Ignorant Homophobes fined $13,000 for refusing to host wedding

Well shame ... That shoots that option down for avoiding the taxes.

Otherwise, I would suggest you take it to court, but I have to warn you that the courts really aren't friendly towards religion at the moment ... Your case might gain more traction and see more success if you tell them you are gay.

But why can I not refuse to pay taxes because of my religious beliefs?
It's Bad. I am agnostic, and I think this "gay" stuff is pushing the constitutional envelope big time. Speaking of dark and twisted, that must have been a Freudian slip, because catering (pun intended) to homosexuality isn't exactly aspiring to the better angels of our mercies, so to speak. We should be able to exclude people sometimes... Valid real issues like politics, race or sex discrimination, covered by the Constitution, I understand. But Sexual perversions, that's pushing it. Homosexuality hasn't yet been disproven to be a sexual dysfunction, so, it's kind of questionable why we SHOULD be so equitable and fair with a class of people who's' redeeming value seems to be that they have enough $ to buy off reason and get mommy and daddy's lawyers to make this an issue to begin with.

I hear you.

I am agnostic as well, and Libertarian. I don't give a good goddamn who anyone sleeps with. But I will NOT have it forced on unwilling victims, no more than I would allow the churches to force homosexuals to undergo "conversion therapy."

There are plenty of places happy to do the gay wedding shit - but the homosexual thugs are more interested in imposing their views by force of law than they are with simply getting married.

They declared war on civil rights. I don't give a damn about their illegitimate laws, if they wish to enforce them, they will have to use the guns they have backing them.

Well shame ... That shoots that option down for avoiding the taxes.

Otherwise, I would suggest you take it to court, but I have to warn you that the courts really aren't friendly towards religion at the moment ... Your case might gain more traction and see more success if you tell them you are gay.

But why can I not refuse to pay taxes because of my religious beliefs?

Christians (Biblical Christians) could never make that case.

Mark 12-17

"13Later they sent some of the Pharisees and Herodians to Jesus to catch him in his words. 14They came to him and said, “Teacher, we know that you are a man of integrity. You aren’t swayed by others, because you pay no attention to who they are; but you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. Is it right to pay the imperial taxb to Caesar or not? 15Should we pay or shouldn’t we?”

But Jesus knew their hypocrisy. “Why are you trying to trap me?” he asked. “Bring me a denarius and let me look at it.” 16They brought the coin, and he asked them, “Whose image is this? And whose inscription?”

“Caesar’s,” they replied."

17Then Jesus said to them, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”

And they were amazed at him."
But why can I not refuse to pay taxes because of my religious beliefs?

You have no civil right to not pay taxes.

Why can't the Catholic church force gay owned businesses to perform conversion therapy? Why should you be able to violate civil rights, but not they?
Why not if I have a religious belief that war and violence is bad. In fact, that is as well established a religious belief as saying being gay is bad.

Well shame ... That shoots that option down for avoiding the taxes.

Otherwise, I would suggest you take it to court, but I have to warn you that the courts really aren't friendly towards religion at the moment ... Your case might gain more traction and see more success if you tell them you are gay.

But why can I not refuse to pay taxes because of my religious beliefs?

You can ...

I just think you will have better luck in the courts if you call it The First Homosexual Church of Anti-Discrimination.


Well shame ... That shoots that option down for avoiding the taxes.

Otherwise, I would suggest you take it to court, but I have to warn you that the courts really aren't friendly towards religion at the moment ... Your case might gain more traction and see more success if you tell them you are gay.

But why can I not refuse to pay taxes because of my religious beliefs?

You can ...

I just think you will have better luck in the courts if you call it The First Homosexual Church of Anti-Discrimination.

Ah...I see...some religiously held beliefs are more equal than others......
1. you deserve it you Nazi fuck.
2. People deciding their fake rights are more important than others real rights, especially when they get government involved piss me off and deserve no courtesy whatsoever.
Apparently you are upset about having no valid argument. Thus you resort to rude insults.

I resort to rude insults regardless of the validity of my arguments, said insults are based on the target, not the topic.
Exactly, because you cannot handle the topic.

I can handle it just fine. I just don't pretend to observe the niceties of decorum for people I do not respect.
So you are unable to be civil. I wonder why that is. It's really not that hard to do.

Nor is it that hard to walk away from where you're not wanted
Keep pushing this nonsense and you may find that you're pushing yourselves back into the closets
Are we too uppity for you?

Exchange the word delusional with uppity and the answer would be YES.
In what way are we "delusional"?

Very....please explain in what way are we "delusional"?

Thinking gay is the equal to hetro.

That's not so hard now is it?
Au contrare. Any Muslim pulling the same crap should be fined just as much.

Suuuuuuure they would.

How many gays go to a mosque to ask for a wedding and expect to leave unscathed?

Zero. They would become a statistic.

Churches and mosques aren't subject to PA laws. Stop conflating.


You need a link to the 1st Amendment?

Seems like you do ... Or at least need to reexamine the part about not infringing on the ability to practice your religion.

And what 'religion' has dogma that promotes hate and fear over love and understanding?
Does the will of the people include being able to pass unConstitutional laws?

Are you suggesting that laws discriminating against individuals due to their religion are Constitutional?


Segregationists claimed religious beliefs as did slave owners.

So what? A mistake does not mean you can now exclude every religious belief by law. That is, if the Constitution really does mean something anymore.

If it was a mistake, as you say, to apply religious beliefs to discrimination at best, life long servitude at worst, why isn't it a mistake today?

Well shame ... That shoots that option down for avoiding the taxes.

Otherwise, I would suggest you take it to court, but I have to warn you that the courts really aren't friendly towards religion at the moment ... Your case might gain more traction and see more success if you tell them you are gay.

But why can I not refuse to pay taxes because of my religious beliefs?

You can ...

I just think you will have better luck in the courts if you call it The First Homosexual Church of Anti-Discrimination.

Ah...I see...some religiously held beliefs are more equal than others......

That's not what I meant or what I posted ... I clearly indicated you would probably have better chances avoiding taxes if you associated your church with being homosexual and anti-discrimination.

If you called your religion the First Church of God you wouldn't have snowball's chance in Hell of getting your ideas seriously considered by the courts.


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