If You Want to Know Who Rules Over You

About time someone bitch slapped Pelosi.
It must sting even more coming from democrats.
She doesn't care, this is her last term.
She knows how fucked up the democrat party is, that's her legacy.
Pelosi is pig-headed!
Actually deserves another one dropped into her driveway.
It should be Hamas Taliban and Omar. All Omar wants to do is bad mouth the USA and Israel. Pelosi, saying welcome to Omar is saying welcome to Satan in Omar. Pelosi does not have Jesus rulling over her. They that know this, not repenting, should live? People who don't have Jesus rulling over them are a threat to all, including their own soul. Listen people, Listen.
Pelosi does not know what she is saying. She is wishy washy. First she says that Omar is wrong saying the USA and Israel are not equal to Taliban and Hamas, and then backs away from what she said. Pelosi is striving for what is not possible. Muslims Hamas and Taliban are not wanting peace. All are serving a star destroyer. The book they uses is 100% against peace, acting like the book is for peace. That is how Muslims get in to raise mayhem. Omar is hiding her Muslim Identity, with the word Somali. The spirit in her is as evil as the Taliban and Hamas she says she is against. Omar is not against Satan in the Legal system, or Satan in the Democratic party. They are being used by Muslims for their own end. Democrats and court people need to wake up. God wants us to judge ourselves, even as Jesus judged himself. Can't people see that? Jesus went to to legal people of his day consulting with them, or asking them for permission to do whatever? I say not. It is obvious that Jesus did not do that. Why are we doing that?
Omar is probably a MOSSAD agent. False opposition. The zog objective is to turn the West to shit. That nappy headed ho married her brother, traveled from Somalia, home of the most violent and stupidest primate on Earth, across the globe to the USA not to become a janitor or whatever her skill set is, but a politician. Think about it. Would you as an intelligent European move to an African country to seek political office and once in office point out that Blacks are generally low IQ and violent?

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