contorted to enable judges to protest Donald Trump's presidency. The perennial impulse of judges to manipulate the law to achieve morally and politically desirable ends has only been exacerbated by the felt necessity to "resist" Trump. The result: Legal tests concerning the freedoms of speech and religion that in some cases were already highly dubious are being further deformed and twisted.

Welcome to the rise of fake law. Just as fake news spreads ideologically motivated misinformation with a newsy veneer, fake law brings us judicial posturing, virtue signaling, and opinionating masquerading as jurisprudence. And just as fake news augurs the end of authoritative reporting, fake law portends the diminution of law's legitimacy and the warping of judges' self-understanding of their constitutional role.

Those who try to police the relentlessly transformational projects of constitutional progressives had much to dread from the Obama administration, an inveterate ally of the legal left that did what it could to graft the aspirations of progressives onto the Constitution. But Trump's presidency may be even worse, because too many judges now feel called to "resist" Trump and all his works—no matter the cost to the law's authority and to the integrity of the judicial role.

In one recent deformation, Trump was sued for incitement to riot and assault and battery when, at a campaign rally before he became president, he said "Get 'em out of here" in response to protesters in the audience. Several of these protesters were subsequently pushed and struck by others in the crowd. A Kentucky federal district judge ruled that the case against Trump could proceed because "Get 'em out of here" could reasonably be interpreted as an exhortation to attack the protesters.

The most astonishing part is the court's conclusion that the statement is not protected by the speech clause of the First Amendment because it is plausible to think Trump was inciting a riot. Though the court cites the highly speech-protective test from Brandenburg v. Ohio, in which the Supreme Court held that the freedom of speech does not permit the government "to forbid or proscribe advocacy of the use of force or of law violation except where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action," it mangles it. What part of "Get 'em out of here" could plausibly be interpreted as advocating illegal activity, rather than a call for the assistance of security officers? Where is the explicit advocacy of illegality?"


The problem with voting into office a criminal like Obama is the fact that he stacked the bench with activists judges that are practicing what is becoming known as "Fake Law". They rule not on the letter of the law but thru their own prejudices and preconceived notions of what the law should be. Liberals go judge shopping for friendly judges that will rule for them. The 9th Circus Court of Appeals is stacked full of judges that wouldn't know the law if it kicked them in the crotch, and have no intention of following it even if they did know.

Why not look for judges that actually apply the law as written and sue the crap out of these progressives. Give them a taste of their own medicine.

These activists are having a great time going around crushing people all over America that don't live the way they want them to live. They enjoy targeting God, or anything they're against, and suing people in an attempt to silence free-speech and the freedom to practice religion. They actually feel that the constitution gives them the right to remove what offends them the most from our lives.

Most recently, the left as taken this even further. They've been busy trying to prevent any conservative ideas from being voiced on college campuses. In some places in California you can get an ass whipping for not agreeing that only black lives matter. Conservatives like Milo and Ann Coulter have been threatened with violence and murder if they dare to show up when invited. So much for the media fabricated image of Tea Party violence.



Ann Coulter's backers at UC Berkeley file lawsuit

Milo Sues Simon And Schuster For $10 Million, Announces Independent Book Publication

I think we will see many more groups taking liberal thugs and institutions to court in the very near future. Just like the leftists, they will shop around until they find judges sympathetic to their causes.

And then there is this:
Who needs elections? We got judges!

I know this guy’s only a blogger with a fev thousand followers but he certainly makes a valid point here. As he points out, so what that leftists/progs lost the last election big time? All they have to do to get their way or stop the results of an election is to find a “friendly” judge who will support their viewpoint. To hell with laws! Rule by political/judicial fiat.

I’m more disappointed that the Trump DOJ hasn’t been more active in trying to get these stupid decisions overturned.

It may go on for a while. In other words, it won’t be long before every law that passes a red state, such as the new sanctuary city rules in Texas, will be frozen by some judge who thinks he knows best.

How much longer will this nonsense go on? I don’t know, but Attorney General Jeff Sessions could do the U.S. Constitution a big favor by taking a few of these opinions to the Supreme Court to re-establish executive authority.

More @ My View by Silvio Canto, Jr.: Who needs elections? We got judges!
I think we will see many more groups taking liberal thugs and institutions to court in the very near future. Just like the leftists, they will shop around until they find judges sympathetic to their causes.

And then there is this:
Who needs elections? We got judges!

I know this guy’s only a blogger with a fev thousand followers but he certainly makes a valid point here. As he points out, so what that leftists/progs lost the last election big time? All they have to do to get their way or stop the results of an election is to find a “friendly” judge who will support their viewpoint. To hell with laws! Rule by political/judicial fiat.

I’m more disappointed that the Trump DOJ hasn’t been more active in trying to get these stupid decisions overturned.

It may go on for a while. In other words, it won’t be long before every law that passes a red state, such as the new sanctuary city rules in Texas, will be frozen by some judge who thinks he knows best.

How much longer will this nonsense go on? I don’t know, but Attorney General Jeff Sessions could do the U.S. Constitution a big favor by taking a few of these opinions to the Supreme Court to re-establish executive authority.

More @ My View by Silvio Canto, Jr.: Who needs elections? We got judges!
This is an unnecessary battle in the courts that has become necessary because "The People" demanded a president like Obama.

Personally, I don't think any Democrat voters really took into account what would happen if you put in the Oval office somebody that practices "Black Liberation Theology", and the only leadership experience he could put on his resume was "Community-Organizer". Community-Organizer is just another word for professional protester. And a protest is only one Molotov cocktail from being a riot.
It's not even much of a secret that Obama fully intends to stay in Washington to organize riots on the East Coast while former Obama Administration officials are organizing riots in Berkley.
21st Century Conservative values:

  • Hate (anyone who resists Trump & the oligarchy of plutocrats and neo fascists in his administration;
  • Fear (all minorities, liberals, progressives, Democrats, RINO's, Professors, Journalists, Judges - in short, anyone who promotes truth, justice and the American way, i.e., all are equal before the law, love they neighbor and lend a hand him/her a hand when in need;
  • Greed, taxes are theft, they live by the creed, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you";
  • Laws, they believe are made to limit liberty, "man is born free and is everywhere chained to laws which limit his/her behavior; conversely, laws made to protect rights for them are good, but not always for others (the 21st C. conservative is a hypocrite - consider: gun laws, abortion, voting and marriage)
Jack-booted, mask wearing thugs, clad in black, have been running roughshod all over our freedoms.
What can't you do anymore?

For me specifically.....speak on many college campuses.
Say that all lives matter when BLM members are present.

Companies and businesses cannot:
Try to build a wall along our Southern border and not get their balls sued off.
Help deport illegals.
Refuse to bake a cake for a same-sex couple.

Children cannot:
Carry a plastic gun in a school.
Point a finger in the shape of a gun in a school.
Eat what they want to eat for lunch.

Public Officials cannot:
Refuse to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple.
Say anything on twitter that is considered racist, Islamaphobic, or homophobic.

Actors cannot:
Get movie offers if they're openly conservative.
Support Trump on Twitter and expect to keep working.

Right now conservatives are under attack from the thought police.
They're being drummed out of media with accusations by women that say they committed immoral acts that allegedly happened long before these acts were considered immoral or criminalized in the court of public opinion.
A liberal talk-show host can call Trump any name in the book.
A conservative talk-show host cannot do the same to a Obama because he's black and has a (D) in his name.
21st Century Conservative values:

  • Hate (anyone who resists Trump & the oligarchy of plutocrats and neo fascists in his administration;
  • Fear (all minorities, liberals, progressives, Democrats, RINO's, Professors, Journalists, Judges - in short, anyone who promotes truth, justice and the American way, i.e., all are equal before the law, love they neighbor and lend a hand him/her a hand when in need;
  • Greed, taxes are theft, they live by the creed, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you";
  • Laws, they believe are made to limit liberty, "man is born free and is everywhere chained to laws which limit his/her behavior; conversely, laws made to protect rights for them are good, but not always for others (the 21st C. conservative is a hypocrite - consider: gun laws, abortion, voting and marriage)
So you instead support a religion that practices 12th Century Conservative Values that practice the following:

  • A wife must submit to her husband whenever he demands it
  • Women cannot claim they were raped unless 3 men provide witness to the event
  • Women are possessions like a car or a goat
  • Women are not allowed to walk alone in public unless they are accompanied by a male relative.
What you are really mad about is that the courts are stopping the unconstitutional behavior of the jack boot conservatives in charge . Which is what the constitution was designed for .

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