If you're not "christian", don't apply here

IMO, we should leave these Ark people alone. Stirring up trouble where none is needed is what causes all these hornets nests over nothing. If a religious theme park wants to hire Christians, that actually makes sense. For heavens sake, why can't they be left alone?

From that link: "While these questions are not explicitly illegal..." As I said...the questions themselves are not illegal...HOWEVER, there is no legal reason for these questions and discrimination based on these reasons IS illegal. So you can legally ask someone's religion, but it is illegal to use the answer as any part of the hiring decision. And good luck trying to prove it wasn't a factor.

Right. But those aren't questions, that's in a job ad. And again any hiring decision based on those factors is illegal, but technically the questions by themselves are not.
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Employees at Kentucky's new Noah's Ark attraction must be Christian and 'profess Christ as their savior'
  • Ark Encounter employees must be Christian, ministry behind attraction say
  • New staff will have to sign a statement 'professing Christ as their savior'
  • Judge granted exemption to Civil Rights Act so only Christians are hired
  • Theme park is hiring up to 400 workers for the 510ft ship that opens in July
  • Ministry also runs Creation Museum that preaches Earth is 6,000 years old

Read more: Employees at Kentucky's new Noah's Ark attraction must be Christian
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Yet another example of the RWNJ traitors trying to take us back to the Dark Ages. Not to mention that its illegal to ask a potential employees religion.

I read about that place, how frickin stupid

The judge gave this organization an exemption. The subject is closed.

Contemplating a religious organization that hires gays, then requires them to follow a script filled with hell fire, brimstone and all gays will burn in hell forever is just wishful thinking.
It looks like the Judge granted an exemption because this is owned and run by a religious institution.

Dont like it. Don't go.

What does this say to the people searching for Christ? Nothing good..Did Jesus say only those who believe me 100% can follow me?

I can understand that the rules can say if your not a christian there will be no negative talk to the customers. This is basically shutting the door to maybe a person working finding God and having a light bulb moment after understanding a bit more ....Dumb asses.

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This so demonstrates the non-judgemental love kristians have for their fellow man. Just like Jesus.
What is it with big government loons on the left and right? How about this? You marry who you want, I'll employ who I want and we'll all tell the government to mind their own business...

Too fair, simple, and logical for the average American moron I suppose.
As usual, RWNJ traitors are in favor of anything that takes freedoms and rights away from Americans.

Anyway, look at the size of this monstrosity. What in the hell will they put in some thing this big?

Its a pretty silly fable/myth/lie but idiots can believe whatever they want. Really, there seems to be no end to this fake christian fundie crap.


This so demonstrates the non-judgemental love kristians have for their fellow man. Just like Jesus.

Hey Dumb Dumb, your right about the hate of these F-ed up Christians, but your wrong about Jesus...name 1 thing Jesus was mean about to a non-believer?

It looks like the Judge granted an exemption because this is owned and run by a religious institution.

Dont like it. Don't go.

What does this say to the people searching for Christ? Nothing good..Did Jesus say only those who believe me 100% can follow me?

I can understand that the rules can say if your not a christian there will be no negative talk to the customers. This is basically shutting the door to maybe a person working finding God and having a light bulb moment after understanding a bit more ....Dumb asses.

If people searching for Christ think they will find it in Noahland or whatever they call it, they are wrong. If someone is searching for deep meaning go to a church, speak to a theologian. Don't have that conversation with someone working in an amusement park.
If people searching for Christ think they will find it in Noahland or whatever they call it, they are wrong. If someone is searching for deep meaning go to a church, speak to a theologian. Don't have that conversation with someone working in an amusement park.

People are always watching ... I actually found God in the hiking club at a church I rarely went to. We hiked the Cascade Mountains for a week. I was watching the other kids wondering what they were talking about..

What would have happened to my life if I never was allowed to go on this trip because I was not a christian?

Your argument is a joke

If a company demanded that all employees sign a diversity pledge the lefttards would have no problem with that whatsoever.

Wrong again.

Also wrong that think that discrimination is okay because a non-fundie nutter wouldn't want to work there.

The point is the religion-based discrimination.

Is this ok with you ?

RETAILLadies-Only Ridesharing Service Founded By Ex-Uber Driver

ciality version out-Uber Uber?

This is the question Chariot for Women is seeking to answer with the launch of its new service, which, for lack of a better description, is basically Uber by women, for women.

Founded my Michael Pelletz, once an Uber driver, the service came to life on an Uber call when the passenger seemed on the edge of a drug overdose.

“One thought kept coming up in his head: ‘What if I was a woman?’” the company’s website said. “Just one bad apple behind the wheel and those women would not be safe at all. 3 a.m. in Boston is a candy store for predators.”

Chariot for women only employs female drivers and only picks up lady riders (or boys under the age of 13).

Ridesharing For Women Launches | PYMNTS.com
If people searching for Christ think they will find it in Noahland or whatever they call it, they are wrong. If someone is searching for deep meaning go to a church, speak to a theologian. Don't have that conversation with someone working in an amusement park.

People are always watching ... I actually found God in the hiking club at a church I rarely went to. We hiked the Cascade Mountains for a week. I was watching the other kids wondering what they were talking about..

What would have happened to my life if I never was allowed to go on this trip because I was not a christian?

Your argument is a joke

The Cascades are places of natural God made beauty. It's not Noahland. It's a privately owned park that can do what they want.
If a company demanded that all employees sign a diversity pledge the lefttards would have no problem with that whatsoever.

Wrong again.

Also wrong that think that discrimination is okay because a non-fundie nutter wouldn't want to work there.

The point is the religion-based discrimination.

lol ... as if you are against that kind of discrimination ... what a fraud.

And for the Peanut Gallery, discrimination against Christians is rife in academia at your 'finest' universities, especially in the 'Ivy League', in most disciplines, just to name one job category. And some applications for admission are also being denied on the basis of a Christian as well.

So stick your dishonest, psycho sociopathic whining and sniveling about da evul Xians up you asses. Thanks in advance.
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The judge gave this organization an exemption. The subject is closed..

He had no reason not to, as it's run as a non-profit there wouldn't have been any taxable income. the paid employees are, however, paying employment taxes like any other employees are, including church employees like pastors.

Somehow these cranks and psychoes have it in their heads these people aren't paying payroll and income taxes, for some reason, probably congenital idiocy.

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