If you were this boy's parent?

I agree.

But...for a straight person is not easy to adore a gay son. But adore we must.

Because we must learn the karmic lesson of Love.

Better do it now than later.... and happily and with a big smile on our faces too. :)

As parents we do not get to chose who our children will be when they grown up as no more than as children we got to choose our parents. But love we did, despite their humanness. We learned as children to love and accept that which we did not understand. This acceptance is not a watershed moment but a life long journey.

long journey?

what the fig... children? what children .....forget children ...I wanna go to Vegas!!!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

I would hope I'd be as good a parent as the one who left that note.


I know what you mean ... and that is the only way, like it or not.

and from the heart too.... very hard very.... but that is the way. Let's pray for strength.
Jeffrey Dahmer's mother loved him too. It is entirely possible to love one's child and still recognize when they are wrong.
I don't have a son, but i do have a daughter. If she was gay, i honestly would care less. I would like to get into her lovers head and see if was a good PERSON.
I'm not sure most parents would actually say, "get out faggot." When it's suddenly THEIR chid, I think it changes their thinking.

I used to be on a forum that had a lot of very far right types of individuals. Some who were very outspoken and seemed to think that whoever spoke the nastiest would win the argument. One of the worst of these, though, surprised me because he would not join in the gay-bashing that went on. Turns out he had a gay brother, a brother he loved. So in his far-right world, there was this exception for gays...because HE had a gay person in HIS family.

I've seen the same thing with some of the serious rednecks in my neighborhood. I was walking my dogs past one of their houses and saw a little black boy standing in the open doorway. One of their white sons was also running around with a black girl...his cousin. :)

The people right next door to me...their daughter married a black guy and they have a child. Suddenly these rednecks find they do have a bit of tolerance buried deep down in their souls somewhere. :)

Sometimes we even have "them" over to the house for a shrimp boil or barbecue.

Why do you automatically suppose rednecks are racist?
Do you figure that because I live in Alabama, I must live in a single wide with dogs under the porch?

And you call Conservatives prejudiced...

Because that's what they're "known" for. Okay, I didn't paint the picture of a redneck, I'm just looking at the picture. And I've known a fair share of them. Of course, not all rednecks are racist, I've just given an example of a couple of redneck families who had their eyes opened to tolerance. But generally speaking...they're known to be just a tad bit racist.

Hold on a minute now...you're not insinuating I'm a liberal are you? I sure hope not. Not because I hate liberals, or anything like that...I'm just not a liberal.

By the way, look up the damn definition of a "redneck" in our current culture and see what it says. Don't blame the reputation they've garnered for themselves on me!

By the way, I know a black guy who's married to a white woman. They're from Mississippi. Occasionally they go back there to visit family, and when they do they are very much on guard. Maybe they haven't been invited to enough shrimp boils to feel at ease down there in redneck country.

You are using the term, YOU define what a redneck is.
Because that's what they're "known" for. Okay, I didn't paint the picture of a redneck, I'm just looking at the picture. And I've known a fair share of them. Of course, not all rednecks are racist, I've just given an example of a couple of redneck families who had their eyes opened to tolerance. But generally speaking...they're known to be just a tad bit racist.

Hold on a minute now...you're not insinuating I'm a liberal are you? I sure hope not. Not because I hate liberals, or anything like that...I'm just not a liberal.

By the way, look up the damn definition of a "redneck" in our current culture and see what it says. Don't blame the reputation they've garnered for themselves on me!

I performed a little word substitution to your post...see how it sounds to you now.

Because that's what they're "known" for. Okay, I didn't paint the picture of a N-word, I'm just looking at the picture. And I've known a fair share of them. Of course, not all N-word are IGNORANT, I've just given an example of a couple of N-word families who had their eyes opened to EDUCATION. But generally speaking...they're known to be just a tad bit IGNORANT

By the way, look up the damn definition of a "N-word" in our current culture and see what it says. Don't blame the reputation they've garnered for themselves on me!

Sounds pretty bigoted, doesn't it.

Why ever do you suppose that is?
What would have written?


A Boy Came Out As Gay On Facebook. His Mother Found Out And Decided To Write Him This Letter.

I would say pretty much the same thing, but to his face, not in a letter. And I would not qualify my feeling in any way, as she does by saying 'your sexual orientation does not define you.' That's like saying, I don't like it, but I accept it. I would say it is a matter of indifference to me, what his sexual orientation is, heterosexual or homosexual, not that I accept him despite it.
And speaking of "coming out" on FB or the internet? Sometimes, it is easier to tell complete strangers personal things instead of family. I know this from personal experience.

I would say pretty much the same thing, but to his face, not in a letter. And I would not qualify my feeling in any way, as she does by saying 'your sexual orientation does not define you.' That's like saying, I don't like it, but I accept it. I would say it is a matter of indifference to me, what his sexual orientation is, heterosexual or homosexual, not that I accept him despite it.

His sexuality does not define him...true. Just like the loss of my boob does not define me having one less. I am not my breast. He is not his sexuality. He is her son. Her response was right on, on how she responded. He chose the net to come out...she chose to respond in the same manner. She is a great mom, in my opinion.

I would say pretty much the same thing, but to his face, not in a letter. And I would not qualify my feeling in any way, as she does by saying 'your sexual orientation does not define you.' That's like saying, I don't like it, but I accept it. I would say it is a matter of indifference to me, what his sexual orientation is, heterosexual or homosexual, not that I accept him despite it.

His sexuality does not define him...true. Just like the loss of my boob does not define me having one less. I am not my breast. He is not his sexuality. He is her son. Her response was right on, on how she responded. He chose the net to come out...she chose to respond in the same manner. She is a great mom, in my opinion.

You seem to be taking umbrage at my post. I am not criticizing her. I am just saying I would do it differently. Are we not allowed to be individuals, or are we all supposed the chant the same anthem in response to her way of dealing with it?

I'll go even further. I don't think she needs or deserves any particular cheering or applause for what she wrote. She did what any good, decent parent should do. Anyone who would attack, criticize, or in any way not accept their child just because he or she turns out to be gay is a piece of shit parent for whom I would have no compassion or sympathy. This parent did only what she should have done. What any decent parent would do. I don't see what she did as something to make a big deal about.
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I think that mom's letter is just about perfect. She indicates she was surprised, but she's not laying any guilt trips on him, like "why didn't you tell me first?"...that sort of thing.

She tells him that she loves him unconditionally and will always be on his side.

And then she proves she isn't obsessed about it by changing the subject to the trash in his room (humor).

Couldn't be written any better than that.

Some people are just better parents than others.
My thoughts as well.

Thinking about all the sad and needless suicides by young people, my bet is that most have parents who said, "Get out faggot".

And, I wonder how those parents live with themselves.

I'm not sure most parents would actually say, "get out faggot." When it's suddenly THEIR chid, I think it changes their thinking.

I used to be on a forum that had a lot of very far right types of individuals. Some who were very outspoken and seemed to think that whoever spoke the nastiest would win the argument. One of the worst of these, though, surprised me because he would not join in the gay-bashing that went on. Turns out he had a gay brother, a brother he loved. So in his far-right world, there was this exception for gays...because HE had a gay person in HIS family.

I've seen the same thing with some of the serious rednecks in my neighborhood. I was walking my dogs past one of their houses and saw a little black boy standing in the open doorway. One of their white sons was also running around with a black girl...his cousin. :)

The people right next door to me...their daughter married a black guy and they have a child. Suddenly these rednecks find they do have a bit of tolerance buried deep down in their souls somewhere. :)

"Get out faggot" is a direct quote from this thread and I have to believe that he would really say that to his own child.

And yes, I do think that this is the kind of thing that kids hear from their family just before they decide to end their lives.

Some people just suck as parents. It is what it is. But there is no restriction on procreation.
I'm not sure most parents would actually say, "get out faggot." When it's suddenly THEIR chid, I think it changes their thinking.

I used to be on a forum that had a lot of very far right types of individuals. Some who were very outspoken and seemed to think that whoever spoke the nastiest would win the argument. One of the worst of these, though, surprised me because he would not join in the gay-bashing that went on. Turns out he had a gay brother, a brother he loved. So in his far-right world, there was this exception for gays...because HE had a gay person in HIS family.

I've seen the same thing with some of the serious rednecks in my neighborhood. I was walking my dogs past one of their houses and saw a little black boy standing in the open doorway. One of their white sons was also running around with a black girl...his cousin. :)

The people right next door to me...their daughter married a black guy and they have a child. Suddenly these rednecks find they do have a bit of tolerance buried deep down in their souls somewhere. :)

Sometimes we even have "them" over to the house for a shrimp boil or barbecue.

Why do you automatically suppose rednecks are racist?
Do you figure that because I live in Alabama, I must live in a single wide with dogs under the porch?

And you call Conservatives prejudiced...

Because that's what they're "known" for. Okay, I didn't paint the picture of a redneck, I'm just looking at the picture. And I've known a fair share of them. Of course, not all rednecks are racist, I've just given an example of a couple of redneck families who had their eyes opened to tolerance. But generally speaking...they're known to be just a tad bit racist.

Hold on a minute now...you're not insinuating I'm a liberal are you? I sure hope not. Not because I hate liberals, or anything like that...I'm just not a liberal.

By the way, look up the damn definition of a "redneck" in our current culture and see what it says. Don't blame the reputation they've garnered for themselves on me!

By the way, I know a black guy who's married to a white woman. They're from Mississippi. Occasionally they go back there to visit family, and when they do they are very much on guard. Maybe they haven't been invited to enough shrimp boils to feel at ease down there in redneck country.

Look! You can characterize rednecks however you want. We are no more, and probably less racist than people from anywhere else. I lived a great deal of my life in Connecticut. In my experience, people there are a lot more racist than those in Southern Alabama. 50 year old stereotypes are bullshit.

George Wallace is dead. The current Mayor of Mobile is black. We don't have whites only drinking fountains. We serve blacks in our diners and blacks serve whites.

Come visit and see for yourself. Just don't stay long until you change your attitude.
Son, soooo...you let me find out something this major in your life...on FACEBOOK???

Actually I'd be pissed if I found out that way. I'd like to think my kids could tell me anything that important face to face.

I found out the old geezer had cancer on Facebook.
But I haven't spoken to him since July 5 1990.

I see my kids all the time so I'd expect them to tell me face to face. I can't say I'd agree with them based on my personal religious beliefs. I would point that out, consider it in Gods hands and that would be it. I love my kids no matter what. It's their life and all stand before God alone so what they do is between them and God.

There are worse things in the world than what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedroom that a persons sexual orientation isn't at the top of my list. As far as public displays of affection,I wish all people would tone it down a bit Gay or straight.
Jonathan Allen, a contestant on America's Got Talent said that his parents threw him out on his 18th birthday because he's gay and they have not seen him since. So yes, it happens.

or might have been a PR schtick recommended to him to use in order to get sympathy

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