If You Were To Create Your Own Party, Name The Top 10 Things that Party would Support


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
1) National Health Care

2) Unlimited and Unrestricted Gun Ownership

3) Social Security (Medicare and Medicaid too)

4) Food Stamps

5) Amending the Constituion to overturn Citizens United.

6) Amending the Constitution limit the Commerce Clause (restoration of States Rights)

7) Amending the Constituion to Repeal 17th Amendment.

8) Amending the Constitution so that all federal, state and local government employees are paid no more than twice the median income of the families of United States citizens.

9) The Right to Euthansia

10) A 80% decrease in the size of our military, and training every 18 year old male citizen how to use a standard military issue rifile for 12 weeks and then providing them with a free rifle to take home.

Also, I do not care if you agree, or disagree with my ten, I will not respond to you. I'm not here to discuss anyone's ideas in detail, I simply want to know your ideas, because every person is unique and views life and law differently, as we all experience our own story.
1) National Health Care

I support it, but only if each state is in charge of their own universal healthcare. I vehemently oppose doing it a federal level.

2) Unlimited and Unrestricted Gun Ownership

Unrestricted? So you're fine with Major Hasan going out and buying automatic weapons?

I'm fine with gun laws just the way they are, except I think people who leave guns out and unsecured should be thrown in jail if their gun is used in a crime.

3) Social Security (Medicare and Medicaid too)

That's great that you support them.............so how do you propose fixing them?

4) Food Stamps

Eh, I've got no beef with it.

5) Amending the Constitution to overturn Citizens United.

Our problem with money in politics goes WAY deeper than that. This is too short sighted.

6) Amending the Constitution limit the Commerce Clause (restoration of States Rights)

In what way exactly? You have me interested, but you're going to have to expand on this.

7) Amending the Constituion to Repeal 17th Amendment.

Why are you against it?

8) Amending the Constitution so that all federal, state and local government employees are paid no more than twice the median income of the families of United States citizens.

I'm okay with it.

9) The Right to Euthansia

I absolutely support it.

10) A 80% decrease in the size of our military, and training every 18 year old male citizen how to use a standard military issue rifile for 12 weeks and then providing them with a free rifle to take home.

Holy god, no! You want to purposely arm a bunch of 18 year old guys?
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I would poll a sampling of grammar school kids and go with their top ten

That's it.
[Article XVII.]

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.

... elected by the people thereof

isn't "elected by the people thereof" the change made by the Amendment from the original intent to be chosen by the state legislature -

you would rather they were chosen for you by the state legislature ?
[Article XVII.]

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.

... elected by the people thereof

isn't "elected by the people thereof" the change made by the Amendment from the original intent to be chosen by the state legislature -

you would rather they were chosen for you by the state legislature ?

Although I will not argue, I will clarify. Yes, the original form was better, it protected the States from an obtrusive Federal government (unfunded mandates). We already have one popularly elected House, ALTHOUGH GERRYMANDERING needs to also be remedied. Until they fix Gerrymandering, keep the 17th Amendment as is, since the Senate reflects the Majority (Democrats) better than the House of Reps. So any Repeal of the 17th Amendment would have to include a Gerrymandering fix. You can make up your own mind on this. I could very well be wrong, even if my intentions are good.

"The people do not know what is good for them, they only know what is bad."
I would want every Wal-Mart to allow 1/2 of their check outs for "Normal Customers" who pay cash or credit, wont take longer than 2.5 minutes and are not complete buffoons who will tie up the line over a problem with their international checks/coupons/screaming&annoying babies, etc. !!!
$11 min wage.

Fairness Doctrine

Overturn Citizens United

McCain Feingold

Legalize and Tax Marijuana

1 year of prison mandatory for carrying illegal handgun.

Bring richest to effective 30% tax rate, corporate to 25%.

Schumer/Graham Bill. Amnesty, Good SS/Work ID card

4 week paid vacation after 1 year of work, real 40 hr work week, paid parental leave for 4 weeks, free daycare.

State run prostitution in large cities.
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1- A balanced budget amendment.
2- The right to abortion with parental notification for a minor.
3- The second amendment.
4- A line item veto.
5- A simplified tax code.
6- Pay raises for Congress to be voted on by the people.
7- A limit on how many times the debt ceiling can be raised.
8- A secure border.
9- Limits to how long a person can be on some form of government assistance.
10- Term limits for members of Congress.
10) A 80% decrease in the size of our military, and training every 18 year old male citizen how to use a standard military issue rifile for 12 weeks and then providing them with a free rifle to take home.

Holy god, no! You want to purposely arm a bunch of 18 year old guys?[/QUOTE]

To be quite honest, we make all 18 year old males sign up for the Selective Service. They should only compel us to do this if we are trained and provided with a rifle to take home. Also, they should subject you to psychiatric tests before doing so, and see if you have any negative psychiatric history (even if they are not allowed to know the specifics).

Also, these 18-26 year old boys might change your minds in this real historical account: The Battle of Athens, Tennessee. Look it up and youtube it.
1. Education (no creationism. Lots of computers, OJT, business skills, sex ed, etc)

2. Taking the constitutional rights from Corporations. They are legally responsible as a person, but since they are compromised of the corp executives and CEO, they represent a figurative person which means that the person doesn't exist and is not entitled to any rights because you can't give rights to an inanimate object.

3. Requiring all law enforcement agencies to wear cameras when on duty and requiring them to upload the files to youtube for the public to freely watch whenever they want.

4. Privacy, user rights, consumer rights, etc.

5. Network security by rolling out encryption and defining laws where a digital search warrant would be required if they wanted to access information.

6. Gun regulation such mandatory documentary that is up to date on all of your guns, purchase of ammo, and attachments. This applies to new guns/accessories, used guns/accessories, and transfer of guns/accessories. Also, people must have a mandatory background check and psychologist visit when getting/renewing their gun license. Yearly checks must be made on all attatchments and guns.
But there will be no bans on guns, attatchments, etc.
The point is regulation, not control.

7. Stopping illegal immigration and focusing on legal immigration.
America is the land of the free, opportunity, and privilege. To keep up with this and to keep having all of these nice things, we will need to cut illegals off cold turkey and focus on getting legal immigrants in here. They will bring wealth, contribute to the economy, and pave the way for more legal immigration.

8. Taking care of our veterans who have graciously served our country. Offer job assistance, health care, and housing. Pensions and other benefits are for veterans who have served for atleast 20 years.

9. Abolishing Super PAC's, taking money out of politics, etc. We need people who will work for us, not sell us out.

10. Promoting democracy, freedom of choice, and soverignity.
How can you support both the 2nd Amendment and National Health care?

1) National Health Care

2) Unlimited and Unrestricted Gun Ownership

3) Social Security (Medicare and Medicaid too)

4) Food Stamps

5) Amending the Constituion to overturn Citizens United.

6) Amending the Constitution limit the Commerce Clause (restoration of States Rights)

7) Amending the Constituion to Repeal 17th Amendment.

8) Amending the Constitution so that all federal, state and local government employees are paid no more than twice the median income of the families of United States citizens.

9) The Right to Euthansia

10) A 80% decrease in the size of our military, and training every 18 year old male citizen how to use a standard military issue rifile for 12 weeks and then providing them with a free rifle to take home.

Also, I do not care if you agree, or disagree with my ten, I will not respond to you. I'm not here to discuss anyone's ideas in detail, I simply want to know your ideas, because every person is unique and views life and law differently, as we all experience our own story.
1 - The laws apply to everyone regardless of color, gender, or sexual flavor.

2 - There are no laws designed to give special protections to anyone because of color, gender, or sexual flavor.

3 - A CCW/CWP issued by any State is good in all States, all Cities, including Washington D.C.

4 - The Police are not immune or above the law.

5 - Pull all public funding from Planned Parenthood.

6 - Put some meaning into the 10th Amendment.

7 - Require every bill to actually cite the Constitutional authority. General Welfare Clause will not apply.

8 - All laws will have a sunset provision of no longer than 7 years.

9 - For every new law proposed, two laws already on the books must be repealed.

10 - Repeal the 17th Amendment.
1. Every political ad must be sponsored by a party or candidate. Somebody with skin in the game has to be responsible for whatever airs.

2. A flat tax for both individuals and businesses, with no subsidies, no exemptions, no deductions. Phase it in at some threshold income level, and nobody gets more than they paid in.

3. Spending restraint - budget increases in each fiscal year cannot exceed the growth in GDP for the prior year or a maximum of 3% of the prior year's spending. Overruns in a given FY must be paid for in the following FY, and overall spending cannot increase until overruns are covered. Surpluses, if any, go to paying down the debt.

4. Line item veto. POTUS has the authority to line out specific items in any Bill sent to him by Congress. Congress can override the LIV with a 2/3 majority vote.

5. Congressional Bill cannot exceed 1000 pages, and an understandable summary must be posted for 3 days prior to final passage. No exceptions.

6. All federal bailouts are illegal. Includes private and public companies, states, cities, unions, everybody. All bankruptcies must go through the courts.

7. The federal gov't has no business investing in any company. For any reason.

8. The federal gov't has no business getting involved in education, hud, HC. These are state issues.

9. Public unions may not use collective bargaining for compensation or benefits. These things will be tied to what the private sector gets, and they are prohibited from striking.

10. Congress (both chambers) and the President are all required to submit a budget and work out a compromise. Failure to do so by April 15th automatically results in the prior FY budget going into effect with no spending increases at all. Congress would be prohibited from changing that adfter the deadline.
How can you support both the 2nd Amendment and National Health care?

Because I carefully read and research hundreds of articles (in the case of national health care and 2nd Amendment, thousands of articles over the years) on every issue you can imagine, even issues that aren't in the spotlight (the 17th Amendment).

For instance, the local Republican Party in Islip, Suffolk County, New York, tried to hijack our local government structure over the past few months. After hours of study and research, I discovered they were acting in direct violation of the New York State Constitution, Article 9, Section 1, Paragraph H, Part 2 (Amended in 2001).

Upon that discovery I went out and spoke with as many politically active people as I could in my town, and we organized a PUBLIC FILIBUSTER at Town Hall. The very threat of this obstruction measure was enough for the Town Board to adjourn permanently on the measures (to read the article, add ONE more "w" to the link in www, since I cannot yet post links due to my account limitations).


Planned Islip Town filibuster not needed

I was able to convince Democrats and Republicans that their right to vote in local elections was being silently nullified, and to come out and SUPPORT our REPUBLICAN town supervisor against the OTHER Republicans trying to hijack the process and structure of our local government.

Remember, that neither Party has your interests at heart, they both exist to maintain the status quo, and they've done a very good job at maintaining that status quo.
[Article XVII.]

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.
... elected by the people thereof

isn't "elected by the people thereof" the change made by the Amendment from the original intent to be chosen by the state legislature -

you would rather they were chosen for you by the state legislature ?

Senators do NOT represent the people. They represent the State they live in.

How is it that people don't understand that the States have rights in our system and they need representatives.

The Senate is supposed to be comprised of people elected by the state legislature to represent the rights and interests of their state in the Federal Government.

Representation of the People is covered under the House of Representative.....that is why it is called the 'peoples' house.
1 - Fiscal Responsibility
2 - Limited Constitutional Government
3 - A strong National Defense
4 - A reasonable, efficient social Safety net
5 - The Pursuit of Energy Independence through a true all of the above approach
6 - Protecting and restoring states rights
7 - Reform to safeguard SS, MC
8 - Reform and simplify the tax code
9 - Secure Border and address Immigration reform with an eye toward sustainability.
10 - Keep the Federal Government out of Social issues.
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[Article XVII.]

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.
... elected by the people thereof

isn't "elected by the people thereof" the change made by the Amendment from the original intent to be chosen by the state legislature -

you would rather they were chosen for you by the state legislature ?

The Senate is supposed to be comprised of people elected by the state legislature to represent the rights and interests of their state in the Federal Government.

Correction, the senate was suppose to be that way. However the Constitution was changed to have them elected by popular vote in said states.

Just another assault on states rights.

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