Our New Speaker Thinks the Earth is 6,000 Years Old

Rabid, right wing Christianity is no different than Islam. Racist, misogynistic, and xenophobic. Hating on blacks, Jews, gays. They ignore the teachings of Jesus in favour of fire and brimstone and retribution. Segregating their children in religious schools which teach creationism, and that the earth is 6000 years old.
the canadian showing her true racist self. nice work!! aren't you proud. I think you got most of the nonsense made up names to show yourself off.

BTW, isn't the earth 6,000 years old?
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Among the more ridiculous lies conservatives resort to is the lie that appropriate, warranted criticism of the Christian right’s willful ignorance – such as the earth being only 6000 years old – is to be ‘anti-Christian.’

It’s not.

It’s being anti-ignorance and anti-stupidity.
Why is the age of the earth or what you believe that to be matter? Everyone who thinks the "know" the age of the earth is the moron.
Among the more ridiculous lies conservatives resort to is the lie that appropriate, warranted criticism of the Christian right’s willful ignorance – such as the earth being only 6000 years old – is to be ‘anti-Christian.’

It’s not.

It’s being anti-ignorance and anti-stupidity.
Up until very recently "the science" assured everyone that the universe was half as old as they currently "know" that it is now.....
Up until very recently "the science" assured everyone that the universe was half as old as they currently "know" that it is now.....

Up until this very day some people profess to believe that Adam and Eve were the first humans. Grown people who think that fairy tales intended to educate children are historical documents.

Imagine that!

They should be purged from government, law enforcement, banned from operating heavy machinery, and working with impressionable children lest they fuck up their minds for life.

Didn't you ever read the story of the talking serpent? Never heard about demonic possession?


You have lost your mind, your soul, and have been possessed by a demon, the Cheeto Bandito.

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