...there have been numerous J6 threads on this venue...


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
Many threads. And just a recent one in the last day or two about the now convicted criminal who the DOJ proved was one of the initiators of the first breach when he --and others ----violently forced steel gating against officers (giving a concussion to one female officer) and then led the crowd over that breach. Good that such violent offenders are apprehended and appropriately punished.

That is as it should be....both the punishment to convicted offenders and the continuing attention on the realities of J6 and the machinations by Don Trump, his enablers, and the MAGA movement that led to the violence and threat to America that was January 6th.

And that 'attention' must continue. It WAS a threat to our democracy as that recent Frontline documentary ably articulated. J6 WAS different in type and implication than some knucklehead throwing a trashcan through a Nike store window during the protests over police brutality in the summer of 2020.

Which brings us to Rusty Bowers.
If you recall, Bowers was a high Republican official in Arizona who was a true and loyal Trump supporter and fervidly wanted Trump to win the election in 2020. He even introduced Trump from the podium in a campaign visit to Arizona. He was the Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives, and had worked his way up as a Republican legislator over 27yrs.

But the ham-handed attempt to steal the election for Trump by Rudy Giuliani, his sidekick, Jenna Ellis, and by Don Trump himself repelled Bowers. As he so ably testified....he was shocked by their amateurish and clearly illegal attempts to get the election reversed in Arizona.

Here is a 'pull-out' from that recent Frontline documentary that allowed Bowers to speak his mind.
It is worth watching. And Bowers is worth watching as a conscientious and responsible legislator.....and citizen. America would be well served to elect more such loyal citizens as Bowers.


Many threads. And just a recent one in the last day or two about the now convicted criminal who the DOJ proved was one of the initiators of the first breach when he --and others ----violently forced steel gating against officers (giving a concussion to one female officer) and then led the crowd over that breach. Good that such violent offenders are apprehended and appropriately punished.

That is as it should be....both the punishment to convicted offenders and the continuing attention on the realities of J6 and the machinations by Don Trump, his enablers, and the MAGA movement that led to the violence and threat to America that was January 6th.

And that 'attention' must continue. It WAS a threat to our democracy as that recent Frontline documentary ably articulated. J6 WAS different in type and implication than some knucklehead throwing a trashcan through a Nike store window during the protests over police brutality in the summer of 2020.

Which brings us to Rusty Bowers.
If you recall, Bowers was a high Republican official in Arizona who was a true and loyal Trump supporter and fervidly wanted Trump to win the election in 2020. He even introduced Trump from the podium in a campaign visit to Arizona. He was the Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives, and had worked his way up as a Republican legislator over 27yrs.

But the ham-handed attempt to steal the election for Trump by Rudy Giuliani, his sidekick, Jenna Ellis, and by Don Trump himself repelled Bowers. As he so ably testified....he was shocked by their amateurish and clearly illegal attempts to get the election reversed in Arizona.

Here is a 'pull-out' from that recent Frontline documentary that allowed Bowers to speak his mind.
It is worth watching. And Bowers is worth watching as a conscientious and responsible legislator.....and citizen. America would be well served to elect more such loyal citizens as Bowers.


The documentary on HBO a couple of years ago was the best that I've seen about Jan 6. It vividly and graphically captured the pain and suffering of the heroic cops defending the Capitol that day.

It will always sicken me how these MAGA traitors attacked the cathedral of our democracy on Jan 6. I will NEVER forget what they did and it will be a tragedy for this country if a MAGA Republican ever occupies the White House again or if these fascists are able to gain complete control of Congress ever again.

Rusty Bowers' testimony before the Jan 6 Committee was compelling. It's mind-boggling as hell that he said he would still vote for Trump again, but Christian conservative Republicans like Bowers and Mike Pence are deeply confused and just don't know what to think anymore. The way they process information through the inflexible Christian conservative filters in their brains does not allow them to see how evil the Republican Party has become.
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Many threads. And just a recent one in the last day or two about the now convicted criminal who the DOJ proved was one of the initiators of the first breach when he --and others ----violently forced steel gating against officers (giving a concussion to one female officer) and then led the crowd over that breach. Good that such violent offenders are apprehended and appropriately punished.

That is as it should be....both the punishment to convicted offenders and the continuing attention on the realities of J6 and the machinations by Don Trump, his enablers, and the MAGA movement that led to the violence and threat to America that was January 6th.

And that 'attention' must continue. It WAS a threat to our democracy as that recent Frontline documentary ably articulated. J6 WAS different in type and implication than some knucklehead throwing a trashcan through a Nike store window during the protests over police brutality in the summer of 2020.

Which brings us to Rusty Bowers.
If you recall, Bowers was a high Republican official in Arizona who was a true and loyal Trump supporter and fervidly wanted Trump to win the election in 2020. He even introduced Trump from the podium in a campaign visit to Arizona. He was the Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives, and had worked his way up as a Republican legislator over 27yrs.

But the ham-handed attempt to steal the election for Trump by Rudy Giuliani, his sidekick, Jenna Ellis, and by Don Trump himself repelled Bowers. As he so ably testified....he was shocked by their amateurish and clearly illegal attempts to get the election reversed in Arizona.

Here is a 'pull-out' from that recent Frontline documentary that allowed Bowers to speak his mind.
It is worth watching. And Bowers is worth watching as a conscientious and responsible legislator.....and citizen. America would be well served to elect more such loyal citizens as Bowers.


He's a lifelong conservative Republican, and he hated having to do this.

He put the Constitution ahead of the Cult. Good for him. One of the heroes of this whole disaster.
In post #2, a response of sort to this thread the earnest poster 1srelluc does not articulate for himself his views.
Rather, he offers us a music video from 22years ago titled "Living in the Past".

As if, I suppose, a look back to the 2021 attack on Congress and our elected Representtives is futile.

But the thing is, and what poster Relluc is not recognizing is that .....that the 'past' ain't really past. J6 lives with us today. Like 9/11 lives with us. Like Pearl Harbor lives with us. J6 will has had notable repercussions.....and will continue to do so for a long long time.

It is a 'cross-to-bear' a 'Gordion Knot', a challenge that America must autopsy completely, apportion the appropriate blame, and enact measures that will deter such violent political tactics to ever again threaten our Constitutionally mandated peaceful-transfer-of-power.


by the way....within that 'taster' clip I offer in the OP, there is a link for watching the whole Frontline special. If you haven't watched it yet....well, I highly recommend it.
Frontline does documentaries well and good. Always informative and worth the time.
You have to understand, all the DNC has now, with a failing economy and southern border, is January 6th and Taylor Swift.

Maybe Taylor can write a song about January 6th so they have something to run on in November.
Jan 6 is all the DNC needs.

Jan 6 automatically makes Trump and all of his traitorous supporters unfit from holding office ever again.

It is literally that simple.
Jan 6 is all the DNC needs.

Jan 6 automatically makes Trump and all of his traitorous supporters unfit from holding office ever again.

It is literally that simple.
I think the GOP has learned they should never protest ever again.

Even though they have a constitutional right to, who want's their women shot dead unarmed?
That wasn't a protest. You are a traitor and an imbecile who can't understand how terrible Jan 6 was. Therefore, I'm not going to waste my time with you.
So, had they not shot the unarmed woman, they would have succeeded in taking over the government?

What exactly are you saying here?

As for not talking to me every again, thanks.
So, had they not shot the unarmed woman, they would have succeeded in taking over the government?

What exactly are you saying here?

As for not talking to me every again, thanks.
Why was she crawling through that window, dumb fuck?? That security officer was vastly outnumbered and trapped and he had no choice.

These are the questions that you MAGA traitor fucks WON'T answer.
The documentary on HBO a couple of years ago was the best that I've seen about Jan 6. It vividly and graphically captured the pain and suffering of the heroic cops defending the Capitol that day.

It will always sicken me how these MAGA traitors attacked the cathedral of our democracy on Jan 6. I will NEVER forget what they did and it will be a tragedy for this country if a MAGA Republican ever occupies the White House again or if these fascists are able to gain complete control of Congress ever again.

Rusty Bowers' testimony before the Jan 6 Committee was compelling. It's mind-boggling as hell that he said he would still vote for Trump again, but Christian conservative Republicans like Bowers and Mike Pence are deeply confused and just don't know what to think anymore. The way they process information through the inflexible Christian conservative filters in their brains does not allow them to see how evil the Republican Party has become.
The documentary on HBO a couple of years ago
got a link to that 'documentary'?
"You have to understand, all the DNC has now, with a failing economy and southern border, is January 6th and Taylor Swift."

Well, in my opinion, that is a sad misread by poster Votto.

As anyone who is paying attention to the economic issues of America has seen....America's economy is doing great right now. Certainly better than any other large economy in the world today. America emerged out of the Covid catastrophe healthier and stronger than anyone else did. Anyone else of real importance to our world.

Our southern border and our address of it is most certainly an issue. As it has been for at least 20 years. We must blame our Congress for that. Both parties have failed to craft a coalition of the willing that can and does make substantive changes so that America can feel good about the immigrants we allow in.

We do need immigrants .....witness the critical need for workers in so many many industries and businesses. We ALL....of course.....want immigration to be an orderly controlled development to assist America to grow and prosper and form a more perfect union.

Today there is a proposal before our Congress to tweak and improve the unsatisfactory situation we have now. It is stalled by zealots. Zealots who are all too willing to let perfect be the enemy of good. And thus, once again, our Congress will fail spectacularly ....to effectively change our immigration issue for the better. They are at risk...WE are at risk.....that they will again do nothing.


ps....good poster Votto, you ain't getting the joke that is the Swifty-laugher that Fox News, OAN, Sean Hannity, and so many other RW media has given America......and given to their rivals on a silver platter.

America is laughing....when it isn't slapping it's forehead......over this sillygsym the Conservative Conspiracy Universe has gifted their opposition.

And the rivals to the C.C.U. are only too glad to keep this laugher front and center in their belief that if a rival wants to hang himself......well, "Here's More Rope".

And, between you and me, poster Votto.......I am confident you know that as well.

  1. Fake News
    16 minutes ago


  2. Fake News
    17 minutes ago



    To earnest posters CFrank and CAArbor:

    What is fake about the OP?
    Do you think Rusty Bowers is lying?
    If so, why?

    Do you think my avatar is lying?
    If so, why?

    You both claim the OP is "fake". Well, what is 'fake' about it.

    Saddle up, my friends. Explain yourselves.​


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