If you were a business owner faced with $10.10 minimum wage would you..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A) Since the minimum wage paid is actually $10.87 (people forget employers pay equal SS/Medicare...) versus what a janitor at $7.25 ($7.80 with FICA)..as a small business owner would you pay the additional $3.06 per hour or $6,375.98 more per year.. OR

B) fire the janitor and buy the below for $7,184 and in the first year save $15,431?

HMMMM which should you do????

Keep spending $22,000 or
save $22,000 by letting the janitor go?

Janitor robot does more than clean floors Concept droid has the flexibility to be a commercial success
Janitor robot does more than clean floors | News | TechRadar
id see where i could cut other things and keep the employee if possible. Even take a minor pay cut to adjust for that 3$ if needed.
IF i was getting bonuses i would take it out of that to balance the problem.

There really is no need to fire people.
I would pass a law that would FORCE a company to fire the CEO making MILLIONS vs firing a lowly janitor if they insist on doing things that way.
And of course how can Obama create jobs when he keeps doing things to destroy jobs?
A) He favors 1,300 insurance companies going out of business laying off 400,000 people..
“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” ...Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program -
How can you be in favor of ONE payer and NOT destroy 1,300 payers and their 400,000 employees?
B) He said: "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
OK if utilities rates skyrocket.. that not only means my personal rates but any business has "skyrocketing" rates!

These are just two examples of how Obama instead of creating jobs keeps screwing up by destroying JOBs.. i.e. Minimum wage will destroy jobs!
I would pass a law that would FORCE a company to fire the CEO making MILLIONS vs firing a lowly janitor if they insist on doing things that way.

We're not describing a "CEO making millions" here bud!
FACTS deal with FACTS!!!

2,777,680 with 1 to 4 employees, 1,043,448 with 5 to 9, 632,682 with 10 to 19, and 526,355 with 20 to 99. If we assume 3/8 of that final figure falls in the 20 to 50 camp, then there are 197,250 with 20 to 50 employees. The sum total of all of those is 4,651,060, so because of the uncertainty with that final group we can assume the actual figure is somewhere between 4.5 million and 4.75 million firms with 50 or fewer employees.
Statistics about Small Business

But once again... why confuse people with FACTS when stupid idiots keep thinking like you!
I would pass a law that would FORCE a company to fire the CEO making MILLIONS vs firing a lowly janitor if they insist on doing things that way.

Of course you would, because you're just that ignorant.
Let the janitor go. Automate if possible, get a roomba robot. Cyberdyne has just developed an industrial cleaning robot. Failing that, hire a service that would have a janitor come out a couple of hours a day. Maybe there's no need for a full time janitor.

When the minimum wage goes up, that's not all that goes up, workers compensation goes up, insurance goes up, unemployment contributions go up. The actual rise isn't three dollars, it could be five dollars or more.
I would pass a law that would FORCE a company to fire the CEO making MILLIONS vs firing a lowly janitor if they insist on doing things that way.

We're not describing a "CEO making millions" here bud!
FACTS deal with FACTS!!!

2,777,680 with 1 to 4 employees, 1,043,448 with 5 to 9, 632,682 with 10 to 19, and 526,355 with 20 to 99. If we assume 3/8 of that final figure falls in the 20 to 50 camp, then there are 197,250 with 20 to 50 employees. The sum total of all of those is 4,651,060, so because of the uncertainty with that final group we can assume the actual figure is somewhere between 4.5 million and 4.75 million firms with 50 or fewer employees.
Statistics about Small Business

But once again... why confuse people with FACTS when stupid idiots keep thinking like you!

A small fraction of CEOs make millions of dollars (heading up mega corps and financial instutions). And many of these make less than Rap Artists and Athletes. I don't see him lobbying for their pay to be cut.

Most CEOs make a small multiple over the average employee in their organization, and they work very hard to keep their companies going. They create jobs in good economies, and protect many when the economy is bad. It's been very bad for the past few years. Punishing CEOs won't make it better.

Thanks Obama! Hopenchange!
The difference being no janitor means the floor gets dirty. No competent CEO and the company fails and everyone is out of a job.
Australia has very strict immigration laws and has no borders across which illegals can enter.

The wage is higher because supply and demand allow it to be so.
Higher COL,Higher Min Wage,Yet big macs are same price,workers make enough to live on etc...So what's the excuse now?
Australia also no longer has an automotive industry.

Unions and incessant wage demands have driven them out. Toyota was the last to announce their shutdown, just last week. Ford and GM had figured it out somewhat earlier.

Australians will like paying more for imports but how the unemployed former auto workers might find the money is a different matter. Unless, of course, they get free stuff like America's Obamaphone food stamp brokers.
The minimum wage has been raised many times since it's inception and yet somehow we've managed to survive.

And even prosper.

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