If you were an American WW2 pilot in Stalin´s GULAG, What ´d be your surviving strategy? What ´d be

I would have much rather been a POW in a German prison camp than in one of Stalin's Gulags.
German prison camp for USA/UK POW is like a SPA compere to Stalins GULAG ....

Decades Later, Tales of Americans in Soviet Jails - The New York Times


Jul 19, 1996 - An Estonian remembers meeting a black American pilot in a labor ... "Clearly, there were a lot of Americans washing around the gulag, but it is ...

Pilot who survived a Russian gulag before making it to Britain to fly ...


Feb 2, 2013 - Incredible story of pilot who survived a Russian gulag and trekked 830 ... in 1941, Stalin allied with Britain and America against the Germans.

From the NYT article you posted. This really upsets me.

"It's still the old cover-up," she said in a telephone interview from Long Island. "As documents are being declassified, more and more evidence shows that these men were sent to the Soviet Union. But, after 42 years, the C.I.A. still keeps a lot of documents classified."

Peter Johnson, a major in the Army Reserve, who worked on the project in 1993, complained: "From the American standpoint, we ran into almost as much institutional resistance as from the Soviet side. The C.I.A. did not want to talk to us."
i guess CIA did it during cold war , USA governments didn´t want to show the real face of this man (the biggest murderer in history) and USA/UK ally from 1941-1945

Is this a fantasy? America was an ally of Russia during WW2. How in the world would American pilots end up in the gulag?
Is this a fantasy? America was an ally of Russia during WW2. How in the world would American pilots end up in the gulag?

It was largely Russia's policy during WWII to inter U.S, pilots that crash landed there, or ran out of fuel and landed in Russia or Russian occupied territory. This is one example, but the crews eventually got home. I believe most if not all interred during the war were returned, but I am not sure. More crews were interred during the Korean War. I don't think all of them made it back to the U.S.

The crews assumed the planes would be refueled and they would return to China. They were never to see their planes again. The crews and aircraft were all interned. Now the Russians were holding four crews and three complete B-29’s. Desperate negotiations by the U.S. for the release of the crews and the aircraft were ignored.

Stalin was continually pressured for the release of the crews and planes, however it soon became obvious that he had no intentions of giving them up. He decided to steal them.

Russian B-29 Clone — The TU-4 Story, by Wayland Mayo, Page 10
Is this a fantasy? America was an ally of Russia during WW2. How in the world would American pilots end up in the gulag?

It was largely Russia's policy during WWII to inter U.S, pilots that crash landed there, or ran out of fuel and landed in Russia or Russian occupied territory. This is one example, but the crews eventually got home. I believe most if not all interred during the war were returned, but I am not sure. More crews were interred during the Korean War. I don't think all of them made it back to the U.S.

The crews assumed the planes would be refueled and they would return to China. They were never to see their planes again. The crews and aircraft were all interned. Now the Russians were holding four crews and three complete B-29’s. Desperate negotiations by the U.S. for the release of the crews and the aircraft were ignored.

Stalin was continually pressured for the release of the crews and planes, however it soon became obvious that he had no intentions of giving them up. He decided to steal them.

Russian B-29 Clone — The TU-4 Story, by Wayland Mayo, Page 10
It's doubtful that any Americans were ever interred in Russia during WW2. Not so in Harry Truman's war in Korea when we had the war won in a year but the idiotic Truman administration invited Russia and Red China into the fracas that lasted three years at the cost of 35,000 American lives. The movie "Manchurian Candidate with Sinatra offers a scenario of Americans under Russian control in Korea but it's fiction.
Is this a fantasy? America was an ally of Russia during WW2. How in the world would American pilots end up in the gulag?
no just pure facts, which your friends from NKVD are still hiding in their KGB archives

The Forsaken: Americans in Stalin's gulags - Telegraph


The Forsaken: Americans in Stalin's gulags. Americans baseball team in Gorky Park, Moscow, 1934. Noel Malcolm. 12:01AM BST 20 Jul 2008. Noel Malcolm ...
3 U.S. citizens who did time in Soviet prisons - Russia Beyond


Dec 10, 2018 - The first one struggled for the rights of African Americans, the second ... He spent 16 years in the Soviet Gulag labor camp system, including ..

Chained ghosts - Americans in the Gulag - The Economist


Aug 7, 2008 - PARANOIA and exhibitionism, two of the defining characteristics of the Soviet system, make a nasty mix. It was the Soviet Union's desire to crow ...

Decades Later, Tales of Americans in Soviet Jails - The New York Times


Jul 19, 1996 - An Estonian remembers meeting a black American pilot in a labor ... "Clearly, there were a lot of Americans washing around the gulag, but it is ...

Pilot who survived a Russian gulag before making it to Britain to fly ...


Feb 2, 2013 - Incredible story of pilot who survived a Russian gulag and trekked 830 ... in 1941, Stalin allied with Britain and America against the Germans.
Stalin made Hitler look like a choir boy.
just in 1 strike (1 Famine) 7 000 000 dead

Anne Applebaum talking to Edward Lucas about her new book, "Red Famine: Stalin's War on Ukraine"
We have never had friendly relations with the USSR or Russia. They have always been an adversary even when they were an ally during WWII. It continues to today. We were duped by Glasnost and Perestroika temporarily and they got a lot of military info and technology from us. We are again enemies and in another Cold War. It may be of lesser extent than the last one but we are competing with Russia in the Energy Sector and they hate that.
We have never had friendly relations with the USSR or Russia. They have always been an adversary even when they were an ally during WWII. It continues to today. We were duped by Glasnost and Perestroika temporarily and they got a lot of military info and technology from us. We are again enemies and in another Cold War. It may be of lesser extent than the last one but we are competing with Russia in the Energy Sector and they hate that.
1941- 1945 academics call for limited U.S./UK -Soviet Alliance. but we have to rethink it today. entire WW2 ussr supported destructive, terrorist commie gangs in the west, meanwhile U.S./UK supported anti - Stalinist freedom fighters in eastern Europe at least from 1944 From Ukraine , Belarus and Estonia to Moldova and Georgia

We have never had friendly relations with the USSR or Russia. They have always been an adversary even when they were an ally during WWII. It continues to today. We were duped by Glasnost and Perestroika temporarily and they got a lot of military info and technology from us. We are again enemies and in another Cold War. It may be of lesser extent than the last one but we are competing with Russia in the Energy Sector and they hate that.

Great author :
Gulag: History, Camps, Conditions, Economy, Effect, Facts, Quotes"
We were never friendly? FDR called Stalin "Uncle Joe" and America sent military aid to Russia. For some reason Eisenhower was ordered to halt the offensive in the Berlin outskirts so the Russians could take the city. How did that work out? It was Churchill who coined the phrase "Iron Curtain" while virtual corpse FDR was willing to concede everything Russia wanted for the post-war world.
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"We were never friendly?" you was and you are today


" the term was used by Joseph Stalin to refer to what Braden called "countless innocent although well-intentioned ..."

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