If You Work Hard, Pay Taxes, Defend Your Country and Go to Church on Sunday...Democrats Hate You

Nope. Hate Democrats because they are socialist economically and sick individuals culturally.

Yep, your sick hate kind of defines you.

That's what we take from this thread, your overwhelming desire to hate.

And I know it's not PC to point out such moral degeneracy, and that I'll trigger the Trumpflakes when I do so (like I triggered Papa there), but I'm not PC.
Thread summary:

Weepy butthurt is the single defining characteristic of Trumpflake wimps. A desire to hate comes in second. A desire to sponge money from hardworking blue state taxpayers is third.

And no, we will not cut the red states loose, to watch them become a third-world theocratic-fascist hellhole. There are too many good people in the red states to ever consider abandoning them to such evil.
Blue state taxpayers....lol.
Nope. Hate Democrats because they are socialist economically and sick individuals culturally.

Yep, your sick hate kind of defines you.

That's what we take from this thread, your overwhelming desire to hate.

And I know it's not PC to point out such moral degeneracy, and that I'll trigger the Trumpflakes when I do so (like I triggered Papa there), but I'm not PC.
You pay for unwed black mothers in the red states and blue states.
Small town Christian values do not play well in Washington D.C. with the big government establishment Democrats and their media puppets.
America is held hostage by flyover states
What a true dumb fuck you are. My dd214 says honorable. On base in uniform, when we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba. Volunteered, not drafted. I have worked in Maintenance as a Millwright for over 50 years, and am still working in that trade at 74. For the last 12 years, I have cracked 100k every year save 2009. I pay taxes.And anyone that knows anything about what that trade does, know that the physical and mental work are challenging. Church? No, no need of it.

And I am a Democrat. I simply could not vote for a party that despises education, is anti-science, and willing to pollute the whole damned planet for a buck. Yes, the GOP has become an object of contempt both here and internationally.
Wrong answer blow hard. Democratic Party left me years ago. I was an FDR, JFK, Democrat. But after Carter, Clinton’s, Sotoro, Al Sharpton, and advocating the murder of police officers....the Democratic Party has sold it soul to the devil. Democrats hate white people. DNC is most racist organization in the United States.
Or maybe you hate Democrats for letting black people in?
Nope. Hate Democrats because they are socialist economically and sick individuals culturally.
Then why did you say the Democrats had sold its soul to the devil by hating white people?
Because they want dead cops. This is who the DNC caters to...
No one is going to listen to this, but I was just watching CSPAN this morning, the call-in show they have each morning, and I was struck by how many callers were taking things way overboard. In ten minutes, Trump got called evil at least twice, and a life-long criminal. EVIL. Really?
Surely, folks, you realize the man is just a Republican, doing Republican stuff?
I don't know what is happening to this country, but we need to watch out. There is nothing EVIL about the other side, no matter what side we are on. We aren't necessarily stupid or greedy or communist or anything like that just because we have a different view point.
It is the hating each other and working ourselves up to the point that we think a political opponent is actually EVIL that will destroy us. Not Repubs or Dems.

At least take the time to listen to the other side and be a little careful how far you take your passion.

I tend to agree and I am guilty. I realize everyone is entitled to an opinion different than mine, even if it is wrong. :)
Thank you, Papa. I'm as stubborn as the next guy in my opinions, too.
What a true dumb fuck you are. My dd214 says honorable. On base in uniform, when we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba. Volunteered, not drafted. I have worked in Maintenance as a Millwright for over 50 years, and am still working in that trade at 74. For the last 12 years, I have cracked 100k every year save 2009. I pay taxes.And anyone that knows anything about what that trade does, know that the physical and mental work are challenging. Church? No, no need of it.

And I am a Democrat. I simply could not vote for a party that despises education, is anti-science, and willing to pollute the whole damned planet for a buck. Yes, the GOP has become an object of contempt both here and internationally.
Wrong answer blow hard. Democratic Party left me years ago. I was an FDR, JFK, Democrat. But after Carter, Clinton’s, Sotoro, Al Sharpton, and advocating the murder of police officers....the Democratic Party has sold it soul to the devil. Democrats hate white people. DNC is most racist organization in the United States.
Or maybe you hate Democrats for letting black people in?
Nope. Hate Democrats because they are socialist economically and sick individuals culturally.
Then why did you say the Democrats had sold its soul to the devil by hating white people?
Because they want dead cops. This is who the DNC caters to...

Our cops should not be killing unarmed black men, either. No one wants ANYONE dead. That's the point.
Wrong answer blow hard. Democratic Party left me years ago. I was an FDR, JFK, Democrat. But after Carter, Clinton’s, Sotoro, Al Sharpton, and advocating the murder of police officers....the Democratic Party has sold it soul to the devil. Democrats hate white people. DNC is most racist organization in the United States.
Or maybe you hate Democrats for letting black people in?
Nope. Hate Democrats because they are socialist economically and sick individuals culturally.
Then why did you say the Democrats had sold its soul to the devil by hating white people?
Because they want dead cops. This is who the DNC caters to...

Our cops should not be killing unarmed black men, either. No one wants ANYONE dead. That's the point.

Police have a difficult job to do. Hesitate at the moment of truth and your dead. Police did not make predominantly black neighborhoods high crime areas.
No one is going to listen to this, but I was just watching CSPAN this morning, the call-in show they have each morning, and I was struck by how many callers were taking things way overboard. In ten minutes, Trump got called evil at least twice, and a life-long criminal. EVIL. Really?
Surely, folks, you realize the man is just a Republican, doing Republican stuff?
I don't know what is happening to this country, but we need to watch out. There is nothing EVIL about the other side, no matter what side we are on. We aren't necessarily stupid or greedy or communist or anything like that just because we have a different view point.
It is the hating each other and working ourselves up to the point that we think a political opponent is actually EVIL that will destroy us. Not Repubs or Dems.

At least take the time to listen to the other side and be a little careful how far you take your passion.
No one is going to listen to this, but I was just watching CSPAN this morning, the call-in show they have each morning, and I was struck by how many callers were taking things way overboard. In ten minutes, Trump got called evil at least twice, and a life-long criminal. EVIL. Really?
Surely, folks, you realize the man is just a Republican, doing Republican stuff?
I don't know what is happening to this country, but we need to watch out. There is nothing EVIL about the other side, no matter what side we are on. We aren't necessarily stupid or greedy or communist or anything like that just because we have a different view point.
It is the hating each other and working ourselves up to the point that we think a political opponent is actually EVIL that will destroy us. Not Repubs or Dems.

At least take the time to listen to the other side and be a little careful how far you take your passion.

Is that real?
No one is going to listen to this, but I was just watching CSPAN this morning, the call-in show they have each morning, and I was struck by how many callers were taking things way overboard. In ten minutes, Trump got called evil at least twice, and a life-long criminal. EVIL. Really?
Surely, folks, you realize the man is just a Republican, doing Republican stuff?
I don't know what is happening to this country, but we need to watch out. There is nothing EVIL about the other side, no matter what side we are on. We aren't necessarily stupid or greedy or communist or anything like that just because we have a different view point.
It is the hating each other and working ourselves up to the point that we think a political opponent is actually EVIL that will destroy us. Not Repubs or Dems.

At least take the time to listen to the other side and be a little careful how far you take your passion.

Is that real?

Yes...what makes it so funny!
Nope. I am not poor. But I do support progams to make their lives better..especially the children.
So do you work for one of them big, bad corporations?
Maybe maybe not...wtf difference does that make?
Because if you don't, you're nothing but a government leech screaming from the rafters.
Some of us own our own businesses; so what pejorative descibes us?

I dont know what gives you the notion that $100k+ democrats are an anamoly. Although Warren Buffet, the Obamas, and other highly visible known democrat celebrities should suffice to hush you up. However I'll wait to see your response.
Oh puhleese. You right wing greedy bahs-turds are spawns of Satan. Your god is Mammon, chief of the material world. If you were a true Christian you'd sell all you have and give to the poor. Instead...you worship on the altar of Capitalism....serving your material god, often at the expense of the poor.

How wrong can you be?

lbj was an old school racist...

His great society destroyed the Black family..

Was lbj a Christian? Look, you must understand that greed or averice can ne applied to either the GOP or the Democrats.
The Democrats, in modern times, have gotten behind programs to help the poor live their lives with some modicum of dignity. People like you get behind every GOP effort to dismantle such programs. Although Jesus would likely remain apartisan I believe he would judge his followers among the democrats more favourably than those who
chose thepath followed by GOP "Christians". If He accepted them as Christians at all.

lbj was a democrat first and foremost..

He went to Disciples of Christ Church...

All liberals do for the poor is to keep

them poor and voting democratic..

I don't think Jesus would approve of

either party and I am damn sure he

wouldn't like the liberal stand on abortion.
Theres that worn, tired " liberal" moniker again. I've never been able to find some one totally liberal or totally conservative. And all so called liberals and conservatives dont think alike. If they did one party would be in power all the time.

Fellow...most democrats dont approve of abortion. Some are pro choice while others stand with the right in denouncing it
....being pro choice is not being an advocate for abortion.
Thats consistent with free will.. Jesus didn't force people to do anything...he gave them a choice. Jesus was pro- choice.

You are either a fool or a Zealot..

Maybe a combination of both...

Sure we all have varying views...

If you vote for the left you know what they stand for...

Name one democrat that crosses the line.

It's Black and White to the sane.

Evil versus Not so Evil....

Last but not least Jesus is against abortion.
I'm nether a fool nor a zealot. And you're no great all seeing character out of a comic
book. Indeed, Jesus would be against abortion, as am I. But He would be pro- choice as am I. I don't expect you to grasp that.
Oh puhleese. You right wing greedy bahs-turds are spawns of Satan. Your god is Mammon, chief of the material world. If you were a true Christian you'd sell all you have and give to the poor. Instead...you worship on the altar of Capitalism....serving your material god, often at the expense of the poor.

How wrong can you be?

lbj was an old school racist...

His great society destroyed the Black family..

Was lbj a Christian? Look, you must understand that greed or averice can ne applied to either the GOP or the Democrats.
The Democrats, in modern times, have gotten behind programs to help the poor live their lives with some modicum of dignity. People like you get behind every GOP effort to dismantle such programs. Although Jesus would likely remain apartisan I believe he would judge his followers among the democrats more favourably than those who
chose thepath followed by GOP "Christians". If He accepted them as Christians at all.

lbj was a democrat first and foremost..

He went to Disciples of Christ Church...

All liberals do for the poor is to keep

them poor and voting democratic..

I don't think Jesus would approve of

either party and I am damn sure he

wouldn't like the liberal stand on abortion.
Theres that worn, tired " liberal" moniker again. I've never been able to find some one totally liberal or totally conservative. And all so called liberals and conservatives dont think alike. If they did one party would be in power all the time.

Fellow...most democrats dont approve of abortion. Some are pro choice while others stand with the right in denouncing it
....being pro choice is not being an advocate for abortion.
Thats consistent with free will.. Jesus didn't force people to do anything...he gave them a choice. Jesus was pro- choice.
You are a complete idiot. Sure, Jesus said “kill the babies.” You are an LBJ Great Society Socialist.
I didn't like LBJ anymore than I like you. Both of you suck as human beings. Free will is the key..people know the 6th commandment: Thou shalt not kill. So if someone breaks that commandment via an abortion they've chosen to do so willfully. They had a choice but chose to defy God's law. Let Him deal with them.
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Nope. I am not poor. But I do support progams to make their lives better..especially the children.
So do you work for one of them big, bad corporations?
Maybe maybe not...wtf difference does that make?
Because if you don't, you're nothing but a government leech screaming from the rafters.
Some of us own our own businesses; so what pejorative descibes us?

How so?
So do you work for one of them big, bad corporations?
Maybe maybe not...wtf difference does that make?
Because if you don't, you're nothing but a government leech screaming from the rafters.
Some of us own our own businesses; so what pejorative descibes us?

How so?
Infanticide is societies business.
Because they want dead cops. This is who the DNC caters to...

Now you're hating on mothers of dead sons?

Each time I think you can't get more depraved, you prove me wrong.
Face facts, someone raised these sons to commit crimes and attack police. Who was that? The mothers of dead sons perhaps, those mothers now using dead sons to demand money from the cities, from innocent taxpayers who had nothing to do with the son's raising into being thuggish criminals.
Wrong answer blow hard. Democratic Party left me years ago. I was an FDR, JFK, Democrat. But after Carter, Clinton’s, Sotoro, Al Sharpton, and advocating the murder of police officers....the Democratic Party has sold it soul to the devil. Democrats hate white people. DNC is most racist organization in the United States.
Or maybe you hate Democrats for letting black people in?
Nope. Hate Democrats because they are socialist economically and sick individuals culturally.
Then why did you say the Democrats had sold its soul to the devil by hating white people?
Because they want dead cops. This is who the DNC caters to...

Our cops should not be killing unarmed black men, either. No one wants ANYONE dead. That's the point.

Unarmed black men should do what the police

tell them to do if they don't want to get shot....

Don't try and take their guns or do them harm

and odds are the unarmed black men will be OK.

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