/——-/ Who said we didn’t want to prosecute those who sent her the CI?

That you almost never, ever talk about the low-level State staffers who sent her stuff. These guys committed crimes, too, and not a one of them has been prosecuted.
/——-/ Obviously “we’re” not in charge of who is prosecuted other wise they would all be in court.
/——-/ Obviously “we’re” not in charge of who is prosecuted other wise they would all be in court.

You're in charge now... Oh, that's right. Even your own IG says there isn't a criminal case here.
He found more than enough political bias, but "THOUGHT" it was not enough. Kind of like Comey and "HIS" report. Give it to a lawyer, A REAL LAWYER and let him/her try. You afraid?
Um... so fucking what?

The government classifies so much stuff they shouldn't, it's JUST NOT A BIG DEAL.

Just remember, in crazy Right Wing Land, colluding with Russia is okay, but using the wrong email server because the government one is an antiquated piece of crap is baaaaaaaaaddddddd!!!!!
/——-/ Obviously “we’re” not in charge of who is prosecuted other wise they would all be in court.

You're in charge now... Oh, that's right. Even your own IG says there isn't a criminal case here.
/——/ The only things I’m in charge of is putting the garbage cans out on the curb for pick up and washing the family car. Prosecution of criminals is not on my To Do list.
He found more than enough political bias, but "THOUGHT" it was not enough. Kind of like Comey and "HIS" report. Give it to a lawyer, A REAL LAWYER and let him/her try. You afraid?

Um, no, this is your THIRD ATTEMPT to make something criminal out of an administrative error. Three different looks at this, they all found there was nothing criminal here.

You guys have been accusing Mrs. Clinton of shit for 25 years now... I think there's a certain point where you don't have any credibility after you spend hundreds of millions of dollars and can't come up with anything more serious than, "She used the wrong email server".
Um... so fucking what?

The government classifies so much stuff they shouldn't, it's JUST NOT A BIG DEAL.

Just remember, in crazy Right Wing Land, colluding with Russia is okay, but using the wrong email server because the government one is an antiquated piece of crap is baaaaaaaaaddddddd!!!!!
/——/ Who said collusion with Russia is OK? We said it didn’t happen with Trump.
There are several quotes in the reports where the filthy ass government officials say they want to stop Trump but yet the conclusion of the report is that there was nothing partisan.

That shoots down the credibility of the report. Looks like more deep state cover up.
/——-/ Obviously “we’re” not in charge of who is prosecuted other wise they would all be in court.

You're in charge now... Oh, that's right. Even your own IG says there isn't a criminal case here.
He found more than enough political bias, but "THOUGHT" it was not enough. Kind of like Comey and "HIS" report. Give it to a lawyer, A REAL LAWYER and let him/her try. You afraid?

The IG is an obama minion.....that is why this report is so weak.... this goes to show that anyone with a link to a clinton or an obama is completely compromised as a human being....

Rather than just going through the Roller case and trying to make comparisons to the Clinton case, let’s answer this question instead: Under FBI Director James Comey’s so-called “Clinton Standard,” would Rickie Roller have been prosecuted?

Here are the facts:

U.S. Marines Sergeant Rickie Roller was responsible for all of the classified material that came into the Intelligence Division at the Marines Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Due to a conflict with his supervisor he requested a transfer and he “hastily packed his gym bag” with materials from his desk on his last day at the Intelligence Division HQ. Several weeks later as Roller was unpacking the gym bag he discovered the classified materials in his gym bag. Fearing he would get into trouble, Roller decided he would destroy the items once he arrived at his new duty station. However, a moving company employee discovered the classified materials before Roller could destroy them and notified authorities. Roller was convicted in a general court martial under Section 793(f), which provides, in part:

As you can see, the court determined that the act of unknowingly placing the classified material in his gym bag satisfied the “gross negligence” requirement under 793(f). Furthermore, the court found that Roller’s negligence in failing to protect the information once it was taken out of the secured area resulted in its “loss” — even though it was returned to the proper authorities by the moving company employee. They specifically found Roller had a duty to protect the information until he could return it to the government. Therefore, the court held the conviction under 793(f) was appropriate.

So, would the outcome in Roller’s case change under the so-called “Clinton Standard” as articulated by Director Comey at the congressional hearing on Thursday? The answer is most probably yes, Rickie Roller’s conviction would not stand under the “Clinton Standard.” Here is why.

The most fundamental difference in how the two cases were handled begins with the court’s acceptance that Congress’ intent in drafting the Espionage Act was “to create a hierarchy of offenses against national security, ranging from ‘classic spying’ to merely losing classified materials through gross negligence.” Director Comey, however, stated his belief that the U.S. government should not prosecute someone unless they know what they are doing is wrong. Thus, he would have refused to even attempt recommend a prosecution under section 793(f).

So far the only offense I can find under Section 793 F.........................

He was in a hurry............was moving and jamming his stuff in a gym bag to move..............then later went OH SHIT................I FUCKED UP.............yet the Court Martial said it was Malicious Intent......................and these are military standards.......Not State Dept. Standards..........and a Military Court Martial which are held to higher standards than a regular court.

The military is always held to a higher standard, what is your point in all of this?

The military can and will punish you for adultery, such a thing does not exist in the civilian world any more.
My point is clear...............they pushed section F.................Yet it is a Section that I can't even find hardly a case of it actually winning in court.............Found one so far and it was a Court Martial..................His mistake.........in a hurry to move and stuffed his stuff in a gym bag...........and accidentally put classified information in the bag.......then tried to hide his screw up..........Never was there intent to do the crime............His CRIMINAL INTENT was to hide it later...............instead of disclosing he'd screwed up......................

He didn't intend to do the crime..........but realizing he'd be fragged he tried to hide the mistake..........

My point...........why were the guidelines to F when virtually nobody gets prosecuted under that standard..........why weren't the guidelines section E............

They set the bar HIGH to ENSURE she never got prosecuted...............
That is my take on it...........you and others are entitled to have an alternate opinion............My take..........they made sure she didn't get tried.

I think you are 100% correct, they did indeed make sure she was never going to get prosecuted. Nobody high up ever does.

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He found more than enough political bias, but "THOUGHT" it was not enough. Kind of like Comey and "HIS" report. Give it to a lawyer, A REAL LAWYER and let him/her try. You afraid?

Um, no, this is your THIRD ATTEMPT to make something criminal out of an administrative error. Three different looks at this, they all found there was nothing criminal here.

You guys have been accusing Mrs. Clinton of shit for 25 years now... I think there's a certain point where you don't have any credibility after you spend hundreds of millions of dollars and can't come up with anything more serious than, "She used the wrong email server".
This was NOT a failed attempt. There is more than enough to show unequal justice.
Gee. The excitement over this report seems to have waned a bit.

No bias from Comey when handling the Clinton investigation.

A couple of FBI agents flapped their gums to each other using govt issue phones. This talk did not influence their actions. They were critical of people in both parties. They will be dealt with.

Comey mishandled the way the Clinton I nvestigation was announced to the public, helping Trump.
/——-/ Obviously “we’re” not in charge of who is prosecuted other wise they would all be in court.

You're in charge now... Oh, that's right. Even your own IG says there isn't a criminal case here.
He found more than enough political bias, but "THOUGHT" it was not enough. Kind of like Comey and "HIS" report. Give it to a lawyer, A REAL LAWYER and let him/her try. You afraid?

The IG is an obama minion.....that is why this report is so weak.... this goes to show that anyone with a link to a clinton or an obama is completely compromised as a human being....

He is not an Obama minion, he got his start in the DOJ under Bush I.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Gee. The excitement over this report seems to have waned a bit.

No bias from Comey when handling the Clinton investigation.

A couple of FBI agents flapped their gums to each other using govt issue phones. This talk did not influence their actions. They were critical of people in both parties. They will be dealt with.

Comey mishandled the way the Clinton I nvestigation was announced to the public, helping Trump.
time to let this go. we need to stop fighting until we get our way. both sides are horrible at that right now.

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