If you wanted to attack America on its soil, what would you do?

Sure you can. A few nuclear airbursts to knock out communications and electronics and Americans would be lost like lost sheep.

And since the morons in DC have reduced our military to a handful of over-sized bases, take those out, and then take over a few key cities, and then the democrat half of the nation will bow down and take it up the arse, the gun free, tranny f@ggot bitches

At this point finishing off our military would probably be bad for them.

That would release the civil population and we outnumber all of the world's armies combined.
Of course candycorn is a clown. My GOP friends and I have given him plenty of examples of the election being stolen. He still won't believe.

Cornholio is a PAID demofascist propagandist.
I would place a small object in the walking path of their president. Sure as shit he'd face plant tripping on it. Taking down the president without firing a shot.
You can't attack militarily. Wouldn't it be convenient if America just let untold numbers of soldiers into the country, and even gave them free transportation to cities around the county, and then attacked from within? Crazy talk, right?

That's an easy one.

I would use gun nut Americas second amendment absolutist laws against it, and train my operatives right under the noses of all of the Constitutional sheriffs. After i've got 100-200,000 well trained, well armed, with all of the ammo they can get for their weapons.

The fun begins
Starting with political assassinations at every level, with media personalities, and the billionaire class, and their families.

Once this is seen by the public, that the most well connected, well protected are not safe. That creates nationwide panic, and fear, that there is no one in control, and no one is safe.

The rest of the politicians, and their rich donors then head for the airports to jump on their private jets to leave the country, and local law enforcement hunkers down to protect themselves.

All of the gun nuts with their AR15's are to chicken shit to do anything, so they stay hunkered down in their holes, so they are no threat to the operation either.

The President then declares martial law, and thats the end of Democracy, and America as you know it. along with any rights you once had.

That includes your second amendment rights. You don't get to keep those after martial law is declared. So if you intend on keeping your guns, you now can't be seen with them.

The lower 48 is way to big in land mass for the entire military to police, so they have to restrict any movement. Now the entire American economy is gone. People will be starving within 6 weeks. The world is now in an economic depression. China, India, and Russia take advantage of the situation.

Think any of that can't happen?

Think again.
I’d fly a plane or two into the tallest buildings in the Center of the Universe.
People can laugh all they want, but allowing an unfiltered flood coming through our southern border, is stupid and can be very dangerous to the safety of Americans.

There was a time when we had an orderly immigration system where we knew who it was that was coming in. Not today, hundreds of thousands flood in every month, and NO ONE CARES!!!

Americans just sit and shrug.
Of course. We still have comforts.
You can't attack militarily. Wouldn't it be convenient if America just let untold numbers of soldiers into the country, and even gave them free transportation to cities around the county, and then attacked from within? Crazy talk, right?
You make a shit speech outside the capitol and then invite a bunch of retards to invade congress.
Tommy, more Americans should have come together to stop the steal.
Not at all. It makes me laugh. The melodrama of warning about the devil....If you're over 7 and still believe in the devil...you need counseling.

If you're in the background, yep.

I call it like I see it.

It makes me feel sorry for Paul Harvey so yep..he's a legendary broadcaster who (at one time) recommended we nuke Iran. In some ways, he was a total nutjob. My favorite all time TV show is The West Wing. The leading actor on the West Wing is a man named Martin Sheen. In some ways, Martin Sheen--who is about as liberal as you can get--is a complete nutjob too. Its sad that folks who are otherwise brilliant in their fields feel the need to weigh in on topics and voice their nutty opinions.
I feel for you, when you realize that you're wrong about God. It will be too late, might want to reconsider.
At this point finishing off our military would probably be bad for them.

That would release the civil population and we outnumber all of the world's armies combined.
Like China said they would never attack us on our own land militarily. They say there would be a gun behind every blade of grass. But Biden is trying to stop that.
You can't attack militarily. Wouldn't it be convenient if America just let untold numbers of soldiers into the country, and even gave them free transportation to cities around the county, and then attacked from within? Crazy talk, right?
“If you wanted to attack America on its soil, what would you do?”

Ask a Trump supporter – they have lots of experience.

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