Ignorant Homophobes fined $13,000 for refusing to host wedding

I agree. Let's face facts here. You accuse Christians of doing the exact same thing YOU are doing .... trying to ram your beliefs down everyone's throats. There's no difference and nothing makes you more right. Same coin, different side.

Exactly. Like I stated before, why do someones rights trump anothers? We can have a solution that lets both sides live in peace.

Why the resistance?


Because they are a "protected class" and get to punish people using government.
So, the creation of "protected classes" are designed to punish people? How so?

Isn't that what this thread is about? Didn't they get fined for it?

Your only point is that either you liked your plan and were able to keep it or you didn't like your plan and didn't qualify for the statement. For whatever reasons you may have kept your plan ... You indicated you didn't like your plan earlier.

Furthermore the statement made by the President didn't apply just to you(as hard as that may be for you to understand) ... And is generally accepted as being the biggest lie he has ever told.

Or that he trusted the insurance companies to keep their word they wouldn't fuck with people if we promised them not to institute a public option.

Which they totally did anyway.

Amazing how scum sucking Big Insurance have become RW heroes.
I agree. Let's face facts here. You accuse Christians of doing the exact same thing YOU are doing .... trying to ram your beliefs down everyone's throats. There's no difference and nothing makes you more right. Same coin, different side.

Exactly. Like I stated before, why do someones rights trump anothers? We can have a solution that lets both sides live in peace.

Why the resistance?


Because they are a "protected class" and get to punish people using government.
So, the creation of "protected classes" are designed to punish people? How so?

it was an overreaction to government discrimination. now government is neutral as it should be, and laws are being used to punish people for their beliefs by litigious vindictive twats such as yourself.
Why not if I have a religious belief that war and violence is bad. In fact, that is as well established a religious belief as saying being gay is bad.

I don't object to the paying taxes even knowing that taxes are used to promote special privilege for homosexuals that are denied normal people. I will fight the laws that do so directly.

Now that we have dispensed with your straw man, the issue is using force to compel people to perform services against their will. You leftists have always been particularly fond of slavery, so the fact that you impose it with glee is no surprise.

The key here is this, there are two reasons people follow laws.

The first is that the laws follow a moral code that is agreed upon, what we term "the social contract." Our Constitution is an example of the social contract, it exemplifies a shared moral code. Even the majority of those who break laws based on this code acknowledge that the laws are just.

The second method of compliance is the threat of violence. Laws that are patently unjust and based on no justifiable code of ethics, such as the law in question here, can only be imposed through the threat of violence. All know that the law at question here is a cheap farce perpetrated by thugs and cheats. You offer the law of the jungle, might makes right.

The FLAW in your scheme is this, what if your victims call your bluff? It has been called in this case. What if the victims not only refuse to comply with your edicts, but dare you to enforce them through the only means at your disposal? You have no reason or ethics, leaving you only guns with which to impose your unjust laws - if your victims simply say "go ahead and use your guns," what will you do?
Good question. Which side you want to look at it from? Freedom of religion is a fundamental Right of the US Constitution. That includes all its tenets.

If I don't want someone's gay ass in my church, stay out. Go start your own.

If the church is not allowed in government, why is the government allowed in church?
The distinction is crucial because they believe it to be a sin. I cannot make it more plain than that.


Interracial marriage is still thought of as a sin for some people and back in 1967 it REALLY, REALLY was...and still we have protections in FEDERAL Public Accommodation laws that says you can't discriminate against THAT couple. Should racist bigots get your "religious exemption" from anti discrimination laws as well or just gays? It's a sin for women to speak in public...does that mean a business can discriminate against women unless they are silent?

That sin was based on poor interpretation of the Bible. The Bible is quite clear on homosexuality being sinful.

Your opinion on how they interpret the bible is irrelevant. They believed it just as you believe that being gay is sinful...and yet there are plenty of people that disagree with YOUR interpretation.
As I said....it appears that to some, some religious beliefs are more equal than others.

True. You mean like people trying to shove homosexuality down the throats of normal people?

Homosexuality IS normal.

Maybe you should consider the reasons why you're fantasizing about what's being shoved down your throat ...
Good question. Which side you want to look at it from? Freedom of religion is a fundamental Right of the US Constitution. That includes all its tenets.

If I don't want someone's gay ass in my church, stay out. Go start your own.

If the church is not allowed in government, why is the government allowed in church?
Interracial marriage is still thought of as a sin for some people and back in 1967 it REALLY, REALLY was...and still we have protections in FEDERAL Public Accommodation laws that says you can't discriminate against THAT couple. Should racist bigots get your "religious exemption" from anti discrimination laws as well or just gays? It's a sin for women to speak in public...does that mean a business can discriminate against women unless they are silent?

That sin was based on poor interpretation of the Bible. The Bible is quite clear on homosexuality being sinful.

Your opinion on how they interpret the bible is irrelevant. They believed it just as you believe that being gay is sinful...and yet there are plenty of people that disagree with YOUR interpretation.
As I said....it appears that to some, some religious beliefs are more equal than others.

True. You mean like people trying to shove homosexuality down the throats of normal people?

Homosexuality IS normal.

Maybe you should consider the reasons why you're fantasizing about what's being shoved down your throat ...

Interesting. Can you tell me what other sexual activity is normal, and which ones you consider abnormal?

Good question. Which side you want to look at it from? Freedom of religion is a fundamental Right of the US Constitution. That includes all its tenets.

If I don't want someone's gay ass in my church, stay out. Go start your own.

If the church is not allowed in government, why is the government allowed in church?
Interracial marriage is still thought of as a sin for some people and back in 1967 it REALLY, REALLY was...and still we have protections in FEDERAL Public Accommodation laws that says you can't discriminate against THAT couple. Should racist bigots get your "religious exemption" from anti discrimination laws as well or just gays? It's a sin for women to speak in public...does that mean a business can discriminate against women unless they are silent?

That sin was based on poor interpretation of the Bible. The Bible is quite clear on homosexuality being sinful.

Your opinion on how they interpret the bible is irrelevant. They believed it just as you believe that being gay is sinful...and yet there are plenty of people that disagree with YOUR interpretation.
As I said....it appears that to some, some religious beliefs are more equal than others.

True. You mean like people trying to shove homosexuality down the throats of normal people?

Homosexuality IS normal.

Maybe you should consider the reasons why you're fantasizing about what's being shoved down your throat ...

Depending on a society it can be considered acceptable, but i can never be called normal.

Organisms exist to procreate and continue their species. Sexual organisms require interaction between the opposite sexes, and thus a desire to engage is sexual activity with said opposite sex is a beneficial trait, and a normal trait. Desire to attempt procreation with a member of the same sex leads to termination of your line, and does nothing to continue the species. I don't see how this can be considered normal.
luke I said, you don't actually care about making things better for them. You are just using them for power. And when they have outlived their usefulness you'll throw them under the bus. It's the m.o. of the robbers in our government.

problem is everyone loses when you use violence to get your way

First, who advocated "using violence" here? The business broke the law, unhappy customers complained to a regulating agency that did an investigation and said, "Yup, they broke the law, all right". Sounds to me like the exact opposite of violence was used here.

Secondly, if someone used this issue to advance a political agenda, it was conservatives. Liberals stood up for LGBT rights even when it wasn't popular. Even when you had all the panic about AIDS in the 1980's.

Conservatives, on the other hand, were happy to play the Homophobia Card in 2004 (nobody mention Cheney's daughter's a lesbian) to distract from just how badly the mucked up Iraq, and then completely forgot about it.

"What Marriage Amendment? Hey, want to hear about my neat plan to put your Social Security Funds into the Stock Market?"

The fact is, the tide has turned on this issue, and the Homophobes can't even get their calls returned.

using government to force your will on people is violence. Which is precisely why government needs to be limited. To prevent people from forcing their will in people unjustly.

as long as you keep using violence to force your way you create divisions among the people. No one wins

So you think that new voting laws and the laws against reproductive freedom are violence?

Those laws are a very good example of the government forcing their will on people.
Good question. Which side you want to look at it from? Freedom of religion is a fundamental Right of the US Constitution. That includes all its tenets.

If I don't want someone's gay ass in my church, stay out. Go start your own.

If the church is not allowed in government, why is the government allowed in church?
That sin was based on poor interpretation of the Bible. The Bible is quite clear on homosexuality being sinful.

Your opinion on how they interpret the bible is irrelevant. They believed it just as you believe that being gay is sinful...and yet there are plenty of people that disagree with YOUR interpretation.
As I said....it appears that to some, some religious beliefs are more equal than others.

True. You mean like people trying to shove homosexuality down the throats of normal people?

Homosexuality IS normal.

Maybe you should consider the reasons why you're fantasizing about what's being shoved down your throat ...

Interesting. Can you tell me what other sexual activity is normal, and which ones you consider abnormal?


Sure. That's easy.

Anything between consenting adults that harms no one is their business and none of yours. If it makes them happy, THAT is their normal.

What is abnormal is the Peeping Tom, like you, who wants to control what other people are doing.

Good question. Which side you want to look at it from? Freedom of religion is a fundamental Right of the US Constitution. That includes all its tenets.

If I don't want someone's gay ass in my church, stay out. Go start your own.

If the church is not allowed in government, why is the government allowed in church?
That sin was based on poor interpretation of the Bible. The Bible is quite clear on homosexuality being sinful.

Your opinion on how they interpret the bible is irrelevant. They believed it just as you believe that being gay is sinful...and yet there are plenty of people that disagree with YOUR interpretation.
As I said....it appears that to some, some religious beliefs are more equal than others.

True. You mean like people trying to shove homosexuality down the throats of normal people?

Homosexuality IS normal.

Maybe you should consider the reasons why you're fantasizing about what's being shoved down your throat ...

Depending on a society it can be considered acceptable, but i can never be called normal.

Organisms exist to procreate and continue their species. Sexual organisms require interaction between the opposite sexes, and thus a desire to engage is sexual activity with said opposite sex is a beneficial trait, and a normal trait. Desire to attempt procreation with a member of the same sex leads to termination of your line, and does nothing to continue the species. I don't see how this can be considered normal.

So you say that sexual activity that is not intended to procreate the species is abnormal.

If that's how you want to live, fine, but you'll never get the rest of the world to agree. And, needless to say, you should not be surprised if you sleep alone.
Why not if I have a religious belief that war and violence is bad. In fact, that is as well established a religious belief as saying being gay is bad.

I don't object to the paying taxes even knowing that taxes are used to promote special privilege for homosexuals that are denied normal people. I will fight the laws that do so directly.

Now that we have dispensed with your straw man, the issue is using force to compel people to perform services against their will. You leftists have always been particularly fond of slavery, so the fact that you impose it with glee is no surprise.

The key here is this, there are two reasons people follow laws.

The first is that the laws follow a moral code that is agreed upon, what we term "the social contract." Our Constitution is an example of the social contract, it exemplifies a shared moral code. Even the majority of those who break laws based on this code acknowledge that the laws are just.

The second method of compliance is the threat of violence. Laws that are patently unjust and based on no justifiable code of ethics, such as the law in question here, can only be imposed through the threat of violence. All know that the law at question here is a cheap farce perpetrated by thugs and cheats. You offer the law of the jungle, might makes right.

The FLAW in your scheme is this, what if your victims call your bluff? It has been called in this case. What if the victims not only refuse to comply with your edicts, but dare you to enforce them through the only means at your disposal? You have no reason or ethics, leaving you only guns with which to impose your unjust laws - if your victims simply say "go ahead and use your guns," what will you do?

So, you are not willing to put yourself out there for your beliefs. I get it....talk is cheap, as I said before.
Anything between consenting adults that harms no one is their business and none of yours. If it makes them happy, THAT is their normal

A lot of people might actually agree with you there ... Of course the problem addressed in the OP is about a couple who made their business someone else's business.

Anything between consenting adults that harms no one is their business and none of yours. If it makes them happy, THAT is their normal

A lot of people might actually agree with you there ... Of course the problem addressed in the OP is about a couple who made their business someone else's business.

Yes...the couple running the BUSINESS who selectively discriminated, against the business laws of their state.
Homosexuality IS normal.

Proven by the fact that homosexuality is the means of reproduction for the species. :thup:

Yer a right fucking genius, Pillowbite.

There it is again - name calling that indicates a very bizarre jealousy and fear of homosexuality.

See above for my opinion of non-reproductive sexual activity.

Face it folks. As distressing as it obviously is for you to consider, there are lots of people out there, gleefully having sex for no other reason than their own selfish enjoyment and the enjoyment of their partner(s).

You don't have to partake but you don't get to tell others that sex without the goal of procreation is abnormal.


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