Only in your liberal mind...........................but you are tainted..............why you see nothing............

Why you dodge threads when Berkley burns the place when a conservative might talk.............why you pretty much skate the issue of what the IRS did..............

You are useless..................


Weren't you just complaining that I was "diverting" the thread?
Look......all this I.G. report proves is Trump has been vindicated.
Trump fired Comey for the very reasons outlined in the I.G. report.
He did not fire him because he was trying to obstruct justice in the Russian investigation.
So the Mueller investigation is a total sham.
You idiots have been exposed once again.
But all you have to say about it is that the FBI wasn't being political.

What a farce.


You could make that argument, if it wasn't for the fact that Trump went on TV and stated that he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

He kinda already blew up your spot with that one.
The reason was clearly stated in his letter that Comey was fired at the recommendations from the AG and the Deputy AG. And it stated that the reason was he clearly wasn't effective in his job. He sighted public trust and confidence in law enforcement, which is essential to the FBI mission.


The Russian investigation is a totally different bag of worms that hasn't been opened yet.
That will be coming later. The Hillary "matter" had been closed. And Comey handled it incompetently as stated in the I.G. report. The Russia investigation was still ongoing at the time Comey was fired.

yeah, that's why he said on national tv that he fired comey because of the russian investigation

it's also why he told the russians that firing comey took the pressure off

trumplings will believe anything
Republican Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy told Fox News’s Sean Hannity explicitly that the Clinton investigation was part of a “strategy to fight and win.” He explained: “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened, had we not fought.”

Another Republican lawmaker says the House Select Committee on Benghazi is meant to go after former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Republican Rep. Richard Hanna said on New York's' WIBX 950, "Sometimes the biggest sin you can commit in D.C. is to tell the truth."
"This may not be politically correct, but I think that there was a big part of this investigation that was designed to go after people and an individual, Hillary Clinton," said Hanna, "After what Kevin McCarthy said, it's difficult to accept at least a part of it was not. I think that's the way Washington works. But you'd like to expect more from a committee that's spent millions of dollars and tons of time."

Turnabout is fair play for these deplorable Trumptards. Enjoy the Muller probing you ask for!!!
Link. I don’t recall it said that. I thought it said it cast a “cloud of doubt” over their integrity.

The report has already been linked. Here's the important section:

There were clearly tensions and disagreements in a number of important areas between Midyear agents and prosecutors. However, we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative decisions discussed below, or that the justifications offered for these decisions were pretextual. We recognize that these text and instant messages cast a cloud over the FBI’s handling of the Midyear investigation and the investigation’s credibility. But our review did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that these political views directly affected the specific investigative decisions that we reviewed in this chapter. The broader impact of these text and instant messages, including on such matters as the public perception of the FBI and the Midyear investigation, are discussed in ChapterTwelve
Go back and read the parts you bolded. Pay close attention to the words ‘directly affected’.
It doesn’t say there was no bias. lol

Yes. The report says that while Page and Strozk may have been personally "biased" against Trump, those personal biases did not affect any official or investigative decisions.

No, it says they found no evidence that their biases affected any official decisions, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. IOW, the IG can't prove it, but when I see what these people were saying, well it's kinda hard to assume they never actually did anything they shouldn't have. Hard to believe IMHO, I would bet serious money that whatever evidence that did exist got cloroxed. Lib dems are experienced int hat stuff.

The report examined every single step in the investigation.

At no point were Strozk or Page in a position to make any decisions that would have changed the investigation. At no point was there any evidence of bad faith on the part of any of the team.

It's very in-depth. For reference, I'm discussing Chapters 3, 4, and 5 of the report (p.37-160).
Investigation of Clinton’s emails...not run-up to push for planting spy in Trump campaign. That will come out in part 2 of IG report on Russia witch hunt. This is just an appetizer. Main course to come.
I can’t understabd how it keeps getting said “they were grossly incompetent , insubordinate and in violation of agency policy” BUT they didn’t do it on purpose so not illegal

There should be No “but”.
Being that awful at your job is guilt of the charges brought
When IG report part 2 is released dealing with catalyst for Russia probe...Trump firing of Comey the leaker will be seen as 100% justified.
The report has already been linked. Here's the important section:

There were clearly tensions and disagreements in a number of important areas between Midyear agents and prosecutors. However, we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative decisions discussed below, or that the justifications offered for these decisions were pretextual. We recognize that these text and instant messages cast a cloud over the FBI’s handling of the Midyear investigation and the investigation’s credibility. But our review did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that these political views directly affected the specific investigative decisions that we reviewed in this chapter. The broader impact of these text and instant messages, including on such matters as the public perception of the FBI and the Midyear investigation, are discussed in ChapterTwelve
Go back and read the parts you bolded. Pay close attention to the words ‘directly affected’.
It doesn’t say there was no bias. lol

Yes. The report says that while Page and Strozk may have been personally "biased" against Trump, those personal biases did not affect any official or investigative decisions.

No, it says they found no evidence that their biases affected any official decisions, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. IOW, the IG can't prove it, but when I see what these people were saying, well it's kinda hard to assume they never actually did anything they shouldn't have. Hard to believe IMHO, I would bet serious money that whatever evidence that did exist got cloroxed. Lib dems are experienced int hat stuff.

The report examined every single step in the investigation.

At no point were Strozk or Page in a position to make any decisions that would have changed the investigation. At no point was there any evidence of bad faith on the part of any of the team.

It's very in-depth. For reference, I'm discussing Chapters 3, 4, and 5 of the report (p.37-160).
Investigation of Clinton’s emails...not run-up to push for planting spy in Trump campaign. That will come out in part 2 of IG report on Russia witch hunt. This is just an appetizer. Main course to come.

Any day now.
I can’t understabd how it keeps getting said “they were grossly incompetent , insubordinate and in violation of agency policy” BUT they didn’t do it on purpose so not illegal

There should be No “but”.
Being that awful at your job is guilt of the charges brought
Amazing...a blind man could see there was complete political motivation for wrapping up Clinton investigation and going after Trump.
What could be considered an overt act is his ambush of Flynn at the WH.....that conviction will never stand because Flynn wasn't Mirandized and didn't have counsel present.
Yet, that's the one criminal charge, out of the many greater crimes Flynn & son committed, that Flynn plead guilty on....and swore under oath, before the Judge, that it was with no coercion, that made him plead guilty?

Flynn committed no crimes...he was charged and plead to perjury under duress of being charged with whatever else Mueller and his band of pirates came up with....possibly espionage. Let's not forget who Mike Flynn is....3 Star General and at the time our National Security Advisor. Mueller was pulled from the field as a lieutenant for leading his platoon into an ambush and spent the rest of his time in-country shining a General's shoes. He is a fraud and a vindictive one in going after Trump because his protege turned out to be a weasel.
What could be considered an overt act is his ambush of Flynn at the WH.....that conviction will never stand because Flynn wasn't Mirandized and didn't have counsel present.
Yet, that's the one criminal charge, out of the many greater crimes Flynn & son committed, that Flynn plead guilty on....and swore under oath, before the Judge, that it was with no coercion, that made him plead guilty?

Flynn committed no crimes...he was charged and plead to perjury under duress of being charged with whatever else Mueller and his band of pirates came up with....possibly espionage. Let's not forget who Mike Flynn is....3 Star General and at the time our National Security Advisor. Mueller was pulled from the field as a lieutenant for leading his platoon into an ambush and spent the rest of his time in-country shining a General's shoes. He is a fraud and a vindictive one in going after Trump because his protege turned out to be a weasel.

This really is a meltdown of epic proportions.

It's fascinating to watch for sure.
It will be fascinating to watch election returns in November. American people are not stupid. They can see the “get Trump at all cost” politics in the upper echelon of FBI.

They're certainly smart enough to read the very plain conclusions drawn by the IG.

Optics are for the less capable. Generally Trump supporters.
One word describes the report from Horowitz (an Obama appointee)...Whitewash. Just as I predicted. It should come as no surprise to anyone.
One word describes the report from Horowitz (an Obama appointee)...Whitewash. Just as I predicted. It should come as no surprise to anyone.
Just as predicted? For the past two days you were predicting they would be throw in jail.

Horowitz and Obama appointee? Trump admin has had 1.5 years to replace him. If they had doubts about him, somebody else would have taken the inspector general role.

This really is a meltdown of epic proportions.

It's fascinating to watch for sure.
It will be fascinating to watch election returns in November. American people are not stupid. They can see the “get Trump at all cost” politics in the upper echelon of FBI.

They're certainly smart enough to read the very plain conclusions drawn by the IG.

Optics are for the less capable. Generally Trump supporters.
If there was no wrong doing...why are people in FBI going to be disciplined? What was the wrong doing? Injection of political bias into investigation.

This really is a meltdown of epic proportions.

It's fascinating to watch for sure.
It will be fascinating to watch election returns in November. American people are not stupid. They can see the “get Trump at all cost” politics in the upper echelon of FBI.

They're certainly smart enough to read the very plain conclusions drawn by the IG.

Optics are for the less capable. Generally Trump supporters.
If there was no wrong doing...why are people in FBI going to be disciplined? What was the wrong doing? Injection of political bias into investigation.
Interesting resemblance to the Comey exoneration...Lay out the bias in hard detail along with criminal conduct and then exonerate them.... The swamp protecting itself..

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