So, you read the part where the IG determined that the FBI's decision not to charge Clinton was unbiased, and according to protocol and precedence?
It said they found no evidence of bias....but when you read the whole thing that statement gets to be laughable at best...there was evidence of bias all over the it dummy...because until you do you sound uninformed....

Strozk and Page didn't make the decision not to charge Hillary.

You're conflating different issues addressed by the report.
High level FBI...........and attempting to use their position to alter an election..........Pure Bias and hate of Trump................

See it here policies................and no way we are going to let...............kjfkaj;dfkajf......Trump win.

that's why they kept the russian investigation quiet- to keep trump from getting elected

you really are mole people
This information will be used against you guys in November ..........enjoy.................

This statement makes me doubt your claim of reading the whole report
I read it you should do the same....

So, you read the part where the IG determined that the FBI's decision not to charge Clinton was unbiased, and according to protocol and precedence?

That doesn't really jive with your claim that the FBI "let her walk" and did a "phony investigation".
Still got your blinders on eh?

Sad really.

This report just confirms what most rational Americans already knew.

did you ask one?
High level FBI...........and attempting to use their position to alter an election..........Pure Bias and hate of Trump................

See it here policies................and no way we are going to let...............kjfkaj;dfkajf......Trump win.


Are you having a stroke?
Not at all just deleted some of the words of Hateful FBI agents.....................

Now do you ever offer an opinion on those issues we address. or will you just sit and spin like normal..............

You know you don't address issues you don't I said are a lawyer....probably a defense lawyer.........suits you.


This thread is about the IG report. Which you've been constantly trying to deflect from, or call into question.

So far, the only cogent point you've been able to make is "Strozk and Page were mean to Trump in text messages!".
Only in your liberal mind...........................but you are tainted..............why you see nothing............

Why you dodge threads when Berkley burns the place when a conservative might talk.............why you pretty much skate the issue of what the IRS did..............

You are useless..................


Weren't you just complaining that I was "diverting" the thread?
Look......all this I.G. report proves is Trump has been vindicated.
Trump fired Comey for the very reasons outlined in the I.G. report.
He did not fire him because he was trying to obstruct justice in the Russian investigation.
So the Mueller investigation is a total sham.
You idiots have been exposed once again.
But all you have to say about it is that the FBI wasn't being political.

What a farce.

Are you having a stroke?
Not at all just deleted some of the words of Hateful FBI agents.....................

Now do you ever offer an opinion on those issues we address. or will you just sit and spin like normal..............

You know you don't address issues you don't I said are a lawyer....probably a defense lawyer.........suits you.


This thread is about the IG report. Which you've been constantly trying to deflect from, or call into question.

So far, the only cogent point you've been able to make is "Strozk and Page were mean to Trump in text messages!".
Only in your liberal mind...........................but you are tainted..............why you see nothing............

Why you dodge threads when Berkley burns the place when a conservative might talk.............why you pretty much skate the issue of what the IRS did..............

You are useless..................


Weren't you just complaining that I was "diverting" the thread?
Look......all this I.G. report proves is Trump has been vindicated.
Trump fired Comey for the very reasons outlined in the I.G. report.
He did not fire him because he was trying to obstruct justice in the Russian investigation.
So the Mueller investigation is a total sham.
You idiots have been exposed once again.
But all you have to say about it is that the FBI wasn't being political.

What a farce.


You could make that argument, if it wasn't for the fact that Trump went on TV and stated that he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

He kinda already blew up your spot with that one.

Are you having a stroke?
Not at all just deleted some of the words of Hateful FBI agents.....................

Now do you ever offer an opinion on those issues we address. or will you just sit and spin like normal..............

You know you don't address issues you don't I said are a lawyer....probably a defense lawyer.........suits you.


This thread is about the IG report. Which you've been constantly trying to deflect from, or call into question.

So far, the only cogent point you've been able to make is "Strozk and Page were mean to Trump in text messages!".
Only in your liberal mind...........................but you are tainted..............why you see nothing............

Why you dodge threads when Berkley burns the place when a conservative might talk.............why you pretty much skate the issue of what the IRS did..............

You are useless..................


Weren't you just complaining that I was "diverting" the thread?
Look......all this I.G. report proves is Trump has been vindicated.
Trump fired Comey for the very reasons outlined in the I.G. report.

No Moron, Trump, in HIS OWN WORDS, fired Comey for "THAT RUSSIA THING" and NOT anything to do with Comey screwing Clinton.
Link? Quote?

Comey was willfully inubordinant, negligent, and engaged in a Coverup of criminal acts by Clinton and engaged in criminal
Acts in The FISA Court himself as well as leaked classified information.

He needs to face a firing squad.

Lynch and Rice also are criminals and so is McCabe, Rosenstein, Ohr, Strozk and Paige!

Not at all just deleted some of the words of Hateful FBI agents.....................

Now do you ever offer an opinion on those issues we address. or will you just sit and spin like normal..............

You know you don't address issues you don't I said are a lawyer....probably a defense lawyer.........suits you.


This thread is about the IG report. Which you've been constantly trying to deflect from, or call into question.

So far, the only cogent point you've been able to make is "Strozk and Page were mean to Trump in text messages!".
Only in your liberal mind...........................but you are tainted..............why you see nothing............

Why you dodge threads when Berkley burns the place when a conservative might talk.............why you pretty much skate the issue of what the IRS did..............

You are useless..................


Weren't you just complaining that I was "diverting" the thread?
Look......all this I.G. report proves is Trump has been vindicated.
Trump fired Comey for the very reasons outlined in the I.G. report.
He did not fire him because he was trying to obstruct justice in the Russian investigation.
So the Mueller investigation is a total sham.
You idiots have been exposed once again.
But all you have to say about it is that the FBI wasn't being political.

What a farce.


You could make that argument, if it wasn't for the fact that Trump went on TV and stated that he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

He kinda already blew up your spot with that one.
Link? Quote?

Comey was I subordinant, negligent, and engaged in a Coverup of criminal acts by Clinton and engaged in criminal
Acts in The FISA Court himself as well as leaked classified information.

What ass did you pull that nonsence from??

The only thing IG found was Comey SCREWING Hillary by not sticking to DOJ guidelines.

Everything else you said is pure FANTASY. IG report clearly states that descision to not recommend Clinton prosecution was totally sound.

Salient points my mountainous rear end.

The beginning of the report essentially doesn't match the conclusion of the report.

Why were they so afraid to say political bias played a role in the investigation?

There were examples of it throughout.

The report is very clear on that point.

There is no question that agents involved were "biased" - in other words, they had political opinions of their won.

The report is clear that it found no evidence that that bias affected any decisions made in regards to the investigation.
Let me tell you why that's nonsense. Biases always influence decisions. You need only look to our supreme court for that. Look to our legislative branch for that. You can't honestly sit there and say that these people did their jobs objectively? Can you? Biases influence the very opinions people give on this board.

Political bias is pervasive. I will not sit here for one moment thinking political biases never played a role in the effectuation of that investigation.

I think you are on to something - can't trust those damn REPUBLICANS like Mueller and Rosenstein to investigate a REPUBLICAN campaign and President. How can they ever escape their bias?
You seem to think I'm a Republican. I'm not. This entire report disgusts me. Can you please not attribute things to me that aren't so?
So let me get this straight, this is all because of the "deep state" against supposed man of the people trump who owns a gold toilet.

Republicans have majority senate, house, presidency and can do nothing to stop this deep state?

Sounds like republicans are the real deep state and are taking their voters and the American public for a ride.

Salient points my mountainous rear end.

The beginning of the report essentially doesn't match the conclusion of the report.

Why were they so afraid to say political bias played a role in the investigation?

There were examples of it throughout.

The report is very clear on that point.

There is no question that agents involved were "biased" - in other words, they had political opinions of their won.

The report is clear that it found no evidence that that bias affected any decisions made in regards to the investigation.
Let me tell you why that's nonsense. Biases always influence decisions. You need only look to our supreme court for that. Look to our legislative branch for that. You can't honestly sit there and say that these people did their jobs objectively? Can you? Biases influence the very opinions people give on this board.

Political bias is pervasive. I will not sit here for one moment thinking political biases never played a role in the effectuation of that investigation.

I think you are on to something - can't trust those damn REPUBLICANS like Mueller and Rosenstein to investigate a REPUBLICAN campaign and President. How can they ever escape their bias?
You seem to think I'm a Republican. I'm not. This entire report disgusts me. Can you please not attribute things to me that aren't so?

I didn't say ANYTHING about you, get off the drugs.

Salient points my mountainous rear end.

The beginning of the report essentially doesn't match the conclusion of the report.

Why were they so afraid to say political bias played a role in the investigation?

There were examples of it throughout.

The report is very clear on that point.

There is no question that agents involved were "biased" - in other words, they had political opinions of their won.

The report is clear that it found no evidence that that bias affected any decisions made in regards to the investigation.
The report is only as good as the paper for which it is written. The report lacks credibility and is a clear white wash attempt


I know, you're very upset that it didn't come out the way you were counting on.
It came out as I expected. There was bias within the upper ranks of the FBI

Not at all just deleted some of the words of Hateful FBI agents.....................

Now do you ever offer an opinion on those issues we address. or will you just sit and spin like normal..............

You know you don't address issues you don't I said are a lawyer....probably a defense lawyer.........suits you.


This thread is about the IG report. Which you've been constantly trying to deflect from, or call into question.

So far, the only cogent point you've been able to make is "Strozk and Page were mean to Trump in text messages!".
Only in your liberal mind...........................but you are tainted..............why you see nothing............

Why you dodge threads when Berkley burns the place when a conservative might talk.............why you pretty much skate the issue of what the IRS did..............

You are useless..................


Weren't you just complaining that I was "diverting" the thread?
Look......all this I.G. report proves is Trump has been vindicated.
Trump fired Comey for the very reasons outlined in the I.G. report.
He did not fire him because he was trying to obstruct justice in the Russian investigation.
So the Mueller investigation is a total sham.
You idiots have been exposed once again.
But all you have to say about it is that the FBI wasn't being political.

What a farce.


You could make that argument, if it wasn't for the fact that Trump went on TV and stated that he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

He kinda already blew up your spot with that one.
The reason was clearly stated in his letter that Comey was fired at the recommendations from the AG and the Deputy AG. And it stated that the reason was he clearly wasn't effective in his job. He sighted public trust and confidence in law enforcement, which is essential to the FBI mission.


The Russian investigation is a totally different bag of worms that hasn't been opened yet.
That will be coming later. The Hillary "matter" had been closed. And Comey handled it incompetently as stated in the I.G. report. The Russia investigation was still ongoing at the time Comey was fired.
Neither Page nor Strozk were in a position to make any sort of major decision regarding the investigation. The report goes into that in detail.

I never mentioned anything about Strzok or Page. What caught my attention was on page 293 of the report. They found a ton of Hillary's e-mails on Weiner's laptop and from what I can tell, sat on them for over a month. The only conclusion I can get from that is that they intended to keep that hidden until after the election.

This is like a clock. One cog gets bent and the entire clock stops. You don't need the power to make a decision to influence the outcome.

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