If You Work Hard, Pay Taxes, Defend Your Country and Go to Church on Sunday...Democrats Hate You

The highly known democrat celebrities

aren't an anomaly, it's all of the suckers

that look up to them that happen to become

successful. We all know the vast majority

of your base is made up of the not so successful

that you manipulate for votes with goodies,

class warfare and racism.

Really? Cause all I’ve seen is the gop bragging about the “goodies” in their tax plan.

I will admit that...

But the fact is it's our money in the first place.

It's not taking something from someone and

giving it to someone else.

Yeah. But while they gave temporary crumbs to the working class , they gave a permanent feast to big biz and the Uber wealthy .

Total shell game.
“Temporary crumbs...”Lol! Your just a working class hero. Working class died in late 1990’s and early 2000 when manufacturing jobs left our nation to China and Mexico. That War is over...working class lost. Now I have two choices...give my money to rich white guys...or people like Black Lives Matter welfare recipients who want to kill cops and all white people. Fuck it. I’ll chance the rich white guys...perhaps they and Trump can bring manufacturing back to America again.

True or false . The working class end of the tax cuts are temporary ?

Answer the question.
Tax cuts are great. Whole plan will run a course until 2029.
The highly known democrat celebrities

aren't an anomaly, it's all of the suckers

that look up to them that happen to become

successful. We all know the vast majority

of your base is made up of the not so successful

that you manipulate for votes with goodies,

class warfare and racism.

Really? Cause all I’ve seen is the gop bragging about the “goodies” in their tax plan.

I will admit that...

But the fact is it's our money in the first place.

It's not taking something from someone and

giving it to someone else.

Yeah. But while they gave temporary crumbs to the working class , they gave a permanent feast to big biz and the Uber wealthy .

Total shell game.

Class warfare and racism is all you have to offer....

Big Biz and the Uber Wealthy made this the

Greatest Country the earth has ever seen...

Our poor are fat with 60" TV screens and cell phones.

You socialist are the greatest threat to America...
The right wing are a bunch of socialists and don't know it. Only the right wing would have nothing but repeal for healthcare reform and help the rich get richer through lower taxes.
How is lowering taxes for every income bracket bad?
Small town Christian values do not play well in Washington D.C. with the big government establishment Democrats and their media puppets.
America is held hostage by flyover states

Well, to be exact liberalfilth feces hate ALL whites and ALL Americans regardless of what they do - whether working hard and going to church or not. Liberal hatemongering is right across the board for all Westerners regardless of what walk of life they come from. I pay may taxes but don't work particularly hard or go to church and liberalfilth hate me as much as they hate you. Violent liberal hate is much broader than you're implying.
The highly known democrat celebrities

aren't an anomaly, it's all of the suckers

that look up to them that happen to become

successful. We all know the vast majority

of your base is made up of the not so successful

that you manipulate for votes with goodies,

class warfare and racism.

Really? Cause all I’ve seen is the gop bragging about the “goodies” in their tax plan.

I will admit that...

But the fact is it's our money in the first place.

It's not taking something from someone and

giving it to someone else.

Yeah. But while they gave temporary crumbs to the working class , they gave a permanent feast to big biz and the Uber wealthy .

Total shell game.
“Temporary crumbs...”Lol! Your just a working class hero. Working class died in late 1990’s and early 2000 when manufacturing jobs left our nation to China and Mexico. That War is over...working class lost. Now I have two choices...give my money to rich white guys...or people like Black Lives Matter welfare recipients who want to kill cops and all white people. Fuck it. I’ll chance the rich white guys...perhaps they and Trump can bring manufacturing back to America again.

True or false . The working class end of the tax cuts are temporary ?

Answer the question.

That should make you liberals happy...

Please make up your mind...
Really? Cause all I’ve seen is the gop bragging about the “goodies” in their tax plan.

I will admit that...

But the fact is it's our money in the first place.

It's not taking something from someone and

giving it to someone else.

Yeah. But while they gave temporary crumbs to the working class , they gave a permanent feast to big biz and the Uber wealthy .

Total shell game.
“Temporary crumbs...”Lol! Your just a working class hero. Working class died in late 1990’s and early 2000 when manufacturing jobs left our nation to China and Mexico. That War is over...working class lost. Now I have two choices...give my money to rich white guys...or people like Black Lives Matter welfare recipients who want to kill cops and all white people. Fuck it. I’ll chance the rich white guys...perhaps they and Trump can bring manufacturing back to America again.

True or false . The working class end of the tax cuts are temporary ?

Answer the question.
Tax cuts are great.
And so is the $1.5 trillion this will add to our debt, right?
Really? Cause all I’ve seen is the gop bragging about the “goodies” in their tax plan.

I will admit that...

But the fact is it's our money in the first place.

It's not taking something from someone and

giving it to someone else.

Yeah. But while they gave temporary crumbs to the working class , they gave a permanent feast to big biz and the Uber wealthy .

Total shell game.

Class warfare and racism is all you have to offer....

Big Biz and the Uber Wealthy made this the

Greatest Country the earth has ever seen...

Our poor are fat with 60" TV screens and cell phones.

You socialist are the greatest threat to America...
The right wing are a bunch of socialists and don't know it. Only the right wing would have nothing but repeal for healthcare reform and help the rich get richer through lower taxes.
How is lowering taxes for every income bracket bad?
It is being financed by debt. Simple income redistribution for the rich, that the poor get to make installment payments on, as the Peoples' debt.
...and the Libtards squealing like insane little girls off their meds, engaging in Fear Mongering about how giving Americans more of their hard-earned money (for Democrats) equates to 'Armageddon'.

It's massive wealth redistribution. Money stolen from YOUR pockets and moved UP the income strata.

It is beyond bizarre you have been so dumbed down that you tards actually defend the system which is robbing you blind.
I will admit that...

But the fact is it's our money in the first place.

It's not taking something from someone and

giving it to someone else.

Yeah. But while they gave temporary crumbs to the working class , they gave a permanent feast to big biz and the Uber wealthy .

Total shell game.

Class warfare and racism is all you have to offer....

Big Biz and the Uber Wealthy made this the

Greatest Country the earth has ever seen...

Our poor are fat with 60" TV screens and cell phones.

You socialist are the greatest threat to America...
The right wing are a bunch of socialists and don't know it. Only the right wing would have nothing but repeal for healthcare reform and help the rich get richer through lower taxes.
How is lowering taxes for every income bracket bad?
It is being financed by debt. Simple income redistribution for the rich, that the poor get to make installment payments on, as the Peoples' debt.

As has been mentioned a number of times, feel free to send in more.
The hypocrisy of this topic was exposed in the first page.

There is nothing Christian about any of this bullshit.

The right wing is all about hate and more hate these days.
Here's some more hypocrisy which the tards have failed to notice.

Remember all the howling they did over Obama's trillion dollar "stimulus"? Remember who they went on and on and on about it?

Remember how they howled non-stop for eight years about the debt?

Suddenly, Trump's $1.5 TRILLION stimulus is the greatest thing in history!

And their very same propagandists who howled over the trillion dollar stimulus in the past are the biggest cheerleaders of this one.

Apparently the creeps have believed that trillion dollar stimulus packages worked all along!
ALL Democrat Voters are bigots of one sort or another, and the Democrat Politicians know how to exploit their hate for votes.
They loath heartland Americans, Southerners, Midwesterners and suburbanites.
They either loath Christians or their fellow Christians.
Liberal Bigots have gone all they way to the Supreme Court several times to prevent White students from being admitted into college and White applicants from being hired or promoted.
The anti-Voting Rights Democrats block Voter ID laws so that Dems can vote multiple times and non-citizens can cancel-out the votes of White voters.
In general the Democrat Bigots loath mainstream society, wasps, average people, devote Christians, patriots, policemen, business owners, rich people, poor whites...........you could probably think of more
There has never been a shred of evidence to support your charges. Democrats, and people who vote for Democratic Party candidates, are as "mainstream" as anyone else. I don't know why you are referring to race at all, for example, but there has not been any evidence presented of any voter fraud, multiple voting, or voting by non-citizens. There has been nothing to suggest that Caucasian students are being turned away from colleges or that Caucasian applicants are being prevented from being hired or promoted. All of us Americans don't live in your made-up world. Democrats are Christians, too, but as much as I hate having to inform you of this, people who adhere to other faiths, and no faith, are also citizens of our country. This "suburbanite," with 35 years with the same company under her belt, made sure that I cast my vote for Northam in the Virginia election, as we don't need the likes of Gillespie running our state into the ground.
Yeah. But while they gave temporary crumbs to the working class , they gave a permanent feast to big biz and the Uber wealthy .

Total shell game.

Class warfare and racism is all you have to offer....

Big Biz and the Uber Wealthy made this the

Greatest Country the earth has ever seen...

Our poor are fat with 60" TV screens and cell phones.

You socialist are the greatest threat to America...
The right wing are a bunch of socialists and don't know it. Only the right wing would have nothing but repeal for healthcare reform and help the rich get richer through lower taxes.
How is lowering taxes for every income bracket bad?
It is being financed by debt. Simple income redistribution for the rich, that the poor get to make installment payments on, as the Peoples' debt.

As has been mentioned a number of times, feel free to send in more.
In other words, the right wing really has no problem with the socialism of income redistribution. Y'all just like to complain about it when the poor may benefit.
Class warfare and racism is all you have to offer....

Big Biz and the Uber Wealthy made this the

Greatest Country the earth has ever seen...

Our poor are fat with 60" TV screens and cell phones.

You socialist are the greatest threat to America...
The right wing are a bunch of socialists and don't know it. Only the right wing would have nothing but repeal for healthcare reform and help the rich get richer through lower taxes.
How is lowering taxes for every income bracket bad?
It is being financed by debt. Simple income redistribution for the rich, that the poor get to make installment payments on, as the Peoples' debt.

As has been mentioned a number of times, feel free to send in more.
In other words, the right wing really has no problem with the socialism of income redistribution. Y'all just like to complain about it when the poor may benefit.

If you want to complain about taxes going down, send in more...dumbass.
Then you don't know many college kids..

I deal with college students all the time in my work, we have seven colleges within two hours of us and they get dumber every year. They don’t comprehend what they read and then want others to find the solutions for their inability to understand simple English.
Then they are not much different than grads from 20-40 years ago..

You are either on drugs or

your lobotomy hasn't healed up yet.
Both, but after going to college courses spaning from 1979 until 1997 I can concur you suck...
Professional college bum...now living in mom and dads basement with a degree in “recreation sciences.”
Hey cocksucker, I've not lived at home since 1978..You maybe a worthless ass muncher but not I......I understand you were a soldier, evidently not much of one with you 'tude...I had three MOS's while I did time in the Army....and my parents are dead stupid bitch...
The right wing are a bunch of socialists and don't know it. Only the right wing would have nothing but repeal for healthcare reform and help the rich get richer through lower taxes.
How is lowering taxes for every income bracket bad?
It is being financed by debt. Simple income redistribution for the rich, that the poor get to make installment payments on, as the Peoples' debt.

As has been mentioned a number of times, feel free to send in more.
In other words, the right wing really has no problem with the socialism of income redistribution. Y'all just like to complain about it when the poor may benefit.

If you want to complain about taxes going down, send in more...dumbass.
Wages could be going up so it seems like taxes are going down, with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.
How is lowering taxes for every income bracket bad?
It is being financed by debt. Simple income redistribution for the rich, that the poor get to make installment payments on, as the Peoples' debt.

As has been mentioned a number of times, feel free to send in more.
In other words, the right wing really has no problem with the socialism of income redistribution. Y'all just like to complain about it when the poor may benefit.

If you want to complain about taxes going down, send in more...dumbass.
Wages could be going up so it seems like taxes are going down, with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

Yeah sure, that sounds like some of that Obama math.

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