If You Work Hard, Pay Taxes, Defend Your Country and Go to Church on Sunday...Democrats Hate You

Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
Democrats enjoy slaughtering babies in the womb. Democrats enjoy sexual perversion. Better Christians?
Don't pick your nose. Your head will cave in.

Cons are pro death penalty. And you hate the poor . How anti Jesus of you .

We hate the poor? Because you say so?
Cut social spending on the poor to help the rich get richer, lately?
I could have been dirt poor. I'm glad I decided otherwise.
then, whence any need to cut taxes for the already rich?
Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
No TRUE believer would ever pretend to know what Jesus would do. You are as bad as the rest of them.
A bunch of gullible tools.

Lol! All “Christian’s” ever do is leacture us on what Jesus would think.
Bull. In all my time on this website the only people I ever see making these comments are leftists trying to troll the right. I' sure some idiots on the right do it too but by & large it is almost always a leftist. Same with the party of family values rhetoric.

Then you are willfully blind. Just look at this thread and in its first page as an example of a moral lecturing right wing.

In my short time of this site all I've noticed is the hatred from the right and so called Christian's.

The OP is truly a sad little man with a sad little life.
Democrats enjoy slaughtering babies in the womb. Democrats enjoy sexual perversion. Better Christians?
Don't pick your nose. Your head will cave in.

Cons are pro death penalty. And you hate the poor . How anti Jesus of you .

We hate the poor? Because you say so?
Cut social spending on the poor to help the rich get richer, lately?
I could have been dirt poor. I'm glad I decided otherwise.
then, whence any need to cut taxes for the already rich?
Have you ever worked for a poor person?
Naw... Jesus inspired me.
More like a government handout inspired you. You can tell me.
Nope. I am not poor. But I do support progams to make their lives better..especially the children.
So do you work for one of them big, bad corporations?
Maybe maybe not...wtf difference does that make?
Because if you don't, you're nothing but a government leech screaming from the rafters.
Some of us own our own businesses; so what pejorative descibes us?
Small town Christian values do not play well in Washington D.C. with the big government establishment Democrats and their media puppets.
America is held hostage by flyover states
What a true dumb fuck you are. My dd214 says honorable. On base in uniform, when we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba. Volunteered, not drafted. I have worked in Maintenance as a Millwright for over 50 years, and am still working in that trade at 74. For the last 12 years, I have cracked 100k every year save 2009. I pay taxes.And anyone that knows anything about what that trade does, know that the physical and mental work are challenging. Church? No, no need of it.

And I am a Democrat. I simply could not vote for a party that despises education, is anti-science, and willing to pollute the whole damned planet for a buck. Yes, the GOP has become an object of contempt both here and internationally.
It's the Christian thing to do.
Christian’s have always had to fight for their existence. Just like right now in flyover country.
Oh puhleese. You right wing greedy bahs-turds are spawns of Satan. Your god is Mammon, chief of the material world. If you were a true Christian you'd sell all you have and give to the poor. Instead...you worship on the altar of Capitalism....serving your material god, often at the expense of the poor.

How wrong can you be?

lbj was an old school racist...

His great society destroyed the Black family..

Was lbj a Christian? Look, you must understand that greed or averice can ne applied to either the GOP or the Democrats.
The Democrats, in modern times, have gotten behind programs to help the poor live their lives with some modicum of dignity. People like you get behind every GOP effort to dismantle such programs. Although Jesus would likely remain apartisan I believe he would judge his followers among the democrats more favourably than those who
chose thepath followed by GOP "Christians". If He accepted them as Christians at all.

lbj was a democrat first and foremost..

He went to Disciples of Christ Church...

All liberals do for the poor is to keep

them poor and voting democratic..

I don't think Jesus would approve of

either party and I am damn sure he

wouldn't like the liberal stand on abortion.
Theres that worn, tired " liberal" moniker again. I've never been able to find some one totally liberal or totally conservative. And all so called liberals and conservatives dont think alike. If they did one party would be in power all the time.

Fellow...most democrats dont approve of abortion. Some are pro choice while others stand with the right in denouncing it
....being pro choice is not being an advocate for abortion.
Thats consistent with free will.. Jesus didn't force people to do anything...he gave them a choice. Jesus was pro- choice.
Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
Quit falling down the well
Progressives would abort Jesus
You liberals are retarded.

obama care is a failing joke.....

Trump gave you a choice...

Jesus wouldn't vote to close down Charter Schools

to help his union thug buddies.
You are retarded. Charted schools suck. Teachers are considered thugs? How about cops, they are unionized? Obama care slowed down cost increases and insured 25 million more peo[ple than before. You conned repugs belive any thing fox news, bright bart, or your coporate masters tell you. Further more you tend to be inbreed ignoramuses. Most of you are shaking in your boots cowards that can not tell thier ass from a the Grand Canyon. You likely smell like that fish you are holding.. You would not know what a thug was if he hit you in the head. You are not even people you are nothing but parrots spouting what your coporate masters tell you to.

You are dumber than a sack of dog shit...

The teachers unions are ran by thugs...

Public schools are for the most part a total failure

when compared to private schools...

Health care cost went up under obamacare

What Trump has done by killing the mandate is

now you have a choice.You are not forced to

buy things you may not need or want.

You are an ignorant bigot without a clue

that can't spell for shit....

Try using spell check so you don't look so stupid.
You said charter school not private. Do you know the difference? Evidently not! Public schools pretty much built the most powerfull country on the planet so evidently not such a faliure like your argument. Health care costs have risen every year for a very long time.Obama care prices rose at a slower rate thanbefore it existed. Health care costs continue to rise and will for ever for as long as you and your ilk are owned by big pharma. I am obvously smarter than a sack of dog shit, I am beating one at an argument right now, you.

Charter or Private both beat public schools...

Public Schools were fine until they were infested

with liberals more concerned about the unions

well being than the kids.

obama care sucks, get a clue...

You are not winning any argument...

Your spelling proves you are not that bright...

Take my advice, you need spell check dumb ass....
You really shouldn't be lecturing someone about their spelling with sentence & paragraph structure like that.

It's purposeful...

It makes it easy for the not so bright to follow..

I know my audience.....
Small town Christian values do not play well in Washington D.C. with the big government establishment Democrats and their media puppets.
America is held hostage by flyover states

Trump campaigned on the premise that America sucks and he is the fucking second coming of the messiah who is going to make it Great again. The Trump supporters nurse on that schlong like a baby calf on a teat
small town Christian values are such that they happily support a serial adulterer who takes Marital vows laughing and already planning from the start to violate them...this Orange Sex pervert is on record as feeling he has the Right, because he is Rich, to grab women's genitals whether they like it or not...that is one of the Christian Values supported by small town Christians s
More like a government handout inspired you. You can tell me.
Nope. I am not poor. But I do support progams to make their lives better..especially the children.
So do you work for one of them big, bad corporations?
Maybe maybe not...wtf difference does that make?
Because if you don't, you're nothing but a government leech screaming from the rafters.
Some of us own our own businesses; so what pejorative descibes us?

Christian’s have always had to fight for their existence. Just like right now in flyover country.
Oh puhleese. You right wing greedy bahs-turds are spawns of Satan. Your god is Mammon, chief of the material world. If you were a true Christian you'd sell all you have and give to the poor. Instead...you worship on the altar of Capitalism....serving your material god, often at the expense of the poor.

How wrong can you be?

lbj was an old school racist...

His great society destroyed the Black family..

Was lbj a Christian? Look, you must understand that greed or averice can ne applied to either the GOP or the Democrats.
The Democrats, in modern times, have gotten behind programs to help the poor live their lives with some modicum of dignity. People like you get behind every GOP effort to dismantle such programs. Although Jesus would likely remain apartisan I believe he would judge his followers among the democrats more favourably than those who
chose thepath followed by GOP "Christians". If He accepted them as Christians at all.

lbj was a democrat first and foremost..

He went to Disciples of Christ Church...

All liberals do for the poor is to keep

them poor and voting democratic..

I don't think Jesus would approve of

either party and I am damn sure he

wouldn't like the liberal stand on abortion.
Theres that worn, tired " liberal" moniker again. I've never been able to find some one totally liberal or totally conservative. And all so called liberals and conservatives dont think alike. If they did one party would be in power all the time.

Fellow...most democrats dont approve of abortion. Some are pro choice while others stand with the right in denouncing it
....being pro choice is not being an advocate for abortion.
Thats consistent with free will.. Jesus didn't force people to do anything...he gave them a choice. Jesus was pro- choice.

You are either a fool or a Zealot..

Maybe a combination of both...

Sure we all have varying views...

If you vote for the left you know what they stand for...

Name one democrat that crosses the line.

It's Black and White to the sane.

Evil versus Not so Evil....

Last but not least Jesus is against abortion.
Small town Christian values do not play well in Washington D.C. with the big government establishment Democrats and their media puppets.
America is held hostage by flyover states
What a true dumb fuck you are. My dd214 says honorable. On base in uniform, when we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba. Volunteered, not drafted. I have worked in Maintenance as a Millwright for over 50 years, and am still working in that trade at 74. For the last 12 years, I have cracked 100k every year save 2009. I pay taxes.And anyone that knows anything about what that trade does, know that the physical and mental work are challenging. Church? No, no need of it.

And I am a Democrat. I simply could not vote for a party that despises education, is anti-science, and willing to pollute the whole damned planet for a buck. Yes, the GOP has become an object of contempt both here and internationally.

You are a lucky man to still be going

strong at 74. I use to think that I would

keep working too, but I have recently

decided to retire at 66 and 4 and

live happily ever after.

You are wrong about the Right despising

education, we just know there's a better way.

Just look at the results of doing it the lefts way..

We have college kids that don't know who

won the civil war..

The Right is not anti science, we just don't like

seeing it twisted to push the liberal agenda...

Man made Climate Change is bull shit.

Carbon Credits, give me a friggin break..

It's the left that has destroyed Countries

and killed millions..

In a sane world the contempt would be directed them....
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