If you want to know what your school is teaching… it will only cost you a cool million bucks.


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2012

Show up with a million dollars and the school can show you what your kid is being taught. That sounds reasonable. All of your tax money is paying for this but hey, if you want to know what’s in it that’ll cost you a bit extra.

I have an idea. Why the fuck isn’t all of this on their website? Every class should be fully disclosed with district goals and teacher notes.

Show up with a million dollars and the school can show you what your kid is being taught. That sounds reasonable. All of your tax money is paying for this but hey, if you want to know what’s in it that’ll cost you a bit extra.

I have an idea. Why the fuck isn’t all of this on their website? Every class should be fully disclosed with district goals and teacher notes.
Or... uh ...talk to your kid and look at the schoolwork....
Any parent, any member of the community, is more than welcome in my classroom at any time, any day. I am happy to go over course curricula and answer any questions. I don't know of any teachers I work with who would handle things any differently. The websites of almost every school in any district DO provide such information.
Any parent, any member of the community, is more than welcome in my classroom at any time, any day. I am happy to go over course curricula and answer any questions. I don't know of any teachers I work with who would handle things any differently. The websites of almost every school in any district DO provide such information.
Right. Seems obvious. So the thread title is a ruse, really. What they REALLY want is to be a huge pain in the ass, to get concessions from the schools. Nothing more. This is just the accompanying propaganda.
Every class should be fully disclosed with district goals and teacher notes.
Would you like a syllabus or a course outline instead?
Because, these are provided.

Teacher Notes? My notes vary from class to class, depending on the student questions asked.
I was involved in my kids school. I was in the PTA, volunteered in the classrooms, and talked to my kids and their teachers. And all that was free.
I was involved in my kids school. I was in the PTA, volunteered in the classrooms, and talked to my kids and their teachers. And all that was free.
Actually, it’s not. You may not be aware of this but I have been waiting for you to send me my $1 million check for quite some time now. So, you know, pony up and let’s get going on this.
What’s the funny part fake Indian?

I think it is kind of funny too. It's freakin' clown world man.

It is such a transparent attempt at corruption and stonewalling.

If you don't laugh? You gotta cry man.

You can see from the involved parents and educators. . . this is a bit of a hyperbolic topic, but? It is, I think, I legit concern for some parents.

The thing is, if you are a parent that is really concerned about this, you either send your kid to a private school, home educate, or move to a district or community that is in line with your values. That is what my folks did when they chose their careers and where they chose to live.

. . . and you see it in this thread. Schools don't really push back against parents that WANT to be involved with their kids education, even when they have a philosophy that is radically different from the school the kid is in. Most teachers are just grateful for parent involvement.

A lot of what we read and see in the press is just to inflate and inflame the public for political purposes. OTH, some of it might be real.

After the Vietnamese war, the establishment settled a lot of Vietnamese refugees in, or near the 5th district. And then after the Somali genocide, again, they settled a lot of Somali refugees, again there. So it has a very large, very diverse population.

It is possible, there is considerable resistance, especially if the superintendent is from an ivy league school in the East. Remember, this very well could be a school district in Ilhan Omar's congressional district, so, it is not inconceivable, that there is a lot a resistance to any push back to a radical agenda.

The best course of action, is probably, to just move.

It'd be like reading in Daily Kos, about an atheist bitchin' about an after school Bible study group in some small town in Montana, and not getting cooperation from the city for a civil rights case . . .


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