If You Want to Know the Difference Between Republicans and Democrats

There's been 52 straight months of private sector job growth under President Ubama

this after 6 months of 6,000,000+ lay offs, firings, dismissals etc., it will take about 63 months to recover at this rate.
Sharpton is right

It is getting pretty bad for conservatives when Al Sharpton can put you in your place
I don't associate much with those who align themselves with the GOP and I damn sure don't with liberals. There is no difference in the establishment parties.
I was told the way you can tell Democrats from Republicans:
If they are caught having an affair with some other woman, that's the Democrat.
If they are caught having sex with boys that the Republican.

Where do you think the Libertarians and RINO's hang out?
the Gay Republicans?

Here rightwinger checkout this CHART attached
political spectrum.jpg

My boyfriend is moderate and leans conservative,
cannot stand the liberals and Democrats so he is often mistaken for a Republican,
but he is prochoice, for decriminalization of drugs,
and is for legalization of prostitution for health and safety reasons and practicality
(I am more biased against that, but I'm not going to block people's
votes as long as they accept responsibility for all the costs and longterm consequences
as with legalizing drugs)

He and I are likely in the middle,
overlap in some areas, then he goes farther left than I do
in some areas, and I go farther right but I check that by INCLUDING the left that he leaves out
and I go farther left but check that by INCLUDING the right.

So I let the left and right check each other, while my views
float in there. I believe in consensus so my beliefs count equally
but can never be used to infringe upon the equal beliefs of others.

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