If You Work Hard, Pay Taxes, Defend Your Country and Go to Church on Sunday...Democrats Hate You

Maybe maybe not...wtf difference does that make?
Because if you don't, you're nothing but a government leech screaming from the rafters.
Some of us own our own businesses; so what pejorative descibes us?

How so?
Infanticide is societies business.
But the USSC HAS ruled that fetus- cide is legal. I dontne essarily agree with that but people , for various reasons, decide to take advantage of the law. No longer do women have to seek abortions in some creepy filthy back alley like many did before.often both the mother and the fetus died.
Small town Christian values do not play well in Washington D.C. with the big government establishment Democrats and their media puppets.
America is held hostage by flyover states
What a true dumb fuck you are. My dd214 says honorable. On base in uniform, when we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba. Volunteered, not drafted. I have worked in Maintenance as a Millwright for over 50 years, and am still working in that trade at 74. For the last 12 years, I have cracked 100k every year save 2009. I pay taxes.And anyone that knows anything about what that trade does, know that the physical and mental work are challenging. Church? No, no need of it.

And I am a Democrat. I simply could not vote for a party that despises education, is anti-science, and willing to pollute the whole damned planet for a buck. Yes, the GOP has become an object of contempt both here and internationally.

You are a lucky man to still be going

strong at 74. I use to think that I would

keep working too, but I have recently

decided to retire at 66 and 4 and

live happily ever after.

You are wrong about the Right despising

education, we just know there's a better way.

Just look at the results of doing it the lefts way..

We have college kids that don't know who

won the civil war..

The Right is not anti science, we just don't like

seeing it twisted to push the liberal agenda...

Man made Climate Change is bull shit.

Carbon Credits, give me a friggin break..

It's the left that has destroyed Countries

and killed millions..

In a sane world the contempt would be directed them....
Then you don't know many college kids..

I deal with college students all the time in my work, we have seven colleges within two hours of us and they get dumber every year. They don’t comprehend what they read and then want others to find the solutions for their inability to understand simple English.
Then they are not much different than grads from 20-40 years ago..

You are either on drugs or

your lobotomy hasn't healed up yet.
What a true dumb fuck you are. My dd214 says honorable. On base in uniform, when we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba. Volunteered, not drafted. I have worked in Maintenance as a Millwright for over 50 years, and am still working in that trade at 74. For the last 12 years, I have cracked 100k every year save 2009. I pay taxes.And anyone that knows anything about what that trade does, know that the physical and mental work are challenging. Church? No, no need of it.

And I am a Democrat. I simply could not vote for a party that despises education, is anti-science, and willing to pollute the whole damned planet for a buck. Yes, the GOP has become an object of contempt both here and internationally.

You are a lucky man to still be going

strong at 74. I use to think that I would

keep working too, but I have recently

decided to retire at 66 and 4 and

live happily ever after.

You are wrong about the Right despising

education, we just know there's a better way.

Just look at the results of doing it the lefts way..

We have college kids that don't know who

won the civil war..

The Right is not anti science, we just don't like

seeing it twisted to push the liberal agenda...

Man made Climate Change is bull shit.

Carbon Credits, give me a friggin break..

It's the left that has destroyed Countries

and killed millions..

In a sane world the contempt would be directed them....
Then you don't know many college kids..

I deal with college students all the time in my work, we have seven colleges within two hours of us and they get dumber every year. They don’t comprehend what they read and then want others to find the solutions for their inability to understand simple English.
Then they are not much different than grads from 20-40 years ago..

You are either on drugs or

your lobotomy hasn't healed up yet.
Both, but after going to college courses spaning from 1979 until 1997 I can concur you suck...
You are a lucky man to still be going

strong at 74. I use to think that I would

keep working too, but I have recently

decided to retire at 66 and 4 and

live happily ever after.

You are wrong about the Right despising

education, we just know there's a better way.

Just look at the results of doing it the lefts way..

We have college kids that don't know who

won the civil war..

The Right is not anti science, we just don't like

seeing it twisted to push the liberal agenda...

Man made Climate Change is bull shit.

Carbon Credits, give me a friggin break..

It's the left that has destroyed Countries

and killed millions..

In a sane world the contempt would be directed them....
Then you don't know many college kids..

I deal with college students all the time in my work, we have seven colleges within two hours of us and they get dumber every year. They don’t comprehend what they read and then want others to find the solutions for their inability to understand simple English.
Then they are not much different than grads from 20-40 years ago..

You are either on drugs or

your lobotomy hasn't healed up yet.
Both, but after going to college courses spaning from 1979 until 1997 I can concur you suck...

That almost hurts my feelings....

I can understand the drugs,

your lobotomy was a surprise..

Did all that college amount to anything?

Your use of concur is out of place...
So do you work for one of them big, bad corporations?
Maybe maybe not...wtf difference does that make?
Because if you don't, you're nothing but a government leech screaming from the rafters.
Some of us own our own businesses; so what pejorative descibes us?

I dont know what gives you the notion that $100k+ democrats are an anamoly. Although Warren Buffet, the Obamas, and other highly visible known democrat celebrities should suffice to hush you up. However I'll wait to see your response.

The highly known democrat celebrities

aren't an anomaly, it's all of the suckers

that look up to them that happen to become

successful. We all know the vast majority

of your base is made up of the not so successful

that you manipulate for votes with goodies,

class warfare and racism.
Maybe maybe not...wtf difference does that make?
Because if you don't, you're nothing but a government leech screaming from the rafters.
Some of us own our own businesses; so what pejorative descibes us?

I dont know what gives you the notion that $100k+ democrats are an anamoly. Although Warren Buffet, the Obamas, and other highly visible known democrat celebrities should suffice to hush you up. However I'll wait to see your response.

The highly known democrat celebrities

aren't an anomaly, it's all of the suckers

that look up to them that happen to become

successful. We all know the vast majority

of your base is made up of the not so successful

that you manipulate for votes with goodies,

class warfare and racism.

Really? Cause all I’ve seen is the gop bragging about the “goodies” in their tax plan.
...and the Libtards squealing like insane little girls off their meds, engaging in Fear Mongering about how giving Americans more of their hard-earned money (for Democrats) equates to 'Armageddon'.

...and the Libtards squealing like insane little girls off their meds, engaging in Fear Mongering about how giving Americans more of their hard-earned money (for Democrats) equates to 'Armageddon'.


Weren’t you cons crying about the deficit all thu the obama years ? Wasn’t that “Armageddon “ on the horizon ? Now you don’t care .
...and the Libtards squealing like insane little girls off their meds, engaging in Fear Mongering about how giving Americans more of their hard-earned money (for Democrats) equates to 'Armageddon'.


Weren’t you cons crying about the deficit all thu the obama years ? Wasn’t that “Armageddon “ on the horizon ? Now you don’t care .
Because if you don't, you're nothing but a government leech screaming from the rafters.
Some of us own our own businesses; so what pejorative descibes us?

I dont know what gives you the notion that $100k+ democrats are an anamoly. Although Warren Buffet, the Obamas, and other highly visible known democrat celebrities should suffice to hush you up. However I'll wait to see your response.

The highly known democrat celebrities

aren't an anomaly, it's all of the suckers

that look up to them that happen to become

successful. We all know the vast majority

of your base is made up of the not so successful

that you manipulate for votes with goodies,

class warfare and racism.

Really? Cause all I’ve seen is the gop bragging about the “goodies” in their tax plan.

I will admit that...

But the fact is it's our money in the first place.

It's not taking something from someone and

giving it to someone else.
...and the Libtards squealing like insane little girls off their meds, engaging in Fear Mongering about how giving Americans more of their hard-earned money (for Democrats) equates to 'Armageddon'.


Weren’t you cons crying about the deficit all thu the obama years ? Wasn’t that “Armageddon “ on the horizon ? Now you don’t care .

Well at least you are honest about it.
Some of us own our own businesses; so what pejorative descibes us?

I dont know what gives you the notion that $100k+ democrats are an anamoly. Although Warren Buffet, the Obamas, and other highly visible known democrat celebrities should suffice to hush you up. However I'll wait to see your response.

The highly known democrat celebrities

aren't an anomaly, it's all of the suckers

that look up to them that happen to become

successful. We all know the vast majority

of your base is made up of the not so successful

that you manipulate for votes with goodies,

class warfare and racism.

Really? Cause all I’ve seen is the gop bragging about the “goodies” in their tax plan.

I will admit that...

But the fact is it's our money in the first place.

It's not taking something from someone and

giving it to someone else.

Yeah. But while they gave temporary crumbs to the working class , they gave a permanent feast to big biz and the Uber wealthy .

Total shell game.
...and the Libtards squealing like insane little girls off their meds, engaging in Fear Mongering about how giving Americans more of their hard-earned money (for Democrats) equates to 'Armageddon'.


Weren’t you cons crying about the deficit all thu the obama years ? Wasn’t that “Armageddon “ on the horizon ? Now you don’t care .

Well at least you are honest about it.
I am honest about your very last sentence, about how, again, you have to try to speak for others in a false attempt to create something you can rail against. Pathetic.
I dont know what gives you the notion that $100k+ democrats are an anamoly. Although Warren Buffet, the Obamas, and other highly visible known democrat celebrities should suffice to hush you up. However I'll wait to see your response.

The highly known democrat celebrities

aren't an anomaly, it's all of the suckers

that look up to them that happen to become

successful. We all know the vast majority

of your base is made up of the not so successful

that you manipulate for votes with goodies,

class warfare and racism.

Really? Cause all I’ve seen is the gop bragging about the “goodies” in their tax plan.

I will admit that...

But the fact is it's our money in the first place.

It's not taking something from someone and

giving it to someone else.

Yeah. But while they gave temporary crumbs to the working class , they gave a permanent feast to big biz and the Uber wealthy .

Total shell game.

Class warfare and racism is all you have to offer....

Big Biz and the Uber Wealthy made this the

Greatest Country the earth has ever seen...

Our poor are fat with 60" TV screens and cell phones.

You socialist are the greatest threat to America...
I dont know what gives you the notion that $100k+ democrats are an anamoly. Although Warren Buffet, the Obamas, and other highly visible known democrat celebrities should suffice to hush you up. However I'll wait to see your response.

The highly known democrat celebrities

aren't an anomaly, it's all of the suckers

that look up to them that happen to become

successful. We all know the vast majority

of your base is made up of the not so successful

that you manipulate for votes with goodies,

class warfare and racism.

Really? Cause all I’ve seen is the gop bragging about the “goodies” in their tax plan.

I will admit that...

But the fact is it's our money in the first place.

It's not taking something from someone and

giving it to someone else.

Yeah. But while they gave temporary crumbs to the working class , they gave a permanent feast to big biz and the Uber wealthy .

Total shell game.
“Temporary crumbs...”Lol! Your just a working class hero. Working class died in late 1990’s and early 2000 when manufacturing jobs left our nation to China and Mexico. That War is over...working class lost. Now I have two choices...give my money to rich white guys...or people like Black Lives Matter welfare recipients who want to kill cops and all white people. Fuck it. I’ll chance the rich white guys...perhaps they and Trump can bring manufacturing back to America again.
I dont know what gives you the notion that $100k+ democrats are an anamoly. Although Warren Buffet, the Obamas, and other highly visible known democrat celebrities should suffice to hush you up. However I'll wait to see your response.

The highly known democrat celebrities

aren't an anomaly, it's all of the suckers

that look up to them that happen to become

successful. We all know the vast majority

of your base is made up of the not so successful

that you manipulate for votes with goodies,

class warfare and racism.

Really? Cause all I’ve seen is the gop bragging about the “goodies” in their tax plan.

I will admit that...

But the fact is it's our money in the first place.

It's not taking something from someone and

giving it to someone else.

Yeah. But while they gave temporary crumbs to the working class , they gave a permanent feast to big biz and the Uber wealthy .

Total shell game.
“Temporary crumbs...”Lol! Your just a working class hero. Working class died in late 1990’s and early 2000 when manufacturing jobs left our nation to China and Mexico. That War is over...working class lost. Now I have two choices...give my money to rich white guys...or people like Black Lives Matter welfare recipients who want to kill cops and all white people. Fuck it. I’ll chance the rich white guys...perhaps they and Trump can bring manufacturing back to America again.

True or false . The working class end of the tax cuts are temporary ?

Answer the question.
You are a lucky man to still be going

strong at 74. I use to think that I would

keep working too, but I have recently

decided to retire at 66 and 4 and

live happily ever after.

You are wrong about the Right despising

education, we just know there's a better way.

Just look at the results of doing it the lefts way..

We have college kids that don't know who

won the civil war..

The Right is not anti science, we just don't like

seeing it twisted to push the liberal agenda...

Man made Climate Change is bull shit.

Carbon Credits, give me a friggin break..

It's the left that has destroyed Countries

and killed millions..

In a sane world the contempt would be directed them....
Then you don't know many college kids..

I deal with college students all the time in my work, we have seven colleges within two hours of us and they get dumber every year. They don’t comprehend what they read and then want others to find the solutions for their inability to understand simple English.
Then they are not much different than grads from 20-40 years ago..

You are either on drugs or

your lobotomy hasn't healed up yet.
Both, but after going to college courses spaning from 1979 until 1997 I can concur you suck...
Professional college bum...now living in mom and dads basement with a degree in “recreation sciences.”
Because if you don't, you're nothing but a government leech screaming from the rafters.
Some of us own our own businesses; so what pejorative descibes us?

How so?
Infanticide is societies business.
But the USSC HAS ruled that fetus- cide is legal. I dontne essarily agree with that but people , for various reasons, decide to take advantage of the law. No longer do women have to seek abortions in some creepy filthy back alley like many did before.often both the mother and the fetus died.
Not for long...c’mon Ruthie...fall down those steps...eat more bacon...take up smoking...
I dont know what gives you the notion that $100k+ democrats are an anamoly. Although Warren Buffet, the Obamas, and other highly visible known democrat celebrities should suffice to hush you up. However I'll wait to see your response.

The highly known democrat celebrities

aren't an anomaly, it's all of the suckers

that look up to them that happen to become

successful. We all know the vast majority

of your base is made up of the not so successful

that you manipulate for votes with goodies,

class warfare and racism.

Really? Cause all I’ve seen is the gop bragging about the “goodies” in their tax plan.

I will admit that...

But the fact is it's our money in the first place.

It's not taking something from someone and

giving it to someone else.

Yeah. But while they gave temporary crumbs to the working class , they gave a permanent feast to big biz and the Uber wealthy .

Total shell game.

Class warfare and racism is all you have to offer....

Big Biz and the Uber Wealthy made this the

Greatest Country the earth has ever seen...

Our poor are fat with 60" TV screens and cell phones.

You socialist are the greatest threat to America...
The right wing are a bunch of socialists and don't know it. Only the right wing would have nothing but repeal for healthcare reform and help the rich get richer through lower taxes.

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