Ignorant Homophobes fined $13,000 for refusing to host wedding

Are we too uppity for you?

Exchange the word delusional with uppity and the answer would be YES.
In what way are we "delusional"?

Very....please explain in what way are we "delusional"?

Thinking gay is the equal to hetro.

That's not so hard now is it?
So...homosexual citizens are not equal to heterosexual citizens to you? Second class citizens to you? Funny how that is changing, isn't it? Looks like you too are going to be left in the dust of history.

Well shame ... That shoots that option down for avoiding the taxes.

Otherwise, I would suggest you take it to court, but I have to warn you that the courts really aren't friendly towards religion at the moment ... Your case might gain more traction and see more success if you tell them you are gay.

But why can I not refuse to pay taxes because of my religious beliefs?

You can ...

I just think you will have better luck in the courts if you call it The First Homosexual Church of Anti-Discrimination.

Ah...I see...some religiously held beliefs are more equal than others......

That's not what I meant or what I posted ... I clearly indicated you would probably have better chances avoiding taxes if you associated your church with being homosexual and anti-discrimination.

If you called your religion the First Church of God you wouldn't have snowball's chance in Hell of getting your ideas seriously considered by the courts.

And yet you expect the First Church of We Don't DO Gay Weddings in our Licensed Business to be taken more seriously by the courts?
Gays don't have balls, they have money. They can't buy off primitive assholes like ISIS OR ISIL and get married in a mosque in Mecca or Media. I am not sure that is so bad a thing, not being able to corrupt people. I just am not finding homosexuals to have any redeeming traits besides the quick wealth they offer to buy out Americans to their perversions....What? That is exactly what "GAYS" are doing in the west.
However, laws have to be enforced clearly with no "what if....".

Where did you come up with that nonsense? There are an infinite number of "what if" situations that a creative mind could think up and ponder how the law should be enforced in such a scenario. Here's a couple for you....

The law says brake lights have to be red or orange, and that both brake lights have to be the same color.

What if there's a small hole broken out of one lens, allowing a small amount of white light to come out?
What if the lens is broken but covered with a red tape?
What if both are red, but a slightly different shade of red?
What if the difference in shade can't be seen by 35% of people?
What if the officer is colorblind and pulls you over mistakenly? Is that a legal stop? Is the marijuana in the trunk admissible? Or is it fruit of the poisoned tree?
What if the driver is colorblind and couldn't see the difference in shade?
What if the colorblind driver can't see the difference between red and orange lenses?

That's alot of what-ifs, and that's just for mundane traffic matters!

The law cannot differentiate between providing a service to some law-abiding, tax-paying citizens and not to others.

Yes it can, and it has since the beginning of time! It makes me recall an incident about two months ago where I refused service to a group of law abiding, tax-paying citizens based on the fact that one of the members of their group was being an asshole toward one of my staff. Are you going to tell me that I broke the law? HA!
And yet you expect the First Church of We Don't DO Gay Weddings in our Licensed Business to be taken more seriously by the courts?

There is no such thing ... So I couldn't expect it to be taken seriously. You are still just proving my point that being pro-homosexual will get you farther than anything else in the courts.

Thanks ... You are slowly catching on.

Actually, business owners should be able to discriminate against sexual perverts. Being that homosexuality is just a form of sexual dysfunction / perversion and isn't mentioned in the American Constitution. Can anyone logically argue against THAT? Any form of deviant sexual behavior isn't covered in the Constitution. We should be able not to cater to homosexuals, pedophiles, or other brands or types of sexual dysfunctions. Nope. Sorry, kids. The perverts are telling us what is normal and what is fair.
The question is..how does ANY business owner KNOW a customer is gay???? They don't.
Actually, business owners should be able to discriminate against sexual perverts. Being that homosexuality is just a form of sexual dysfunction / perversion and isn't mentioned in the American Constitution. Can anyone logically argue against THAT?

You're a fucking idiot. I'd say that argument suffices. Now shut up before someone starts to think that all conservatives are a stupid as you.
And what 'religion' has dogma that promotes hate and fear over love and understanding?

Who said anything about hate or fear ... I can disagree with something without either?

If all you do is disagree, you have consented to tolerance. You will, one day, graduate to acceptance.

But it is not legal to discriminate against a group, or an individual, so long as that group or individual has not committed a crime. Is Homosexuality illegal?
Exchange the word delusional with uppity and the answer would be YES.
In what way are we "delusional"?

Very....please explain in what way are we "delusional"?

Thinking gay is the equal to hetro.

That's not so hard now is it?
So...homosexual citizens are not equal to heterosexual citizens to you? Second class citizens to you? Funny how that is changing, isn't it? Looks like you too are going to be left in the dust of history.

^^^^people need to quit feeding your delusions^^^^
The question is..how does ANY business owner KNOW a customer is gay???? They don't.

How does anyone know a person is gay? They don't

How does anyone know a person is black?

See the difference.
Exchange the word delusional with uppity and the answer would be YES.
In what way are we "delusional"?

Very....please explain in what way are we "delusional"?

Thinking gay is the equal to hetro.

That's not so hard now is it?
Is it illegal to be homosexual?

It's not illegal to be stupid either. Try being stupid AND a brain surgeon.
But it is not legal to discriminate against a group, or an individual, so long as that group or individual has not committed a crime.

Bullshit. I do it every day, mostly because people aren't willing to pay the price for services that we choose to charge. But sometimes for other reasons. Note my previous post about refusing service because someone was, in my personal judgement, an asshole.
And what 'religion' has dogma that promotes hate and fear over love and understanding?

Who said anything about hate or fear ... I can disagree with something without either?

If all you do is disagree, you have consented to tolerance. You will, one day, graduate to acceptance.

But it is not legal to discriminate against a group, or an individual, so long as that group or individual has not committed a crime. Is Homosexuality illegal?

I tolerate what I have to and change what I can ... The only thing I accept is the fact I will eventually die.

NY Farm That Refused To Host Lesbian Wedding Fined $13,000

Liberty Ridge Farm's owners, citing constitutional rights to free speech and religious freedom, have appealed the August ruling by the Division of Human Rights that they violated state anti-discrimination law.

Their attorney said Robert and Cynthia Gifford paid the $10,000 state civil penalty and $1,500 each to Melisa and Jennie McCarthy, whose 2013 wedding they declined to host. The Giffords testified last year that in their Christian beliefs, marriage is between a man and a woman, and the ceremonies are held at their home, a private space where their own rights should be determinate.


We hurt them in the pocketbook and we shame them in the media.

There is a dark and twisted version of Christianity being practiced in the U.S. They throw love and tolerance over for fear and ignorance, clinging to one archaic hebrew tribal law.

why does the flaming fairy left hate the right of association (or non-association)

if they don't want to host two lesbians getting married so be it

They run a business that caters to the public. (well, not any more)

Learn the law, ignorant homophobe.

They can associate with whomever they want.

But when hang up a sign saying open for business, they need to follow the LAW.

I know what the law says-its one of those laws FDR dishonestly created by expanding the commerce clause beyond anything the founders intended. its a classic case of a fraudulent power

stupid retard
In what way are we "delusional"?

Very....please explain in what way are we "delusional"?

Thinking gay is the equal to hetro.

That's not so hard now is it?
Is it illegal to be homosexual?

It's not illegal to be stupid either. Try being stupid AND a brain surgeon.
If Homosexuality is not illegal, what legal right is there to discriminate against them?
And what 'religion' has dogma that promotes hate and fear over love and understanding?

Who said anything about hate or fear ... I can disagree with something without either?

If all you do is disagree, you have consented to tolerance. You will, one day, graduate to acceptance.

But it is not legal to discriminate against a group, or an individual, so long as that group or individual has not committed a crime. Is Homosexuality illegal?

I tolerate what I have to and change what I can ... The only thing I accept is the fact I will eventually die.

Are you trying to convert homosexuals? What is it on this issue you want to change?
Are you trying to convert homosexuals? What is it on this issue you want to change?

What silly notion gives you the idea I would try to convert homosexuals ... Convert them to what? I want people to desire earning respect from one another ... And to understand that requires more than demanding it.

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