Christian baker not backing down after Gov't punishes him for refusing to make gay wedding cake

I've wondered the same thing...are Muslim and Jewish establishments, private business or religious institutions, being targeted? (and yes, targeted is the correct word ;))

except that they weren't being "targeted". They just got caught time #15 they engaged in the behavior.

In the case of the Klein's, the gay couple were invited by Mrs. Klein to use their shop if they ever tied the knot, only to be subjected to massive verbal abuse by Mr. Klein when he found out it was two ladies who wanted to get married. (I'm sure Mrs. Klein got a good Christian Wife-beating after that.)

When he was told that he was in violation of the law, he had every opportunity to correct the problem. He doubled down and posted the names of the complaintants on the internet, subjecting their family to threats from Christians reminding us all how much Jesus hates the homos (even though he never talked about the subject in the Gospels, but never mind. Jesus hates lesbians. It's in there!)

I also wonder if those who defended the violence and shutting down of free speech on the campus of a public university by declaring that Coulter could always use another venue would apply the same principle to a private business. There are other places to buy a cake, no doubt.

Berkeley isn't a public accommodation. A business is. Coulter was not paying Berkeley to speak there. They were having to spend money to make it safe for her to speak because of all the obnoxious racist shit she's said over the years.

So the question is, would the potential expense and risk to our community be worth listening to Coulter spew whatever garbage she was going to spew... and the answer was.. no.
Well the christian bakers don't do that service so how is it different?

Okay, let me talk you through this.

"Hi, I sell wedding cakes!"

"What a coincidence, we need a wedding cake!"

"'re two dudes"

"Um, yeah, so?"

See. Not a problem.


"Hey, we'd like to buy a cake with an obnoxious message on it."

"I don't sell cakes with obnoxious messages."

"Oh, sorry."

See how that works?
Let me give you a clue

Gay baker: can I help you
customer: yes do you make sheet cakes?
GB: why yes we do
C: Can you transfer a picture to a sheet cake
GB: Yes we can it's a fairly common thing that even grocery store bakery's can do.
C: can you write on a cake?
GB: of course we can.
C: good I'd like a cake with this picture

C: and I'd like these words written on the cake
Leviticus 18:22King James Version (KJV)
22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

By your standards the gay baker has to do it. The only reason this hasn't happened yet( that I know of) is because unlike the gay community most straights really don't want to be complete dicks about this. Should they continue to persecute the religious, the gay community can expect to be equally harassed and have the court rulings used against them. Then of course they will scream it's hate, but isn't it hate that pushes them to harass the religious community rather than use a gay baker or respect other peoples religious beliefs and simply go elsewhere? This is a capitalist country. For every one bakery that doesn't want to make a gay cake there are 10 who don't care and will. There are bakers who refuse to make sex cakes but I don't hear anyone screaming about that. Why because the customer who gets turned down goes finds a baker who does that type of cake. All the religious are saying is we don't do that type of cake because of our beliefs, go find someone who does.

Gay baker: can I help you
customer: yes do you make sheet cakes?
GB: why yes we do
C: Can you transfer a picture to a sheet cake
GB: Yes we can it's a fairly common thing that even grocery store bakery's can do.
C: can you write on a cake?
GB: of course we can.
C: good I'd like a cake with this picture

sorry, the gay baker can still refuse, because there's no right to put a message on a cake they don't like. It's why the guy who named his kid "Adolf Hitler" not only didn't get a birthday cake with that, but DCFS took his kids away. Thank God!!!

C: and I'd like these words written on the cake
Leviticus 18:22King James Version (KJV)
22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

You see, what I'd do is is put on another Bible Verse...

Psalm 137:9New International Version (NIV)
9 Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.

And say, "Whoops, wrong verse from the Big Book of Bronze Age Superstition".

i'll get around to fixing it next Tuesday.

That would be hilarious.
Gay baker: can I help you
customer: yes do you make sheet cakes?
GB: why yes we do
C: Can you transfer a picture to a sheet cake
GB: Yes we can it's a fairly common thing that even grocery store bakery's can do.
C: can you write on a cake?
GB: of course we can.
C: good I'd like a cake with this picture

sorry, the gay baker can still refuse, because there's no right to put a message on a cake they don't like. It's why the guy who named his kid "Adolf Hitler" not only didn't get a birthday cake with that, but DCFS took his kids away. Thank God!!!

C: and I'd like these words written on the cake
Leviticus 18:22King James Version (KJV)
22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

You see, what I'd do is is put on another Bible Verse...

Psalm 137:9New International Version (NIV)
9 Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.

And say, "Whoops, wrong verse from the Big Book of Bronze Age Superstition".

i'll get around to fixing it next Tuesday.

That would be hilarious.
Well then again by your standards there's no right to put a gay couple on top of a cake or write Congrats Adam and Steve. It's entirely up to the baker and in these cases the baker refused. And since according to you they have no right to demand what's on their cake it's perfectly legal, right?

Lets put that scripture in context shall we: It's not God advocating smashing babies against the rocks, it's the mourning of the Israelites who have been taken into captivity and wishing God to deliver to the Edomites the same punishment that the Edomites gave Israel. Pretty? No, but considering the times in which is happened, life being very brutal, it's not surprising that if you saw the Edomites utterly destroy your people you'd want revenge. It's very painfully human.

Psalm 137New International Version (NIV)
Psalm 137
1 By the rivers of Babylon
when we remembered Zion.
2 There on the poplars
we hung our harps
3 for there our captors asked us for songs,
our tormentors demanded songs of joy;
they said, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!”

4 How can we sing the songs of the LordI
while in a foreign land?
5 If I forget you,Jerusalem,
may my right hand forget its skill.
6 May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth
if I do not remember you,
if I do not consider Jerusalem
my highest joy.

7 Remember, Lord, what the Edomites did
on the day Jerusalem fell.
“Tear it down,” they cried,
“tear it down to its foundations!

8 Daughter Babylon, doomed to destruction
happy is the one who repays you
according to what you have done to us.
9 Happy is the one who seizes your infants
and dashes them against the rocks.

You are putting this in to a modern interpretation that doesn't exist today. May I remind you that the same scripture also says to take gays out to the edge of the city and stone them to death, but you don't see that happening anywhere today as part of a countries law except in Muslim counties. If you want to champion gays why don't you go crucify the Muslims and leave the Christian bakers alone. Of course going after Muslims isn't PC is it and of course Christian bakers won't kill you for being an Infidel.

Leviticus 20:13
"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is upon them."
Well then again by your standards there's no right to put a gay couple on top of a cake or write Congrats Adam and Steve. It's entirely up to the baker and in these cases the baker refused. And since according to you they have no right to demand what's on their cake it's perfectly legal, right?

Except the baker sells wedding cakes, so it's a public accommedation. So, um, no. Sorry, this has been litigated you lost.

Lets put that scripture in context shall we: It's not God advocating smashing babies against the rocks, it's the mourning of the Israelites who have been taken into captivity and wishing God to deliver to the Edomites the same punishment that the Edomites gave Israel. Pretty? No, but considering the times in which is happened, life being very brutal, it's not surprising that if you saw the Edomites utterly destroy your people you'd want revenge. It's very painfully human.

Sorry, Sweetie, there's no context where smashing a baby's head into a rock sounds cool. I always find it amusing that people look at the Bible as a source of "Morality",and ignore the infanticide, rape, murder, incest, racism, homophobia that the characters regularly engage in, all with the blessing of their imaginary sky fairy and sometimes are punished for occasional acts of decency.

The Edomites weren't even the ones who destroyed Judah, it was the Babylonians. 'YOu bastards didn't engage in a futile fight against a larger empire to help us! I hope someone smashes your baby's head into a rock."

That's fucked up!
You are putting this in to a modern interpretation that doesn't exist today. May I remind you that the same scripture also says to take gays out to the edge of the city and stone them to death, but you don't see that happening anywhere today as part of a countries law except in Muslim counties. If you want to champion gays why don't you go crucify the Muslims and leave the Christian bakers alone. Of course going after Muslims isn't PC is it and of course Christian bakers won't kill you for being an Infidel.

Here's the thing. There are only about 3 million Muslims in this country and most of them just want to be left alone by bigots like you.

Christians, on the other hand, are constantly trying to impose their bronze age stupidity on the rest of us, all while not living up to the Sky Pixie Standards themselves. So you get the thrice married clerk in Moosejaw or wherever she was telling gays they can't get married because she considers marriage so sacred.
I won't bake a cake for American taliban either...

If I am forced I'll take a long steaming shit in it and without the FDA I'll get away with it.
How exactly does 'the baker' know whether any of the ingredients he buys are bought from gay vendors? Has he checked? Does it matter? Wouldn't you think that that would be as important as who he sells the finished product to? What about his banker or the teller, does he ask if they are gay? Or the grocer he buys groceries from? The auto mechanic he goes to? The lender that loaned him the money to open the bakery? What if the lender decided they didn't loan money to Kristians?

As judge I have come to a decision, we shall cut the cake down the middle and each side keep half.
I believe Muslims are obligated to bake the gay......

I believe Koreans are obligated to bake the dog.

Ooooh, wait, it's not racist when you do it.

Did you actually imagine (I almost said 'think') that I am the least bit intimidated by the utterance of the word 'racist'????

Gads, you must be brain dead.

I'm neither a wimpy hand-wringing limp-wristed guilt-ridden sheep, nor a Liberal.

I’m the God-fearing, gun-toting, flag-waving conservative you were warned about.....and I spit in face of any who attempt to intimidate me into silence.

You might want to read this before your next stupid post...

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Did you actually imagine (I almost said 'think') that I am the least bit intimidated by the utterance of the word 'racist'????

Naw, that would require a sense of decency...

I’m the God-fearing, gun-toting, flag-waving conservative you were warned about.....and I spit in face of any who attempt to intimidate me into silence.

So you haven't been fucked over by rich people yet... got it. Let me know when that happens, and get back to me.
Did you actually imagine (I almost said 'think') that I am the least bit intimidated by the utterance of the word 'racist'????

Naw, that would require a sense of decency...

I’m the God-fearing, gun-toting, flag-waving conservative you were warned about.....and I spit in face of any who attempt to intimidate me into silence.

So you haven't been fucked over by rich people yet... got it. Let me know when that happens, and get back to me.

Clean up you language and try again.

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