If you won a contest....


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
...Would you spend any time talking about the people whom you defeated in the contest?

I would not because, having won, the fitting place for people to focus their attention is on my accomplishments and subsequent pursuits, not on my competitors. To wit, aside from saying something like "they put up a good fight," do Super Bowl winners talk about what the other team did? Do any competitors in any event regularly and months and months later bring up, as the focus of a discussion, their competitors performance? Not that comes to mind. Instead they talk about what they are going to do going forward. Yet that is exactly what Donald Trump has been doing non-stop since having almost a year ago won the 2016 presidential election.

And what is there to come of it?
What his talking about someone and something other than governance and policy accomplishes just one thing. It's distracts attention from the performance of that which he and Congress are supposed to be doing. Of course, when there are few to no substantive merits in one's ideas, discussing anything other than one's own policy proposals, and one's efforts to effect them, reduces the time people have to discuss the dearth of merit one's intentions have.
If you ever "win" anything more than a participation trophy or $5 on a scratch off get back to us loser.
...Would you spend any time talking about the people whom you defeated in the contest?

I would not because, having won, the fitting place for people to focus their attention is on my accomplishments and subsequent pursuits, not on my competitors. To wit, aside from saying something like "they put up a good fight," do Super Bowl winners talk about what the other team did? Do any competitors in any event regularly and months and months later bring up, as the focus of a discussion, their competitors performance? Not that comes to mind. Instead they talk about what they are going to do going forward. Yet that is exactly what Donald Trump has been doing non-stop since having almost a year ago won the 2016 presidential election.

And what is there to come of it?
What his talking about someone and something other than governance and policy accomplishes just one thing. It's distracts attention from the performance of that which he and Congress are supposed to be doing. Of course, when there are few to no substantive merits in one's ideas, discussing anything other than one's own policy proposals, and one's efforts to effect them, reduces the time people have to discuss the dearth of merit one's intentions have.

In Sports, Yes in some cases. You could attempt to send messages that would further weaken your opponent for the future. You could upset their "clubhouse chemistry", imply you had their signs/gameplan, knew weak spots, inside info etc. Make them dance to your music.
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Oh absolutely. Especially if it continued to cause the loser's heads to explode!

If you won a contest.... ...Would you spend any time talking about the people whom you defeated in the contest?

Depends upon the defeated. If they were assholes, yeah, I'd rub their noses in it for a long time.
A contest? The presidential election? Do angry incoherent lefties have any clue about what a presidential election means?
...Would you spend any time talking about the people whom you defeated in the contest?

I would not because, having won, the fitting place for people to focus their attention is on my accomplishments and subsequent pursuits, not on my competitors. To wit, aside from saying something like "they put up a good fight," do Super Bowl winners talk about what the other team did? Do any competitors in any event regularly and months and months later bring up, as the focus of a discussion, their competitors performance? Not that comes to mind. Instead they talk about what they are going to do going forward. Yet that is exactly what Donald Trump has been doing non-stop since having almost a year ago won the 2016 presidential election.

And what is there to come of it?
What his talking about someone and something other than governance and policy accomplishes just one thing. It's distracts attention from the performance of that which he and Congress are supposed to be doing. Of course, when there are few to no substantive merits in one's ideas, discussing anything other than one's own policy proposals, and one's efforts to effect them, reduces the time people have to discuss the dearth of merit one's intentions have.

Depends on if they were engaged in criminal activities. If the answer to that is "yes", then I would be going after them hook line and sinker.
These things I believe.

Trump and his supporters are cut from the same bolt of cloth. They believe to build themselves up, they must tear others down. The election is over. Has been for a year now. And yet the specter of Hillary Clinton lays at the front of their collective imagination. Democrats know that she lost. That is not the upsetting part.

The upsetting part is Trump won. Any of the other 16 Republican candidates would have been accepted and respected as they did not display the reprehensible characteristics Trump has. We Americans who do not share your disposition and character are deeply embarrassed and shamed by his comportment. As is the rest of the world.

Call me a snowflake, call me a Libtards. I don't care. I am secure enough in my maturity not to be offended by manecalling and second grade level bullying. Rather, I pity those who fail to craft an effective argument.

I want to know what are Trump's virtues. What makes him an admirable person. A person worthy of respect. Please list them so I might have a better understanding of him and his followers.

I imagine his supporters as folks who feel betrayed by our system of government. But their solution was to elect a petulant neophyte who tends to engage in every petty dispute. An individual not ashamed of punching down or swinging at every pitch. This lacks dignity and only serves to further divide an already divided nation.

Is the larger strategy divide and conquer? If so, conquer who? Other Americans?
These things I believe.

Trump and his supporters are cut from the same bolt of cloth. They believe to build themselves up, they must tear others down. The election is over. Has been for a year now. And yet the specter of Hillary Clinton lays at the front of their collective imagination. Democrats know that she lost. That is not the upsetting part.

The upsetting part is Trump won. Any of the other 16 Republican candidates would have been accepted and respected as they did not display the reprehensible characteristics Trump has. We Americans who do not share your disposition and character are deeply embarrassed and shamed by his comportment. As is the rest of the world.

Call me a snowflake, call me a Libtards. I don't care. I am secure enough in my maturity not to be offended by manecalling and second grade level bullying. Rather, I pity those who fail to craft an effective argument.

I want to know what are Trump's virtues. What makes him an admirable person. A person worthy of respect. Please list them so I might have a better understanding of him and his followers.

I imagine his supporters as folks who feel betrayed by our system of government. But their solution was to elect a petulant neophyte who tends to engage in every petty dispute. An individual not ashamed of punching down or swinging at every pitch. This lacks dignity and only serves to further divide an already divided nation.

Is the larger strategy divide and conquer? If so, conquer who? Other Americans?

So, if she weren't running for election you would be OK with prosecuting her for her crimes. But because she lost you want to give her a pass. Is that accurate?
These things I believe.

Trump and his supporters are cut from the same bolt of cloth. They believe to build themselves up, they must tear others down. The election is over. Has been for a year now. And yet the specter of Hillary Clinton lays at the front of their collective imagination. Democrats know that she lost. That is not the upsetting part.

The upsetting part is Trump won. Any of the other 16 Republican candidates would have been accepted and respected as they did not display the reprehensible characteristics Trump has. We Americans who do not share your disposition and character are deeply embarrassed and shamed by his comportment. As is the rest of the world.

Call me a snowflake, call me a Libtards. I don't care. I am secure enough in my maturity not to be offended by manecalling and second grade level bullying. Rather, I pity those who fail to craft an effective argument.

I want to know what are Trump's virtues. What makes him an admirable person. A person worthy of respect. Please list them so I might have a better understanding of him and his followers.

I imagine his supporters as folks who feel betrayed by our system of government. But their solution was to elect a petulant neophyte who tends to engage in every petty dispute. An individual not ashamed of punching down or swinging at every pitch. This lacks dignity and only serves to further divide an already divided nation.

Is the larger strategy divide and conquer? If so, conquer who? Other Americans?

So, if she weren't running for election you would be OK with prosecuting her for her crimes. But because she lost you want to give her a pass. Is that accurate?
Her crimes, real or alleged are irrelevant. The danger is what Teump and his character flaws daring to our society.

If Sec. Clinton broke the law, I trust the justice system to act responsibly. What I have no trust is is Trump acting responsibly.

Forget Hillary. She lost. But can you accept Trump and his petulance to be a responsible leader?
These things I believe.

Trump and his supporters are cut from the same bolt of cloth. They believe to build themselves up, they must tear others down. The election is over. Has been for a year now. And yet the specter of Hillary Clinton lays at the front of their collective imagination. Democrats know that she lost. That is not the upsetting part.

The upsetting part is Trump won. Any of the other 16 Republican candidates would have been accepted and respected as they did not display the reprehensible characteristics Trump has. We Americans who do not share your disposition and character are deeply embarrassed and shamed by his comportment. As is the rest of the world.

Call me a snowflake, call me a Libtards. I don't care. I am secure enough in my maturity not to be offended by manecalling and second grade level bullying. Rather, I pity those who fail to craft an effective argument.

I want to know what are Trump's virtues. What makes him an admirable person. A person worthy of respect. Please list them so I might have a better understanding of him and his followers.

I imagine his supporters as folks who feel betrayed by our system of government. But their solution was to elect a petulant neophyte who tends to engage in every petty dispute. An individual not ashamed of punching down or swinging at every pitch. This lacks dignity and only serves to further divide an already divided nation.

Is the larger strategy divide and conquer? If so, conquer who? Other Americans?

So, if she weren't running for election you would be OK with prosecuting her for her crimes. But because she lost you want to give her a pass. Is that accurate?
Her crimes, real or alleged are irrelevant. The danger is what Teump and his character flaws daring to our society.

If Sec. Clinton broke the law, I trust the justice system to act responsibly. What I have no trust is is Trump acting responsibly.

Forget Hillary. She lost. But can you accept Trump and his petulance to be a responsible leader?

The danger is from the progressives who have sold our country out to your hero pootin. There is ZERO evidence that trump has done anything wrong. There is LOADS of evidence that obummer, shrilary, wasserman schulz, and a whole bevy of progressive leaders, have.
These things I believe.

Trump and his supporters are cut from the same bolt of cloth. They believe to build themselves up, they must tear others down. The election is over. Has been for a year now. And yet the specter of Hillary Clinton lays at the front of their collective imagination. Democrats know that she lost. That is not the upsetting part.

The upsetting part is Trump won. Any of the other 16 Republican candidates would have been accepted and respected as they did not display the reprehensible characteristics Trump has. We Americans who do not share your disposition and character are deeply embarrassed and shamed by his comportment. As is the rest of the world.

Call me a snowflake, call me a Libtards. I don't care. I am secure enough in my maturity not to be offended by manecalling and second grade level bullying. Rather, I pity those who fail to craft an effective argument.

I want to know what are Trump's virtues. What makes him an admirable person. A person worthy of respect. Please list them so I might have a better understanding of him and his followers.

I imagine his supporters as folks who feel betrayed by our system of government. But their solution was to elect a petulant neophyte who tends to engage in every petty dispute. An individual not ashamed of punching down or swinging at every pitch. This lacks dignity and only serves to further divide an already divided nation.

Is the larger strategy divide and conquer? If so, conquer who? Other Americans?

So, if she weren't running for election you would be OK with prosecuting her for her crimes. But because she lost you want to give her a pass. Is that accurate?
Her crimes, real or alleged are irrelevant. The danger is what Teump and his character flaws daring to our society.

If Sec. Clinton broke the law, I trust the justice system to act responsibly. What I have no trust is is Trump acting responsibly.

Forget Hillary. She lost. But can you accept Trump and his petulance to be a responsible leader?

The danger is from the progressives who have sold our country out to your hero pootin. There is ZERO evidence that trump has done anything wrong. There is LOADS of evidence that obummer, shrilary, wasserman schulz, and a whole bevy of progressive leaders, have.
Okay. When partisanship crowds out reason...
...Would you spend any time talking about the people whom you defeated in the contest?

I would not because, having won, the fitting place for people to focus their attention is on my accomplishments and subsequent pursuits, not on my competitors. To wit, aside from saying something like "they put up a good fight," do Super Bowl winners talk about what the other team did? Do any competitors in any event regularly and months and months later bring up, as the focus of a discussion, their competitors performance? Not that comes to mind. Instead they talk about what they are going to do going forward. Yet that is exactly what Donald Trump has been doing non-stop since having almost a year ago won the 2016 presidential election.

And what is there to come of it?
What his talking about someone and something other than governance and policy accomplishes just one thing. It's distracts attention from the performance of that which he and Congress are supposed to be doing. Of course, when there are few to no substantive merits in one's ideas, discussing anything other than one's own policy proposals, and one's efforts to effect them, reduces the time people have to discuss the dearth of merit one's intentions have.

Sure, why not?

I won a contest and one of the people I beat was a well known professional in this area and had worked with Picasso.

Why wouldn't I be proud to have beat someone like that?
These things I believe.

Trump and his supporters are cut from the same bolt of cloth. They believe to build themselves up, they must tear others down. The election is over. Has been for a year now. And yet the specter of Hillary Clinton lays at the front of their collective imagination. Democrats know that she lost. That is not the upsetting part.

The upsetting part is Trump won. Any of the other 16 Republican candidates would have been accepted and respected as they did not display the reprehensible characteristics Trump has. We Americans who do not share your disposition and character are deeply embarrassed and shamed by his comportment. As is the rest of the world.

Call me a snowflake, call me a Libtards. I don't care. I am secure enough in my maturity not to be offended by manecalling and second grade level bullying. Rather, I pity those who fail to craft an effective argument.

I want to know what are Trump's virtues. What makes him an admirable person. A person worthy of respect. Please list them so I might have a better understanding of him and his followers.

I imagine his supporters as folks who feel betrayed by our system of government. But their solution was to elect a petulant neophyte who tends to engage in every petty dispute. An individual not ashamed of punching down or swinging at every pitch. This lacks dignity and only serves to further divide an already divided nation.

Is the larger strategy divide and conquer? If so, conquer who? Other Americans?

So, if she weren't running for election you would be OK with prosecuting her for her crimes. But because she lost you want to give her a pass. Is that accurate?
Her crimes, real or alleged are irrelevant. The danger is what Teump and his character flaws daring to our society.

If Sec. Clinton broke the law, I trust the justice system to act responsibly. What I have no trust is is Trump acting responsibly.

Forget Hillary. She lost. But can you accept Trump and his petulance to be a responsible leader?

No crime, especially those committed by people in high office is irrelevant. We have already seen the system is NOT working properly. We have already seen the system perverted for her goals and real people have suffered from her actions. I submit that it is ESSENTIAL that her crimes be investigated truthfully (something that has been lacking these last three decades or so) and if indeed she has committed the crimes that we suspect her of she should be tried and imprisoned.
These things I believe.

Trump and his supporters are cut from the same bolt of cloth. They believe to build themselves up, they must tear others down. The election is over. Has been for a year now. And yet the specter of Hillary Clinton lays at the front of their collective imagination. Democrats know that she lost. That is not the upsetting part.

The upsetting part is Trump won. Any of the other 16 Republican candidates would have been accepted and respected as they did not display the reprehensible characteristics Trump has. We Americans who do not share your disposition and character are deeply embarrassed and shamed by his comportment. As is the rest of the world.

Call me a snowflake, call me a Libtards. I don't care. I am secure enough in my maturity not to be offended by manecalling and second grade level bullying. Rather, I pity those who fail to craft an effective argument.

I want to know what are Trump's virtues. What makes him an admirable person. A person worthy of respect. Please list them so I might have a better understanding of him and his followers.

I imagine his supporters as folks who feel betrayed by our system of government. But their solution was to elect a petulant neophyte who tends to engage in every petty dispute. An individual not ashamed of punching down or swinging at every pitch. This lacks dignity and only serves to further divide an already divided nation.

Is the larger strategy divide and conquer? If so, conquer who? Other Americans?

So, if she weren't running for election you would be OK with prosecuting her for her crimes. But because she lost you want to give her a pass. Is that accurate?
Her crimes, real or alleged are irrelevant. The danger is what Teump and his character flaws daring to our society.

If Sec. Clinton broke the law, I trust the justice system to act responsibly.

It has already failed in that regard, in several instances.
...Would you spend any time talking about the people whom you defeated in the contest?

I would not because, having won, the fitting place for people to focus their attention is on my accomplishments and subsequent pursuits, not on my competitors. To wit, aside from saying something like "they put up a good fight," do Super Bowl winners talk about what the other team did? Do any competitors in any event regularly and months and months later bring up, as the focus of a discussion, their competitors performance? Not that comes to mind. Instead they talk about what they are going to do going forward. Yet that is exactly what Donald Trump has been doing non-stop since having almost a year ago won the 2016 presidential election.

And what is there to come of it?
What his talking about someone and something other than governance and policy accomplishes just one thing. It's distracts attention from the performance of that which he and Congress are supposed to be doing. Of course, when there are few to no substantive merits in one's ideas, discussing anything other than one's own policy proposals, and one's efforts to effect them, reduces the time people have to discuss the dearth of merit one's intentions have.

Depends on if they were engaged in criminal activities. If the answer to that is "yes", then I would be going after them hook line and sinker.

Running around claiming you beat Clinton in the popular vote is going after criminal activities?
These things I believe.

Trump and his supporters are cut from the same bolt of cloth. They believe to build themselves up, they must tear others down. The election is over. Has been for a year now. And yet the specter of Hillary Clinton lays at the front of their collective imagination. Democrats know that she lost. That is not the upsetting part.

The upsetting part is Trump won. Any of the other 16 Republican candidates would have been accepted and respected as they did not display the reprehensible characteristics Trump has. We Americans who do not share your disposition and character are deeply embarrassed and shamed by his comportment. As is the rest of the world.

Call me a snowflake, call me a Libtards. I don't care. I am secure enough in my maturity not to be offended by manecalling and second grade level bullying. Rather, I pity those who fail to craft an effective argument.

I want to know what are Trump's virtues. What makes him an admirable person. A person worthy of respect. Please list them so I might have a better understanding of him and his followers.

I imagine his supporters as folks who feel betrayed by our system of government. But their solution was to elect a petulant neophyte who tends to engage in every petty dispute. An individual not ashamed of punching down or swinging at every pitch. This lacks dignity and only serves to further divide an already divided nation.

Is the larger strategy divide and conquer? If so, conquer who? Other Americans?

So, if she weren't running for election you would be OK with prosecuting her for her crimes. But because she lost you want to give her a pass. Is that accurate?
Her crimes, real or alleged are irrelevant. The danger is what Teump and his character flaws daring to our society.

If Sec. Clinton broke the law, I trust the justice system to act responsibly. What I have no trust is is Trump acting responsibly.

Forget Hillary. She lost. But can you accept Trump and his petulance to be a responsible leader?

No crime, especially those committed by people in high office is irrelevant. We have already seen the system is NOT working properly. We have already seen the system perverted for her goals and real people have suffered from her actions. I submit that it is ESSENTIAL that her crimes be investigated truthfully (something that has been lacking these last three decades or so) and if indeed she has committed the crimes that we suspect her of she should be tried and imprisoned.
A partisan viewpoint maintains that you would rather have Sec. Clinton twisting in the breeze than have Trump behave more presidentially. You yearn to prosecute your rival than investigate Trump. You would gleefully investigate Sec. Clinton and excuse Trump.

These things I believe.

Trump and his supporters are cut from the same bolt of cloth. They believe to build themselves up, they must tear others down. The election is over. Has been for a year now. And yet the specter of Hillary Clinton lays at the front of their collective imagination. Democrats know that she lost. That is not the upsetting part.

The upsetting part is Trump won. Any of the other 16 Republican candidates would have been accepted and respected as they did not display the reprehensible characteristics Trump has. We Americans who do not share your disposition and character are deeply embarrassed and shamed by his comportment. As is the rest of the world.

Call me a snowflake, call me a Libtards. I don't care. I am secure enough in my maturity not to be offended by manecalling and second grade level bullying. Rather, I pity those who fail to craft an effective argument.

I want to know what are Trump's virtues. What makes him an admirable person. A person worthy of respect. Please list them so I might have a better understanding of him and his followers.

I imagine his supporters as folks who feel betrayed by our system of government. But their solution was to elect a petulant neophyte who tends to engage in every petty dispute. An individual not ashamed of punching down or swinging at every pitch. This lacks dignity and only serves to further divide an already divided nation.

Is the larger strategy divide and conquer? If so, conquer who? Other Americans?

So, if she weren't running for election you would be OK with prosecuting her for her crimes. But because she lost you want to give her a pass. Is that accurate?
Her crimes, real or alleged are irrelevant. The danger is what Teump and his character flaws daring to our society.

If Sec. Clinton broke the law, I trust the justice system to act responsibly. What I have no trust is is Trump acting responsibly.

Forget Hillary. She lost. But can you accept Trump and his petulance to be a responsible leader?

The danger is from the progressives who have sold our country out to your hero pootin. There is ZERO evidence that trump has done anything wrong. There is LOADS of evidence that obummer, shrilary, wasserman schulz, and a whole bevy of progressive leaders, have.
You say that, and yet the first charges have come down from the Mueller investigation. Let's see what LOADS of actual evidence we hear about now. I'm not saying it will have anything to do with Trump, but trying to put a spotlight on the losers of the election out of sheer inability to combat this mess any other way is embarrassingly pathetic.
These things I believe.

Trump and his supporters are cut from the same bolt of cloth. They believe to build themselves up, they must tear others down. The election is over. Has been for a year now. And yet the specter of Hillary Clinton lays at the front of their collective imagination. Democrats know that she lost. That is not the upsetting part.

The upsetting part is Trump won. Any of the other 16 Republican candidates would have been accepted and respected as they did not display the reprehensible characteristics Trump has. We Americans who do not share your disposition and character are deeply embarrassed and shamed by his comportment. As is the rest of the world.

Call me a snowflake, call me a Libtards. I don't care. I am secure enough in my maturity not to be offended by manecalling and second grade level bullying. Rather, I pity those who fail to craft an effective argument.

I want to know what are Trump's virtues. What makes him an admirable person. A person worthy of respect. Please list them so I might have a better understanding of him and his followers.

I imagine his supporters as folks who feel betrayed by our system of government. But their solution was to elect a petulant neophyte who tends to engage in every petty dispute. An individual not ashamed of punching down or swinging at every pitch. This lacks dignity and only serves to further divide an already divided nation.

Is the larger strategy divide and conquer? If so, conquer who? Other Americans?

So, if she weren't running for election you would be OK with prosecuting her for her crimes. But because she lost you want to give her a pass. Is that accurate?
Her crimes, real or alleged are irrelevant. The danger is what Teump and his character flaws daring to our society.

If Sec. Clinton broke the law, I trust the justice system to act responsibly. What I have no trust is is Trump acting responsibly.

Forget Hillary. She lost. But can you accept Trump and his petulance to be a responsible leader?

The danger is from the progressives who have sold our country out to your hero pootin. There is ZERO evidence that trump has done anything wrong. There is LOADS of evidence that obummer, shrilary, wasserman schulz, and a whole bevy of progressive leaders, have.
You say that, and yet the first charges have come down from the Mueller investigation. Let's see what LOADS of actual evidence we hear about now. I'm not saying it will have anything to do with Trump, but trying to put a spotlight on the losers of the election out of sheer inability to combat this mess any other way is embarrassingly pathetic.

Has the target of the indictment been named yet? As far as I know no one knows who it is. And, for the record, it is well known that any special investigator can figure out a crime. It is almost impossible for them not to. But, it's not the short race that matters. it is the long race that does, and the tiles are being placed right now for a huge corruption case against the entire obummer admin.

I hope that it is followed through with.

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