If You Work Hard, Pay Taxes, Defend Your Country and Go to Church on Sunday...Democrats Hate You

It is being financed by debt. Simple income redistribution for the rich, that the poor get to make installment payments on, as the Peoples' debt.

As has been mentioned a number of times, feel free to send in more.
In other words, the right wing really has no problem with the socialism of income redistribution. Y'all just like to complain about it when the poor may benefit.

If you want to complain about taxes going down, send in more...dumbass.
Wages could be going up so it seems like taxes are going down, with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

Yeah sure, that sounds like some of that Obama math.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage helps with social costs.
As has been mentioned a number of times, feel free to send in more.
In other words, the right wing really has no problem with the socialism of income redistribution. Y'all just like to complain about it when the poor may benefit.

If you want to complain about taxes going down, send in more...dumbass.
Wages could be going up so it seems like taxes are going down, with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

Yeah sure, that sounds like some of that Obama math.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage helps with social costs.

How do you figure that? And what is a social cost?
What would senator Jesus do? Vote against Obamacare ? Vote against the chip program?

Lol. You fake Cristians are the worst .

You liberals are retarded.

obama care is a failing joke.....

Trump gave you a choice...

Jesus wouldn't vote to close down Charter Schools

to help his union thug buddies.
You are retarded. Charted schools suck. Teachers are considered thugs? How about cops, they are unionized? Obama care slowed down cost increases and insured 25 million more peo[ple than before. You conned repugs belive any thing fox news, bright bart, or your coporate masters tell you. Further more you tend to be inbreed ignoramuses. Most of you are shaking in your boots cowards that can not tell thier ass from a the Grand Canyon. You likely smell like that fish you are holding.. You would not know what a thug was if he hit you in the head. You are not even people you are nothing but parrots spouting what your coporate masters tell you to.

You are dumber than a sack of dog shit...

The teachers unions are ran by thugs...

Public schools are for the most part a total failure

when compared to private schools...

Health care cost went up under obamacare

What Trump has done by killing the mandate is

now you have a choice.You are not forced to

buy things you may not need or want.

You are an ignorant bigot without a clue

that can't spell for shit....

Try using spell check so you don't look so stupid.
You said charter school not private. Do you know the difference? Evidently not! Public schools pretty much built the most powerfull country on the planet so evidently not such a faliure like your argument. Health care costs have risen every year for a very long time.Obama care prices rose at a slower rate thanbefore it existed. Health care costs continue to rise and will for ever for as long as you and your ilk are owned by big pharma. I am obvously smarter than a sack of dog shit, I am beating one at an argument right now, you.

Charter or Private both beat public schools...

Public Schools were fine until they were infested

with liberals more concerned about the unions

well being than the kids.

obama care sucks, get a clue...

You are not winning any argument...

Your spelling proves you are not that bright...

Take my advice, you need spell check dumb ass....
Charter schools do not beet public you buffon look up performance records dumb fuck. Actually it was the profit above all attitude of the corporations that started the slide int publioc schools. You see profit above all attitudes of conned repugs have caused the dumbing of america. Thge text books our system were using had so many mistakes in them they started to not make sense, but those text book companies had to sell more text books so they kept putting out new versions with more and more mistakes and never fixed them. Gotta love that profit above all attitude, no quality and n morals comes from it. I have a fucking secretary for spelling dumb fuck. I worry about critical thinking skills which you hafe none. You have no argument only opinions, so go fuck your self.
In other words, the right wing really has no problem with the socialism of income redistribution. Y'all just like to complain about it when the poor may benefit.

If you want to complain about taxes going down, send in more...dumbass.
Wages could be going up so it seems like taxes are going down, with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

Yeah sure, that sounds like some of that Obama math.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage helps with social costs.

How do you figure that? And what is a social cost?
People working for higher pay need less government services.
If you want to complain about taxes going down, send in more...dumbass.
Wages could be going up so it seems like taxes are going down, with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

Yeah sure, that sounds like some of that Obama math.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage helps with social costs.

How do you figure that? And what is a social cost?
People working for higher pay need less government services.

I understand what you're trying to say, unfortunately with higher minimum hourly rates comes higher consumer prices. Which means you would end up at the same place you started, if not further back.
You liberals are retarded.

obama care is a failing joke.....

Trump gave you a choice...

Jesus wouldn't vote to close down Charter Schools

to help his union thug buddies.
You are retarded. Charted schools suck. Teachers are considered thugs? How about cops, they are unionized? Obama care slowed down cost increases and insured 25 million more peo[ple than before. You conned repugs belive any thing fox news, bright bart, or your coporate masters tell you. Further more you tend to be inbreed ignoramuses. Most of you are shaking in your boots cowards that can not tell thier ass from a the Grand Canyon. You likely smell like that fish you are holding.. You would not know what a thug was if he hit you in the head. You are not even people you are nothing but parrots spouting what your coporate masters tell you to.

You are dumber than a sack of dog shit...

The teachers unions are ran by thugs...

Public schools are for the most part a total failure

when compared to private schools...

Health care cost went up under obamacare

What Trump has done by killing the mandate is

now you have a choice.You are not forced to

buy things you may not need or want.

You are an ignorant bigot without a clue

that can't spell for shit....

Try using spell check so you don't look so stupid.
You said charter school not private. Do you know the difference? Evidently not! Public schools pretty much built the most powerfull country on the planet so evidently not such a faliure like your argument. Health care costs have risen every year for a very long time.Obama care prices rose at a slower rate thanbefore it existed. Health care costs continue to rise and will for ever for as long as you and your ilk are owned by big pharma. I am obvously smarter than a sack of dog shit, I am beating one at an argument right now, you.

Charter or Private both beat public schools...

Public Schools were fine until they were infested

with liberals more concerned about the unions

well being than the kids.

obama care sucks, get a clue...

You are not winning any argument...

Your spelling proves you are not that bright...

Take my advice, you need spell check dumb ass....
Charter schools do not beet public you buffon look up performance records dumb fuck. Actually it was the profit above all attitude of the corporations that started the slide int publioc schools. You see profit above all attitudes of conned repugs have caused the dumbing of america. Thge text books our system were using had so many mistakes in them they started to not make sense, but those text book companies had to sell more text books so they kept putting out new versions with more and more mistakes and never fixed them. Gotta love that profit above all attitude, no quality and n morals comes from it. I have a fucking secretary for spelling dumb fuck. I worry about critical thinking skills which you hafe none. You have no argument only opinions, so go fuck your self.

Rave on you idiot....

You need spell check dip shit:dance:
Maybe maybe not...wtf difference does that make?
Because if you don't, you're nothing but a government leech screaming from the rafters.
Some of us own our own businesses; so what pejorative descibes us?

I dont know what gives you the notion that $100k+ democrats are an anamoly. Although Warren Buffet, the Obamas, and other highly visible known democrat celebrities should suffice to hush you up. However I'll wait to see your response.

The highly known democrat celebrities

aren't an anomaly, it's all of the suckers

that look up to them that happen to become

successful. We all know the vast majority

of your base is made up of the not so successful

that you manipulate for votes with goodies,

class warfare and racism.

To be honest...both parties are controlled by wealthy politicians. IMHO, those making. 100k or less might register for one party or the other but they dont all vote by party affiliation. That's how the obstructionist draco ian bahs-turds known as the. GOP, got back in power after nearly deztroyi g the economy.
Wages could be going up so it seems like taxes are going down, with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

Yeah sure, that sounds like some of that Obama math.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage helps with social costs.

How do you figure that? And what is a social cost?
People working for higher pay need less government services.

I understand what you're trying to say, unfortunately with higher minimum hourly rates comes higher consumer prices. Which means you would end up at the same place you started, if not further back.
Wages should outpace inflation, regardless.

However, right wing panic about wage inflation is unjustified.

It should be less than five percent, in any worse case scenario.
Sadly, that does sum up most Democrats. What happened to that Party? When and why did it become so Un-American?
Yeah sure, that sounds like some of that Obama math.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage helps with social costs.

How do you figure that? And what is a social cost?
People working for higher pay need less government services.

I understand what you're trying to say, unfortunately with higher minimum hourly rates comes higher consumer prices. Which means you would end up at the same place you started, if not further back.
Wages should outpace inflation, regardless.

However, right wing panic about wage inflation is unjustified.

It should be less than five percent, in any worse case scenario.

Wages should outpace inflation?? How do you justify that. If you were getting $10/hour and it's bumped to $15/hour, where do think your employer would get the money?
Democrat's base are welfare queens, queers, stupid Moon Bats and illegals. Real Americans need not apply.
You liberals are retarded.

obama care is a failing joke.....

Trump gave you a choice...

Jesus wouldn't vote to close down Charter Schools

to help his union thug buddies.
You are retarded. Charted schools suck. Teachers are considered thugs? How about cops, they are unionized? Obama care slowed down cost increases and insured 25 million more peo[ple than before. You conned repugs belive any thing fox news, bright bart, or your coporate masters tell you. Further more you tend to be inbreed ignoramuses. Most of you are shaking in your boots cowards that can not tell thier ass from a the Grand Canyon. You likely smell like that fish you are holding.. You would not know what a thug was if he hit you in the head. You are not even people you are nothing but parrots spouting what your coporate masters tell you to.

You are dumber than a sack of dog shit...

The teachers unions are ran by thugs...

Public schools are for the most part a total failure

when compared to private schools...

Health care cost went up under obamacare

What Trump has done by killing the mandate is

now you have a choice.You are not forced to

buy things you may not need or want.

You are an ignorant bigot without a clue

that can't spell for shit....

Try using spell check so you don't look so stupid.
You said charter school not private. Do you know the difference? Evidently not! Public schools pretty much built the most powerfull country on the planet so evidently not such a faliure like your argument. Health care costs have risen every year for a very long time.Obama care prices rose at a slower rate thanbefore it existed. Health care costs continue to rise and will for ever for as long as you and your ilk are owned by big pharma. I am obvously smarter than a sack of dog shit, I am beating one at an argument right now, you.

Charter or Private both beat public schools...

Public Schools were fine until they were infested

with liberals more concerned about the unions

well being than the kids.

obama care sucks, get a clue...

You are not winning any argument...

Your spelling proves you are not that bright...

Take my advice, you need spell check dumb ass....
Charter schools do not beet public you buffon look up performance records dumb fuck. Actually it was the profit above all attitude of the corporations that started the slide int publioc schools. You see profit above all attitudes of conned repugs have caused the dumbing of america. Thge text books our system were using had so many mistakes in them they started to not make sense, but those text book companies had to sell more text books so they kept putting out new versions with more and more mistakes and never fixed them. Gotta love that profit above all attitude, no quality and n morals comes from it. I have a fucking secretary for spelling dumb fuck. I worry about critical thinking skills which you hafe none. You have no argument only opinions, so go fuck your self.

I just had to revisit this...

You "beet" all...

You spell like a 3rd grader...

Tell me how did corporations start the

slide in "publioc" schools?

So you have a secretary for spell check?

She checks your emails?

Who are you? Milburn Drysdale...

You wouldn't know a critical thought if

it bit you in the ass..

So go intercourse yourself............
If you want to complain about taxes going down, send in more...dumbass.
Wages could be going up so it seems like taxes are going down, with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

Yeah sure, that sounds like some of that Obama math.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage helps with social costs.

How do you figure that? And what is a social cost?
People working for higher pay need less government services.

I disagree.

For example: Who uses airports ? Higher pay people . Look at how much public money goes into maintaining and securing air travel ?

I swear , cons act like rich people get nothing out of this country .
Democrat's base are welfare queens, queers, stupid Moon Bats and illegals. Real Americans need not apply.

News flash . “Welfare queens” and illegals don’t vote .

People vote dem because they can’t stand conservatives and their racism .
Wages could be going up so it seems like taxes are going down, with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

Yeah sure, that sounds like some of that Obama math.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage helps with social costs.

How do you figure that? And what is a social cost?
People working for higher pay need less government services.

I disagree.

For example: Who uses airports ? Higher pay people . Look at how much public money goes into maintaining and securing air travel ?

I swear , cons act like rich people get nothing out of this country .
That public policy is capital intensive. The right wing loves to privatize government functions and make a profit.

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