Zone1 Ignore list

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You on the other hand, are someone I'd have hot sex with and then throw you out without your clothes if you tried to put your whore lips on my beer bottle. Of course, I'd respect you enough to at least give you cab fare home. I'm not a total dick, ya know.

That would be rape
I did have you towards the top of my list of posters I figured had a long history of ignoring pussy.

Rightwinger is worthy of being ignored. It's nothing more than a CCP automaton programmed to defend whatever Democrat administration happens to be in office at the time.

Sometimes I'll respond to it when I see someone else trying to establish communication with it, but it wasn't programmed to respond to logic or reason, only to spew the official Democrat Party talking points.

Damn those Chinese for having such advanced technology.
I am very proud of my ignore list. I won’t mention any names here. These chuckleheads don’t matter that much. But I have attempted to winnow it down. And I succeeded. I’d like to get it even smaller. It’s at 13. Mostly just insufferably bloviating liberals/progressives. Also one moron kind of racist conservative.

I can’t I ignore any of them. So, the Phantom Zone list is stuck at 13. Each is well chosen.

Who else (who uses the ignore feature) has a well qualified list of ignored turds?
I do, and my list is way longer than 13. If I just counted correctly it's 91. I have no time for morons like bripat, Rambunctious, Roudy, SmokeaLib, Marion Morrison, or Soggy in NOLA.
Ignore is for Pussies

If you don’t like someone’s posts……skip on to the next
I disagree. Reading a moron's post takes time. Maybe a tiny bit of time, but time nonetheless. And you have to read at least part of it in order to dismiss it as moron-speak and keep scrolling. Ignore takes it out of your timeline, giving you back that time to read only slightly less moronic posts from members who you haven't yet put on Ignore.
Last I checked, there are 85-90 on mine. I leave some people off it because I like fucking with them, but I just don't have the time to fuck with everyone. I only have so many fuck to give, and not enough fucks to go around for everyone. I mean, I'm just a normal white heterosexual male, and even we only have so many fucks to give.

It's not like we're sex-crazed beasts or anything, we're just normal people, ya know, with only a finite amount of fucks. Of course my wife says I want to fuck too much, so there's that.
72 for me. All insufferable assholes. Like you some I keep active to play with.
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