IG: tarmac meeting was prearranged

Sheryl Attkinsson appears to be a little confused,

she said that the Tarmac meeting was BEFORE THE HILLARY CLINTON INTERVIEW by the FBI?

Sharyl Attkisson‏Verified account @SharylAttkisson

Interesting.. what the IG report says about the Bill Clinton/AttyGenLoretta Lynch tarmac meeting right before Hillary's FBI interview: http://abc3340.com/news/local/did-security-set-up-secret-clinton-lynch-tarmac-meeting … 1/2

The Tarmac meeting was AFTER the Hillary Interview/FBI meeting, the fat lady had finally sung and the investigation closed their last check, the interview with Hillary....the previous week.... This was before the Tarmac meeting, and just 4 days later, after the Tarmac, that Friday, Comey made his controversial and unprecedented, outside of protocol, bashing announcement....

Sheryl Attkinsson is pulling your leg....

Go to page 203 of the report as she tells you to do, but KNOWS you WON'T.....

and read it.

It says NOTHING of the sort of what she is claiming....hate to burst your bubble of glee. :rolleyes:

NOTE! Page 203 of the report is page 233 on the pdf Document.
That tarmac meeting was before the interview.
shes in overdrive to discredit anything that could be true. not a bad idea in todays world unless you DO NOT ALSO look to see if it could be right.
You know, usually I take the time to read all investigative reports. This time I haven’t had the time to sit and c9ncentrate on it. I am shocked to find others don’t take the time to do so, since this should have been brought out soon after the report was released by at least someone. Sad, really.

Thanks for reporting her finding here.
What i it that you think should have been brought out? Be CLEAR....in what it is that you think was incorrect or wrong? Cuz, I don't get it???
so a former president meeting the attorney general leading the investigation against his wife, who was a current presidential candidate under said investigation, in secret while they lie when caught isnt a big deal.

trump jr meeting a russian attorney to get dirt on said candidate under investigation AND buying dirt of her own is a problem ONLY for trump.

got it.
What lie, when they got caught, are you talking about Iceberg?
I was WRONG on the hillary interview vs the tarmac meeting, and Sharyl was correct, it was 3 days later and 6 days later Comey's announcement.
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You know, usually I take the time to read all investigative reports. This time I haven’t had the time to sit and c9ncentrate on it. I am shocked to find others don’t take the time to do so, since this should have been brought out soon after the report was released by at least someone. Sad, really.

Thanks for reporting her finding here.
What i it that you think should have been brought out? Be CLEAR....in what it is that you think was incorrect or wrong? Cuz, I don't get it???
so a former president meeting the attorney general leading the investigation against his wife, who was a current presidential candidate under said investigation, in secret while they lie when caught isnt a big deal.

trump jr meeting a russian attorney to get dirt on said candidate under investigation AND buying dirt of her own is a problem ONLY for trump.

got it.
What lie, when they got caught, are you talking about Iceberg?
thry said accidental meeting. it was not. they lied.

proven now.

yet im to believe them when it was golf n grandkids.

why do i request a meeting IN SECRET to talk golf n grandkids?

you dont believe trump when he lies. great. i get that. dont trust a liar. so why trust a liar here?
Sheryl Attkinsson appears to be a little confused,

she said that the Tarmac meeting was BEFORE THE HILLARY CLINTON INTERVIEW by the FBI?

Sharyl Attkisson‏Verified account @SharylAttkisson

Interesting.. what the IG report says about the Bill Clinton/AttyGenLoretta Lynch tarmac meeting right before Hillary's FBI interview: http://abc3340.com/news/local/did-security-set-up-secret-clinton-lynch-tarmac-meeting … 1/2

The Tarmac meeting was AFTER the Hillary Interview/FBI meeting, the fat lady had finally sung and the investigation closed their last check, the interview with Hillary....the previous week.... This was before the Tarmac meeting, and just 4 days later, after the Tarmac, that Friday, Comey made his controversial and unprecedented, outside of protocol, bashing announcement....

Sheryl Attkinsson is pulling your leg....

Go to page 203 of the report as she tells you to do, but KNOWS you WON'T.....

and read it.

It says NOTHING of the sort of what she is claiming....hate to burst your bubble of glee. :rolleyes:

NOTE! Page 203 of the report is page 233 on the pdf Document.

The tarmac meeting was the end of June, Hillary was interviewed by the FBI Saturday July 2nd 2016. Comey gave his statement clearing Hillary on July 5th. Obama was schedule to campaign with Hillary the next day.
Sheryl Attkinsson appears to be a little confused,

she said that the Tarmac meeting was BEFORE THE HILLARY CLINTON INTERVIEW by the FBI?

Sharyl Attkisson‏Verified account @SharylAttkisson

Interesting.. what the IG report says about the Bill Clinton/AttyGenLoretta Lynch tarmac meeting right before Hillary's FBI interview: http://abc3340.com/news/local/did-security-set-up-secret-clinton-lynch-tarmac-meeting … 1/2

The Tarmac meeting was AFTER the Hillary Interview/FBI meeting, the fat lady had finally sung and the investigation closed their last check, the interview with Hillary....the previous week.... This was before the Tarmac meeting, and just 4 days later, after the Tarmac, that Friday, Comey made his controversial and unprecedented, outside of protocol, bashing announcement....

Sheryl Attkinsson is pulling your leg....

Go to page 203 of the report as she tells you to do, but KNOWS you WON'T.....

and read it.

It says NOTHING of the sort of what she is claiming....hate to burst your bubble of glee. :rolleyes:

NOTE! Page 203 of the report is page 233 on the pdf Document.

The tarmac meeting was the end of June, Hillary was interviewed by the FBI Saturday July 2nd 2016.
shes corrected herself.
Lying to Congressional investigations, use to be a crime...guess it is just standard operating procedure in Washington these days.
there was no lying, other than Sheryl Attkinsson, the tweeter...in the op....

the contact from Clinton's security, to Lynch's security took place on the Tarmac, right before he went there to climb on board.... she was notified by her security Clinton was there and would like to meet her and chat, right as she was exiting... it was a surprise to her, and her staff had already exited and were not aware of the security call from Clinton's security detail.

Yet she took the meeting against advice of counsel. Worse, she took it privately, which opened her up to further damage. Best was to keep cries of inappropriate is an open meeting. But that is not what she did. In fact, photographers were told to leave. Security limited access.
you are reading something different than me....cuz when her council found out and went up the stairs to warn her, IS WHEN the meeting broke up, no? According to what I had read?
She did not take the meeting against her lawyer's advice...

You are incorrect.

She did not hear from her lawyer until after she had Clinton on board, and her counselor interrupted the meeting, and she finally got Clinton to leave....

the pdf format is not copying well, but here it is...

The Senior Counselor
said that
she tried to
go back on the plane
, she
stopped by
the head of

s security detail
, who was at the door of the
The Senior Counselor
said that she told
former President Clinton
was not a good idea, and that she needed to get
back on
the plane, but he still would not
her on.
The Senior Counselor
said that she
asked him to convey to Lynch that she was advising that the meeting was a bad
. According to
the Senior Counselor
her, “
All right, w

t you t
her yourself
,” and
finally allowed her to board
The Senior Counselor
said that when she got on the plane, she saw Lynch,

s husband, and former President Cli
nton sitting down and “chatting...
in a
casual way.”
The Senior Counselor
said that she w
alked up to the three of them
and stood there hoping that her presence would break up the meeting. She said
that Lynch saw her and introduced her to former President Clinton, and she shook
his hand.
The Senior Counselor
said that she hoped this would get
moving, but then former President Clinton sat back
The Senior Counselor
stated, “So then...
I kind of didn

t know what to do because...
it was a little b
unusual to be in a room with...a former president and say...
you need to leave
I think I stared at them for a little bit longer, and then wen
t back to where [the
head of Lynch

s security detail] was standing.”
The Senior Counselor
d that she
considered whether she should
go g
et someone else or
go back over to Lynch and
tell he
r, “Look, ma

am, we have to go.” She said she then went and stood in front
of the group again.
The Senior Counselor
said that
her presence prompted Lynch to tell former
President Clinton that the reason she (
the Senior Counselor
) was standing there
was th
at she was too polite to tell Lynch that they had to go.
The Senior Counselor
said that Lynch told former President Clinton, “
And we do have to go. You
we have a pretty busy schedule.”
The Senior Counselor
said that she could
not recall what Lync
h and former President C
linton were discussing, but
that her

Last edited:
Sheryl Attkinsson appears to be a little confused,

she said that the Tarmac meeting was BEFORE THE HILLARY CLINTON INTERVIEW by the FBI?

Sharyl Attkisson‏Verified account @SharylAttkisson

Interesting.. what the IG report says about the Bill Clinton/AttyGenLoretta Lynch tarmac meeting right before Hillary's FBI interview: http://abc3340.com/news/local/did-security-set-up-secret-clinton-lynch-tarmac-meeting … 1/2

The Tarmac meeting was AFTER the Hillary Interview/FBI meeting, the fat lady had finally sung and the investigation closed their last check, the interview with Hillary....the previous week.... This was before the Tarmac meeting, and just 4 days later, after the Tarmac, that Friday, Comey made his controversial and unprecedented, outside of protocol, bashing announcement....

Sheryl Attkinsson is pulling your leg....

Go to page 203 of the report as she tells you to do, but KNOWS you WON'T.....

and read it.

It says NOTHING of the sort of what she is claiming....hate to burst your bubble of glee. :rolleyes:

NOTE! Page 203 of the report is page 233 on the pdf Document.

The tarmac meeting was the end of June, Hillary was interviewed by the FBI Saturday July 2nd 2016.
YES, I was Wrong... it was all within a week's time....

Sheryl was correct.
Lying to Congressional investigations, use to be a crime...guess it is just standard operating procedure in Washington these days.
there was no lying, other than Sheryl Attkinsson, the tweeter...in the op....

the contact from Clinton's security, to Lynch's security took place on the Tarmac, right before he went there to climb on board.... she was notified by her security Clinton was there and would like to meet her and chat, right as she was exiting... it was a surprise to her, and her staff had already exited and were not aware of the security call from Clinton's security detail.

Yet she took the meeting against advice of counsel. Worse, she took it privately, which opened her up to further damage. Best was to keep cries of inappropriate is an open meeting. But that is not what she did. In fact, photographers were told to leave. Security limited access.
you are reading something different than me....cuz when her council found out and went up the stairs to warn her, IS WHEN the meeting broke up, no? According to what I had read?
She did not take the meeting against her lawyer's advice...

You are incorrect.

She did not hear from her lawyer until after she had Clinton on board, and her counselor interrupted the meeting, and she finally got Clinton to leave....

the pdf format is not copying well, but here it is...

The Senior Counselor
said that
she tried to
go back on the plane
, she
stopped by
the head of

s security detail
, who was at the door of the
The Senior Counselor
said that she told
former President Clinton
was not a good idea, and that she needed to get
back on
the plane, but he still would not
her on.
The Senior Counselor
said that she
asked him to convey to Lynch that she was advising that the meeting was a bad
. According to
the Senior Counselor
her, “
All right, w

t you t
her yourself
,” and
finally allowed her to board
The Senior Counselor
said that when she got on the plane, she saw Lynch,

s husband, and former President Cli
nton sitting down and “chatting...
in a
casual way.”
The Senior Counselor
said that she w
alked up to the three of them
and stood there hoping that her presence would break up the meeting. She said
that Lynch saw her and introduced her to former President Clinton, and she shook
his hand.
The Senior Counselor
said that she hoped this would get
moving, but then former President Clinton sat back
The Senior Counselor
stated, “So then...
I kind of didn

t know what to do because...
it was a little b
unusual to be in a room with...a former president and say...
you need to leave
I think I stared at them for a little bit longer, and then wen
t back to where [the
head of Lynch

s security detail] was standing.”
The Senior Counselor
d that she
considered whether she should
go g
et someone else or
go back over to Lynch and
tell he
r, “Look, ma

am, we have to go.” She said she then went and stood in front
of the group again.
The Senior Counselor
said that
her presence prompted Lynch to tell former
President Clinton that the reason she (
the Senior Counselor
) was standing there
was th
at she was too polite to tell Lynch that they had to go.
The Senior Counselor
said that Lynch told former President Clinton, “
And we do have to go. You
we have a pretty busy schedule.”
The Senior Counselor
said that she could
not recall what Lync
h and former President C
linton were discussing, but
that her
We asked Lynch about news reports that her security detail did not allow photos to be
taken of the meeting. Lynch said that she did not recall any such
discussions, but that it was her
standard practice not to take photos with anyone involved in a campaign around an election.
impression was tha
was “uncomfortable and wanted the
meeting to be

Lynch said that after
the Senior Counselor
got back on the plane, former
President Clinton commented, “Oh, she

s m
ad at me, because I

d been on the plane
too long. And she

s come to get you.” Lynch said that she replied to him, “[W]ell,
we do have to go. And then he kept talking about something else.” She said that
kept talking for “a good
minutes” after
Senior Counselor
got back on the
plane. Lynch said that she finally stood up and said, “[Y]ou know, it was very nice
of you to come
. Thank you so much. And just...
thank you again for stopping by.”
She said that
they said goodbye several times, and her
husband shook former
President Clinton

s hand again
she needed a lawyer to tell her privately meeting with the husband of a woman they are investigating is a bad idea?
She did not take the meeting against her lawyer's advice...

You are incorrect.

She did not hear from her lawyer until after she had Clinton on board, and her counselor interrupted the meeting, and she finally got Clinton to leave....

the pdf format is not copying well, but here it is...

The Senior Counselor
said that
she tried to
go back on the plane
, she
stopped by
the head of

s security detail
, who was at the door of the
The Senior Counselor
said that she told
former President Clinton
was not a good idea, and that she needed to get
back on
the plane, but he still would not
her on.
The Senior Counselor
said that she
asked him to convey to Lynch that she was advising that the meeting was a bad
. According to
the Senior Counselor
her, “
All right, w

t you t
her yourself
,” and
finally allowed her to board
The Senior Counselor
said that when she got on the plane, she saw Lynch,

s husband, and former President Cli
nton sitting down and “chatting...
in a
casual way.”
The Senior Counselor
said that she w
alked up to the three of them
and stood there hoping that her presence would break up the meeting. She said
that Lynch saw her and introduced her to former President Clinton, and she shook
his hand.
The Senior Counselor
said that she hoped this would get
moving, but then former President Clinton sat back
The Senior Counselor
stated, “So then...
I kind of didn

t know what to do because...
it was a little b
unusual to be in a room with...a former president and say...
you need to leave
I think I stared at them for a little bit longer, and then wen
t back to where [the
head of Lynch

s security detail] was standing.”
The Senior Counselor
d that she
considered whether she should
go g
et someone else or
go back over to Lynch and
tell he
r, “Look, ma

am, we have to go.” She said she then went and stood in front
of the group again.
The Senior Counselor
said that
her presence prompted Lynch to tell former
President Clinton that the reason she (
the Senior Counselor
) was standing there
was th
at she was too polite to tell Lynch that they had to go.
The Senior Counselor
said that Lynch told former President Clinton, “
And we do have to go. You
we have a pretty busy schedule.”
The Senior Counselor
said that she could
not recall what Lync
h and former President C
linton were discussing, but
that her
We asked Lynch about news reports that her security detail did not allow photos to be
taken of the meeting. Lynch said that she did not recall any such
discussions, but that it was her
standard practice not to take photos with anyone involved in a campaign around an election.
impression was tha
was “uncomfortable and wanted the
meeting to be

Lynch said that after
the Senior Counselor
got back on the plane, former
President Clinton commented, “Oh, she

s m
ad at me, because I

d been on the plane
too long. And she

s come to get you.” Lynch said that she replied to him, “[W]ell,
we do have to go. And then he kept talking about something else.” She said that
kept talking for “a good
minutes” after
Senior Counselor
got back on the
plane. Lynch said that she finally stood up and said, “[Y]ou know, it was very nice
of you to come
. Thank you so much. And just...
thank you again for stopping by.”
She said that
they said goodbye several times, and her
husband shook former
President Clinton

s hand again

Yes, it appears counsel spoke after the conversation had started. You are correct. Still, what was Lynch's job again? DOJ doesn't understand conflict of interest? REALLY?
She did not take the meeting against her lawyer's advice...

You are incorrect.

She did not hear from her lawyer until after she had Clinton on board, and her counselor interrupted the meeting, and she finally got Clinton to leave....

the pdf format is not copying well, but here it is...

The Senior Counselor
said that
she tried to
go back on the plane
, she
stopped by
the head of

s security detail
, who was at the door of the
The Senior Counselor
said that she told
former President Clinton
was not a good idea, and that she needed to get
back on
the plane, but he still would not
her on.
The Senior Counselor
said that she
asked him to convey to Lynch that she was advising that the meeting was a bad
. According to
the Senior Counselor
her, “
All right, w

t you t
her yourself
,” and
finally allowed her to board
The Senior Counselor
said that when she got on the plane, she saw Lynch,

s husband, and former President Cli
nton sitting down and “chatting...
in a
casual way.”
The Senior Counselor
said that she w
alked up to the three of them
and stood there hoping that her presence would break up the meeting. She said
that Lynch saw her and introduced her to former President Clinton, and she shook
his hand.
The Senior Counselor
said that she hoped this would get
moving, but then former President Clinton sat back
The Senior Counselor
stated, “So then...
I kind of didn

t know what to do because...
it was a little b
unusual to be in a room with...a former president and say...
you need to leave
I think I stared at them for a little bit longer, and then wen
t back to where [the
head of Lynch

s security detail] was standing.”
The Senior Counselor
d that she
considered whether she should
go g
et someone else or
go back over to Lynch and
tell he
r, “Look, ma

am, we have to go.” She said she then went and stood in front
of the group again.
The Senior Counselor
said that
her presence prompted Lynch to tell former
President Clinton that the reason she (
the Senior Counselor
) was standing there
was th
at she was too polite to tell Lynch that they had to go.
The Senior Counselor
said that Lynch told former President Clinton, “
And we do have to go. You
we have a pretty busy schedule.”
The Senior Counselor
said that she could
not recall what Lync
h and former President C
linton were discussing, but
that her
We asked Lynch about news reports that her security detail did not allow photos to be
taken of the meeting. Lynch said that she did not recall any such
discussions, but that it was her
standard practice not to take photos with anyone involved in a campaign around an election.
impression was tha
was “uncomfortable and wanted the
meeting to be

Lynch said that after
the Senior Counselor
got back on the plane, former
President Clinton commented, “Oh, she

s m
ad at me, because I

d been on the plane
too long. And she

s come to get you.” Lynch said that she replied to him, “[W]ell,
we do have to go. And then he kept talking about something else.” She said that
kept talking for “a good
minutes” after
Senior Counselor
got back on the
plane. Lynch said that she finally stood up and said, “[Y]ou know, it was very nice
of you to come
. Thank you so much. And just...
thank you again for stopping by.”
She said that
they said goodbye several times, and her
husband shook former
President Clinton

s hand again

Yes, it appears counsel spoke after the conversation had started. You are correct. Still, what was Lynch's job again? DOJ doesn't understand conflict of interest? REALLY?
She was gobsmacked with it....
but they did change their protocol to deal with those type of situations occurring again, almost immediately....

And it makes a big difference between what you claimed vs what happened.... the part about the counselor warning AFTER and not BEFORE....the Clinton appearance.
She was gobsmacked with it....
but they did change their protocol to deal with those type of situations occurring again, almost immediately....

And it makes a big difference between what you claimed vs what happened.... the part about the counselor warning AFTER and not BEFORE....the Clinton appearance.

Change protocol? The meeting was all sorts of wrong, Lynch was aware of it and ignored it. It makes absolutely no difference. You tell Clinton that the meeting cannot take place for the benefit of both parties period.
She did not take the meeting against her lawyer's advice...

You are incorrect.

She did not hear from her lawyer until after she had Clinton on board, and her counselor interrupted the meeting, and she finally got Clinton to leave....

the pdf format is not copying well, but here it is...

The Senior Counselor
said that
she tried to
go back on the plane
, she
stopped by
the head of

s security detail
, who was at the door of the
The Senior Counselor
said that she told
former President Clinton
was not a good idea, and that she needed to get
back on
the plane, but he still would not
her on.
The Senior Counselor
said that she
asked him to convey to Lynch that she was advising that the meeting was a bad
. According to
the Senior Counselor
her, “
All right, w

t you t
her yourself
,” and
finally allowed her to board
The Senior Counselor
said that when she got on the plane, she saw Lynch,

s husband, and former President Cli
nton sitting down and “chatting...
in a
casual way.”
The Senior Counselor
said that she w
alked up to the three of them
and stood there hoping that her presence would break up the meeting. She said
that Lynch saw her and introduced her to former President Clinton, and she shook
his hand.
The Senior Counselor
said that she hoped this would get
moving, but then former President Clinton sat back
The Senior Counselor
stated, “So then...
I kind of didn

t know what to do because...
it was a little b
unusual to be in a room with...a former president and say...
you need to leave
I think I stared at them for a little bit longer, and then wen
t back to where [the
head of Lynch

s security detail] was standing.”
The Senior Counselor
d that she
considered whether she should
go g
et someone else or
go back over to Lynch and
tell he
r, “Look, ma

am, we have to go.” She said she then went and stood in front
of the group again.
The Senior Counselor
said that
her presence prompted Lynch to tell former
President Clinton that the reason she (
the Senior Counselor
) was standing there
was th
at she was too polite to tell Lynch that they had to go.
The Senior Counselor
said that Lynch told former President Clinton, “
And we do have to go. You
we have a pretty busy schedule.”
The Senior Counselor
said that she could
not recall what Lync
h and former President C
linton were discussing, but
that her
We asked Lynch about news reports that her security detail did not allow photos to be
taken of the meeting. Lynch said that she did not recall any such
discussions, but that it was her
standard practice not to take photos with anyone involved in a campaign around an election.
impression was tha
was “uncomfortable and wanted the
meeting to be

Lynch said that after
the Senior Counselor
got back on the plane, former
President Clinton commented, “Oh, she

s m
ad at me, because I

d been on the plane
too long. And she

s come to get you.” Lynch said that she replied to him, “[W]ell,
we do have to go. And then he kept talking about something else.” She said that
kept talking for “a good
minutes” after
Senior Counselor
got back on the
plane. Lynch said that she finally stood up and said, “[Y]ou know, it was very nice
of you to come
. Thank you so much. And just...
thank you again for stopping by.”
She said that
they said goodbye several times, and her
husband shook former
President Clinton

s hand again

Yes, it appears counsel spoke after the conversation had started. You are correct. Still, what was Lynch's job again? DOJ doesn't understand conflict of interest? REALLY?
She was gobsmacked with it....
but they did change their protocol to deal with those type of situations occurring again, almost immediately....

And it makes a big difference between what you claimed vs what happened.... the part about the counselor warning AFTER and not BEFORE....the Clinton appearance.
so you're going to give her room to move "within the system" that i've yet to see you give to trump.

*this to me* is the core reason we can't get along these days. you'll look away on something like this cause it's *your* side doing it but if trumps camp were to do this - would you still look away and give him the same "room to move"?

if yes, lets keep talking cause i don't see it. if no, may as well stop cause we'll never see eye to eye. i simply want 1 standard to be applied as evenly as humanly possible but our culture has allowed us to micro-slice improper activity into being morally ok cause of who it's against.

wrong is wrong and we need to haul ass back to that for the sake of the country pretty much.
Lying to Congressional investigations, use to be a crime...guess it is just standard operating procedure in Washington these days.
there was no lying, other than Sheryl Attkinsson, the tweeter...in the op....

the contact from Clinton's security, to Lynch's security took place on the Tarmac, right before he went there to climb on board.... she was notified by her security Clinton was there and would like to meet her and chat, right as she was exiting... it was a surprise to her, and her staff had already exited and were not aware of the security call from Clinton's security detail.

Yet she took the meeting against advice of counsel. Worse, she took it privately, which opened her up to further damage. Best was to keep cries of inappropriate is an open meeting. But that is not what she did. In fact, photographers were told to leave. Security limited access.
you are reading something different than me....cuz when her council found out and went up the stairs to warn her, IS WHEN the meeting broke up, no? According to what I had read?
She did not take the meeting against her lawyer's advice...

You are incorrect.

She did not hear from her lawyer until after she had Clinton on board, and her counselor interrupted the meeting, and she finally got Clinton to leave....

the pdf format is not copying well, but here it is...

The Senior Counselor
said that
she tried to
go back on the plane
, she
stopped by
the head of

s security detail
, who was at the door of the
The Senior Counselor
said that she told
former President Clinton
was not a good idea, and that she needed to get
back on
the plane, but he still would not
her on.
The Senior Counselor
said that she
asked him to convey to Lynch that she was advising that the meeting was a bad
. According to
the Senior Counselor
her, “
All right, w

t you t
her yourself
,” and
finally allowed her to board
The Senior Counselor
said that when she got on the plane, she saw Lynch,

s husband, and former President Cli
nton sitting down and “chatting...
in a
casual way.”
The Senior Counselor
said that she w
alked up to the three of them
and stood there hoping that her presence would break up the meeting. She said
that Lynch saw her and introduced her to former President Clinton, and she shook
his hand.
The Senior Counselor
said that she hoped this would get
moving, but then former President Clinton sat back
The Senior Counselor
stated, “So then...
I kind of didn

t know what to do because...
it was a little b
unusual to be in a room with...a former president and say...
you need to leave
I think I stared at them for a little bit longer, and then wen
t back to where [the
head of Lynch

s security detail] was standing.”
The Senior Counselor
d that she
considered whether she should
go g
et someone else or
go back over to Lynch and
tell he
r, “Look, ma

am, we have to go.” She said she then went and stood in front
of the group again.
The Senior Counselor
said that
her presence prompted Lynch to tell former
President Clinton that the reason she (
the Senior Counselor
) was standing there
was th
at she was too polite to tell Lynch that they had to go.
The Senior Counselor
said that Lynch told former President Clinton, “
And we do have to go. You
we have a pretty busy schedule.”
The Senior Counselor
said that she could
not recall what Lync
h and former President C
linton were discussing, but
that her
We asked Lynch about news reports that her security detail did not allow photos to be
taken of the meeting. Lynch said that she did not recall any such
discussions, but that it was her
standard practice not to take photos with anyone involved in a campaign around an election.
impression was tha
was “uncomfortable and wanted the
meeting to be

Lynch said that after
the Senior Counselor
got back on the plane, former
President Clinton commented, “Oh, she

s m
ad at me, because I

d been on the plane
too long. And she

s come to get you.” Lynch said that she replied to him, “[W]ell,
we do have to go. And then he kept talking about something else.” She said that
kept talking for “a good
minutes” after
Senior Counselor
got back on the
plane. Lynch said that she finally stood up and said, “[Y]ou know, it was very nice
of you to come
. Thank you so much. And just...
thank you again for stopping by.”
She said that
they said goodbye several times, and her
husband shook former
President Clinton

s hand again
she needed a lawyer to tell her privately meeting with the husband of a woman they are investigating is a bad idea?
fyi - this is worse than our secretary of state having to have "C" explained to her.

you'd never allow the other side to say such things yet - here we are.

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