Zone1 Ignore list

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They are too fragile. They can't handle the free flow of information. Most of em here are old boozers anyway. Dry drunks and religious yahoos
And your kind are wet drunks and immoral fuck breaths.
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Rightwinger is worthy of being ignored. It's nothing more than a CCP automaton programmed to defend whatever Democrat administration happens to be in office at the time.

Sometimes I'll respond to it when I see someone else trying to establish communication with it, but it wasn't programmed to respond to logic or reason, only to spew the official Democrat Party talking points.

Damn those Chinese for having such advanced technology.
Rightwinger/Candycorn/Bodecea all have the same posting pattern.

Say nothing, but post away like there is no tomorrow.
I just prefer to stop responding. The Japanese term Mokusatsu applies perfectly to many of the times I stop responding.
There is this relatively new troll. I don’t use the ignore option on him. But I also practice not replying to trolls by refusing to respond to him. I think it bugs him.

Oh well. He really sucks at it, too. 👍
If I had my way, when I put someone on Ignore they wouldn't be able to see any more of my posts while I am blocked from seeing theirs. That's how Twitter does it, and it's the better way.


I bet you squeak when you walk.
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