‘Ignore Guns, Talk Inflation’: Memos Show GOP Strategy After the Uvalde Massacre

And they should be talking about inflation, gas prices, Biden's self-made border disaster, and the fact that Biden more and more acts confused.

‘Ignore Guns, Talk Inflation’: Memos Show GOP Strategy After the Uvalde Massacre​

Some strategy.
  1. Inflation affects everyone ruining the nation.
  2. Guns are only an issue for democrats around election time to get people's minds off the inflation they caused and because they know the real solution to senseless gun crime is to end progressive policies.
  3. Uvalde was only a massacre because progressive policies kept police outside smoking cigarettes which children were mere feet away getting slaughtered by another kid who only got that far past a dozen common sense checkpoints because of leftwing liberalism, incompetency and political correctness.
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Ignore inflation and talk guns that is the Democrats mindterm plan in hopes this will make people not notice the nearly five dollar a gallon gas and the higher price for everything else that causes.
“In the midst of a Thursday hearing on new gun violence prevention legislation proposed by congressional Democrats, Republican Rep. Greg Steube of Florida tuned in remotely and ranted against proposed changes to gun laws while brandishing various guns that he owns.

The Florida Republican, apparently participating in the hearing from his home office via video, argued that each of his guns would be banned under proposed changes to gun laws.”

That’s a lie, of course – there are no proposals to ‘ban’ handguns.

In addition to doing nothing, expect Republicans to continue to lie and fearmonger.
Did you read the link? Asawin Suebsaeng (?) of Rolling Stone criticized the GOP for thanking Police Officers. Aswin thinks that it was in bad form because the officers allegedly stood around. The rest of it is blather and filled with assumptions, Donald Trump and suppositions. In other words the Rolling Stone article was pure political bullshit as usual.
‘Stay cool. Run out the clock. Scare some gun nuts while you can. But don’t worry: this moment will be over soon.

That’s the message the Republican Party, Donald Trump, and conservative leaders rapidly coalesced around after a series of mass shootings in recent weeks, including at one at a Texas elementary school.

Several strategy memos and private communications, prepared for a variety of conservative candidates and organizations, reviewed by Rolling Stone in the days following the Uvalde school massacre were clear: change the topic to literally anything else, and let this news cycle run its course.

“Ignore guns, talk inflation,” one such memo, written for a top-tier GOP Senate candidate, succinctly reads, citing polling data of voter concerns ahead of the critical 2022 midterm elections. Other documents predictably decried liberal desires for “gun-grabbing” and “gun confiscation,” and made whataboutism-type references to gun violence in Chicago.’

Run out the clock until November, of course.

With control of Congress next January, Republicans can ignore mass shootings, gun crime and violence altogether.
The GOP is in a sorry state right now

The leadership is not only corrupt, it's been completely cuckified.

Part of it is the natural vacuum of aggression that happened after the Neo-Cons left.

And part of it is that some people STILL can't tell who exactly the Neo-Cons are.

If the GOP wants to have any chance at all in 24, they better ACT this time, when they get the House in November.

Last time they had both houses of Congress and the Presidency and did fuck all, and most of the Republican base was thoroughly outraged about that

The most recent Republican Trump, completely failed in his efforts to drain the swamp, and the Republican base is thoroughly outraged that the swamp still exists - and until the leadership is willing to do something about it, they're going to have to face the face that Donald Trump will dictate Republican policy in 24.

If they don't want that they better ACT, NOW.
Can you show me one bill or policy Republicans have put forth in regards to Chicago or Baltimore
Agreed. Republicans are simply not on the ball. About this issue and many others. That voters care about.

Republicans don't even TALK a good game anymore. They're rotten with the bully pulpit.

In truth, both parties are completely corrupt. Each of them and both of them are 100% responsible for the current state of American politics.
“In the midst of a Thursday hearing on new gun violence prevention legislation proposed by congressional Democrats, Republican Rep. Greg Steube of Florida tuned in remotely and ranted against proposed changes to gun laws while brandishing various guns that he owns.

The Florida Republican, apparently participating in the hearing from his home office via video, argued that each of his guns would be banned under proposed changes to gun laws.”

That’s a lie, of course – there are no proposals to ‘ban’ handguns.

In addition to doing nothing, expect Republicans to continue to lie and fearmonger.

"I hope that gun is not loaded,"

‘Stay cool. Run out the clock. Scare some gun nuts while you can. But don’t worry: this moment will be over soon.

That’s the message the Republican Party, Donald Trump, and conservative leaders rapidly coalesced around after a series of mass shootings in recent weeks, including at one at a Texas elementary school.

Several strategy memos and private communications, prepared for a variety of conservative candidates and organizations, reviewed by Rolling Stone in the days following the Uvalde school massacre were clear: change the topic to literally anything else, and let this news cycle run its course.

“Ignore guns, talk inflation,” one such memo, written for a top-tier GOP Senate candidate, succinctly reads, citing polling data of voter concerns ahead of the critical 2022 midterm elections. Other documents predictably decried liberal desires for “gun-grabbing” and “gun confiscation,” and made whataboutism-type references to gun violence in Chicago.’

Run out the clock until November, of course.

With control of Congress next January, Republicans can ignore mass shootings, gun crime and violence altogether.
Just as Democrats will ignore 6.00 to 7.00 $
Gas and Diesel over 7. 00 in 46 States
Now you get to explain why it's the GOP's responsibility to clean up Democrats' shit.
I thought this was a country of one, so in other words Republicans just try to use Chicago as a political football they don't actually give a damn about what is happening there. Which we knew all along.
I thought this was a country of one, so in other words Republicans just try to use Chicago as a political football they don't actually give a damn about what is happening there. Which we knew all along.
Hey dumbass, Chicago is not "Republican's" responsibility. It's Lightfoot's, and she's blowing it in every conceivable way.
Hey dumbass, Chicago is not "Republican's" responsibility. It's Lightfoot's, and she's blowing it in every conceivable way.
Hey moron, America is suppose to be ONE country which means it is everyone's problem. Is what happened in Uvalde TX just their problem or is it a problem all American's should be concerned about?
Hey moron, America is suppose to be ONE country which means it is everyone's problem. Is what happened in Uvalde TX just their problem or is it a problem all American's should be concerned about?
WTF ???

Since when did you become the arbiter of our political and legal process?

Murder is a state and local issue, it has nothing to do with the feds.

On the other hand, racist corruption in the Uvalde police department is DEFINITELY a federal issue and it should be looked into immediately
‘Stay cool. Run out the clock. Scare some gun nuts while you can. But don’t worry: this moment will be over soon.

That’s the message the Republican Party, Donald Trump, and conservative leaders rapidly coalesced around after a series of mass shootings in recent weeks, including at one at a Texas elementary school.

Several strategy memos and private communications, prepared for a variety of conservative candidates and organizations, reviewed by Rolling Stone in the days following the Uvalde school massacre were clear: change the topic to literally anything else, and let this news cycle run its course.

“Ignore guns, talk inflation,” one such memo, written for a top-tier GOP Senate candidate, succinctly reads, citing polling data of voter concerns ahead of the critical 2022 midterm elections. Other documents predictably decried liberal desires for “gun-grabbing” and “gun confiscation,” and made whataboutism-type references to gun violence in Chicago.’

Run out the clock until November, of course.

With control of Congress next January, Republicans can ignore mass shootings, gun crime and violence altogether.

Yeah ignore guns, because guns aren't the problem, criminals and nutballs are the problem. Guns are just inanimate objects. Gun violence is easily fixed by getting rid of criminals, I mean it wasn't such an issue in this country until we started being soft on crime.

Inflation effects every single american every day of their lives and effects the entire country in every facet.

One is more important than the other.
WTF ???

Since when did you become the arbiter of our political and legal process?

Murder is a state and local issue, it has nothing to do with the feds.

On the other hand, racist corruption in the Uvalde police department is DEFINITELY a federal issue and it should be looked into immediately
Bullshit, if white folks were being murdered like the black folks in Chicago the Feds would be all over it.
Bullshit, if white folks were being murdered like the black folks in Chicago the Feds would be all over it.

You're confusing me.

You mean the gang bangers?

Well... gee... are you seriously suggesting you couldn't get half the Republican party to go along with an investigation or action on those gangs?

So how come the Democrats aren't doing it?

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