If you were this boy's parent?

My son "came out" his senior year of HS. My wife and I always knew but we were happy to watch him grow up as the sweet boy he was. He had a GF in High School during his freshman year and I think he did that just to confirm that he really was gay and "Straight" just wasn't for him.

He dormed at NYU and he told me absolute horror stories about the reactions some of the other gay kids had from their parents. I was shocked that parents could treat their kids like that. He was a little appreciative of having me and Mrs Crusader as his parental units

It mostly comes from the bizzaro teaching of the RCC. It's a shame it had a stranglehold on Western Civilization after the Roman Empire crumbled and continues to have influence even today.

I told my son I loved him since before he was born and I will love him long after I'm not here anymore

I know people like to think they're communicating on Facebook, or the Internet at all, but major stuff should be told face to face; it's just better that way
Let me ask, if homos are born homos how do you explain Bi people? How can you claim that homos are born that way then try to explain why someone is bi where they choose a different sex daily to have intercourse with. Its a choice. Just like the Bi person who decides to screw a chick one night and suck some dude off the next.
^^^ I second that question about the situation.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If I were in this spot, I would still love my child, but I would not be their cheerleader when I believe that the lifestyle is against the word of the Lord.
I would assure my son that I loved him just as much as I ever did. I would not accept his homosexuality as an alternative form of normal. Parents who have children with other forms of abnormality certainly love them. They just recognize that for whatever reason, their child will never be a normal child or grow up into a normal adult.

We're proud of your parents for accepting you as you are. :cool:
If he is your son...you have to love him and accept him.

It's karma.
We have lessons to learn here on earth.

Those are not easy lessons, but one way or another we have to learn them.

To love people who are different from us is one of them.
We have lessons to learn here on earth.

Those are not easy lessons, but one way or another we have to learn them.

To love people who are different from us is one of them.

..and to stand by them and be loyal. Listen to their hearts, listen to their souls try to be worthy of being in their presence when they share of their innermost and tender thoughts.
We have lessons to learn here on earth.

Those are not easy lessons, but one way or another we have to learn them.

To love people who are different from us is one of them.

..and to stand by them and be loyal. Listen to their hearts, listen to their souls try to be worthy of being in their presence when they share of their innermost and tender thoughts.

Even if their innermost thoughts are totally against what we believe.

We have no other way out.
We have lessons to learn here on earth.

Those are not easy lessons, but one way or another we have to learn them.

To love people who are different from us is one of them.

..and to stand by them and be loyal. Listen to their hearts, listen to their souls try to be worthy of being in their presence when they share of their innermost and tender thoughts.

Even if their innermost thoughts are totally against what we believe.

We have no other way out.

My version of love is not judgmental it simply is a state of being. When I tell someone I love them that is sacred and means that I have made a decision to act in their best interests, it means that while I may not have chosen the path they did I will walk with them side by side and support them no matter what. It is what makes me who I am. I have the courage of my convictions and the ability to carry out those convictions to the best of my ability. Not what is popular, but what is necessary for the relationship.
..and to stand by them and be loyal. Listen to their hearts, listen to their souls try to be worthy of being in their presence when they share of their innermost and tender thoughts.

Even if their innermost thoughts are totally against what we believe.

We have no other way out.

My version of love is not judgmental it simply is a state of being. When I tell someone I love them that is sacred and means that I have made a decision to act in their best interests, it means that while I may not have chosen the path they did I will walk with them side by side and support them no matter what. It is what makes me who I am. I have the courage of my convictions and the ability to carry out those convictions to the best of my ability. Not what is popular, but what is necessary for the relationship.

I agree.

But...for a straight person is not easy to adore a gay son. But adore we must.

Because we must learn the karmic lesson of Love.

Better do it now than later.... and happily and with a big smile on our faces too. :)
Even if their innermost thoughts are totally against what we believe.

We have no other way out.

My version of love is not judgmental it simply is a state of being. When I tell someone I love them that is sacred and means that I have made a decision to act in their best interests, it means that while I may not have chosen the path they did I will walk with them side by side and support them no matter what. It is what makes me who I am. I have the courage of my convictions and the ability to carry out those convictions to the best of my ability. Not what is popular, but what is necessary for the relationship.

I agree.

But...for a straight person is not easy to adore a gay son. But adore we must.

Because we must learn the karmic lesson of Love.

Better do it now than later.... and happily and with a big smile on our faces too. :)

As parents we do not get to chose who our children will be when they grown up as no more than as children we got to choose our parents. But love we did, despite their humanness. We learned as children to love and accept that which we did not understand. This acceptance is not a watershed moment but a life long journey.
My version of love is not judgmental it simply is a state of being. When I tell someone I love them that is sacred and means that I have made a decision to act in their best interests, it means that while I may not have chosen the path they did I will walk with them side by side and support them no matter what. It is what makes me who I am. I have the courage of my convictions and the ability to carry out those convictions to the best of my ability. Not what is popular, but what is necessary for the relationship.

I agree.

But...for a straight person is not easy to adore a gay son. But adore we must.

Because we must learn the karmic lesson of Love.

Better do it now than later.... and happily and with a big smile on our faces too. :)

As parents we do not get to chose who our children will be when they grown up as no more than as children we got to choose our parents. But love we did, despite their humanness. We learned as children to love and accept that which we did not understand. This acceptance is not a watershed moment but a life long journey.

long journey?

what the fig... children? what children .....forget children ...I wanna go to Vegas!!!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

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