Big whoopee, Google Earth serves up satellite images of everything & none of it's classified top secret!!!

However Valerie Plame was was a covert top secret CIA spy when the Bush administration outed her on purpose!!!

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/——-/ Obviously “we’re” not in charge of who is prosecuted other wise they would all be in court.

You're in charge now... Oh, that's right. Even your own IG says there isn't a criminal case here.
He found more than enough political bias, but "THOUGHT" it was not enough. Kind of like Comey and "HIS" report. Give it to a lawyer, A REAL LAWYER and let him/her try. You afraid?

The IG is an obama minion.....that is why this report is so weak.... this goes to show that anyone with a link to a clinton or an obama is completely compromised as a human being....
They spent a long time redacting the names of Hillary friendly FBI agents that took bribes from the media.
Course if this had been an example of a Republican taking a bribe from the media.....the sorry sap's name and face would be plastered all over CNN this morning.
Gee. The excitement over this report seems to have waned a bit.

No bias from Comey when handling the Clinton investigation.

A couple of FBI agents flapped their gums to each other using govt issue phones. This talk did not influence their actions. They were critical of people in both parties. They will be dealt with.

Comey mishandled the way the Clinton I nvestigation was announced to the public, helping Trump.
/——-/ Imagine an FBI agent texting “We’ll stop Obama from getting elected.” No blowback on that, eh?
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The conclusion of the IG report should be that Mr. Comey needs to be whipped through the streets until he sees the error of his ways.

Insubordination from this doofus is inexcusable.

President Trump should find out where he's sleeping at, go there with the police, knock down the door, and beat the man like a government mule, shaving his head like he did with Vince McMahon.
You should practice your sad face so you'll be ready when they don't lock up Hillary. :lol:

Yeah, that's never going to happen.

I agree. Hitlery will never be held accountable for anything she's done.

Anyone who thinks she will is just pissing up a rope.

Hillary hasn’t DONE anything. All of the so-called “crimes” the Clintons are said to have committed were based on rumours started by Republicans, and fanned by books commissioned right wing financiers to smear the Clintons.

17 investigations. Immunity offered to anyone who stepped forward to accuse them and not one witness against them. Not one piece of evidence. Other than a lie a about a blow job, no criminal charges.

If I were Bill and Hillary Clinton, I wouldn’t do anything illegal either. How many times have Republicans said they’re “going to get Hillary Clinton”. Ken Starr was given this directive when he was assigned the job of Special Prosecutor. Trey Gowdy said it when he headed the 7th Benghazi Investigation.

Thousands upon thousands of Hillary’s emails were released to the public and what they showed was a hard working woman, doing her best for the American people. Nothing criminal, nefarious or evil.
FoxNews is calling the IG report a “bombshell”. Just when you think that they cannot get any more biased they prove you wrong

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This thread is about the IG report. Which you've been constantly trying to deflect from, or call into question.

So far, the only cogent point you've been able to make is "Strozk and Page were mean to Trump in text messages!".
Only in your liberal mind...........................but you are tainted..............why you see nothing............

Why you dodge threads when Berkley burns the place when a conservative might talk.............why you pretty much skate the issue of what the IRS did..............

You are useless..................


Weren't you just complaining that I was "diverting" the thread?
Look......all this I.G. report proves is Trump has been vindicated.
Trump fired Comey for the very reasons outlined in the I.G. report.

No Moron, Trump, in HIS OWN WORDS, fired Comey for "THAT RUSSIA THING" and NOT anything to do with Comey screwing Clinton.

Look Moron.
Trump denied that was the reason.
He said that he had already decided to fire him. He asked for the AG's recommendations....and they agreed.

I just looked at the Lester Holt interview and the "That Russia Thing" was missing.
I wonder who suggested that, because it wasn't what Trump said in the interview?
So who suggested it?


DONALD TRUMP: Oh I was gonna fire regardless of recommendation-
LESTER HOLT: So there was-- [OVER TALK]
DONALD TRUMP: He made-- he made a recommendation, he's highly
respected, very good guy, very smart guy, uh the Democrats like him, the
Republicans like him, uh he made a recommendation but regardless of
recommendation I was going to fire Comey
knowing, there was no good time
to do it. And in fact when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said you
know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia
is a made up story, it's an
excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have

Partial transcript: NBC News interview with Donald Trump - CNNPolitics

Trump directly admits that Rosenstein's recommendation WAS NOT why Trump was going to fire Comey. He directly admits he was going to fire Comey because of the Russian investigation.
Peter Strzok (headed Clinton and Russia investigations)
Case closed. Trump vindicated.

IG directly said that Strzok was not in decision making position and there was no action to match.

Easiest example is the fact that Strzok and Page did not leak that Trump's campaign was being investigated during campaign.

Reality is tough to swallow for nutbags like you, I get it, but you look like a moron trying to make up your own.
Peter Strzok (headed Clinton and Russia investigations)
Case closed. Trump vindicated.

IG directly said that Strzok was not in decision making position and there was no action to match.

Easiest example is the fact that Strzok and Page did not leak that Trump's campaign was being investigated during campaign.

Reality is tough to swallow for nutbags like you, I get it, but you look like a moron trying to make up your own.
As deputy assistant director, he certainly had influence on any decisions made. He headed the FBI Russian investigation nitwit. You leftist traitors can paint it any color you want - it's still shit brown.
Peter Strzok (headed Clinton and Russia investigations)
Case closed. Trump vindicated.

IG directly said that Strzok was not in decision making position and there was no action to match.

Easiest example is the fact that Strzok and Page did not leak that Trump's campaign was being investigated during campaign.

Reality is tough to swallow for nutbags like you, I get it, but you look like a moron trying to make up your own.
As deputy assistant director, he certainly had influence on any decisions made. He headed the FBI Russian investigation nitwit. You leftist traitors can paint it any color you want - it's still shit brown.

Which decision? IG found nothing that smelled even remotely foul in his professional capacity. So wtf are you talking about exactly?
Peter Strzok (headed Clinton and Russia investigations)
Case closed. Trump vindicated.

IG directly said that Strzok was not in decision making position and there was no action to match.

Easiest example is the fact that Strzok and Page did not leak that Trump's campaign was being investigated during campaign.

Reality is tough to swallow for nutbags like you, I get it, but you look like a moron trying to make up your own.
As deputy assistant director, he certainly had influence on any decisions made. He headed the FBI Russian investigation nitwit. You leftist traitors can paint it any color you want - it's still shit brown.

Which decision? IG found nothing that smelled even remotely foul in his professional capacity. So wtf are you talking about exactly?
You don't quite got all your groceries bagged, doya?
Peter Strzok (headed Clinton and Russia investigations)
Case closed. Trump vindicated.

IG directly said that Strzok was not in decision making position and there was no action to match.

Easiest example is the fact that Strzok and Page did not leak that Trump's campaign was being investigated during campaign.

Reality is tough to swallow for nutbags like you, I get it, but you look like a moron trying to make up your own.
As deputy assistant director, he certainly had influence on any decisions made. He headed the FBI Russian investigation nitwit. You leftist traitors can paint it any color you want - it's still shit brown.

Which decision? IG found nothing that smelled even remotely foul in his professional capacity. So wtf are you talking about exactly?
You don't quite got all your groceries bagged, doya?

That's right, I got home and unbagged everything by now.

what the fuck are you even talking about idiot?

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