If your sex life is none of my business, stop demanding that I finance it

Another brilliant piece by Matt Walsh. If progressives don't want us involved in their sex lives, then they need to pay for their own damn sex lives. If I'm paying for it, you damn well better believe I will control it. Looks like you lazy progressives better get a damn job if you want to keep having engaging in several minutes of your disturbing, deviant, sexual behaviors...

If your sex life is none of my business, stop demanding that I finance it

What about Viagra and other erectile dysfunction medications and pumps, etc.? BTW, Planned Parenthood also treats men.
What about it? I am not paying for Viagra for someone who can't get an erection but is too lazy to get a job. Sex comes with responsibilities. If someone can't handle those responsibilities - then they shouldn't be having sex. Male or female.

"Shouldn't" and reality are always two very different things.
Society "shouldn't" need police to keep the peace but unfortunately there are some pretty cunty behaviors within the human condition that always require some degree of supervision.

We " shouldn't" need to prosecute polluters or govt appointed "emergency managers" who poison an entire population through poor management of their water supply either. Unfortunately, without proper diligence, the cunty side of
human nature of just a few could impact the health of all of us.
Public health is in everyone's best interest.
There is no such thing as "public health". Only individuals have health. If you have cancer, that doesn't mean I have cancer. It's an individual issue.

If there were a such thing as "Public Health" then Bill Clinton and the Dumbocrats wouldn't have created HIPAA to protect the privacy of the individual. After all, privacy is the polar opposite of public.

Any other false narratives you'd like to try today?
There is no such thing as "public health".

That's where I stopped reading.

pub·lic health
  1. the health of the population as a whole, especially as monitored, regulated, and promoted by the state.
    "chlorine has been used to disinfect water supplies to protect public health"

Fluoride in the water comes to mind.

the center for disease control also .

Show where pregnancy should be eradicated by the centers for disease control..

Your pregnancy eradication is ignorant son, surely you can do better.
So insurance shouldn't cover childbirth ? Vasectomy? Viagra ?
I don't care if it does. I'm fine with that. But don't mandate what a policy must have, don't mandate that the Church has to provide that stuff, and most of all - don't dare make it "free" from government. Because it's not "free". I pay for it. And it's not my job to pay for progressives to have sex and spread more STD's to each other.

If you have an insurance policy you do this every day and think nothing of it. You're already paying for for everyone, hence your ever climbing premiums since you've had insurance.
Nope. You only "pay for everyone" when government forces you to pay for everyone. That's the problem with Obamacare.

The reason healthcare costs so much in america is because it is a predatory for profit system and the only way they can get away with it is because we all pick up the costs of that inefficiency across soceity. Whether you grasp that or not is irrelevant.
What utter horseshit. The purest, most predator for profit industry is consumer electronics, and that is the industry where prices have fallen the fastest.

You're peddling Marxist "economic theories" I use the term loosely, which were shown to be erroneous long long ago.
So insurance shouldn't cover childbirth ? Vasectomy? Viagra ?

Debunked far left religious narrative being run..

Yes I am sure the far left sees Pregnancy as a disease that must be eradicated.

Well insurance sees it as a hefty cost. That's why we like to cover contraceptives . As y'all have stated "we pay for it ".

Better to pay for an IUD than the cost of paying for all these babies and their care . Contraception saves costs .

Far left religious narrative being run!

Yes so the far left does believe that pregnancy is a disease that must be eradicated!

Unwanted pregnancy should be eradicated .

Why you freaking over contraception? Mad because you want to control women? Keep them barefoot and pregnant?
So insurance shouldn't cover childbirth ? Vasectomy? Viagra ?
I don't care if it does. I'm fine with that. But don't mandate what a policy must have, don't mandate that the Church has to provide that stuff, and most of all - don't dare make it "free" from government. Because it's not "free". I pay for it. And it's not my job to pay for progressives to have sex and spread more STD's to each other.

If you have an insurance policy you do this every day and think nothing of it. You're already paying for for everyone, hence your ever climbing premiums since you've had insurance.
Nope. You only "pay for everyone" when government forces you to pay for everyone. That's the problem with Obamacare.

The reason healthcare costs so much in america is because it is a predatory for profit system and the only way they can get away with it is because we all pick up the costs of that inefficiency across soceity. Whether you grasp that or not is irrelevant.
What utter horseshit. The purest, most predator for profit industry is consumer electronics, and that is the industry where prices have fallen the fastest.

You're peddling Marxist "economic theories" I use the term loosely, which were shown to be erroneous long long ago.

Oh, you thought I said "most"? Well fine, go get your healthcare in Bangladesh.
So insurance shouldn't cover childbirth ? Vasectomy? Viagra ?
I don't care if it does. I'm fine with that. But don't mandate what a policy must have, don't mandate that the Church has to provide that stuff, and most of all - don't dare make it "free" from government. Because it's not "free". I pay for it. And it's not my job to pay for progressives to have sex and spread more STD's to each other.

If you have an insurance policy you do this every day and think nothing of it. You're already paying for for everyone, hence your ever climbing premiums since you've had insurance.
Nope. You only "pay for everyone" when government forces you to pay for everyone. That's the problem with Obamacare.

The reason healthcare costs so much in america is because it is a predatory for profit system and the only way they can get away with it is because we all pick up the costs of that inefficiency across soceity. Whether you grasp that or not is irrelevant.
What utter horseshit. The purest, most predator for profit industry is consumer electronics, and that is the industry where prices have fallen the fastest.

You're peddling Marxist "economic theories" I use the term loosely, which were shown to be erroneous long long ago.

Unregulated capitalism was also shown to be a failure .
Another brilliant piece by Matt Walsh. If progressives don't want us involved in their sex lives, then they need to pay for their own damn sex lives. If I'm paying for it, you damn well better believe I will control it. Looks like you lazy progressives better get a damn job if you want to keep having engaging in several minutes of your disturbing, deviant, sexual behaviors...

If your sex life is none of my business, stop demanding that I finance it

That's at the heart of the matter when it comes to taxpayers being forced to fund children a woman has when she says what she does with her body is no one else's business. Strange how what a woman does with her body is no one's business until the results of that choice produce a situation where she can't afford to pay for it.
I don't care if it does. I'm fine with that. But don't mandate what a policy must have, don't mandate that the Church has to provide that stuff, and most of all - don't dare make it "free" from government. Because it's not "free". I pay for it. And it's not my job to pay for progressives to have sex and spread more STD's to each other.

If you have an insurance policy you do this every day and think nothing of it. You're already paying for for everyone, hence your ever climbing premiums since you've had insurance.
Nope. You only "pay for everyone" when government forces you to pay for everyone. That's the problem with Obamacare.

The reason healthcare costs so much in america is because it is a predatory for profit system and the only way they can get away with it is because we all pick up the costs of that inefficiency across soceity. Whether you grasp that or not is irrelevant.
What utter horseshit. The purest, most predator for profit industry is consumer electronics, and that is the industry where prices have fallen the fastest.

You're peddling Marxist "economic theories" I use the term loosely, which were shown to be erroneous long long ago.

Unregulated capitalism was also shown to be a failure .

Worked perfectly fine for me. Not my fault you can't make it.
I don't care if it does. I'm fine with that. But don't mandate what a policy must have, don't mandate that the Church has to provide that stuff, and most of all - don't dare make it "free" from government. Because it's not "free". I pay for it. And it's not my job to pay for progressives to have sex and spread more STD's to each other.

If you have an insurance policy you do this every day and think nothing of it. You're already paying for for everyone, hence your ever climbing premiums since you've had insurance.
Nope. You only "pay for everyone" when government forces you to pay for everyone. That's the problem with Obamacare.

The reason healthcare costs so much in america is because it is a predatory for profit system and the only way they can get away with it is because we all pick up the costs of that inefficiency across soceity. Whether you grasp that or not is irrelevant.
What utter horseshit. The purest, most predator for profit industry is consumer electronics, and that is the industry where prices have fallen the fastest.

You're peddling Marxist "economic theories" I use the term loosely, which were shown to be erroneous long long ago.

Oh, you thought I said "most"? Well fine, go get your healthcare in Bangladesh.

How does that alter the fact that your peddling Marxist economics, and why should I be required to get my healthcare in a third world country that practices many of the economic theories you endorse?
I don't care if it does. I'm fine with that. But don't mandate what a policy must have, don't mandate that the Church has to provide that stuff, and most of all - don't dare make it "free" from government. Because it's not "free". I pay for it. And it's not my job to pay for progressives to have sex and spread more STD's to each other.

If you have an insurance policy you do this every day and think nothing of it. You're already paying for for everyone, hence your ever climbing premiums since you've had insurance.
Nope. You only "pay for everyone" when government forces you to pay for everyone. That's the problem with Obamacare.

The reason healthcare costs so much in america is because it is a predatory for profit system and the only way they can get away with it is because we all pick up the costs of that inefficiency across soceity. Whether you grasp that or not is irrelevant.
What utter horseshit. The purest, most predator for profit industry is consumer electronics, and that is the industry where prices have fallen the fastest.

You're peddling Marxist "economic theories" I use the term loosely, which were shown to be erroneous long long ago.

Unregulated capitalism was also shown to be a failure .
Hardly, moron. The historical record shows that the less regulated capitalism is, the better it works.
Perhaps not allowing people to have kids would solve everything. Wouldn't bother me a bit and thetrthetre would be nobody to fill the low wage jobs. Those businesses would suffer. I would love to watch that happen.
Public health is in everyone's best interest.
Government run healthcare is in no one's best interests.

Works just fine for your elected officials, your military, and civilized advanced societies elswhere, for less cost and better outcomes. You're stuck on a meme son.
Having someone else pay your bills works fine? Yeah, and robbing banks works fine for the bank robber.

I love the leftwing theory that government doesn't run our healthcare. What part of it doesn't the government run?
So insurance shouldn't cover childbirth ? Vasectomy? Viagra ?
I don't care if it does. I'm fine with that. But don't mandate what a policy must have, don't mandate that the Church has to provide that stuff, and most of all - don't dare make it "free" from government. Because it's not "free". I pay for it. And it's not my job to pay for progressives to have sex and spread more STD's to each other.

If you have an insurance policy you do this every day and think nothing of it. You're already paying for for everyone, hence your ever climbing premiums since you've had insurance.
Bwahahaha! I pay for my own health insurance and other people pay for their own. And all of us enter into the agreement of our own free will.

I don't "pay for everyone". I pay to protect my own interests. At most (and this is really stretching it), I might pay for others with coverage from the same company. Which is a very small percentage of the population. A far cry from "everyone".

I'm not sure you understand how insurance and spreading risk works, but sure pard, ok, you do it all on your own.

A true ignoramus P@t is.
When one by one they shut down I would celebrate...even pull my flag off the basement floor and take my old boots off of it.
So insurance shouldn't cover childbirth ? Vasectomy? Viagra ?
I don't care if it does. I'm fine with that. But don't mandate what a policy must have, don't mandate that the Church has to provide that stuff, and most of all - don't dare make it "free" from government. Because it's not "free". I pay for it. And it's not my job to pay for progressives to have sex and spread more STD's to each other.

If you have an insurance policy you do this every day and think nothing of it. You're already paying for for everyone, hence your ever climbing premiums since you've had insurance.
Bwahahaha! I pay for my own health insurance and other people pay for their own. And all of us enter into the agreement of our own free will.

I don't "pay for everyone". I pay to protect my own interests. At most (and this is really stretching it), I might pay for others with coverage from the same company. Which is a very small percentage of the population. A far cry from "everyone".

I'm not sure you understand how insurance and spreading risk works, but sure pard, ok, you do it all on your own.

A true ignoramus P@t is.
Only a douche bag would post a piece of filth like that.
Another brilliant piece by Matt Walsh. If progressives don't want us involved in their sex lives, then they need to pay for their own damn sex lives. If I'm paying for it, you damn well better believe I will control it. Looks like you lazy progressives better get a damn job if you want to keep having engaging in several minutes of your disturbing, deviant, sexual behaviors...

If your sex life is none of my business, stop demanding that I finance it
Explain please.
The article is pretty self-explanatory. However, if you have specific questions I would be happy to answer them for you.

You couldn't answer a question from a goldfish much less a human
So insurance shouldn't cover childbirth ? Vasectomy? Viagra ?

Debunked far left religious narrative being run..

Yes I am sure the far left sees Pregnancy as a disease that must be eradicated.

Well insurance sees it as a hefty cost. That's why we like to cover contraceptives . As y'all have stated "we pay for it ".

Better to pay for an IUD than the cost of paying for all these babies and their care . Contraception saves costs .

Far left religious narrative being run!

Yes so the far left does believe that pregnancy is a disease that must be eradicated!

Unwanted pregnancy should be eradicated .

Why you freaking over contraception? Mad because you want to control women? Keep them barefoot and pregnant?
Unwanted pregnancy is easy to eradicate. If a woman has a child she can't afford to raise, it should be taken away from her and given to someone who has the wherewithal to raise it.
Perhaps not allowing people to have kids would solve everything. Wouldn't bother me a bit and thetrthetre would be nobody to fill the low wage jobs. Those businesses would suffer. I would love to watch that happen.

Having those that produce them support them would solve everything.

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