IG Horowitz pulled a con job to save Obama who appointed him from Treason saved Obama but lost usa


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2018
READ: DOJ Inspector General's Report On The Russia Investigation

A real con job by the IG Horowitz to save Obama who appointed him

He had a choice to save the nation or save Obama .... he chose save Obama

But he had to give some to the conservatives to keep them from over taking the crooked govt

So no conspiracy by Obama and opening the crooked investigation was legit he says

That was simply a con job to save Obama from treason charges

But he cannot fool the men and the men will work things now differently and that destroys the nation when the men no longer believes in the govt

Rhodesia and South Africa fell because of exactly what the Horowitz types does they lie to protect the unwise to vote in criminals and to destroy the nation

Horowitz the con artist that thru the nation under the bus to save the one that appointed him. Obama
Few people will speak up about exactly what Horowitz did

And no way will the liberal media tell the truth in any way
Every republican in DC is afraid of Obama's skin color...Obama wore it like a superman costume....but everyone knows what happened...Obama ordered Comey Clapper and Brennan to spy on Trump's campaign...after he won Obama told them to find a way to frame President Trump and set him up for impeachment and to hamper his progress in office...clearly a treasonous act that if we lived in a just nation would land Obama in prison for the rest of his miserable life....no one in DC has the guts to do whats right so sadly this will happen again....
The only recourse we the people have is to never ever elect a minority liberal ever again....because they can literally get away with murder....
All jury systems will now fall

Because Horowitz and his kind lies to cover up their treason guilty friends
everyone knows what happened...Obama ordered Comey Clapper and Brennan to spy on Trump's campaign...after he won Obama told them to find a way to frame President Trump and set him up for impeachment

Good one. Thanks for a laugh.

As of today...Pelosi does not have every democrat on board...and zero republicans....
The IG Report is about procedure (17 violations) rather than crimes. However, criminal prosecution of political opponents (even if deserved) could set a dangerous precedent. If only we had an honest media, we might not have to that route.
This is a clear cut con job by the iq to protect Obama even while destroying the nation

All people must ask themselves will they destroy the nation to lie and cover up treason crimes by an ex president ??

All people should list all the backlash that will come by covering up

Once you list all the backlash you will see a destroyed nation

Paying taxes will be stopped. Even the good will stop paying taxes

Every chance to cheat the government will come

Fighting for the nation will stop

Jury systems will fall

So horowitz clearly chose to destroy the nation with lying and covering up Obama’s Treason

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