Zone1 Ignore list

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I love correcting posts by people who can't reply
Think you'll ever get paid for all your hard work? I mean with all that Googling you have to do, the fact that everyone has already made up their minds as to where they stand, and the fact that anyone can easily Google something to offer a counterpoint to your argument.

I've given up trying to "convert" people. If they don't agree with what I believe, then fuck 'em and feed 'em fish heads. I might invite them in for a glass of water if they needed one, but I don't need them around to tell me what I'm supposed to believe.
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Think you're ever get paid for all your hard work? I mean with all that Googling you have to do, the fact that everyone has already made up their minds as to where they stand, and the fact that anyone can easily Google something to offer a counterpoint to your argument.

I've given up trying to "convert" people. If they don't agree with what I believe, then fuck 'em and feed 'em fish heads. I might invite them in for a glass of water if they needed one, but I don't need them around to tell me what I'm supposed to believe.
Convert people? Dude this is just for fun

No one is converted here
Convert people? Dude this is just for fun

No one is converted here
Some people just don't know their limitations. Usually it's the Christian fool who thinks he's gonna save a soul here.
I come here for the entertainment value. The best comedy on the interwebs
Ignore is for Pussies

If you don’t like someone’s posts……skip on to the next

Cowards only want to hear from the echo chamber

I agree with both of you. My version of "ignore" is to use the scroll button on my mouse. If a person who I know is usually only out there to troll posts something, I will read the first sentence or two, and if it looks like they're on another trolling rant, I simply scroll past it.

One of the things I find really interesting about these threads on the ignore function is that those who brag about all the people they are ignoring are usually the same ones who call others "snowflakes" and incapable of listening to the other side, yet they brag about all the people they won't listen to. IMHO, THOSE people are the "snowflakes" who are incapable of hearing opinions that don't jibe with their own.

Besides...................there IS the rare occasion (doesn't happen often, but it does occur) where someone who I think is a habitual troll or whiner actually does come across with a cogent thought that I can use, and if they were on ignore, I would never see it.

Me? I've got a fairly thick skin (comes from serving over 20 years in the Navy, where giving each other a hard time is pretty much the norm), as well as realize that the people posting on here are pretty much people I will never meet IRL, so all they really are is a bunch of anonymous phosphor dots forming words and sentences on my computer screen with thoughts that sometimes make me laugh, sometimes shake my head, sometimes think, but are mostly entertaining when I'm bored and have some free time to burn.
Some people just don't know their limitations. Usually it's the Christian fool who thinks he's gonna save a soul here.
I come here for the entertainment value. The best comedy on the interwebs

Being somewhat of a Christian sympathizer myself, I feel no need to "convert" you. The flames of Hell need fuel to keep them burning, so carry on with your bad self.
I am very proud of my ignore list. I won’t mention any names here. These chuckleheads don’t matter that much. But I have attempted to winnow it down. And I succeeded. I’d like to get it even smaller. It’s at 13. Mostly just insufferably bloviating liberals/progressives. Also one moron kind of racist conservative.

I can’t I ignore any of them. So, the Phantom Zone list is stuck at 13. Each is well chosen.

Who else (who uses the ignore feature) has a well qualified list of ignored turds?

I just prefer to stop responding. The Japanese term Mokusatsu applies perfectly to many of the times I stop responding.
Being somewhat of a Christian sympathizer myself, I feel no need to "convert" you. The flames of Hell need fuel to keep them burning, so carry on with your bad self.
Dude. The flames of hell? Seriously? You're a grown ass man. Don't talk like a fucking lunatic in public. People will think your nuts
I've got about 95% of the bed wetters on ignore and generally abort all the new ones as they show up. They usually just seem like sock accounts anyway. The 5% of the moonbats I can tolerate all say basically the same thing as the rest of the septic tank anyway so all I'm doing is speeding up scrolling time.

Right? Why bother with socks? They are not worth my time.

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