Speaker of the House Mike Johnson Drops Bomb: Biden Is Not the One in Charge

And he'd be correct 💯%. Biden is a Usurper not in control. Trump instituted controls to stop the flow of illegals across our border. No one stopped him because he had the authority to do so. The Usurper eliminated those controls on day one of his illicit administration. He did so because he was told to do so.

And he'd be correct 💯%. Biden is a Usurper not in control. Trump instituted controls to stop the flow of illegals across our border. No one stopped him because he had the authority to do so. The Usurper eliminated those controls on day one of his illicit administration. He did so because he was told to do so.
I just love you nut balls. what a hoot. Did you know that their is alien bases under the ice in Antarctica.
Good, so you'll vote for Trump in order to close the border, finish the Wall, and stop the flow of unvetted illegal brown third world military age men?
Here's the problem microbe. all the people that are being let into this country are people asking for asylum, probably the most important treaty in the world that the whole civilized world has signed , is that Treaty to accept People that are asylum seekers. We as a nation , both party's are the main instigators of that treaty. There are multiple international laws and American laws supporting this also , In fact many federal laws. Now the biggest move by any president was done by Biden to slow down this influx of people across our southern border. But it wasn't constitutional with endless laws in this country protecting the right of asylum seekers in this country. So it was turned down by the hate party's conservative court. So it looks like the ones that should be attacked for this problem is the right wing , what do you think ? You don't have to try to bullshit what Trump did , because he did nothing, Title 42 did it all, something that has been around for a long time. It was implemented because of Covid. So when these hate Nazis try to bullshit you, bring this up and blame them , they are the culprits.
also What I want is Trumps diaper crew to stepup and change his shitty diapers I can smell him from Minnesota.
That's Smirking Jerkoff Johnson's duty.

He had one job..........:abgg2q.jpg:
Why would it come as a surprise that a doddering old fool isn't in charge and the government is run by a shadow unnamed unelected left wing cabal? If the Soros dominated mainstream media wasn't a propaganda agent of the international left, Biden would have been forced to retire after he incurred his second brain embolism.
Here's the problem microbe. all the people that are being let into this country are people asking for asylum, probably the most important treaty in the world that the whole civilized world has signed , is that Treaty to accept People that are asylum seekers. We as a nation , both party's are the main instigators of that treaty. There are multiple international laws and American laws supporting this also , In fact many federal laws. Now the biggest move by any president was done by Biden to slow down this influx of people across our southern border. But it wasn't constitutional with endless laws in this country protecting the right of asylum seekers in this country. So it was turned down by the hate party's conservative court. So it looks like the ones that should be attacked for this problem is the right wing , what do you think ? You don't have to try to bullshit what Trump did , because he did nothing, Title 42 did it all, something that has been around for a long time. It was implemented because of Covid. So when these hate Nazis try to bullshit you, bring this up and blame them , they are the culprits.
The hate party wants Biden to use EO's to address the border so they can then run it thru the court system, delaying the process for months & months. Not only that, but they're too gutless to vote on this bill, afraid that they'll offend that lunatic Trump. They're too cowardly to vote on it & they're pissed that Biden won't play the game.

Vote those sons of bitches out.
all the people that are being let into this country are people asking for asylum,
That's their sympathy excuse for coming here when they're actually violating how it's supposed to be done. They're supposed to seek asylum in the first country they reach. They're not. Nevertheless Trump will have them hunted down and deported. I will do my share and help by profiling every brown looking third worlder I think has come here illegally and report them to the authorities. I did it before and I'm ready to do it again.
That's their sympathy excuse for coming here when they're actually violating how it's supposed to be done. They're supposed to seek asylum in the first country they reach. They're not. Nevertheless Trump will have them hunted down and deported. I will do my share and help by profiling every brown looking third worlder I think has come here illegally and report them to the authorities. I did it before and I'm ready to do it again.
As usual , that's bullshit. One hate Nazi [posted it and it became gospel to the rest of the hate Nazi's) , it is bullshit. Like I said if they open their mouths it is to only change socks. Never believe any of them.
The hate party wants Biden to use EO's to address the border so they can then run it thru the court system, delaying the process for months & months. Not only that, but they're too gutless to vote on this bill, afraid that they'll offend that lunatic Trump. They're too cowardly to vote on it & they're pissed that Biden won't play the game.

Vote those sons of bitches out.
They are low life scum who supports a guy who shits in his pants all the time because of his drug consumption.
Why would it come as a surprise that a doddering old fool isn't in charge and the government is run by a shadow unnamed unelected left wing cabal? If the Soros dominated mainstream media wasn't a propaganda agent of the international left, Biden would have been forced to retire after he incurred his second brain embolism.
You forgot to tell us about the alien base under the ice in Antarctica.
You forgot to tell us about the alien base under the ice in Antarctica.
Do you think an argument about UFO's cancels the reality of Biden's two brain embolisms? Typical of left wing logic these days. How in the world could this doddering old fool really be the most powerful man in the world without a little help from his friends?
Here's the problem microbe. all the people that are being let into this country are people asking for asylum, probably the most important treaty in the world that the whole civilized world has signed , is that Treaty to accept People that are asylum seekers.

And damn near 100% of those claims are bullshit, which you are more than aware of.
You mean the campaign slogan that you rubes swallowed hook, line, and sinker? Did Mexico ever pay for that fence...erm...wall? Kids in cages? I thought we've debunked these lies. Trump not only continued the practice of putting kids in cages, but he separated families too. So..he didn't actually deal with the problem. Just allowed a lot of people across the border.....can...meet foot. You're about to get kicked. :)
How could he have kept any promises with the way that democrats fought against him stopping illegal immigration? He never had a chance against your organized campaign of smearing his every move as "racist" and filing a million lawsuits at every turn.

Why did you guys do that? You fucked over the country. Then when Biden came in you guys fucked us over even harder. All just for some future percentage of votes? Your party is going to doom us. There is no way we are going to survive your spending and your vote buying when you flood us with 3rd world illegals with no skills, who are more than happy to give you votes for welfare. We will not survive that cycle.
The Speaker of the House is right.

Oxiden is the one in charge.....but everybody knew that already.

How could he have kept any promises with the way that democrats fought against him stopping illegal immigration? He never had a chance against your organized campaign of smearing his every move as "racist" and filing a million lawsuits at every turn.

Why did you guys do that? You fucked over the country. Then when Biden came in you guys fucked us over even harder. All just for some future percentage of votes? Your party is going to doom us. There is no way we are going to survive your spending and your vote buying when you flood us with 3rd world illegals with no skills, who are more than happy to give you votes for welfare. We will not survive that cycle.
Bullshit. He had a Republican controlled House and Senate for his first two years in office.
So what happened? Oh yeah, he had no intention of keeping any of those promises. They were all campaign slogans.
"Your" spending? I'm sorry, did you not notice the 3+ trillion dollars added to the deficit under the last administration?
Again, the lion share of the people coming to this country are coming here to WORK. Not sponge off the government.
You'll survive. It just won't happen the way you want it to. :)
Uh-huh. Trump did nothing but kick the can down the road on the border and immigration. And then tried to show everyone what a toughie he was...and you swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. :)
Trump had illegal immigrants down to a record low. Then comes Biden telling them to surge our border.
Bullshit. He had a Republican controlled House and Senate for his first two years in office.
So what happened? Oh yeah, he had no intention of keeping any of those promises. They were all campaign slogans.
"Your" spending? I'm sorry, did you not notice the 3+ trillion dollars added to the deficit under the last administration?
Again, the lion share of the people coming to this country are coming here to WORK. Not sponge off the government.
You'll survive. It just won't happen the way you want it to. :)
Wait, are you trying to claim that democrats DIDNT fight him every step of the way? Your party has been fighting HARD for years to flood us with illegals, and you blame TRUMP for losing the fight against YOUR party? Am i getting this correct?

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