Ignorant Homophobes fined $13,000 for refusing to host wedding

And I'm sure you've been railing against Public Accommodations since people were "forced" to serve blacks since the 1960s, right?

I never heard too much about the "injustice" and "tyranny" of PA laws...until about five to ten years ago when they began to ALSO protect gays in some places on equal footing with race, religion, etc. Funny that.

OK- But what about my question? What is your educated 'guess' as to why someone would just simply not take their business elsewhere? My guess is they are paid shills to bring their 'plight' to the forefront.

If they really wanted what they protest, they would of succeeded already elsewhere


Ask the Civil Rights Act that protects race, religion, country of origin, etc. You're asking why we have PA laws. I'm sure you can find the answer if you try really, really hard.

If the Civil Rights Act protects religion, then forcing someone to act in defiance of their religion is breaking the law, is it not?

Yes...if someone of a certain religion seeks to be served in a business and that business refuses them, that business can be fined. You need to brush up on the DIFFERENCE between the rights of a business vs. the rights of a customer.

The right to freedom or religion recognizes that all people have the same right to it. The rights of a customer does not trump the rights of the business owner, nor should they.


Actually no.

When a person applies for and accepts a business license they've agreed to follow all state and federal laws that govern business. So they signed their right to discriminate away when they signed the forms for that business license.

If you want to do business legally in America you have to follow the law. A business owner can't pick and choose what laws they want to follow and they can't use religion to excuse breaking the law. Otherwise we would still have "whites only" signs everywhere.

The business owners who discriminate against one portion of the public have broken the law, violated the constitution and violated the contract they signed with the state that allows them to do business legally with the public. That business license and the papers filed to get it are contracts between the business owner and the state.

If they don't want to do business with all of the public, they should expect to accept the consequences of their crime.
Study Says Brains of Gay Men and Women Are Similar - Scientific American
Study Says Brains of Gay Men and Women Are Similar

Researchers using brain scans have found new evidence that biology—and not environment—is at the core of sexual orientation. Scientists at the Stockholm Brain Institute in Sweden report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA that gay men and straight women share similar traits—most notably in the size of their brains and the activity of the amygdala—an area of the brain tied to emotion, anxiety and aggression. The same is true for heterosexual men and lesbians.
OK- But what about my question? What is your educated 'guess' as to why someone would just simply not take their business elsewhere? My guess is they are paid shills to bring their 'plight' to the forefront.

If they really wanted what they protest, they would of succeeded already elsewhere


Ask the Civil Rights Act that protects race, religion, country of origin, etc. You're asking why we have PA laws. I'm sure you can find the answer if you try really, really hard.

If the Civil Rights Act protects religion, then forcing someone to act in defiance of their religion is breaking the law, is it not?

Yes...if someone of a certain religion seeks to be served in a business and that business refuses them, that business can be fined. You need to brush up on the DIFFERENCE between the rights of a business vs. the rights of a customer.

The right to freedom or religion recognizes that all people have the same right to it. The rights of a customer does not trump the rights of the business owner, nor should they.


Actually no.

When a person applies for and accepts a business license they've agreed to follow all state and federal laws that govern business. So they signed their right to discriminate away when they signed the forms for that business license.

If you want to do business legally in America you have to follow the law. A business owner can't pick and choose what laws they want to follow and they can't use religion to excuse breaking the law. Otherwise we would still have "whites only" signs everywhere.

The business owners who discriminate against one portion of the public have broken the law, violated the constitution and violated the contract they signed with the state that allows them to do business legally with the public. That business license and the papers filed to get it are contracts between the business owner and the state.

If they don't want to do business with all of the public, they should expect to accept the consequences of their crime.

Interesting. Do you feel the same about immigration law?

They are not paying. They are appealing.
Because it is a civil penalty, the money will never change hands.
If it were my property, I would just bullshit them by telling them "all slots are filled"...
Do you really think this push to far left is going to last? Do you really think this shit is not going to be challenged?
These fucking namby pamby laws that permit lawsuits over the silliest things are going to produce backlash legislation which may end up limiting the ability to sue.
Once again, you libs have such a firm grasp on the laws of unintended consequences.
Uhh, don't go thinking this is an invitation to a debate. It isn't. I've rendered my opinion. Yours will go unread.

I think what's going to happen is that homophobes will be just like racists. You'll still have them, but they will keep their mouths shut and smile nicely when someone comes to do business.

The thing is, no one is going to pass laws protecting bigots.

So please stick your fingers in your ears and go 'lalalalala"
injustice still exists.

it's amazing how some on the left have no hesitation for using violence and oppressing people if it fits their agenda.

tell me, how do you think you are going to change minds by threatening people? It might change behavior for a time but it builds resentment and hatred in the long run. You are hurting homosexuals. But I don't think you care. You're just using them. The second they get out of line you will kill them
How would an American mosque handle such a situation?

The same way a American Catholic Church would. "We don't perform those kinds of weddings."

Would the dykes stay alive long enough to claw their way out the exit door, do you think?

I'm sorry, have there been a rash of murders in American Mosques we aren't hearing about?

Try to pay attention here, Tommy-boy. this isn't about what Churches can or can't do. This is about what businesses can or can't refuse once they've said, "We offer a service".

They offered a service. They refused it to a couple in violation of their state's law.
injustice still exists.

it's amazing how some on the left have no hesitation for using violence and oppressing people if it fits their agenda.

tell me, how do you think you are going to change minds by threatening people? It might change behavior for a time but it builds resentment and hatred in the long run. You are hurting homosexuals. But I don't think you care. You're just using them. The second they get out of line you will kill them

I don't expect the religious bigots to change their minds. That would assume that I think enough about your mind to want to change it.

the reality- you've effectively lost the issue of being able to define marriage. Gay marriage is legal in 33 states now, with SCOTUS probably going to put the hammer down on the last 17 next year.

Now you are fighting a kind of desperate fight of "Well, can I still be a homophobic bigot in my place of business?"

It's an argument the racists already had and lost.
Every time we had a gay/lesbso wedding at my job, I called out. It was worth the $300+ loss in tips + wage, even when I was on hard times.

Since 4-5 of us would call out, the other waiters would go home feigning illness from being overworked. Good shit.

The sexual degenerates were known to touch and look at the male waiters (and flirt a lot). No real man can tolerate such an insult to his character, his sacred honor, his soul.

OH MY GOD, you mean that you have to put up with what FEMALE Wait-staff put up with all the time?

Report 80 of waitresses report being sexually harassed - Money - TODAY.com

According to a new report by the Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, 80 percent of tipped women workers in the restaurant industry report receiving some form of sexual harassment from co-workers and customers.


Sexual harassment rates doubled for women who worked in states with a $2.13-per-hour tipped minimum wage as compared to states where workers are paid the full federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour.
Every time we had a gay/lesbso wedding at my job, I called out. It was worth the $300+ loss in tips + wage, even when I was on hard times.

The sexual degenerates were known to touch and look at the male waiters (and flirt a lot). No real man can tolerate such an insult to his character, his sacred honor, his soul.

We kind of knew you were a waiter and mad about low wages....

and the sad thing is that he'll keep voting Republican because they are right with Jesus and will let him keep his gun!
injustice still exists.

it's amazing how some on the left have no hesitation for using violence and oppressing people if it fits their agenda.

tell me, how do you think you are going to change minds by threatening people? It might change behavior for a time but it builds resentment and hatred in the long run. You are hurting homosexuals. But I don't think you care. You're just using them. The second they get out of line you will kill them

I don't expect the religious bigots to change their minds. That would assume that I think enough about your mind to want to change it.

the reality- you've effectively lost the issue of being able to define marriage. Gay marriage is legal in 33 states now, with SCOTUS probably going to put the hammer down on the last 17 next year.

Now you are fighting a kind of desperate fight of "Well, can I still be a homophobic bigot in my place of business?"

It's an argument the racists already had and lost.

luke I said, you don't actually care about making things better for them. You are just using them for power. And when they have outlived their usefulness you'll throw them under the bus. It's the m.o. of the robbers in our government.

problem is everyone loses when you use violence to get your way
luke I said, you don't actually care about making things better for them. You are just using them for power. And when they have outlived their usefulness you'll throw them under the bus. It's the m.o. of the robbers in our government.

problem is everyone loses when you use violence to get your way

First, who advocated "using violence" here? The business broke the law, unhappy customers complained to a regulating agency that did an investigation and said, "Yup, they broke the law, all right". Sounds to me like the exact opposite of violence was used here.

Secondly, if someone used this issue to advance a political agenda, it was conservatives. Liberals stood up for LGBT rights even when it wasn't popular. Even when you had all the panic about AIDS in the 1980's.

Conservatives, on the other hand, were happy to play the Homophobia Card in 2004 (nobody mention Cheney's daughter's a lesbian) to distract from just how badly the mucked up Iraq, and then completely forgot about it.

"What Marriage Amendment? Hey, want to hear about my neat plan to put your Social Security Funds into the Stock Market?"

The fact is, the tide has turned on this issue, and the Homophobes can't even get their calls returned.
And I still have to ask, how stupid and childish are faggots that they want to FORCE people to take their money?

I go into a business and they don't treat me like I'm the most important person in the world, I carry my debit card on out of there and find somewhere that does.

I don't financially reward people who don't like me.

Stupid fags.

I usually don't, either. I get bad service, I don't go back.

BUt this isn't about bad service. This is about REFUSING service, which you can't do.
For once, I'd like to see a conservative expression of 'freedom' that doesn't involve treating others like pieces of shit.

DUDE!!!! That's like the most awesome quote ever! I'm going to totally steal that.

how is not doing business with someone "treating them like crap"?

the only one treating people like crap are the ones trying to punish someone for not doing business with them with punitive damages.

why exactly do you want people you claim are hostile to homosexuals to be forced to take their money? I know if there was someone who was hostile to me, the last thing I would want to so is give them my money. I'd rather do business with someone who is friendly.

isn't the fact that they won't get the money punishment enough. Or are natural consequences not something that you even consider?
luke I said, you don't actually care about making things better for them. You are just using them for power. And when they have outlived their usefulness you'll throw them under the bus. It's the m.o. of the robbers in our government.

problem is everyone loses when you use violence to get your way

First, who advocated "using violence" here? The business broke the law, unhappy customers complained to a regulating agency that did an investigation and said, "Yup, they broke the law, all right". Sounds to me like the exact opposite of violence was used here.

Secondly, if someone used this issue to advance a political agenda, it was conservatives. Liberals stood up for LGBT rights even when it wasn't popular. Even when you had all the panic about AIDS in the 1980's.

Conservatives, on the other hand, were happy to play the Homophobia Card in 2004 (nobody mention Cheney's daughter's a lesbian) to distract from just how badly the mucked up Iraq, and then completely forgot about it.

"What Marriage Amendment? Hey, want to hear about my neat plan to put your Social Security Funds into the Stock Market?"

The fact is, the tide has turned on this issue, and the Homophobes can't even get their calls returned.

using government to force your will on people is violence. Which is precisely why government needs to be limited. To prevent people from forcing their will in people unjustly.

as long as you keep using violence to force your way you create divisions among the people. No one wins

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