If your sex life is none of my business, stop demanding that I finance it

Who is asking you to celebrate someone else'a lifestyle?
No they do not. No one is asking you to buy a rainbow flag nor put them on some pedestal. This has nothing to do with special priveleges. Progressives just ask you to respect their choice in lifestyle. Hell you can dislike them if you want, just don't rub your bigotry in their faces.

Shush...and bake me a cake
Well no one at all likes you so I don't care if you hate them even if you justify it with your faux Christian bullshit.

How many positive ratings do you have, oh popular one?
Who is asking you to celebrate someone else'a lifestyle?
No they do not. No one is asking you to buy a rainbow flag nor put them on some pedestal. This has nothing to do with special priveleges. Progressives just ask you to respect their choice in lifestyle. Hell you can dislike them if you want, just don't rub your bigotry in their faces.
And don't rub your alternative lifestyle in ours. Respect is earned, you cannot demand respect, that's something that comes from within.

Suing people for not servicing gay functions isn't how you get respect.
Who is asking you to celebrate someone else'a lifestyle?
No they do not. No one is asking you to buy a rainbow flag nor put them on some pedestal. This has nothing to do with special priveleges. Progressives just ask you to respect their choice in lifestyle. Hell you can dislike them if you want, just don't rub your bigotry in their faces.
And don't rub your alternative lifestyle in ours. Respect is earned, you cannot demand respect, that's something that comes from within.

Suing people for not servicing gay functions isn't how you get respect.

No it's not and it's a good way to piss people off and steel their resolve
Debunked far left religious narrative being run..

Yes I am sure the far left sees Pregnancy as a disease that must be eradicated.

Well insurance sees it as a hefty cost. That's why we like to cover contraceptives . As y'all have stated "we pay for it ".

Better to pay for an IUD than the cost of paying for all these babies and their care . Contraception saves costs .

Far left religious narrative being run!

Yes so the far left does believe that pregnancy is a disease that must be eradicated!

Unwanted pregnancy should be eradicated .

Why you freaking over contraception? Mad because you want to control women? Keep them barefoot and pregnant?
Unwanted pregnancy is easy to eradicate. If a woman has a child she can't afford to raise, it should be taken away from her and given to someone who has the wherewithal to raise it.


Who feeds, clothes and houses it in the meantime?

What you aren't understanding is that you pay no matter what you do. The best, most economical and efficient remedy is to prevent the pregnancy in the first place.

Your system would have the taxpayers feeding, clothing and housing them for their entire lives. Furthermore, there is a pronounced shortage of babies available for adoption. It would only take days to arrange an adoption.
How the fuck are they demanding that you celebrate anything you don't want to partake? Learn to pick your gotdamned battles white people, this isn't one of them. You don't see us wanting to re enact the fuckin Civil War in Dixie when you nuts get a hard on.
What $135,000 fines on bakers who don't want to participate in their sick wedding? What about trannies wanting to use the stall next to my wife?
Who is asking you to celebrate someone else'a lifestyle?
No they do not. No one is asking you to buy a rainbow flag nor put them on some pedestal. This has nothing to do with special priveleges. Progressives just ask you to respect their choice in lifestyle. Hell you can dislike them if you want, just don't rub your bigotry in their faces.
Horseshit. They demand that bakers participate in their sick gay weddings, and they demand that trannies can use the stall next to my wife. Just about every week you learn about their latest outrageous demand.
Who is asking you to celebrate someone else'a lifestyle?
No they do not. No one is asking you to buy a rainbow flag nor put them on some pedestal. This has nothing to do with special priveleges. Progressives just ask you to respect their choice in lifestyle. Hell you can dislike them if you want, just don't rub your bigotry in their faces.
Horseshit. They demand that bakers participate in their sick gay weddings, and they demand that trannies can use the stall next to my wife. Just about every week you learn about their latest outrageous demand.

They want to be inclusive and use force to attain it. Then they sit and scratch their ass and wonder why people get pissed and are weary of their whines and demands
Its an issue only for you inferior thinkers. Nobody has forced anything on me. Nobody has the wherewithall.Nobody....especially on this forum.
Another brilliant piece by Matt Walsh. If progressives don't want us involved in their sex lives, then they need to pay for their own damn sex lives. If I'm paying for it, you damn well better believe I will control it. Looks like you lazy progressives better get a damn job if you want to keep having engaging in several minutes of your disturbing, deviant, sexual behaviors...

If your sex life is none of my business, stop demanding that I finance it

What about Viagra and other erectile dysfunction medications and pumps, etc.? BTW, Planned Parenthood also treats men.
What about it? I am not paying for Viagra for someone who can't get an erection but is too lazy to get a job. Sex comes with responsibilities. If someone can't handle those responsibilities - then they shouldn't be having sex. Male or female.

"Shouldn't" and reality are always two very different things.
Society "shouldn't" need police to keep the peace but unfortunately there are some pretty cunty behaviors within the human condition that always require some degree of supervision.

We " shouldn't" need to prosecute polluters or govt appointed "emergency managers" who poison an entire population through poor management of their water supply either. Unfortunately, without proper diligence, the cunty side of
human nature of just a few could impact the health of all of us.
And your point would be??? Like all progressive socialists - you desperately want to make the case that everyone is absolved of personal responsibility while simultaneously everyone is responsible for everyone else.

Talk about irrational. Anyone who is sex is responsible for their own actions. Society is not responsible for their actions no matter how desperately you wish that wasn't true.
Like all progressive socialists - you desperately want to make the case that everyone is absolved of personal responsibility while simultaneously everyone is responsible for everyone else.
I did no such thing.
Perfect personal responsibility is the ideal. Unfortunately human nature and the randomness of human experience makes that not only unlikely but impossible. A mature person with wisdom would see that.
RWers don't have sex?
Like everything else - we take personal responsibility for it. We pay for our own contraception and our own children. It's a radical concept. You should try it sometime.

Like with everything else- clueless.

Well insurance sees it as a hefty cost. That's why we like to cover contraceptives . As y'all have stated "we pay for it ".

Better to pay for an IUD than the cost of paying for all these babies and their care . Contraception saves costs .

Far left religious narrative being run!

Yes so the far left does believe that pregnancy is a disease that must be eradicated!

Unwanted pregnancy should be eradicated .

Why you freaking over contraception? Mad because you want to control women? Keep them barefoot and pregnant?
Unwanted pregnancy is easy to eradicate. If a woman has a child she can't afford to raise, it should be taken away from her and given to someone who has the wherewithal to raise it.


Who feeds, clothes and houses it in the meantime?

What you aren't understanding is that you pay no matter what you do. The best, most economical and efficient remedy is to prevent the pregnancy in the first place.

Your system would have the taxpayers feeding, clothing and housing them for their entire lives. Furthermore, there is a pronounced shortage of babies available for adoption. It would only take days to arrange an adoption.

Funny thing with progressives they say they want to stay out of peoples bedrooms, but at the same time they want to force people that want to stay out of peoples bedrooms then, only to force those they oppose to finance mistakes made in those bedrooms…
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Funny thing with progressives they say they want to stay out of peoples bedrooms, but at the same time they want to force people that want to stay out of peoples bedrooms then, only to force those they oppose to finance mistakes made in those bedrooms…

The health of the nation's people is a national security issue. Therefore the federal government has both the right and the obligation to work to maintain the health of the people.

All right, if national security is the issue - let's extend that reasoning to closing the border, vetting refugees, tracking and deporting illegals, reduce the national debt, provide for the common defense and require all able bodied adults to work.

I do agree that public health is an important issue and one in which the federal government can play a legitimate role - the flaw in your reasoning is that having health insurance translates into being healthy. It does not. The leading cause of death in the US is heart disease. A disease in many cases preventable. One step the gov't can take is to return SNAP to funding actual nutritional supplements, ie fresh food and staples - not sugary, salty, high calorie non-food snacks and drinks.

Obamacare as a whole is a shell game - in which already insured folks lost their coverage, and were forced onto a more expensive exchange. Health insurance coverage choices were narrowed. You may approve of Obamacare, and some parts are worth keeping, but don't try to sell it as an improvement in health, or health-care. It is a very expensive, massive federal takeover of the health insurance industry that is collapsing under its own weight.
By your idiotic "logic" - your health records are a matter of public record. Right?
Just a dumb statement. My "logic" included no such conclusion. That came from the shallows of your intellect.
Hahahahaha! What a fool. If health is "public" as you idiotically stated - then your health records are a matter of public record. You lose snowflake. As always.

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