'IF YOU'RE HEALTHY, Get Off Your @$$ - Go Pick Up Trash For A Check!'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Trump officials move to allow Medicaid work requirements

'The Trump administration on Thursday unveiled guidance allowing states for the first time to impose work requirements in Medicaid, a major shift in the health insurance program for the poor.

The move opens the door for states to apply for waivers to allow them to require Medicaid enrollees to work in order to receive coverage, something that has never before happened in the 50-year history of the program.'

Let the ranting begin....

I know it must already be strenuous walking to the mailbox to collect their checks, but let's hear how it is 'Un-American' to require healthy people to do a little work in order to collect their 'FREE $hit'...
The only part that confuses me about the policy is who is going to be providing the jobs that they will be required to have.

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The only part that confuses me about the policy is who is going to be providing the jobs that they will be required to have.

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Different agencies - assign recipients to the Highway Dept and have them pick up trash along a strip of highway to get a voucher signed / record signed off saying they worked so they can get their check.
Everyone able should work or do something.
No one has a right to be a lazy ass. If you can use a phone and make calls, or be on a computer, you can work.

Makes me sick.
Nothing wrong with this policy at all. If you're physically able to work you should earn your way
A study from the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation found that a surprising number of working-age adults on Medicaid are already employed. Nearly 60 percent work either full time or part time, mainly for employers that don’t offer health insurance. Most who are not working report reasons such as illness, caring for a family member or going to school. Some Medicaid recipients say the coverage has enabled them to get healthy enough to return to work.

And there we go. The truth is over HALF of the people getting medicaid work...but ya know rich cocksuckers gotta keep them wage slaves on the government dole because god forbid they pay a decent wage!
They can pay their fair share with their time. Maybe the snowflake population will die down. Considering they wouldn't have so much time to be offended.

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