If you were a Koch Brother for a day


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
What would you do if you could be a Koch brother for a day? Would you exploit the proletariat? Would you call your brother and talk about how awesome it is to be a 1%er? Would you have your IT department start an Obamacareblows.com website just to show how easy it is to set up a working website
What would you do if you could be a Koch brother for a day? Would you exploit the proletariat? Would you call your brother and talk about how awesome it is to be a 1%er? Would you have your IT department start an Obamacareblows.com website just to show how easy it is to set up a working website

I would start a 501c corp whose sole purpose would be to dig up dirt on Democrats and publish it in the major media outlets or on its own website. It would hire about 1000 private investigators and each Democrat Congressman, Senator, governor and state senator would have 3-4 assigned to him.
I would buy airtime on ABC/CBS/NBC and then ask this simple question:
"If you were one of the 1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC that contributed more than $1 million to Democrat candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics. An average contribution of $880.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller
would you produce stories that were the truth about Obama or would you produce stories negative about Republican candidates?

If you had donated an average of $800 to the Democrats would you want to see your donation go to a win for the Democrats?
If 85% of these people knew as they know now would they have donated money to the Democrat candidates?

Sharing these FACTS with the above audiences might show how totally biased and totally unbelievable the MSM is and should never be trusted to tell the truth!
Were I Koch brother for a day I'd spend that day convincing the rest of the family to never give another dime to PBS (Progressive Broadcasting System?). Then I'd be known as the smart brother; the one who knows it's not prudent to enable those who exist only to hate and denigrate the giver.
Get drunk on their expensive booze and prank call every teapublican in the Rolodex.
What would you do if you could be a Koch brother for a day? Would you exploit the proletariat? Would you call your brother and talk about how awesome it is to be a 1%er? Would you have your IT department start an Obamacareblows.com website just to show how easy it is to set up a working website

Write big fat checks to food banks, homeless shelters, battered women shelters, donate to research for cancers that are tough to cure, especially those cancers that affect children.
This accomplishes two things. One these are for the most needy and deserving. Two to shove it up the asses of all those whiny ass libs who think government is the answer to everything.
They already did ALL that, hater dupes, plus finance most of the anti-global warming, anti- union, anti EPA propaganda, and most RW orgs and boggers. A disgrace in the real world, hater dupes.
They already did ALL that, hater dupes, plus finance most of the anti-global warming, anti- union, anti EPA propaganda, and most RW orgs and boggers. A disgrace in the real world, hater dupes.

and of course the super rich Democrats use their money to help everyone right Frankie?.....they would never think of making a buck while fucking over someone,right Frankie?....Dem Dupe....
"If I Were David Koch"

If I were David Koch
And you were Scott Walker
Would you take this check I wrote ?
Or would you jack the offer?

If a robber baron were my trade would you still fine me?
Dumping the poisons I made,
Trailing behind me

Refineries, power plants, and PCB's
Bring disease and sorrow
You'll give me your everything
I'll take your tomorrow

Tea Party, Libertarians, and Social Cons
Divisions of the gambit I made
Politics for white working pawns
On the chess board I played

If I were David Koch,
And you were a governor, would you still obey me?
Answer me with , "Yes, I would, i would put you above me."
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What would you do if you could be a Koch brother for a day? Would you exploit the proletariat? Would you call your brother and talk about how awesome it is to be a 1%er? Would you have your IT department start an Obamacareblows.com website just to show how easy it is to set up a working website
I would give you some money.
Were I Koch brother for a day I'd spend that day convincing the rest of the family to never give another dime to PBS (Progressive Broadcasting System?). Then I'd be known as the smart brother; the one who knows it's not prudent to enable those who exist only to hate and denigrate the giver.
That's terrible! PBS airs some of the finest programming on television, most recently the Downton Abbey series (Season Four coming up in January). Also, PBS Frontline is one of the finest investigative journalism organizations in America today.

You're not bound to agree with its leftist orientation, so what is it you don't like about PBS?

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