"Ignore" Feature

The Ignore Feature, is it...

  • For sissies

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • A good option to have

    Votes: 14 66.7%

  • Total voters
I have lived through the death of my son, my father and others and have survived a pretty difficult life. I am certainly NOT weak because I choose to ignore some dickheads on the internet, fool.
iggy button is a good option for those who can't or won't be bothered by assholes. i have never used it myself but there should always be tools in the toolbox whether you ever need them or not.

I do think some need it.
Those that can't handle it
Those that do not know how to keep people at a distance etc.

you shouldn't decide for anybody else what they 'need'. everybody has their own red line.... some - a shorter distance from their internet persona than other's have.
So, which is it.....

A sissy way to avoid seeing others posts; or
A convenient tool to have to make your USMB experience more pleasurable?
There are a few posters here, who are completely batshit crazy. What you do with petulant, spoiled, little brats, is give them a time out in the corner. Deanr is a perfect example of such a one who I have put on ignore and gave him a timeout. The more that do this , he "MGIHT" realize he needs to change his behavior.

Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded. Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.

The problem though is you miss big segments of conversation... from others that are NOT crazy and annoying.... I still think it's simply a matter of not reading their post.. you see their name, don't read it It's a matter of self control
Not really, I see other posters contributing their thought, but not the brat. I put him on ignore about 6 months ago, when I realize what a hopeless nutjob he was with Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump. If someone hates the president that much and this country, they need to move to Cuba...
iggy button is a good option for those who can't or won't be bothered by assholes. i have never used it myself but there should always be tools in the toolbox whether you ever need them or not.

I do think some need it.
Those that can't handle it
Those that do not know how to keep people at a distance etc.

you shouldn't decide for anybody else what they 'need'. everybody has their own red line.... some - a shorter distance from their internet persona than other's have.

She's a far from perfect yet judgmental douchebag is all.
iggy button is a good option for those who can't or won't be bothered by assholes. i have never used it myself but there should always be tools in the toolbox whether you ever need them or not.

I do think some need it.
Those that can't handle it
Those that do not know how to keep people at a distance etc.

you shouldn't decide for anybody else what they 'need'. everybody has their own red line.... some - a shorter distance from their internet persona than other's have.

I'm not, I'm saying those that are more fragile and willing to do things that might lead someone to act in appropriately, they would need it. Up to them. In fact, my post said, "I do think some need it"....
So, which is it.....

A sissy way to avoid seeing others posts; or
A convenient tool to have to make your USMB experience more pleasurable?

You cannot read the OP because the poster is on Ignore. Nah, only fucking with you
iggy button is a good option for those who can't or won't be bothered by assholes. i have never used it myself but there should always be tools in the toolbox whether you ever need them or not.

I do think some need it.
Those that can't handle it
Those that do not know how to keep people at a distance etc.

you shouldn't decide for anybody else what they 'need'. everybody has their own red line.... some - a shorter distance from their internet persona than other's have.

I'm not, I'm saying those that are more fragile and willing to do things that might lead someone to act in appropriately, they would need it. Up to them. In fact, my post said, "I do think some need it"....

Oh shut up for once. I should put your pathetic old ass on ignore.
I've put a few folks on ignore that were insane, hardcore racists. I've learned from years of experience that they have nothing to teach me. Those three are:

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I am willing to bet there is a strong correlation between the vote on this thread v. conservatives and liberals. I am willing to bet the Libs want the Ignore function and the Cons dont.
How can I test this?
Early morning cat fight. *Meow*

Not sure why people can't just gloss over a post by someone they don't like... it's not hard.....
I don't have many people on ignore (three, I think), but even though I might "skim" some posts, trolls' words are still there and they're still nasty, insulting and wreck the whole tenor of an ongoing argument. I don't blame people for sending some of them to ignore. What is more common than trolls, though, is misuse of the word "troll" to include anyone who disagrees with you. I've heard some posters here called "trolls" that makes me laugh out loud. I think someone even called me one, once.
I have three people on ignore. One of them is on there simply because he posts a video with each post.
I dotn even know why the other two are on there
Early morning cat fight. *Meow*


Lol! :lol: Apologies. It is too early for cat fights! I can't help it. I get sick and tired of the same people's crapola. That is why they end up being on my ignore list. I just don't have the patience to deal with such nonsense most of the time.

BTW, I can only see this when I reply to it. I've been having a problem with seeing images here at USMB recently. :dunno:
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You know what's really strange? There are a few people "Following" me that I don't know. I don't know what "Following" does, but it's creepy that someone called "Outrun My Gun" was doing it.
If you think about it, the internet can be a spooky place.
You know what's really strange? There are a few people "Following" me that I don't know. I don't know what "Following" does, but it's creepy that someone called "Outrun My Gun" was doing it.
If you think about it, the internet can be a spooky place.

That is like a friends list is all. "Followers" is a term that is originated from FB, I think. I prefer "friends list" myself, and I usually thank a person who adds me to their "friends" list. :D
I will agree that some people throw someone on their ignore list for every little insult against them, even during a heated argument about something, which I find to be a little wimpy, but sometimes the ignore feature is a useful tool. Some people are just nasty and psychos, and a messageboard like this would tend to be attractive to people who are extremists, psychos, the kind of people who talk to themselves while holding signs about the world coming to an end, etc., etc., etc. There are some trolls who only join these types of forums to disrupt and try to upset and to try to get a reaction, so the ignore feature is also convenient for these kinds. Sometimes, you might forget why you put someone on your ignore list and then you unignore them, and then you are like, "ohhhhhhh, that's right, that's why." Lol.
I have three people on ignore. One of them is on there simply because he posts a video with each post.
I dotn even know why the other two are on there
Vidoes are annoying..does lag me much tho

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